Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)

Freeze-kun tarafından

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You've gotten used on accompanying the heroes in their adventure. It's always fun, rainbows, cries and rain a... Daha Fazla

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Prologue: The Embodiment of Despair
Table of Content: Arcs
Kurai Yoru OS: Different Yet The Same
1: A Daily Life of A Demon Lord
2: Past Best Forgotten...
3: Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?
4: Sweet Revenge
5: A New Friend...
6: ...Then A New World
7: Broken Bird
9: Lingering Nightmares
10: Rebuilding Trust
10.5: A Caring Brother [AC]
Season 2 Prologue: Learn Fear
11: Let's Start Fresh
12: Just A Plaything
13: Tricks and Lies
14: Unsealed
15: Killing Death
16: What You Really Are
17: My Child
18: Her Tutor
19: The Genie's Wishes
20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald
21: Not A Lie
22: Consequences
19.5: Phantasmagorical [AC]
Season 3 Prologue: Equals
23: False Serenity
24: Purgatorial Trinity
25: A Monster
26: Hybrid
27: Simplest Tactic
28: King & Queen
29: Transition
30: Difference in Strength
31: Evil-Nice Girl
32: Happy Ending
Web-Novels' Commonly Used Japanese Suffixes
Info: Cast/ Informations
33: Loyal, To The Very End
34: New Dawn

8: Double Vengeance

120 19 76
Freeze-kun tarafından

Sitri had enough. He tied the rampaging teenage girl he was holding moments ago, along with her now shy principal. And he still has to work with Ani's... misfortune.

"M-M-Master Sitri!" Ani hiccupped. "Wh-What do you want me to do, Sitri-niisama?" She smiled drunkenly.

Apparently Reya had drugged the foods she served, hoping that she'll subdue the possible enemy that popped into her domain. Of course, this simple trick didn't fool the other older ones, but a hungry and curious child though...

"I-I can pray for you, since you can't, right? Hihihi!" Ani giggled.

Sitri wiped his face from up to down. Now he had to deal with a drunken Ani.

"Ani, would you please sit down?" Sitri asked.

"Ah, okay. Yes yes..." Ani complied.

'Good, she's still obeying me.' Sitri thought.

Then Ani sat down at the floor, her eyelids threatening to go down.

"Untie us you pervert!" Shirome yelled.

"Shut up." Sitri glared at her.

Shirome glared back, then she turned to her master. "Reya-sama, use your powers to break this stupid rope!"

"Just calm down, Shirome. It doesn't even feel that bad." Reya looked down.

Shirome gasped. "Aaah! So you used ropes in master too, you sick bastard?! Now she's into this kind of stuff too!" If her eyes could melt things, Sitri would have been reduced into a puddle of liquid long ago.

'What did I do to deserve this?' Sitri grunted mentally. "And where's Tamamo and Thalia when you need them?" Sitri he narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

Ani crawled towards Sitri, then clutched at his foot. "Sitri-nii... Ani's sleepy. Shuuu..." Then she slept while hugging Sitri by his foot.

"Great. Just great." Sitri said to no one.

Everything is in chaos. Normally Sitri would be happy with this, but now, he isn't. Since he himself is also in chaos.

"If Reya-sama's too broken to free us, then I'll do it!" Shirome yelled. "Ability activate, Leaf in the Wind!" Then she blurred out of existence.

Sitri kept calm. The girl was moving in extreme speed, she might be even be as fast as sound. But this 'simple' feat is nothing for Sitri.

"My ability lets me move in hyper speed! And when your faster, you're also stronger! Take this!" She appeared behind Sitri, her hand formed into a karate chop aimed at Sitri's exposed neck. "Die!"

The attack hit him. Shirome grinned, but that was quickly wiped off when Sitri didn't even move an inch.

"You finished now?" Sitri deadpanned.

"W-What? How...?" Shirome whispered in shock. Nobody in her life had she met someone who can stop her like that, except her master Reya. 'Even master used a little bit of effort to stop me, but this guy...' Shirome thought.

"You're pretty fast, I'll give you that. But you're nowhere near my level." Sitri stared at her with serious eyes.

Shirome gritted her teeth. "I don't care! I don't care if your mountains of leagues ahead of me, I just want to punish you!" She made some distance away from him.

Sitri was silent for some seconds. "I admire your loyalty, human. But I'm disgusted with your stupidity. Fighting someone who could easily kill you for the sake of others is nothing but sheer idiocy. Think before you act, you humans are supposed to be intelligent right?" Sitri said.

Shirome glared at him, then she looked down. She knows he's right. The boy could have killed her if he wanted to. Shirome, now knowing what to do, spoke. "Can't you at least apologize to Ms. Reya?"

Sitri closed his eyes, breath deeply, then opened them back. "As I've said before, I have done nothing that you are accusing me of. Perhaps you should lessen reading smuts and ero-books."

