Teacher (camren)

By FifthHype

445K 9.3K 5.7K

Camila is a rebellious student. Lauren is her teacher. What happens when they hook up the day before school s... More

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 AGH GOODNIGHT


5K 97 27
By FifthHype

Lauren and I slowly walk down the hallway, her hand doesn't leave mine, in fact she tightens her grip as we slowly walk into the living room. Her parents are sat on the sofa with her litter sister, and the other sofa is free, no doubt where Lauren and I are going to sit while her parents tell her that our relationship should end.

Her mom looks up at us and shakes her head while her dad just lets out a sigh. Chris and Normani are stood in the kitchen, Normani is currently arguing with Chris. Taylor is sat on the sofa with her girlfriend, who is asleep and is currently using Taylor as a human pillow.

Lauren pulls me towards the sofa, sitting down and pulling me with her while still keeping her hand in mine and our fingers tangled together. I graze my thumb over the top of her hand and she gently squeezes my fingers as her mom lets out a cough.

"Mother if you want to say something just say it."

"I-it's just that she's a bit young isn't she?"

"What kind of question is that? You know that she's still in high school and you know that she's one of my students. Of course she's going to be fucking young!" Lauren yells before running her fingers through her hair. I pull my hand out of hers and wrap my arm around her before gently rubbing her back in an attempt to relax her because she kind of scares me when she's angry. She lets out a sigh and relaxes against me while her mom just continues to glare at us.

"There's no need for that attitude Lauren Michelle."

"Well then don't say stupid things mother." Lauren retorts, causing her little sister to let out a laugh before being glared at by her dad.

"So how did my daughter end up with a student then?" Her dad asks, in a rather scary and deep voice. Okay Lauren I'm scared you do all the talking and I'll just sit here and act like I don't want to run away from your family.

"They met in a club." Normani says, walking into the room with Chris following her, Normani sits next to me, Lauren sends her a glare but she just shrugs. "What you won't tell the truth and right now telling the truth is the best thing you can do." Chris sits next to Lauren and avoids looking at anyone because technically this whole mess is his fault.

"She's right Lauren; just tell us the truth and where things went wrong."

"What do you mean where things went wrong?" Lauren asks, sitting forwards slightly causing Normani to groan. I pull her back and she relaxes against my body while still glaring at her parents.

"I thought we brought you up correctly, to know the different between right and wrong, to know that what you're doing is beyond wrong." Her dad growls, glaring at Lauren before her mom places her hand on his leg and his facial expression softens.

"You also taught me to go after what makes me happy, Camila makes me happy."

I pull her against me and she rests her head against my shoulder before pulling away from me and frowning at me.

"What?" I ask, looking at her and giving her a pout, which causes her to roll her eyes at me before laughing slightly when I pout at her even more.

"Don't look at me like that, you smell like weed." She mumbles before placing her hand in mine and shaking her head at me.

"I told you I was super high, but you made me come here anyway, so it's your fault." I reply, quickly pressing my lips against hers before she pushes me away and arches her eyebrow at me, I innocently smile at her.

"Have you two finished?" Lauren's mom asks, Lauren looks away from me and kinks her eyebrow at her mom before tangling her fingers with mine again.

"Yes mother we're done, you can continue with your little rant."

"You're getting the attitude of a teenager."

"That's probably because she's fucking one." Lauren's little sister mumbles, looking up from her phone and smirking at Lauren while everyone but me stares at her in shock, I'm too busy giggling and getting glared at by Lauren.


"What mom? It's true and everyone in this damn room knows that it's true." She replies, shrugging and then looking down at her phone again, pressing a quick kiss to her girlfriends head as she moves slightly and mutters something, this is all while I sit there in fits of giggles.

"Camila shut the fuck up." Lauren hisses at me, elbowing my ribs and then glaring at me, which just makes me laugh even more because even when she tries to look angry and pissed off she ends up looking super cute.

"I'm sorry Lauren, super high remember." I reply, wiping the tears off my face and then attempting to even out my breathing again while Lauren's parents just look at each other with confused expressions. Lauren runs her fingers through her hair while I compose myself and then sit up straight. "Okay I'm good."

