(Editing) Truly Yours, //t.k...

By TW_Nerdd

885 36 62

Sequel to Insincerely Yours, "I've got an unbreakable smile." New Year, New Changes. With Tori's new found fa... More

1.) A New Testament.
A/N: The Official Cast.
2.) What Happens In Vegas.
3.) To Be Or To Not Be.
4.) Exceptional.
5.) Attack Of The Girlfriends.
6.) Ch--Ch--Changes.
7.) Goals.
8.) Tell-All.
9.) Hands Full.
11.) "Bear"-ing Gifts.
12.) Andrè The Bodyguard.
A/N: Chapters Left and a Third Book?!?
13.) Fires & Grammys ..
14.) Resting B#%! Meme.
15.) Hollow.

10.) R is for ..Ryan?

45 2 6
By TW_Nerdd


So as part of the tabloid drama/damage control clean up, I decided—well, Luke and I decided to do a little meet and greet/housewarming party at our new place with a little mini jam session towards the end in the backyard.

This is their new place (:

I go on twitter to announce the news,
@ToriKelly : ‪@Luke5SOS & I are doing a meet/greet @our new house. 12 lucky fans will get the chance to meet us. 6 5sos fam & 6 Toraays‬

@ToriKelly : Just use #TandLmeetgreet and tell us what or who inspires you (: I tweet, turning my screen off and stuffing my phone into my pocket.

I turn my head to see the guys helping Luke move the couch in. "Where do you want it, Tor?" Luke grunts as they stop midway through the door.

"Um.." I cross my arms, thinking. "Where do you think, Lani?" I look over at her who was sitting on the kitchen counter, dangling her legs.

Lani squints her eyes a bit, "I don't know. I mean it could go...no—well, maybe.."

"Decide fast, I can't feel my fingers." Michael says, struggling to keep a hold of his side.

I chuckle, "Okay, over there by the window. Back facing it." I tell them and they shuffle right on in, setting it down in its place. "Yeah, that's good in front of the coffee table."

"Whoa." Luke says just as all of our phones start to go off.

I frown, pulling out my phone to see a bunch of notifications from Twitter. Everyone had used the hashtag. Wow, this is going to be harder than I thought.

"I knew you were tweeting that out I just didn't think we'd get that many responses." Luke laughs.

"How are you guys going to decide?" Cal asks.

"You guys could do a random count." Lani says, hopping off of the counter. "You said there'd be 12 fans all together coming, right?"

I nod, "Yeah, 6 of my fans and 6 of theirs."

"Okay, and there's 6 of us in this room right now. All of us could pick two random numbers out of ... 30 and bam there ya go. Whichever twitter account correlates with that number are the lucky fans to meet you guys."

"That's genius, babe!" Cal walks over to her, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her.

"Agreed. Alrighty I think I have a notebook in my bag." I say before branching away from them to sprint upstairs.

We already had the upstairs completed and furnished. When I say "we" I mean the guys. I mean Lana and I did the decorative stuff and helped set up for the party. My dad had sent down some furniture into storage that he thought we might need, as well as Mama Liz.

I walk into Mine and Luke's bedroom where Rico was on the bed, asleep. "Aw, someone's sleepy, isn't he?" I rub at his fur while grabbing my bag. I take out my notebook and a pen before exiting the room. Rico wakes up and follows behind.

"Okay." I say, walking down the steps. "Cal, pick two numbers between 1 and 30."

"Uh 2, and ..28." He says.


"Okay, Michael?"

"10 and 20." He smiles, cheekily.



"I'll go with 1 and ...16, yeah." He says.


"Alrighty, Ash?"

He clears his throat a bit before thinking, "..6 and 30."



"13 and 22." She answers.


"And I'll say ...8 and 25." I finish writing.


"Okay, now everyone get to looking for 1 fan from each fandom correlating with the two numbers you picked." Lani explains as I pull out my phone again. "Oh and follow and dm them about the meet and greet."

"I'll write down their names just say them out loud." I say, sitting onto the couch. "Hm, the 8th toraay..." I scroll through to find them.

"I got my first one." Luke says.

