Teacher (camren)

By FifthHype

445K 9.3K 5.7K

Camila is a rebellious student. Lauren is her teacher. What happens when they hook up the day before school s... More

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 AGH GOODNIGHT


5.3K 101 54
By FifthHype

I stand next to Lauren and stare at the ground while Lauren places her hand in mine and our fingers tangle together, she gently squeezes my hand. I let out a groan and look up, brushing my hair out of my face.

"What do you want Jennel?"

"I was sent to come and get Miss Jauregui, but I can see that she's a bit busy." She replies, walking towards us and smirking at me before winking at me. "Even the older ladies just can't resist your charm Cabello."

"Well you're obviously going to tell everyone so what are you waiting for?" I ask, before glancing at Lauren and giving her a reassuring smile before she breaks down in the middle of the woods.

"Oh I'm not going to tell anyone." She says, smirking at me again and then stepping closer to me, she rests her hand on my arm and glances between me and Lauren.

"What do you want?" I ask, knowing that there has to be a reason she won't tell anyone, I know Jennel and she never does anything unless she's getting something out of it. I also know that she is the only cheerleader that is actually out of the closet and has admitted to sleeping with me.

"What makes you think that I want something?"

"Because you always want something, you don't help people unless you get something out of it, so what do you want?" I ask, taking my hand out of Lauren's and then running my fingers through my hair before picking Jennel's hand up and moving it off my arm.

"You know being with you could help me fix the damage that coming out caused."


"Dating the badass of the school means that no one would mess with me. Plus I get to have amazing orgasms again." She replies, smirking at me and Lauren glares at her and takes my hand in hers again.

"No, not happening." Lauren says, pulling me closer to her and protectively wrapping her arm around me.

"Well then I guess the whole needs to know about this, get ready for prison Miss Jauregui."

"Fine I'll do whatever you want me to do, just don't tell anyone." I say, moving away from Lauren and walking towards Jennel, she grins at me before pressing her lips against mine, causing Lauren to growl and then pull me away from her. She wraps her arms around me and holds me against her body.

"She's mine, not yours."

"I know, but she'll be mine during school time, and when football matches are on and we're cheering. She'll also be mine at parties."

"You will have no control over me though Jennel, you don't get to stop me from seeing Shawn and Dinah like you did when we were hooking up, and do you not get 'amazing orgasms' because they are Lauren's." I reply, remembering that she got possessive and ended up having a fight with Zendaya when she walked into my room and I had my head between Zendaya's legs.

"I don't like her."

"Get over it, if my actual girlfriend - the girl that I love- can learn to like her then so can you."

"Does she know your history with Zendaya?" Jennel asks, winking at me because she thinks that she has one over me.

"Yes she does, and there has been a lot of Zendaya related drama in our relationship." I reply, glaring at her and letting out a small laugh when Lauren groans at the mention of the drama that has being caused by my long history with Zendaya. "So how is this shit going to work then?"

"You don't have to do this Camila." Lauren whispers into my ear before kissing the side of my head.

"I do, I told you that I'm not letting you go to prison and if I have to have a fake relationship with Jennel then I'll do it." I reply, turning to face her and then pressing my lips against hers, she grazes her tongue over my bottom lip and I slowly open my mouth, allowing her tongue to slide in and graze against my tongue.

"Excuse me Miss Jauregui, can you stop kissing my girlfriend."

"Fuck off Jennel, how long do I have to be your fake girlfriend for?" I ask, pulling away from Lauren and then glaring at Jennel, who is leaning against a tree and smirking at me. If she keeps smirking at me I'm going to end up slapping her so hard she'll never be able to smirk again.

"Until Alex realises that I'm the one she wants."

"Wait so you're also using me to make another one of the stupid cheerleaders jealous?"

"She's not stupid, and what better way to make her jealous than she flaunt a relationship with you in front of her."

"You're twisted, you know that right?" I ask, walking towards her and then stopping when I'm stood in front of her.

"I thought that's why you slept with me in the first place."

"We're not talking about that, and us sleeping together will not happen at all, got it?"