"So where were we, before two idiots interrupted us?" Lauren asks, glaring between me and Maddie, who just smirks at me which causes me to start laughing again. "Oh for fucks sake, will you please take her in there and sober her up?" Lauren says to Normani while motioning to the kitchen, Normanip grabs my hand and pulls me up before dragging me into the kitchen and then shaking her head at me while quietly laughing.

"I'm hungry."

"Here eat these." She says, shoving a bag of chips into my hand and then pulling the fridge open. I rip the bag open and begin shovelling them into my mouth while she grabs a bottle of water, handing it to me and rolling her eyes at me.

"Thanks." I mumble with a mouthful of chips as we walk back into the living room and I sit next to Lauren, smiling at her and still eating the chips before resting my head on her shoulder. "Sorry." I mumble looking at her parents who just weakly smile at me, well that's different.

"How about you guys go to your hotel and we'll talk tomorrow because I need to look after this asshole and we all know that I'm not going to listen to anything you say when I've had a stressful night and all I want to do is sleep." Lauren says, standing up which causing my head to fall, resulting in me now lying across the sofa while Taylor laughs at me.

"I like her Lauren; I don't care what these two say." Taylor says smiling at Lauren as she scoops her girlfriend up and then they all walk towards the front door with Chris, Normani is sat on the floor in front of me, wiping chips off my face and laughing at me because for some reason I can't keep my eyes open.

"I'm so tired." I whisper to Normani and she just nods her head at me while Lauren says bye to her family. "Bye Lauren's family, sorry about the high!" I yell before Normani covers my mouth, causing the last two words to come out as mumbles.

"We'll be round in the morning Lauren Michelle."

"Can we stop with the full name mom?" Lauren whines, leaning against the door as her little sister wraps her arms around her and then giggles because she's taller.

"No, it's a beautiful name, just like you." I say, pushing Normani's hand away from my mouth and then sitting up with a dopey grin on my face while Lauren glances towards me and smiles back at me.

"I have to agree with her on this one Lauren." Her mom says, giving me an actual smile before placing her hand in her husband's as they walk out of the apartment and into the hallway. They all say bye to Lauren, hugging her and then walking away from the apartment. Lauren shuts the door and leans against it shutting her eyes, before letting out a sigh of relief and then opening her eyes, pushing herself away from the door and walking towards me and Normani.

"Can I have a kiss now?" I ask, still lying down but looking up at her and pouting at her as she stands over me. The strings of her hoodie hanging over my face as she just smiles at me, I grab the strings and tug on them, pulling her down and then pressing my lips against hers. She smiles against my lips as I wrap my arms around her neck, dragging my tongue over her bottom lip.

"Nope, time for bed." She says, pulling away from me and winking at me as she walks down the hallway and towards our bedroom. I let out a groan, loud enough that Lauren can hear me, before rolling off the sofa and then pushing myself up. I brush myself off and then shuffle down the hallway before dramatically entering the room. Lauren laughs at me as I shut the door, slowly making my way towards her and wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you."

"Mm I love you too." She replies, pulling her hoodie over her head and then dropping it on the ground before wrapping her arms around me and pressing my lips against mine, I slowly walk us towards her bed, pushing her down and then crawling on top of her. Peppering kisses down her neck as her hands slide up and down my back, her nails slightly scratching against my skin causing me to moan against her neck. She rolls us over and places her legs either side of my waist before smashing her lips against mine, sucking my bottom lip into her mouth causing me to let out a moan. She smirks against my lips and slides the hoodie and t-shirt up my body and over my head. I let out strangled moans as my hands tangle in her hair and my legs wrap around her waist.


I slowly open my eyes and smile when I see Lauren's hair sprawled over my chest, her arms and wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to her. I lean down and press a kiss to the top of her head causing her to mumble against my chest while somehow pulling me closer to her. I wrap my arms around her body letting her know that I'm still here.

She lifts her head up and sleepily looks at me while grinning, she moves one of her arms from around my waist before taming the mane that is currently surrounding her head.

