Code Lyoko: The Broken Time (...

By DakkokuSuru

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Tells the following story about what happened after Season 3 ( X.A.N.A 's defeat )...Hope you guys enjoyed it... More

Season 1: X.A.N.A Awaken//Episode 1: Start Up (Part 1)
Episode 2 : Start up ( Part 2)
Episode 3 : Project Paradox
Episode 4 : New Allies , New Hope
Episode 5 : The Terror From The Sky
Episode 6 : XANA Halloween Surprise
Episode 7 : Unknown Danger
Episode 8 : The Christmas Miracle
Episode 9: Time Loop
Episode 10: The First Wave
Episode 11: Cold Cut
Episode 12: Paradox Past
Season 2: Broken Reality // Episode 1: Paradox and Consequences
Episode 2: Back on Track
Episode 3: Fracture in Time
Episode 4: Who's Who
Episode 5: Jack and Annie
Episode 6: The Dunbar Brothers
Episode 7: Destiny
Episode 8: Brother Showdown
Episode 9: Winter's Howl
Episode 10: Seize of Camelot
Episode 11: Hard Time
Season 3 : Legacy // PROLOGUE - Birth Of A Generation
Episode 1: Ghost from the past
Episode 2: Team Lyoko Warriors
Episode 3: Surprise Attack
Episode 4: Fusion of 2 Generation
Episode 5: Rise Of The Descendants
Episode 6: The First Test
Episode 7: Rebirth of XANA
Episode 8: Family Reunion
Episode 9: Sweat ,Bits and Bytes
Episode 10: Rises of Evil
Episode 11: Family Business
Episode 12: Return to the past
Episode 13: New Replica, New Trouble
Episode 14: Dokusei no Numa
Episode 15: Pieces of the puzzle
Episode 16: Pride and Love
Episode 17: The Doctor, The Artist and The Gunner
Episode 18: The Great Beast
Episode 19: Back to the future (Final)
Episode 19: Back to the future (Alternative End)

Episode 12: Final Battle (End season 2 )

26 1 0
By DakkokuSuru

After devirtualize William and Lindana but see inside their body there is a virus from XANA the team can't do anything about it so Franz take William and Lindana to the hospital. Franz deactivated the spectre that replace William and tell everyone that William have suffer an accident that cause him to be in a coma, as for Lindana, he hire some doctor to set up a sickbed in his house for him to take care of her.

Date 10th March,2003- The team go to the hospital to visit William, they sit by his bed and tell him

- Monty: hang in there brother, we will defeat XANA

- Yumi: get well William

- Ulrich: we only have 1 sever left, be ready, when we finish, we gonna take you home

- Jeremy: you are the best Lyoko Warrior we ever met

Then William seem to be sweating, Monty put his hand on Will forehead and see it getting hotter, Will twitching and his mouth just keep saying " Forest...Lyoko...danger...". Monty call in the nurse and she tell the team Will is having a seizure and tell to go away for the doctor to work, they have no choice but to get home. But the suddenly Jeremy receive a call from an unknow caller

- Jeremy: hello, this Jeremy

- XANA: enjoy my little gift, professor Belpois

- (*intense*)Jeremy: XANA!!!

- (*gasp*)Yum/Aelita: XANA?!!

- Monty: what does he want ,Jeremy ?

(*change phone to speaker mode*)- XANA: as you know by now, William is still connected to Lyoko through my virus, either is Lindana. He is trying to warn you that the Forest Area of Lyoko have been destroyed by me. It seem rather than listen to him, you decided to ignore him. 1 down, 3 to go, see you next time Lyoko Warrior

After hearing that message they rush in the lab to check and it did happen, the Forest Area is completely wipe out, Jeremy and Aelita stay back in the lab to remake the radar program while the team is heading back to school. It took them only 3 hour to complete they go back to school.