"Fine, but we have to at least act like a couple otherwise no one is going to believe us." She says smirking at me again, yep getting really close to slapping this bitch. "That means you have to kiss me."

"Hell no!" Lauren says, dragging me away from Jennel and then glaring at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm currently saving you from getting fired and going to prison."

"I'd rather go to prison that see you kiss her."

"Luren she's not that bad, plus I know you'll get jealous and then we'll have amazing sex because you want to claim what's yours." I reply, pressing my lips against hers before pulling away and winking at her.

"I suppose that's true, but just remember that you are mine and you always will be mine."

"I know Lauren; you don't need to remind me." I say, kissing her again and then pulling away from her as Jennel walks towards us, wrapping her arms around my waist and smirking at Lauren.

"Lauren go back to the rest of the group, I need to talk to Jennel." I say, giving her a reassuring smile as she lets out a sigh, running her fingers through my hair before passionately kissing me and wrapping her arms around me to get Jennel off me.

"I love you." She whispers against my lips before unwrapping her arms from around me and then walking away from me and Jennel.

"I love you too." I reply as Lauren looks over her shoulder and sending Jennel a glare, I laugh slightly and Lauren just shakes her head at me before looking in front of her again.

"Well aren't you two fucking sweet?"

"Shut up." I say, turning to face Jennel and glaring at her. "I hate the fact that you're making me do this."

"Whatever, I just need to get back to being as popular as I was before." She says, placing her hand in mine and then locking our fingers together. I let out a sigh as we make our way back towards the campsite. We walk towards the camp fire, and by that I mean Jennel dragged me while getting winks and smirks off her friends.

"Hey guys." She says, smiling at her friends and then siting down, pulling me with her. I sigh as she makes me wrap my arm around her, she rests her head again my shoulder and then looks up at me.

"Stop fucking looking at me like that."

"Why baby?" She asks, pouting at me and then pressing her lips against my cheek. I feel someone grab my shoulder and pull me back, I look up and Rachel is stood behind me, glaring at Jennel.

"Camila come with me." She says, pulling me with her without even waiting for me to answer her. Jennel glares at Rachel as she drags me back towards our tent. "What the fuck are you doing? What about Lauren? Does she not mean anything to you? And of all people you choose Jennel?!" She screams at me as we get into the tent, Shawn and Dinah are sat there staring at us with confused expressions.

"It's not what you think Rachel so just shut up please." I mumble, sitting down and grabbing a joint out of the box and then lighting it. I take a long drag, letting it burn my throat before blowing the smoke out and then taking another drag while Rachel rants at me.

"Then tell me why you were getting pretty fucking cosy with Jennel!"

"Because she saw me and Lauren kissing and said that either I have some twisted fake relationship with her or she tells the school board, Lauren gets fired and then sent to prison!" I scream at her as I begin to finally let the emotions get to me. I tightly shut my eyes as tears begin to roll down my cheeks, I think about the fact that I am practically Jennel's bitch now.

"I'm going to kill her." Shawn says, standing up but then getting pulled back down by Dinah, who just takes her head at him.

"Shawn its fine, I only have to act like I'm with her in school and at parties. Plus is means that I can get jealous, possessive sex from Lauren." I reply, letting out a laugh as I wipe tears off my face and then take a drag of the joint.

"What does Lauren think about this?"

"She wants to kill her." I say sliding my phone out of my pocket and then unlock it before opening my messages and typing one out to Lauren.

[10:12pm] Camila: I love you, I always will love you, and nothing can ever stop me from loving you Jauregui!


It's been three days since the fucking camping trip and three days into my ridiculous fake relationship with Jennel. That also makes it three nights in a row that Lauren has dominated me in order to remind me that I'm hers and that no one else can have me. My body is covered in bite marks and I've got claw marks on my back.

"Good morning baby." Lauren says, pressing her lips against mine and then straddling me, she grinds her hips against mine and I let out a small moan, causing her to smirk against my lips.

"Are you going to untie me or will I have to take the day off school?" I ask, she presses her lips against mine again before loosening the ropes that are keeping my wrists attached to the bed frame.