"I hate my hair in the morning." She whines, pouting at me and then pressing my lips against mine while still attempting to sort her hair out.

"I love your morning hair, it makes you look adorable." I mumble against her lips, she pulls away from me and pouts, which makes her look even cuter because she's now pouting at me and her hair is a mess. I glance down and realise that she's naked; I smirk at her causing her to look at me slightly confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I don't know whether you're cute of extremely hot." I reply, leaning up and pressing my lips against hers, she pulls away from me and sits up, loosely wrapping the bed sheet around her body.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Well I don't know if you're cute because of the cute messy hair and sleepy face, or if you're extremely hot because you're naked and tattoos." I reply, sitting up and then placing my hands on the top of the bed sheet and then pulling it open. She smirks at me while letting it fall around her waist as my eyes rake over her body and a bite on my bottom lip.

"How many times have you seen me naked?"

"I don't know, why?" I mumble, still looking her up at down and lightly chewing on my bottom lip, she just quietly laughs at me, pushing me down and then straddling me, I look up at her and dopily smile at her.

"Yet when you look at me it's like the first time."

"You have that effect over me Jauregui." I reply winking at her as she places her hands on her hips and looks down at me smirking. I bring my right hand up and traces my fingers over the tattoo on the left side of her body, letting them graze over each letter causing her to shiver slightly. I prop myself up on my elbows and Lauren leans down slightly until her forehead is pressed against mine. I keep my fingers trailing her tattoo as her lips inch closer to mine, her breath hitting my lips before she roughly kisses me.

The bed sheet that is wrapped around Lauren is currently moving further down as her hands tangle in my hair and she tugs on it causing me to moan into her mouth. She smirks against my lips and I almost roll my eyes, almost but she bites down on my bottom lip and I let out a whimper.

"Hey Laur- Oh shit sorry."

Lauren pulls away from me, grabbing the bed sheet and wrapping it around her and then looking towards to door where Taylor is stood with her mom behind her, who is covering her eyes.

"Um...give us like ten minutes." Lauren mumbles, weakly smiling at her mom and sister before they walk out of the room and Lauren lies in the middle of the bed, letting out a sigh and covering her face with her arms.

"Well that was interesting."

"At least we weren't having sex; they've both walked in on that before." She mumbles before moving her arms off her face and then sitting up. She pushes herself off the bed and grabs a pair of sweats, pulling them up before grabbing my paramore t-shirt out of the closet and pulling it over her head. "Get out of bed." She says, placing her hand on her hips and attempting to give me her best 'I'm a teacher' look.

"You can't attempt to look strict when you're wearing sweats and my t-shirt and about five minutes ago you were all over me."

"Shut up and get these on." She replies, throwing a pair of shorts and her Miami Heat hoodie at me, I groan before pulling the hoodie over my head, leaning the hood up and then getting out of bed and sliding the shorts up my legs. I stuff my hands into the pocket of the hoodie before walking towards Lauren and leaning against her as she wraps her arm around me and we walk out of her room.

We slowly make our way down the hallway and I slide my hand into the back pocket on Lauren sweats while she just giggles. Once we're in the front room Lauren walks towards the sofa and then I walk towards the kitchen, turning the coffee machine on and grabbing the packet of cigarettes that I keep in the kitchen.

I open the packet and then slide one out before placing it between my lips and then looking around the kitchen for my lighter, I groan when I can't find it. Turning around and making two cups of coffee before carrying them into the living room and then handing one to Lauren. She smiles at me before taking a sip as I walk back into the kitchen and continue searching for my lighter.

"Laur...hey Lolo!" I yell, holding the cigarette between my middle finger and my index finger. " Lauren." I whine, but still get no answer. "Miss Jauregui!" I yell before hearing a groan off Lauren and a giggle off Taylor.

"What the hell do you want?" She asks, sounding slightly annoyed while makes me smile because annoying Lauren is one of my favourite past times.

"Where's my lighter, I can't find it." I whine, walking into the living room and pouting at her before sitting next to her and rolling the cigarette between my fingers.