"Same." Cal says.

"Alright, what are they?" I pick up the pen.

"@teamtorikelly." Luke says.

"@torikelly_army." Cal says.

"I got @ToriKelly_bae." Ashton says, chuckling.

I find mines and write it down, "I have @daydreamtkellz."

"I got @toraay4lyfe." Michael says. "Number 4 and l-y-f-e."

"And I got @tori k-v-l-l-y." Lani says.

"I found my second one." Luke says. "@5SOSFamAUS."

"I have @weare5sossfam." Michael says.

"I got @ifightforluke." Calum snorts and I roll my eyes at him.

"I got @foolsformgc." Ash says.

"@illegallyirwin." Lani says.

"And I have @decidehood." I say after I go back and add the two fans.

A/N : Btw those are all real twitter accounts. I was just randomly picking some so if you see yours like and comment 👏🏾😊

I put them both in a group dm with me.

@ToriKelly, @daydreamtkellz, @decidehood :

Congratulations, guys ! You are two of the chosen ones for the meet and greet (:
                                                   2:16 p.m✔️

@decidehood :

@daydreamtkellz :
Seriously?? 😱😭

Lol. Yessss. The address is 336 S Terrazo Dr. You guys can come around 6, if that's okay with you?

@decidehood : yes, of courseee

@daydreamtkellz : yes yes yessss

Alrighty, see you soon 🤗


"Wow, the turn out was great." I say, to Tori, smiling over at the fans who were hugging the guys and talking to them. "Hi, how are you? What's your name?" I smile at a young girl who walks up to me.

"Hi, I'm great. Alyssa." She giggles, waving a bit. " Can I hug you?-well, only if that's okay with you, Tori." She turns towards Tori.

"Oh, yeaah, of course go ahead. I'm sick of him anyway. " Tori jokes, giggling.

I fake gasp, clutching my chest. "Ruudee. I'm going home with her then. I bet she won't treat me this way."

The girl laughs, "We can share him, Tori."

"Deal." Tori shakes hands with her.

"Okay, I won't hold ya up any longer. come hither." I wrap my arms around her, giving her a little comforting squeeze.

"Hither?" Tori laughs. "Where do you come up with these words?"

"My butt." I say, unhugging Alyssa who giggles at my comment.

"Excuse him, and enjoy the party." Tori chuckles as Alyssa waves while walking over to the picnic table to get a drink.

"Hi, I'm Sara." Another girl walks over to us, holding out her hand.

"Oh, you didn't hear?" I say.

Sara frowns, "Hear what?"

"Handshakes aren't allowed here, I meant to put up a sign. But hugs are." I say chuckling, wrapping her up into my arms.

"This is the best day of my life." Sara says, nuzzling into me. "You smell like peaches."

"I think that has to do with the fact that he stole my body wash. " Tori says.

"Ahem." I clear my throat, letting go of Sara, "..Borrowed."

Sara laughs, "You guys are literally goals. Ooo, can I get a picture with you two?"

"Of course." Tori smiles, standing on the side of her.

"Hey, Ash, can you take this?" I call out to him as he tells Bryana and a fan to wait before he jogs over to us.

"Yeah, sure thing." Ash says as Sara hands him her phone.

I get on the other side of Sara, slipping my arm around her waist, tapping Tori. She looks over at me, frowning. I pucker my lips and look down at Sara and back at Tori, signalling that I wanted to take a picture where T and I were kissing Sara's cheeks. Tori nods and both of us kiss Sara's cheeks. "Oh, my gosh my parents are kissing me." She giggles as Ash takes the picture, while everyone erupted into laughter.

"Okay, everyone, who's ready to eat?!" Michael shouts, "I cooked it so you guys better be ready."

"Oh, brother, Michael cooked?" Kayla says.

"Hey, I can't cook worth a damn on a stove but I can cook up a few burgers and dogs on the barbie." Michael says, making us laugh.

"Wait.." Tori, pulls me aside. "Wasn't there supposed to be one more person?"

"Was there? I thought that was 12." I say.

"No, it's 11. There was one more person."