"I can't have my favourite student having the day off can I?" She says, freeing my wrists before chewing on my bottom lip as her hands run up and down my body, I wrap my arms around her neck, pulling her closer to me.

"God I love you Lauren." I whisper against her lips, she pulls away from me and then gets off me before lying next to me and resting her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and then she begins to play with my fingers on my left hand.

"Maybe next time I won't use rope." She says, letting out a giggle as she traces her fingers out the marks that the ropes have left on my wrists. She lifts my wrist to her mouth and softly presses her lips against the marks.

"Eh, I don't mind baby."

"I really don't want to go to work today; I just want to stay here with you all day." She says, looking up at me and then kissing my chest, she leaves kisses up to my collar bone and then begins to softly suck on it causing me to let out moans.

"Oh god, me too but you have to go to work I have to go to school."

"And you have to see your girlfriend." She says, sitting up and then getting off the bed, she grabs my flannel shirt off the floor and slides it on, letting it hang off her body. I bite my bottom lip because there is nothing sexier than Lauren in one of my shirts and a pair of black lacy underwear.

"She's not my girlfriend, you are."

"To everyone in school she's your girlfriend, even the teachers are talking about it." She replies as I get off the bed and stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her and pressing my lips to her neck.

"I don't care what everyone else thinks, I know that you're mine and that is all that should count. Plus Shawn, Rachel and Dinah also know that you're my girlfriend and that Jennel is a blackmailing bitch." I whisper against her neck as she places her hands over mine and tangles our fingers together.

"I suppose your right."

"I'm always right, now make me pancakes bitch." I say, sliding my hands away from hers and then moving them up her body causing her to shiver against me.

"Why should I make you pancakes?"

"Because I love you, and because I can get you do to anything by doing this." I say, dragging my nails down her perfectly toned stomach while sucking on her collar bone, she lets out a moan and I smirk against her skin. "So pancakes?"

"Fine I'll make you pancakes."

"You're so whipped." Normani says from the door way, Lauren flips her off and I just laugh against Lauren's neck. "Also put some clothes on Lauren, you whore."

"I have a shirt on, what more do you want from me Hamilton?"

"Well it would be nice if the shirt was actually buttoned up so I don't get an eyeful of your tits!" Normani says, flipping Lauren off and then walking down the hallway and into the kitchen. I place my hands over Lauren's breasts and squeeze them slightly while kissing her neck.

"They're mine." I say, pulling away from her and then turning her around, I button up the shirt and then place my hand in hers before walking out of the room and pulling her with me. When we get to the kitchen Normani slides two coffee's towards us and throws my cigarettes at me, along with my lighter.

I drink a mouthful of coffee while pulling a cigarette out of the box and place it between my teeth before lighting it and then taking a drag. I breathe in the smoke, letting it burn my throat before blowing it out again. I wrap my arm around Lauren and she rests her head against me and smiles up at me as I take another drag before blowing the smoke out and then flicking the ash into the ashtray.

"Zendaya asked if you're going to some dudes party." Normani asks, looking up from her phone while picking her coffee up and taking a sip.

"What party?" Lauren asks, looking between me and Jennel.

"I don't know, probably." I answer and Normani begins typing a message to her sister, Lauren just face me and raises her eyebrows at me.

"I'll ask you again, what party?"

"One of the footballers is having a party because his parents are going away. Everyone's going." I answer, leaning in to press my lips against Lauren's, but getting a mint shoved in my mouth instead.

"Is she going?" Lauren asks, through gritted teeth, I let out a sigh knowing exactly who she's talking about.

"Yes she is going Laur."

"So you have to be her girlfriend?" She asks, gripping on to her cup and staring at the wall in front of her.

"Yes Lauren I have to be her girlfriend, but I'll probably just end up staying with Dinah and Shawn while Rachel hooks up with people and Jennel gets far too drunk." I say, turning to face Lauren and then kissing her. "You have nothing to worry about, I'll be coming home to you and Jennel means nothing to me. I'm doing this to keep you safe."

"You make it sound like I'm going to be killed."