. They can't believe that a simple mistake could cost them so much. Professor Franz said he have to take care of Lindana so he can't be the team navigator for a while. Date 11th March, 9PM, Jeremy,Aelita,Odd, Ulrich are doing the science exam until Jeremy's phone ring up, alert that the Desert Area is under attack, he ask Franz to go out for an emergency and Franz know what happen so he let them go. On his way, Ulrich call Yumi and Monty to come to the lab but their is no phone signal, he see that his phone is infected with XANA virus

- Ulrich: guess it only us now Jeremy, we can't go in without a navigator

- Jeremy: i know, i will come in if the situation get dire ok?/ Scanning, virtualization

They spawn at the Desert Area only see to be hotter than usual, their are random weather pattern happening around the area. Jeremy send out the team vehicle. They drive around to locate XANA signal and pick up 1, near the tower but the road to get to it surrounded by 2 cliff, the team have no choice but to drive in. The reach and see XANA is corrupting the tower. XANA final body is complete, he have a facial feature and more, he is now a half human half computer virus, his weapon now is a staff inside a staff is a yellow core. XANA summon a sandstorm to lower the visibility of the team then he slowly approach them

- Odd: Jeremy do see anything on the map, we are blind down here

- Jeremy: i can't see anything, the sandstorm is interrupting the signal

XANA dash through Odd and devirtualize her, Ulrich quickly quadriplicate to defend Aelita, XANA use his power to create 6 sand clone of him, they rush to attack the group but Ulrich able to defeat them.

(*slash*) - XANA : surprise!!! (*Ulrich devirtualize*)

XANA then corner Aelita back to the way in then he use sand tomb and trap Aelita in 1 place and he make her see that he transfer the code and corrupt the tower. The transfer complete, the Area is unstablize and slowly shatter. Then he blast her with a energy shot and devirtualize her.

- Jeremy : no!!!, i should have come in with you

- Aelita: don't worry, we will get him next time.

They return to the school, at lunch time , they tell back what happen to Yumi and Monty. He tell them need to be ready.Date 12th March, the alarm go off at 2PM

- Jeremy: what, 2 day in a row, but this time we are ready XANA, let go team

They pass by Yumi and Monty class, Jeremy signal them with morse code ,they ask the teacher to be excused and they join Jeremy with the team to the lab.

- Jeremy: ok team, this time XANA attack the Mountain Area

(*phone ringing*)- Monty: hello, father... what!!!... ok, i'm on my way

- Yumi: what is it?

- Monty: my dad call from the hospital, he said William is waking up, i need to see him now, he already ask the principal for me to excuse, ironic right?

- Jeremy: ok, go see him, we will be fine/ Scanning, Virtualization

They spawn at 500 meter above ground, Aelita quickly summon here wing an grab on to Yumi, but Odd and Ulrich still falling down

(*screaming*)- Odd: Jeremy, why are we in the air??

(*sweating*) - Jeremy: oh my god, XANA is bugging the system out, here your vehicle, catch them on your way.

They grab their vehicle and follow the red light flashing near the horizon, on their path, there are some Hornet following and disrupting them. They fly around engaging and destroy the Hornet. They approach the tower, XANA is using a staff but the core now is white. They let their vehicle crash to XANA but he summon a stone wall to block. They drop down.

- Ulrich: XANA you are surrounded, drop the staff down and no one get hurt

- XANA: you think you can stop me (*shot a spike to Yumi*)

Ulrich push Yumi away the spike hit Ulrich and devirtualize him . Yumi got mad , she tell Aelita to charge up a water ball, she blast 2 jetstream in a circular motion which create a tornado and tell Aelia to shot the water ball into the tornado and also telling Odd to fire Acid arrows, the tornado corrosion the stone wall and pass through, XANA is hit and it somehow doesn't effect him, Jeremy see XANA health does not drop. It turn out it just his shadow, the real XANA sneak behind the girl and take them out with 1 shot. He finally go back and corrupt the tower, the process complete and the Mountain Area is no more. Mean while, 10 minute before the team enter Lyoko, Monty run as fast as he can to the hospital, he enter the room and see his father is talking to William

- W.Father: you feeling well son (*Monty enter*) oh there is your brother, i will leave you 2 alone

- Monty: thank dad/ William, you ok big bro?

- William: i'm feeling fine, fit as a fiddle

- Monty: when will they let you out

- William: just a few more medical check and i maybe out tonight.

(* the mountain area destroyed*)

(*gasp*)- William: i can sense XANA power is stronger

- Monty: what happen?

- William: XANA ultimate plan, he absorb 4 area in Lyoko to empower his staff, he use us as a messenger for his plan. You have to go help them, if the Ice Area is destroyed, XANA will be unstoppable.