"Here, it probably fell out of your pocket last night when you were rolling around on the sofa last night." She replies, passing me my lighter and then smiling at me as I stand up and walk towards the window, pushing it up and then sitting on the window ledge before lighting the cigarette and taking a long drag. I blow the smoke out again as Taylor walks towards me and then sits next to me.

"Hey." She says, smiling at me as I flick the ash out of the window.

"Hi." I reply, smiling back at her and then taking another drag of the cigarette before turning to face her. "Sorry I'll be finished in a minute." I say, rolling between my fingers as Lauren glances towards me and smiles at me before turning to face her parents again.

"It's fine, Lauren used to smoke when she was at home."

"Still does." I mumble, stubbing the cigarette out and then flicking it outside before standing up, shutting the window and then walking back towards the sofa. I sit next to Lauren and she holds a packet of mints in front of me, I let out a sigh and take one before placing it in my mouth as she grins at me.


"I'm still not happy about the fact that you're in a relationship with your student!" Clara, Lauren's mom screams, throwing her hands in the hair and then letting out a sigh. I'm sat on the sofa with Talor, her girlfriend (who I learned is called Bea and she's pretty awesome) and her dad while Lauren and her mom are stood in the middle of the room screaming at each other. Mike, Lauren's dad doesn't have a problem with me and Lauren being together. He said that he just wants her to be happy and that if I make her happy then he'll just have to live with it.

"I don't care if you're not fucking happy!"

I flinch slightly when Lauren screams, which causes Taylor to laugh at me, I turn to face her and glare at her before sliding my phone out of my pocket and then texting Zendaya. I lean over to Taylor and rest my head on her shoulder before whispering to her.

"Want Zendaya to come round and we'll escape from the screaming adults." I mumble, she looks up at me and smiles while nodding; I smile back at her and then type out a text to my friend while Lauren continues to scream at her mom.

[12:45pm] Camila: Get your ass over here right now, Lauren is screaming at her mom, she's screaming back and I'm sat with Taylor just watching it happen. So get over here because I need youu and Taylor wants you to come as well...plus you owe me. :)

"Please shut the fuck up, do you really think I care what you have to say about this? You've never liked any of the girls I was with in the past!" Lauren yells before running her fingers through her hair and then turning to look at me. I weakly smile at her and she returns it before facing her mom again.

"That's because no one is ever good enough for you Lauren!"

"Camila is! I don't care what you say mom she makes me happier that I've been in a long fucking time!"

I smile to myself, looking down as my phone vibrates in my hand; I unlock it and open the message from Zen. Scanning over it and then standing up, pulling Taylor with me, who drags Bea with her as we walk into the kitchen.

"So is she coming then?"

"Yea, she'll be here in about five minutes, she's with Rachel and Shawn."

"And they are?"

"Shawn is the skinny white dude with big arms that was here yesterday and Rachel is...well let's just say Lauren still hates her...a little bit." I say, jumping on to the worktop, letting out a groan because Lauren is still yelling at her mom and I will not be looking after her when she has no fucking voice left! Taylor wraps her arm around Bea and then kisses the side of her head while Bea just plays on her phone.

"So why does Lauren hate this Rachel?"

"We used to hook up, a lot and I was sleeping with her at the same time I was with Rachel, but Lauren and I weren't a couple then. I had and still have serious commitment issues, an ex fucked me up, a lot. But we're not going to talk about that."

"Okay then, so what are we doing when Zendaya gets here?"

"Probably sit in mine and Lauren's room until the screaming stops, which will probably result me and Zen getting high, and then Lauren yelling at us because you were with us." I reply, smiling at her while messing with the buttons on the coffee machine causing a mass of steam to blow out of it.

"Maybe you shouldn't mess with that, plus what Lauren doesn't know won't hurt her."

"Yea maybe I shouldn't, and what do you mean by that Jauregui?" I mumble, jumping off the worktop.