"You could be if you go into prison, you'd be going in charged with paedophilia, and inmates don't tend to like people charged with that, Lauren." I reply, kissing her again and then pulling away from her. "I'm going to get dressed."

"Statutory rape actaully, not paed- nevermind." Lauren attempted to joke, stopping herself. "What about pancakes?" She asks, placing her cup down on the worktop and then brushing her hair out of her face.

"We'll have them for dinner, duh." I reply as it if was the obvious answer before walking out of the kitchen and back towards the bedroom.

I walk inside and peel my t-shirt off, throwing it on the floor before pulling the closet open and looking for something to wear. Lauren walks into the room and wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me against her and then kissing down my neck.

"I love you."

"And I love you, Lauren, but I really need to get dressed." I say, turning around in her arms and raising my eyebrows at her when I notice that she's staring at my chest. "Hey eyes up here, Miss Jauregui."

"S-sorry." She stutters before leaning forwards and kissing me, she removes her arms from around me and then goes to sit on her bed as I pull on white tank top and then grab a pair of jeans before sliding them up my legs.

"Lauren give me my shirt back." I say, walking towards her and smirking at her as she begins to unbutton the shirt, I push her down and then straddle her. "I want my shirt back Lauren." I whisper into her ear as my hands slide under the shirt and I graze my fingers tips down her sides.

She's unbuttoned the shirt so I slide if off her before kissing down her body, lightly nipping at her toned stomach as her hands tangle in my hair. I grab my shirt, pulling it with me as I continue to kiss down her body; I kiss across the waistband of her underwear before standing up and then sliding my shirt on. I roll the sleeves up to my elbow and wink at Lauren as she props herself up on her elbows and glares at me.

"I hate you, you can't do that to me."

"Oh but I can and I did." I reply, winking at her and she groans and then flops down on the bed. I laugh slightly and she looks up at me again, glaring at me and then flipping me off. "Lauren you have to get ready for work baby." I whisper as I lean over her, pressing me lips against hers, she bites my bottom lip and I moan against her lips. "You're killing me Lauren, but you have to get ready and I have to meet Dinah at the coffee shop."

"Fine, I love you." Lauren says, standing up and then grabbing a white shirt out of the closet and sliding it on to her body, she buttons it up but leaves the top two unfastened. "Should I wear pants or a skirt?"

"Hmm, a tight skirt please." I reply, winking at her as she picks one out and slides it up her legs after changing her underwear to a red lacy pair. I chew on my bottom lip as she zips the skirt up and then turns to face me, running her fingers through her hair.

"Don't look at me like that."

"How am I looking at you Lauren?" I ask, leaning against the door frame and smirking at her.

"You're looking at me like you want to take me right here, right now."

"That's because I do want to take you right now, I want to pin you against the wall and fuck you." I reply, winking at her and then walking out of the room and down the hallway into the kitchen. I grab my jacket and slide it on, shoving my phone and cigarettes into my pocket before sliding my boots on and then grabbing the keys to the apartment that Lauren gave to me.

"Daya said she's at the coffee shop with Shawn and Dinah so hurry your ass up." Normani says as I walk towards the front door, picking my bag up off the ground and slinging it over my shoulder before pulling the door open.

"Tell her to calm her ass down and that I'm leaving now." I reply, smiling at Normani before walking out into the hallway, shutting the door behind me and then making my way outside. The apartment door opens again and Lauren rushes out, sliding on a black blazer and holding her bag in her right hand. She smiles at me before walking up to me and pushing me against the wall, she smashes her lips against mine, sucking my bottom lip into her mouth.

"That's to remind you that you're mine." She whispers against mine lips, pulling away and then walking away from me, swaying her hips and looking over her shoulder to wink at me. I push myself away from the wall and follow her, I grab her and pull her towards me, holding her body against mine and then kissing down her neck.

"I know I'm yours baby."

"As much as I love you holding me like this I really have to go."

"You suck." I reply, unwrapping my arms from around her waist and then letting her walk out of the apartment block. I wait until she's in her car before I walk outside and begin making my way towards the coffee shop.