- Monty: i got it.

Monty return to school and regroup with the team, he tell them about William condition and they were glad. After lunch, Yumi tell Ulrich to meet her in private at the back of the gym

- Ulrich: is there something you want to tell me

- Yumi: yes, after a few month, seeing you behave, you seem more mature then last time

- Ulrich: well, life doesn't give us a second chance frequently isn't it, through out 4 year at the military school, i know how to control myself, i know the true meaning of teamwork, i know the meaning of sacrifice.

- Yumi: that mean, back at Lyoko, you save me, oh Ulrich, i think i love you

- Ulrich: i think i love you too (*kiss*)

Later at 6PM, William is able to leave the hospital, also in that same time, Lindana is finally recover and now having dinner with Franz, they talk about the thing have went through, old memory and more. At 7PM, XANA attack again, the team go to the lab. Jeremy is still the navigator for the mission because Franz is still taking care of Lindana at his house.

- Jeremy: Scanning, Virtualization (*error*) what the, i can't scan William, the system is bugging out again, damn you/ sorry guy, you have to enter without William.

- William : i have to sit here and do nothing, my friend need me.

- Jeremy: sorry William but there is nothing i can do right now

They spawn in but there is a bug in Odd virtualization process, half of her body is stuck on the ice surface.

- Odd: Jeremy, why am i stuck in the ice

- Monty: don't worry, i will melt it, you guy go ahead, i'll catch up later

Monty use his fire shot and melt the ice away while the rest of the team go to the red tower, Odd finally unstuck and she with Monty rushing to the red tower. They reach the place and see XANA staff is now glowing blue on the orb.He summon some monster to stall time. Meanwhile Jeremy finally sort out the bug and begin virtualize William. He spawn in and quickly super smoke to the team, he reach the tower at when the team destroy all the monster.

- XANA: William, glad you can make it, now i command you to devirtualize them

(*resisting back*) - William: what is this, ugh,...

William eye turn red and started attack the team. (*power slam*) William shatter the ice and create some floating iceberg. He summon his on shadow clone and start attack. Monty fire rush in,William blocked, his shadow from behind stab him. Ulrich quadriplicate and surround him, 4 of him summon a lighning storm that strike down where William stand, he quickly dodge but stun for a bit, Odd take the opportunity to shot down William, but they were too late, XANA have corrupted the tower and the Ice Area begin to melt into the Digital Sea. Jeremy have no choice but to devirtualize the team. Everyone get out of the scanner and XANA show his face on the super computer monitor and give them a message

- XANA: Lyoko Warrior, i am now stronger than ever, i have a challenge for all of you, defeat me if you can, i will be waiting at the final sever. If you defeat me,humanity is safe, if you lose, you will be my general for my world conquest. You are welcome to get in, ha ha ha(*monitor off*)

(*walking in*)- Franz: i have heard everything, this is maybe your final battle to decide the fate of humanity.

Date 13th March,2003- The team is at school learning, after school they go to the lab and ready.

- Jeremy: well, this is it guy, the battle we are waiting for, all those battle we have gone through just for this moment now.

(*door opening*)

- Franz: Lindana, what are you doing here, you are not fully recover yet

- Lindana: our daughter need my help, i can't just sit there and watch, scan me too Franz

- Franz: guess i have no choice then/ Scanning, Virtualization

They spawn Sector 5, they get in the Skid and set course to the France sever. They reach the entrance but it doesn't require hacking, they connect to it and get teleported.

(*Raining*)(*Gun shooting*)(* Explosion*)

- Aelita: where are we?

- Jeremy: guy, you won't believe this, according to history, this is Northern France, 1908, World War 1

(*gasp*) -Franz: where does he have enough power or resources to recreate this

- Lindana: it the 4 sector of Lyoko, his true plan is to collect all of the data.

- Odd: but all i see is rain and gun noise

(*ground shaking*)

At the distance, 4 Kolosus with 4 Elements are approaching.

- Ulrich: i don't remember giant were in WWI

The Sand Kolosus try to step in the team, they quickly run away to avoid being crushed.