Shirome gasped. "H-How did you know I read them?!"

"I didn't. You just confirmed it." Sitri smirked.

Shirome stuttered, having been caught by the tricky demon she was talking to. "B-Baka!"

Reya sighed, while Ani tilted her head. "Smuts? Ero-books? What are those?"

Reya perked up. "You see, you read these kind of things whe--"

"Don't corrupt her that way Reya." Sitri covered Ani's ears, from his position a meter away from Ani back to her in just a millisecond. "I don't want her to be like that."

Reya stared at him for some seconds, then nodded. "I understand."

Shirome sat down at the floor, the tolls on using her ability showing itself.

"Shirome," Reya stood, then carried the girl to the sofa. "Rest here, not on the floor."

"Sorry master, but I can't move now. Stupid backfires..." Shirome mumbled the last part.


[After an hour]

Reya, Sitri and Ani walked in the silent corridors of the school, without any particular destination in mind. They just talked about things, with the happenings on their own worlds.

"That purple haired girl mentioned something called 'monsters'. Can you explain that to me?" Sitri asked.

Sitri had just finished telling his story, and now it's Reya's turn.

"Ah, the monsters species. Youkai, monsters, call them whatever you want. Monsters are those who looks like half animals, or straight up monsters. For example, Tamamo will be categorized here as a monster, since she's a kitsune. Good thing Shirome mistook her as a cosplayer, since monsters don't usually go in our city, and nine-tailed fox girls are kinda common here, courtesy of the cosplayers." Reya sighed at the end.

"How about you? What are you?" Sitri pointed at her wings and halo.

"I thought I've already told you that I'm a fallen angel?" Reya replied.

"Oh? So that's a race too?" Sitri said, looking a bit uninterested.

Ani chirped in. "And, Sitri-sama belongs to the devils' race isn't he?"

Reya nodded. "Yes, you're right. Normally, fallen angels and devils are always on each other's throats, but I think you're different from them." Reya looked at him from up to down. "Yes, you're different."

"I rule the underworld back on my dimension. I am the king there, the most feared being in history. Doing it here will be piece of cake, if they're as weak as you." Sitri grinned.

"Okay, not so different. Your ego is as big as them." But then Reya shook her head. "The leader of the devils is a mystery. That thing had never been seen by anyone except his elites, the seven deadly sins. He's rumoured to be as strong as god of the Angels." Reya shivered. "And nobody would want to mess with god."

Reya looked back at Sitri, but then she was surprised to see him smiling widely. 'This man, does he even know how to be scared?' Reya thought.

Ani smiled. "I'm sure master can defeat them..." Then she stared longingly in front of her. "He's the real king of the devils and demons after all." She smiled.

"Ani, can I talk to you in private?" Reya asked.

Sitri answered for Ani. "No. I don't trust you yet."

Ani looked at Sitri. "I'm okay, onii-sama. I trust Reya."

"I said n--"

"Pweeease?" She looked at him with the puppy eyes.

Sitri looked to the side, trying to avoid the very effective attack. In the end, he lost the brutal battle and sighed. "Okay, but bring this with you," Sitri handed her a glowing ball. "if something happens, just squeeze it." He stared at Reya. "Don't make me do what Shirome had been thinking about us." Then he walked off.

After Sitri vanished at the end of the hallway, Reya looked at Ani. "Hi Ani. First, how old are you?"

"Uhm, hello. I'm 13 years old." Ani pocketed the glowing sphere at her secret pocket under her dress.

"Hmm. Okay. Second, you're a human right?" Reya grabbed her hand and guided her deeper into the hallway.

"Y-Yes." Ani stuttered, still being insecure about herself.

"How did you meet Sitri? Has he been always this... nice? I mean, I know he isn't that nice, but in his race's standards, he can be considered as angelic."

Ani looked down for a moment, deeply thinking about it. "Um, Sitri-sama is nice, from when I first saw him up until now. He gave me a new reason to live, and that's to serve him faithfully. Though I'm a servant to him, he treats me like a sister." Ani smiled, remembering her good times with her master.

Reya thought about what the girl just said. Then, she hesitantly asked another question. "What exactly is Sitri to you?"

Ani blinked at the fallen, then smiled while closing her eyes. "Of course he's my master and older brother! Isn't it obvious? He loves me as much I love him."

Reya smiled. "Well, that's all Ani." She patted the smaller girl's head.

Suddenly, explosions rang outside. Smokes and police horns echoed throughout the whole city, resulting on the civilians running in panic and confusion.

"What's happening?!" Reya widen her eyes, seeing her territory getting attacked.

Ani stared emotionlessly at the fires and falling buildings. "... Wow, a party!" She smiled.

Reya glanced at the child, and saw her smiling a bit. She remembered that Sitri doesn't want to corrupt Ani in a perverted way, but he sure corrupted her in all other aspects.