"She means that she gets as high as a kite all the time and no one knows about it but me." Bea mutters, looking up and smirking at me before Taylor punches the top of her arm. I let out a small laugh as I walk out of the kitchen and toward Lauren, who is still stood in the middle of the living room yelling at her mom while her dad just sits there and watches. I wrap my arms around her waist and she relaxes against my body, turning to look at me and then pressing her lips against mine.

"Hey." She whispers against my lips before smiling at me as her mom just stands there with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at us.

"Hi, so Zen is coming over because to be honest Taylor, Bea and I are super bored watching you argue with your mom." I say, smiling at her as Taylor stands next to me, holding Bea's hand and innocently smiling at Lauren.

"Hmm okay but no doing the usual thing with her please, I don't need my little sister turning into a pot head." Lauren mumbles against my lips before kissing me again as the door opens as my friend in question walks in, smiling at Taylor and Bea as I pull away from Lauren.

"Come on Cabello you can't invite me round and then be all over lover teacher." She says, glaring at me as she slams the door shut before walking towards me and pulling me away from Lauren, while wrapping her arms around my waist and picking me up.

"Put me down!" I scream, slapping her arms causing everyone but Lauren's mom to laugh, she places me on the ground and I quickly kiss Lauren before pulling away and then walking down the hallway with the others. I kick the bedroom door open and stomp into the room.

"That was just rude."

"You deserved it." I mumble, lying down and stretching before rolling over and crawling to the night stand, I pull the top draw open and grab the black box. Throwing it at Zen, she just smirks at me and I just roll my eyes at her because let's face it we both knew that we'd be doing this.

"What's in the box?" Bea asks, sitting on the floor in front of me while Zen smirks, opening the box and then pulling out a joint, kinking her eyebrow at Bea before winking at her. "Taylor don't even think about it." She says, turning to face Taylor and glaring at her.

"Why not?"

"Because we both know how you get when you're high, plus your parents will be able to tell and Lauren will kick your ass."

"You're boring and I'll do whatever I want to." Taylor replies as Zen lights the joint, taking a drag and then passing it to me. I take a drag before lying down in the middle of the bed and then blowing out smoke rings. Taking another drag and doing the same before sitting up, crossing my legs and then offering the joint to Taylor, who just grins at me before taking it off me while Bea looks at her disapprovingly.

"I'm not looking after you later."

"Live a little Miller, have some." Taylor says, thrusting the joint in front of Bea until she takes it out of her hand and then takes a drag, Taylor just sits there smiling triumphantly. "Knew I'd get you to do it, you can never say no to me."

"Shut up, I hate you."

"No you don't." Taylor whines, as Bea blow smoke out of her mouth before leaning towards Taylor and lightly pressing her lips against hers. "You love me."

"Whatever." Bea says as the bedroom door bursts open and Lauren walks in, looking down at her phone while speaking.

"Hey Cam-are you smoking pot?" Lauren says, finally looking up and then glaring at me as Taylor attempts to hide the joint from Lauren while staring at me in panic. I just shrug at her because there is nothing I can do about it now.

"Um...no." I say, while avoiding looking at her because she can always tell them I'm lying.

"Don't lie to me, I know when you're lying." Lauren replies, placing her hands on her hips and then kinking her eyebrows at me. "Answer me!"

"Fine! Yes we're smoking pot, but you never cared before." I say, leaning forwards and taking the joint off of Taylor before stubbing out in the box and placing it inside, shutting the box before looking up at Lauren, who is glaring at me.

"I've never cared because you never got my little sister high before!"

"She's been smoking it since before I got involved Lauren so don't even say that."

"Bullshit Camila, don't try and take the blame away from you. You need to me, either it's me or it's this stupid fucking lifestyle you've got going on because I can't fucking take it anymore. I can't take the partying and the drugs." She says, running her fingers through her hair. "I can't handle looking after you when you're beyond wasted and you're a mess because you had to run away from the cops. I just can't fucking take it!" She screams at me before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

IM GUNNA POST THE FINAL SIX CHAPTERS ALL AT ONCE IN 30 MINUTES! GET READY! * i made a bagel and ate it, make that 50 minutes


30.12.16 / 01.20AM

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