After sitting in the coffee shop for twenty minutes, drinking three espressos and then smoking a joint with Zendaya and Shawn, Dinah drives us to school while Zendaya walks to Lauren's apartment to annoy Normani.

As the three of us get out of Dinah's car, Jennel walks towards us, waving at me and then smirking at me. Shawn wraps his arm around my shoulder and I grab his hat off his head before putting it on, he whines when I move out of the way as he tries to take it off me.

"I hate her." He mumbles to me as Jennel gets closer to us, Shawn keeps his arm around me and I lean against him as Dinah gets her back out of the car, slamming the door shut and then locking it.

"Trust me so do I, and by the way I'm wearing this hat all day." I say, looking up at him and smiling at him when he glares at me, he picks me up and I let out a small squeal as he begins to spin me around. "Put me down Shawn." I whine as he begins to laugh at me, I slap the back of his head and he stops spinning before placing me down.

"I don't appreciate you spinning my girlfriend around." Jennel says, walking up behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist before resting her chin on my shoulder. Shawn just kinks his eyebrow at her before glaring at her as he moves his arms from around me and then leans against Jillian's car.

"We both know that she's not actually your girlfriend Jennel, your little act doesn't need to take place when you're with us."

"Whatever Shawn." She mumbles, standing next to me and placing her hand in mine as we all walk away from Dinah's car and towards the school doors, where Lauren is standing with her hands on her hips while she shouts at students for being too rowdy. We all walk past her, I give her a small smile as Jennel smirks at her and then pulls me towards my locker.

She presses me against it and then smashes her lips against mine, I internally groan because her lips aren't as soft at Lauren's and they don't know what she's doing. It's like she's trying to do mouth to mouth rather than kiss me.

"Girls no PDA in the corridors." Lauren says through gritted teeth, standing next to us and glaring at Jennel as she pulls away from me. She stands next to me and leans against the lockers, stuffing her hands into the pockets on her cheer jacket. I just roll my eyes as I open my locker and grab a few books before stuffing them into my bag.

I slam my locker shut and look at Lauren, she gives me a small smile which I return. She then goes back to glaring at Jennel. I clear my throat so Lauren looks at me again before I mouth 'I love you' to her. She gives me a small nod.

"Come on Camila we'll be late for homeroom." Jennel says, taking my hand in hers before pulling me away from Lauren. I let out a sigh before looking over my shoulder and looking at Lauren apologetically.

"Jennel can you not dragged me from my girlfriend please."

"We're in school, you're my girlfriend now." She says as we get outside the room that we have homeroom in.

"I hate you so fucking much."

"I don't care if you hate me or not, and are you going to Riley's part tonight?" She asks me, standing in front of me and smirking at me as she takes my hands in hers as Rachel stands next to us. She rests her head on my shoulder and I let out a laughing knowing that she's probably hungover and tired.

"Yes I'm going to the party." I answer, causing Rachel to lift her head up and then mention of a party. I laugh again before pulling my hand away from Jennel's and then pushing Rachel's head back down because she looks like she's about to die.

"What party are you talking about?" Rachel mumbles as she shuts her eyes and cuddles against me, pushing Jennel out of the way.

"Riley's party, are you going? And where have you been to make you look like death warmed up?

"I'm probably going and I went out with some of my brother's friend's from college. I woke up in some girl's dorm room and I have a tattoo on my thigh."

"Fucking hell Rachel, maybe you should get back with Justin because you were never this bad when you were with him." Jennel says, trying to push Rachel away from me, who just glares at Jennel and then grips on to my jacket.

"You don't know what she was like when she was with Justin, this is normal for Rachel and to be honest what she did last night is tame compared to things I've done with her." I say causing Rachel she slowly nods against me as she wraps her arms around my waist and holds me against her.

"Can you get off my girlfriend please?"

Rachel lifts her head off me and practically growls at Jennel before flipping her off and then resting her head against me again. I wrap my arm around Rachel because she's still drunk and she keeps swaying.

"She's not your girlfriend and we both know that Jennel so shut up and let me get my Camila cuddles please."