"Maybe, they're running l--"

"Guys, look who's here." Kamari appears, walking out of the house. Two people were following behind her. I look closely to see one of them, Ryan, Tori's ex.

My fist clinches as I face Tori, "What the hell is he doing here?"

She shrugs, "How should I know?"

"Uh, sorry, guys just dropping my little sister off. She said Calum messaged her to come here for a meet and greet." Ryan says, walking out onto the grass.

"Oh my god, Torr." Ryan's sister sprints towards her, scooping her up in a hug.

"Rach, oh my gosh, you've gotten so big." Tori hugs her back. "How old are you now?"

"I turned 14 two days ago." She answers Tori.

"Wow Mrs. Heartbreaker, huh?" Tori tells her.

She giggles, "I guess. "

"Let me talk to your brother, go grab yourself a plate, okay?" Tori tells her and she nods, walking over to where everybody else was.

I wrap my arm around Tori's waist as we walk up to Ryan. "What are you doing here, man?" I ask and Tori looks up at me. "Luke..." She says.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. Like I said I'm just dropping Rachel off. So, I'll be heading out now." He says, turning to go.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." I tell him as he has his back faced to us.

"Oh, and by the way.." Ryan turns back around, "You look good Tor. See you later.." He walks away, while Kamari follows him inside.

Tori holds me back as I step forward, wanting to go stop him. "Luke, not here. Seriously.." She walks away over to the group just as Calum walks over to me. "You okay?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I hate that guy.."

"You and me both." He sighs, crossing his arms. "..Hey, but there's no sense in letting him ruin our night. Go get your guitar, let's kick this party into gear."

"Alright." I laugh, "I'll be back." I walk away, sliding the door open and walking inside the house to see Kamari and Ryan talking by the front door. Thankfully they didn't hear me.

"I told you this was a bad idea." Ryan says to her.

"So, what. You're here now." My eyebrows go up as she wraps her arms around his neck, " I don't want you to leave, babe." She kisses him.

"But I gotta, it's more than obvious they don't want me here. Especially Luke."

She scoffs, "Luke is--"

"Is..Wondering what the hell is this?" I walk towards them, making them quickly pull apart. " Yah... I'd expect this from you, Ryan, because you're the biggest douche to walk this earth but Kamari, seriously?"


"What? Gonna convince me not to tell Tor? Cause I will." I say.

"Please, don't."

"Hey, what's going on?" Tori walks in. "Cal said you went to get your guitar. I wanted to see what was holding you up. You're still here, Ryan? ..Everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah, but I'm leaving now." Ryan walks out the door as Kamari watches him getting into his car.

"You guys sure everything's okay?" Tori asks.

"Yeah." I say as Kamari nods. "Every thing is just peachy, huh, Kamari?" I clench my jaw as I look at her before heading upstairs.


"Are you sure everything was okay earlier when I caught you, Kamari and Ryan talking?" I ask Luke while helping him clean up after the party.

The girls had all left and our friends were just now scattering out.

He sighs, holding out the trash bag for me to dump the trash in. "All I can say is, you might wanna be careful on who you pick and choose as your friends."

"What does that mean?" I frown.

"It's pretty clear, Tori." He clears his throat a bit.

"No it's not, Luke, what do you mean?" I'm still confused.

"Kamari, for an example, she's not exactly on your team." He says.

"What? I've known Kamari since middle school." I tell him while trying to keep my voice down.

"And you've known Kayla since we were in diapers and yet she's never dated one of your exes." He says, nodding his head in the direction of Kayla who was sitting in the lawn chair, typing on her phone.

"What are you —?" I frown, staring at him for a second.

He nods, "I saw her and Ryan kissing. I don't really know how long they were seeing each—"

"Oh god, just stop. I don't wanna hear this." I run away, heading to the door.

"Hey, what's going on?" Cal stops me at the door.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." I slip past him and head up the stairs, to our room.

I walk in, going straight to my side of the bed and opening up my bedside drawer. Picking up a picture of Kamari and I, I start to tear up. I take the picture out of the frame, and right away I tear it up. She knew my history with him. Why would she even go there?

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