The Moon's Light

By SilverJuniper

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"Why do you think Katty chose 'Moon' as her surname? Why not just stick with Le'Roy?" I glanced at her in q... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

64 8 0
By SilverJuniper

Our first date confused me for a bit, until I realized they had been quite serious about starting out like we were just meeting. We talked about the most basic of things and the atmosphere stayed very easy-going.

I rather liked it even if we were covering things I already knew.

Then they took me back to Lilith's house, dropping me off at the door. Jason finally broke the trend of just meeting and kissed me. Pressed his lips against mine like it was the last thing he would ever do and he fully intended to make the most of it.

When he pulled away it was with a slightly repentant look. "That might have been a little too intense for a first date."

Katty chuckled and Jason made some room for her. "I'll show him then." I flushed as she crept up to me with a coy look, making my heart beat just as fast as it had with Jason, but in anticipation instead. She reached up to brush her lips against mine and then she was away with a grin. I blinked after her, feeling like I wanted a little more than that. The look she shot me over her shoulder made me think that maybe that was the point.

Jason followed her and I was about to turn to go inside when Katty called to me, telling me Logan was having some friends over and asking if that should be our second date. I agreed and watched them go with a wistful sigh before turning into the house.

Lilith met me, coming half way down the stairs to regard me as I closed and locked the door behind myself. "Everything go well?"

I gave her a half smile as I climbed the stairs. "Yeah. That was fun." Lilith chuckled and turned back to slip into her room. I went into my own room and settled back to read for a while. I couldn't quite focus on it though. A thought had occurred and the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. I glanced up when Lilith went by my door.

"Hey Lilith?"

She halted and leaned back to look at me in question.

"Do you think you could get me in touch with Lord Danes favorite? He calls her Belle."

Lilith's brows drew together. "Wouldn't asking Katty be easier? She actually knows all those guys. Much better than I do anyways."

I shook my head. "I don't want her to know."

Lilith finally shrugged. "I'll see what I can do."

She managed to get in touch with Dane and explained what I wanted. Then she put me on. I explained to Dane that I wanted to talk to Belle over again and eventually told him that I was the human that belonged to Katty and had talked to Belle before.

That jogged his memory. And opened the door for me immediately. I blinked in surprise as Dane not only remembered me but seemed to think fondly of me. He quickly agreed to the meeting and told me Katty could feel free to bring me by whenever. Which prompted me to explain that Katty didn't know about this and that I wanted it to be a surprise. I winced as I told him, expecting him to refuse to go behind Katty's back. Instead he happily informed me that if I gave him an address he would send a car round to pick me up.

I thanked him profusely and we worked out a pick up and a time to meet that very week. I spent the car ride quivering with nervous excitement until the driver let me out. Then I was ushered in by a doorman and led into a small sitting room. I hesitated inside the door, looking over the tea party going on. It wasn't like Sophia's. Just Dane and Belle sitting companionably as they quietly talked.

Belle noticed me first and got to her feet, dark eyes brightening with happiness. "Hello. Max, right? I can't tell you how flattered I am that you wanted to speak with me." She took my hand and dragged me over to sit with them, offering me tea and cake.

"No, thank you. I- I hope you don't think I'm being rude but I was hoping that maybe you could- What I mean to say is-" I jumped a bit when Dane shifted, chuckling.

"Take a breath boy. Get your thoughts in order and then spit it out."

I took in a slow breath and nodded. "I wanted to do a performance for Katty and Jason. Like you did. I was hoping you could teach me."

Belle brightened and Dane watched her with amusement and satisfaction. "Oh, of course! I would love to help you. Tell me! You have some of it worked out already in your mind, correct? A song and a few steps? Or are we doing it all from scratch. Oh! This is so exciting."

I couldn't help but smile at her exuberance. "I'd like to tell them my story. Like you did." They listened carefully as I gave them a rough idea of what I wanted to include and how I wanted to tell the story. Belle faded a little as she listened to the hints of horror in my past, but she grinned again when I flailed with the ending. I had come up with several ways to end it and wasn't quite sure which to use. Our story was still being told after all.

Belle nodded and hastened to assure me as I frowned in contemplation, trying to work it all out in my head again. "Not to worry. I'm sure it will flow to a close once we start working on it. Do you have a song in mind?"

I nodded. "I don't know what it's called though."

Belle shook her head and patted the air at me. "Can you quote me some lyrics? Hum a few bars? Help me out here."

I straightened my back and took in a breath, then the song was flowing from my throat. It had been a very long time since I had sung. I couldn't do it without any strong emotions behind it and I didn't like the sad or angry songs. But now, for the first time in a very long time, I had some good emotions to fuel my song. I had Katty and Jason.

Before I knew it, I had sung half the song. I just couldn't seem to stop. And no one was breaking in. So I continued, finishing the song and relaxing again. I opened my eyes and felt a little surprise at the shock on Belle and Dane's faces as they stared at me. Belle abruptly turned to Dane.

"He can't be human, so what is he? I've heard singers who practiced from before they could talk and never reach that- that- that heavenly excellence!"

Dane slowly shook his head. I hunched a little under his continued scrutiny. "Katty said something about me being a Siren? Partly anyways."

Dane relaxed, slowly smiling. "That makes a good deal of sense."

Belle looked between me and Dane, suspicious and still confused. "He doesn't have a fish tail."

Dane chuckled and shook his head. "The Mer people are not true Sirens. Likely some unholy spawn between a Siren and a Selkie. No, a true Siren looked very human until they sang. Or danced. Some of them even drew the unwary in with just their looks. But I have found nothing to suggest that they were purely evil. Simply victims of their own gifts."

Dane took a sip of tea and continued to explain when Belle and I looked at him expectantly. "The Siren would sing or dance. The unwary human would hear or see and be so enamored they would follow the Siren until they died, hoping to see or hear just one last dance or song. They couldn't be dragged or ordered away so they happily withered away, content with waiting for the Siren to perform again."

I frowned. "So I shouldn't dance?"

Dane shook his head. "On the contrary. I finally understand your comments to Belle about learning to 'speak' with the dance. If you are truly a Siren-born, song and dance is your true form of expression. It would bring you and anyone witnessing you peace of mind."

I smiled again and nodded. "Then, could you help me?"

Dane glanced at Belle with a smile. "We're going to have to get some professional help with his song my dear. And you're going to have your work cut out for you teaching him dance. But I eagerly await the final product."

Belle beamed at me with excitement.

We made plans to meet again and Dane assured me Katty wouldn't be finding out from him. He also solved the problem of how to set up to perform for Katty and Jason. He nonchalantly informed me that they wouldn't refuse a dinner invitation and then I could do my performance after we all ate.

I went to our second date with a stomach full of excitement that I had finally found something I could give them that wasn't blood or sex. Some way to show them how much I appreciated everything they were doing for me.

I was happy to see Logan again and I even got to see Tucker for a few minutes. He gave me an update on the drama going on in his life before Arthur came to collect him. Then, a little bit later, we were all sitting down with Logan's friends for some dinner.

It was turning out to be a little awkward. Katty was quite civil while the wolf girl, Tanya, was mildly abrasive. Logan grumbled and the other boy, Kyle, whined at her. I watched them all with a bit of wariness and plenty of interest. The only wolf I had seen Katty interact with was Logan and he didn't have an ounce of hostility towards Vampires. Nice ones, anyways.

Then the entire evening ground to a halt when the father of the children Logan babysat on a regular basis burst in, telling Katty she owed him a favor.

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