You and Me | Peybrina

By peybrinacowan

23.1K 498 102

The show that has brought them all to fame Girl Meets World has just rapped up season 2. But will the charac... More

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t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n ty - e i g h t
t w e nt y - n i n e
t h i r t y

t e n

838 20 3
By peybrinacowan

Sabrina POV:

Peyton is acting very strange...

His character Lucas  finally chose between Maya and Riley. He choose Riley but he and Rowan can't even look at each other.

I know it's weird that she likes him but....dang.


"Guys the day is almost over. I don't know what's wrong but get it together. You have millions of fans waiting for this scene" Michael Jacobs said, clearly annoyed. 

Peyton POV:

I like Sabrina.

But how can I tell her I almost kissed her best friend?

I feel like Maya and Lucas during after the campfire scene.

Yes Rowan leaned in, and yes I backed away...but for some reason I still feel guilty.

Either way it's ridiculously awkward between us. 

I don't know how we are going to finish all of the rucas scenes...

I see Sabrina walking and talking with Corey and decide to go for it.


"Sab! Can we talk?" I call

"Peyton! You scared me...but okay." she responded

"Well" I started "Sabrina I really really like you. I want to start a relationship with you and I don't care what anyone says. Yes I know there are complications.  But I like you and you like me. That's all that matters right?"

"Rowan...." she started

"Rowan who? I like you."



"I like you too"





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