Ani looked like she enjoys seeing people getting killed.

Shaking her head, Reya focused on the bigger matter at hand. 'Who would be stupid enough to attack the ability wielders' base when we're all here?' Reya have a hunch, but she doesn't like it one bit.

Several footsteps sounded beside the two females. Then, a man's voice talked. "Principal Light! The rogue wielders are attacking. We've re-established our defense on record time, and the forbidden trio are on their way towards the enemy." The guy saluted along with the other two behind him.

"Excellent. Tell the trio not to cause too much collateral damage, okay?" Reya sincerely asked.

All of three students dropped their jaws in shock. "P-Principal?! Are you okay?!"

Reya, for the umpteenth time, sighed. "Just go on. I'm not in the mood to explain it."

"Y-Yes, of course." He turned around to the other two student. "To the center district, move!" Then they all ran.

She turned around to see Ani still fixated on the screaming and chaos outside.

"I... I wanna go out and play too!" She jumped up and down while looking at Reya.

"No." Reya firmly said. "Sitri will be angry when he finds out that you've joined the war there... isn't he?" Reya whispered the last part.

Ani pouted, then looked down. "Ummph, I wanna see what's happening outside... But you are right, Reya-san. Sitri-niisama will be angry." She whipped her head to her right childishly.

For a second, Reya saw someone other than Ani. A familiar little blonde girl wearing a red dress, pouting while looking to her side like Ani. Reya blinked, and it was gone.

Ani saw Reya staring at her. "Reya-san? Are you okay?"

"Oh. Yes yes I'm okay." Reya smiled bitterly. She knows that unknown girl, and she's pretty sure about it.

'Mabelle...' Reya thought.


A little blonde girl skipped happily amidst all of the bloodshed around her. The trees are burned down, buildings cracked or destroyed, anc blood and corpses lying in the ground. In her hands, she held two different dolls. Her blonde hair has some smears of crimson liquid here and there, but otherwise she looks fine.

"I'm coming onee-chan. Our parents' death will be avenged!" She glared at the huge school a little bit far away from her.

"Come serve me, servants." She threw the two dolls in the air. They both glowed for a second, then exploded in a yellow light. Once was a pair of doll now stood Tamamo and Thalia, the only difference now is that their eyes looks empty as that of a dead fish. Glassy, soulless, mindless. They walked clumsily, like a reanimated dead brought back to life; like a zombie. Though, they're appearance looked the same as they are before.

"Yes, master, Mabelle." Tamamo said.

"Have, to serve, her highness." Thalia struggled to talk.

Mabelle looked at them with glee, and laughed. "Ahahaha! Ahahahahaha!"

A kunai speeded through the air towards Mabelle, but Tamamo suddenly appeared in front of her and merely flicked it with her hand.

"Hello, little girl. I am your opponent for tonight." A masculine voice said from the direction of the kunai came from.

Out stepped a very lean man wearing a stereotypical ninja suit. A red ribbon is tied in his waist, and a pair of katana rest idly behind him. His midnight black hair is styled in a series of spikes in front and at the back of his head.

"I am kataro, assassin of the night, a member of the forbidden trio." He pulled the two katanas behind him and held it in an X pattern.

Mabelle looked at him uninterestingly, and gestured for him to go away. "Shoo! I don't need nuisance for my plan tonight! Vampire," She called for Thalia.

Thalia walked towards kataro. As she was just a few metres away from the ninja, they both vanished. Several remaining trees were either cut up or crushed, and the pavement was turned into a pebble dust.

Mabelle continued to skipped away. Kataro attempted to follow the girl, but Thalia kept on blocking him. Tamamo silently followed the girl, and walked.

Mabelle, now away from the two clashing fighters, stopped to catch her breath. She sat at a nearby clean bench, and talked to Tamamo. "You, fox girl."

Tamamo looked at her.

"Bring me a chocolate bar, quick." Tamamo just nodded and walked to a random direction.

Mabelle sat at the bench while humming to herself, all the while swinging her feet back and forth. Then, she heard a mysterious sound just behind her. Just before she was gonna turn around, a droplet of liquid fell down on her head.

"Hmm? Why is it raining right now?" She asked no one.

A deep roar of thunder reverberated behind her, alerting the little girl to the mysterious person staring at her.

"... Your sudden appearance destroyed my plan for tonight. I was suppose to kill brother now... But you just had to appear."

The thunder flashed, showing her emotionless eyes to Mabelle.


A/N: Things are starting to pick up now what with the rogue-wielders' attack, and the unknown white haired girl! And who is she referring to as her brother? Isn't it already obvious though?

Oh well, Ja ne minna!

Next time on Kurai Yoru!

Exiled... Duel of the summoners... Repent.

Okumaya devam et

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