Falling leaves

By _minusli

14.4K 578 83

"People like you and me are meant to be together" © 2016, minusli 🏆 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💌 #20 i... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

Chapter 1

2K 45 9
By _minusli


Falling leaves are like our happiness. They leave their tree like the joy that leaves the soul.

"Are mom and dad coming home tonight?" I asked our butler, Kang. My voice full hope. It has been days I didn't saw them since they come home late at night when I'm fully asleep and having the weirdest adventures in my dreams.

"No, they have a meeting." he replied in a soft tone. He knew that it wasn't the answer I hoped for but what could he do?

"...But they want you to practice with the piano." he added with a smile. I sighed and nodded. He bowed to me and walked away.

It always had been like that. My parents are so busy which lead to them not having time over for me. They want me to practice the piano until I can play it without any mistakes. Well, actually it is normal for me to play the piano with mistakes. I never had lessons, all I did was listening to classic music when I was younger. At a certain age I wanted to play the piano so I did it, all by myself. My parents thaught it was a miracle that I could play the piano without going to lessons. But I don't believe it. I'm sure there are more people who learned to play the piano just by listening to it. For example Yixing. He's a chinese pianist and just like me, learned to play the piano by himself.

I sighed again and sat down on the chair by the piano. I fixed the pages so I could read it. I took a deep breath and begun. The melody was beautiful but I want it to be better. I knet my eyebrows together and played harder. My fingers played on the white and black tiles as if there was no end.

Hours went by, still practicing...

The eighteen old girl tried to finish the last part but it was useless. Her fingers were sore and she was tired, a part of her wanted to stop or take a break while the other part wanted to continue. She arrived at the last part, the most difficult one. She played and played and when she thought she almost finished the part, without mistakes, a false note was to be heard through the large living room. Her smile faded away and she pulled her hands back.

"Damn..." I cursed, clearly irritated by the stupid mistake.

"Oh no!" I quickly put my hand on my mouth. Did I just curse? I quickly turned around to see if no one heard it. I sighed in relief when nobody was to be seen.

"Bad mouth" I slapped my mouth lightly.

I pouted and hung my shoulders low. Why can't I play that part? I sighed again and stood up. Maybe a cupcake will bright up my mood? I smiled at the thought of my favourite dessert and went to the kitchen.

"I'll go to the baker and come back. Do you need something that I can buy?" I asked the maid who was doing the dishes. She turned her face around to see me and shook her head.

"No, I don't need anything, but thank anyway," She said and I nodded ",be careful."

"I will." I quickly headed out of the kitchen. Maid Soyu and I are kind of close. She's actually the only person I can talk to whenever I feel down or angry.

I put on my black shoes and pastel pink colored coat, I made sure to cover my neck with a warm scarf. I wanted to go out when I remembered something; it will rain later. I searched around in the hallway and finally found a dark grey umbrella with white dots. I quickly headed out. The thought of a cupcake made me both hungry and happy.

The typical autumn weather. Pink cheeks, a pink nose, the smell of rain and a warm scarf which covers half of your face.

Autumn, my favorite season.

It had always been like that. I enjoyed the dark times of the year where I could stay home and cuddle into the warmest blankets I could find home. A warm chocolat drink in my hand and the sound of the rain hitting against the window made me always relaxed. It give me a kind of feeling.

I knew I wasn't the only one crying when the rain fell down from the sky. The grey clouds were too.

'Rose Marie' was the name of the baker. The big letters in the color pink and white which were familiar to me. Rose Marie's pattiseries were the best. I opened the door and the warm air hit my face immdiately.

I looked around and searched for my favorite cupcake. Chocolat with strawberry. I smiled when I found it and at the same time, she came out of the door.

"(Y/N), what a long time we didn't see each other." She smiled happily at me. I nodded and wanted to ask if I could have that cupcake but she was faster.

"Let me guess, you're here for the chocolat cupcake." She said with a small smirk on her face. She knew me too well.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Alright." She smiled lightly and took two of the cupcakes. I looked at her confusedly. I always buy one cupcake...

"The second one is a present for you." She said and handed me the bag. I grinned and paid.

"Thank you." I almost jumped. Nobody loves cupcakes more than me. She laughed at my childlike action and waved me goodbye when I exited her store.

"Thank you." I, once again, thanked her and waved back.

While walking on my way back home I felt raindrops falling on my face but I let it be. A few raindrops can't be that bad. A few minutes later it started to rain harder and that's when I opened my umbrella. I held the small bag with the cupcakes close to me, afraid that the cute bag will be ruined by the rain.

I stopped by the red light and waited for it to become green. Next to me were a group of students. The way they were acting with each other, told me they are friends. I suddenly felt sad. I never had friends before, only in the elementary school but I already lost contact with them after having to follow classes at home.

But yeah, that's life. I looked up when the red light turned green.


"Sweetie, you'll catch a cold." Soyu half exclaimed in worry and helped me taking off my coat and scarf.

"No, it's not that bad." I assured her.

"But it's raining and the weather is really cold." She led me to the big leaving room and sat me down on the sofa, close to the heater. I didn't mention it but my parents are both business partners so they work together. They have a high salary and that's why my house is that big. They also don't want me fo friends with other people since I'm from a high class family, nothing for 'normal' people outside.

Soyu walked away and came back with a warm and thick blanket. She wrapped it around me and placed the bag with muffins on the coffee table.

"I'll make Jasmine tea for you" She said and went to the kitchen. I just sat there.


I decided to write in my diary like I always used to do before going to bed.

Dear diary,

Mom and dad have been spending way more time with their work papars than with me. But it's not as if I care because spending time alone without them can make my day brighter than ever. They want me to study the piano more and that's also what I'm going to do. I will become the best pianist in South Korea and I will achieve not only my dreams but also my parents' dreams.

I put my diary away and decided to go to sleep. Hopefully helping my mentality to get better soon.

I shifted in my bed, trying to find a good position to sleep but I couldn't. I sighed from frustration and closed my eyes. My eyes shot open when I heard the front door being opened. I smiled widely and quietly headed out of my bedroom. I stopped by the stairs and tried to hear what was going on downstairs. I grinned from ear to ear when I heard the 2 familiar voices I was longing for.

"Is (Y/N) asleep?" My mom asked.

"Yes ma'am, she fell asleep at the right hour." He, butler Kang,  informed her and bowed.

"That's good. I'll check on her." I heard my mom's voice. I bit my lip as I tried to tiptoe back to my bedroom in a fast speed,  without making the floor crack. Once I entered my bedroom I jumped into my blankets and acted as if I was asleep.

Not long after that, the door opened revealing Heeyoung's mom. She smiled at the sight of her daughter curled up into her warm blankets.

(Y/N)'s mom quietly walked up to her and fixed her blankets so she wouldn't get cold the night. She kissed her daughter's forehead before exiting her bedroom.


I started a new story and I hope everyone will like it^-^
Yoongi will...maybe...appear into the next chapter *smirk* or maybe not... *still smirking*

Btw thanks for reading :)♡

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