"Even when we're not fucking she still needs her hangover cuddles." I say, placing my other arm around her and pulling her closer to me as the teacher pulls the door open and motions for us to walk in. Rachel groans and I let out a laugh before pushing away from the wall and walking us into the classroom with a pissed off Jennel following us because I have my arms wrapped around Rachel.

"Camila make him shut up." Rachel mumbles against me as we sit down and she pulls away from me. She folds her arms on the desk and rests her head against them as Jennel sits next to me and I let out a groan before placing my arm around her and pulling her close to me.

"Fucking happy now?" I ask, looking at her and she just smiles up at me before pouting and pointing to her lips, I glare at her before lightly pressing my lips against hers and then pulling away. "Keep that damn tongue in your own mouth."

"Dude that's nasty, keep that thing in your mouth." Rachel says, glaring at Jennel who just shrugs as she places her hand in mine as her friends walk into the room.

"Why am I the bad guy?"

"I'm pretty sure you know why you're the bad guy you prick." Rachel replies as I just place my hand on her thigh because hungover and pissed off Rachel doesn't know why she should stop and I can see this turning into a full on fight and it's not even nine in the morning yet.

Once the room is full the teachers begins to mark people in before rambling on about something that I really don't care about. All I'm noticing is that Lauren is stood in the doorway, she's leaning against the doorframe and she's smirking at me. I wink at her before she clears her throat and the teacher looks at her.

"Sorry Miss Jauregui I didn't see you there.

"Its fine, can I talk to Camila please?" She asks before looking towards me and glaring at Jennel as she presses her lips against my cheek.

"You're mine, we're in school."

"I'm not a fucking object Jennel, and I'm definitely not yours." I whisper to her, standing up and grabbing my bag off the ground before walking towards Lauren and Rachel looks up at me and sends me a smirk because she knows why Lauren wants to talk to me. She also knows that there will not be a lot of talking involved.

Once Lauren and I are in the corridor she smirks at me and then we begin making our way towards her classroom. Lauren pushes her door open and then holds it open as I walk inside, she follows me in and kicks the door shut, locking it behind her. I wait until she walks towards me before placing my hand in hers and then pulling her to the back of the classroom, I open the stock cupboard at the back of the room and pull Lauren in with me.

She kicks the door shut and smirks at me as she pushes me against it and pins my hands above my head. I raise my eyebrows at her and she just leans forwards and presses her lips against mine, parting my lips with her tongue and then sliding her hands down my arms as her tongue moves against mine.

I moan in to her mouth and she rests her hands on my hips as I tangle my fingers into her hair, tugging on it lightly because I know that it drives her crazy when I do that. She sucks on my bottom lip and I grind my hips against hers.

"You. Are. Mine." She says in between kisses, I just let out moans because her hands are now sliding up my shirt and she's scratching down my back, the only thing I can do is arch my back. I push her backwards and then spin us around so she's pressed against the door.

"I know I am."

"You're going to have to leave soon." She whispers against my lips as her hands drop back to my hips and the grazes her thumbs over the skin on my hip bones. I kiss her again and take her bottom lip between my teeth, biting down on it causing her to mumbles a string of curse words into my mouth.

"I love you." I say, pulling away from her and then stepping back as she runs her fingers through her hair and then smooths her clothes out before pulling the door open, pulling me out with her. We walk to the front of the classroom and she sits down in her seat, opening her laptop as I sit on the desk in front of hers.

"Are you going to this stupid party tonight?"

"Yes I'm going Lauren and I'll be with Shawn and Z so you don't have to worry about me." I say, jumping off the desk as the bell rings. She walks towards me and lightly presses her lips against mine, smiling against my lips before pulling away and then goofily smiling at me.

"Try not to get kicked out of English; Tori is beginning to hate the comments about her and Zendaya."

"Well she should make sure that Zendaya doesn't send me pictures of Tori after they've had sex." I say, smirking at Lauren before grabbing my bag off the middle of the floor where I left it when we came in. I sling it over my shoulder and then unlock the door before walking out into the corridor, Shawn and Rachel are stood at the lockers in front of me and they're both smirking at me while Jennel is glaring at me, fuck off.

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