- Lindana: listen, i have a plant, you see that Forest Kolosus, get me near it head and i will be able to control it

- Monty: that sound like a good idea but how do we even able to reach there

- Aelita: leave it to me, you guy distract the other one

Monty and William work together, Monty use his fire and melt down the leg of the Ice Kolosus, William turn to super smoke and stab at eye, the Ice Kolosus is devirtualize .Aelita summon her angel wing and carry Lindana to the Forest Kolosus. She fly through the sky until a squadron of plane catch up and start shooting her, she dodge left and right, when she reach the Forest Kolosus neck, a plane shot her in the back, she drop Lindana but she is able to grab on it neck, Aelita fly around and start shooting them back. Lindana finally reach the Forest Kolosus head, she use her vine sprout from her hand and it running around into the Kolosus head and wrap it. She use her power and gain control over it.

- Lindana: alright, let see what you got

She control it to attack the squadron of plane were chasing Aelita, then move it to the Mountain Kolosus, the 2 Kolosus clash out with fierce. The Mountain Kolosus, with it Mace hand it slap on the head of the Forest Kolosus. The Forest Kolosus, turn it 2 hand into a vine and wrap constrict the Mountain Kolosus. William use Dark Matter and throw Monty fly straight into the Mountain Kolosus eye, it devirtualize. From behind the Sand Kolosus, which have no certain weakness , turn it 2 hand into 2 blade and stab the Forest Kolosus in the right shoulder where it weakness at and devirtualize it.

- Ulrich: that thing is unstoppable

- Franz: no, i see the weakness, it inside the Kolosus

- Odd: i can shoot it if you can give me a clear shot, this rain it making my aim kinda hard

- Jeremy: i can't use my ice bomb without turning rain water to ice shard

- Aelita: i think i have a way, i will control the rain water, turn it into a ball then throw at it, that should flush away the sand and expose the weakness, at that point Jeremy will freeze the sand water to stop it from regenerate back

Aelita fly up and begin to draw all the rain water to her, while the team is distracting the Sand Kolosus, Yumi use hurricane to slow the Kolosus, Monty keep shooting fire ball, Odd get far away for a perfect shot. Aelita throw the giant water ball, as in plan, the water wash away the sand covering the weakness, Jeremy freeze the sand water, Odd take a deep breathe, fire deadeye straight into the weakness. The Sand Kolosus is devirtualize.

(*Heavy Breathing*)- William: ok, where is XANA anyway

A flash of light passby and William is devirtualized

(*startle*)- Monty: what the...

XANA laughing surround the battlefield, the team stick together and on alert, a flash of light passby again and Monty is devirtualized

- Franz: team, XANA is moving very fast around the map, his dot just blinking

- Lindana: XANA you will not get us so easily

Lindana stomp her feet on the ground and all across the battlefield thorns grow and damage XANA, make him reveal himself.

- XANA: impressive, but it a shame you will all be devirtualize (*shockwave blast*)

Everyone is on 1 health left, Lindana use her final power, she give Aelita all of her power, the other also join in and give all their power, the rest are devirtualize after the transfer is complete, Aelita recover back to 1000 health, around her are aura, XANA blast her but deflected by her shield.

- XANA: impossible

Aelita blast an energy field. It hit XANA then it expand bigger and bigger.(*explosion*)

- Franz: Aelita... can.. hear.. us/ Aelita, come in/ Aelita?

- Aelita: it over, XANA have been destroy

The entire room were cheer up and celebrate, Franz give Aelita the kill code, she enter the hidden bunker and transfer the code. The France sever crumbling, Aelita get back to the Skid and make her journey home. Franz devirtualize her and when step out of the scanner, the entire room all surround and hug her. They all return to school while Franz and Lindana stay back

- Franz: it maybe the time to shutdown this machine once and for all, don't you think

- Lindana: so much memory, our friends, our research (*cry*), i'm glad the world is safe

- Franz: me too, me too(* tear slowly dropping*)

Franz shut down the machine. Later that day, the news report that the government sever have been crash, authority are searching for the responsible for, but after all, they couldn't find out who did it.

Date: 4th July,2012- at the church, (*organ playing*), Jeremy is waiting inside,(*door open*) Aelita slowly walking in, they exchange vow, the priest announce them husband and wife, they kiss and live happily.

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