When I met U (ziam)

By zeeyumRule

82.4K 4.1K 6.5K

A ZIAM AU: where Zayn, captain of his school's football team is failing and has no option than taking tutions... More

My Rival's Brother
Cute tutor!
Smile, blush and many more
Newton Lawz
A Lie fired back
Broken Trust
Lemme Make It Up To You
Lost Home
Just One Chance
Best Friends
Tiny Sparkz
Bitter Taste
Family or Friend
Thank you
Who's that?
Hard To Hide
Need Of Claim
Knowing Too Much
Next Story?

No Shit

2.9K 136 494
By zeeyumRule

(*😎 This is my main Chapter... extra long ass chptr*)

Liam's P.O.V:-

"What you guys doing?" I lowly chuckled on seeing Lottie and Ruth examine me from my hair to shoe.

"Need a make over" Gemma declares like she is giving her conclusion on something.

"Do anything but dont touch his curls- he looks way too cute with his curls" Harry says in a pleading tone and sits on my bed beside Gem.

"Oh Im gonna start by changing that" Lottie rolls her eyes and starts spraying water on my hair.

"You're doing me a hair cut?" I assumed, tilting my head up from my chair to watch her nod.

"Why so?" I asked, I dont think I need a new look.

"Harry how he'll look if I give him a buzz cut?" Lottie asks, giving me a nice head massage. Urghh so good!

"Damn cute" Harry immediately replies and just then the door flungs open and Louis announces his dramatic entry.

"If I didnt knew you and Liam were brothers I might've fucking envied Liam like hell"

"Yea Lou, you make me feel so better" I spat, earning a fake offended cough from Louis.

"He is a smart mouth" Louis comments and finally notice that Im sitting on a chair with two ladies surrounding me and one lady giving some conclusions by sitting comfortably on my bed.

"Whats going on?" Louis asks and sits on the other side of Harry.

"Giving Liam a new look" Harry shrugs and kisses Louis' cheek making Gemma growl loudly.

"And you two deny fucking" Gem rolls her eyes.

"Who is denying?"

I widened my eyes and looked at Harry who was pretty much blankly seeing our shock faces.

"Me and Louis are dating! You guys surprised?" Harry asks innocently.

"Anything but that, Styles" Lottie comment and pulls my hair roughly making me growl in pain.

"Don't move" she ordered and started doing her so called experiment on my hair.

After one hour of her screaming and ordering me to keep my mouth shut and stop moving. She finally threw her machines and scissors away and turned my chair where Harry and others were patiently waiting for Lottie to be done.

"Taadaaa" she cheered.

For a second I became nervous when no one said a word but just looked at me with open mouth..

Do I look horrible?

Oh Im so gonna wear hats in sch-

"WOW! DAMN HARRY- IF HE WAS NOT YOUR BROTHER I WOULD'VE DEFINITELY DONE HIM" Louis declares making me chuckle a little (*as in the gif below... but hey cuteness alert*)

"Kids at school gonna faint on seeing you" Louis continues making me roll my eyes.

My eyes stopped at Harry who was still looking at me with a jaw drop.

"I- Wow Li! You look stunning"

I nodded softly and went to grab my specs from Ruth but she just smirks and throws them in the trash can.


I confusedly looked at her until Gemma turned my face with her index finger and stood infront of me.

"Its time that you use the miraculous invention called contact lens" She claims and tilts my head up and carefully slipping lens on me.

For a second every thing went blurr but then everyone were really clear. But it was kinda awkward- like without specs looking at them.

I felt quite insecure and exposed to me more precise. Somehow those specs use to hid me in a way I dont know.

"Now your dressing" Ruth throws a t-shirt at me and informs me that they changed my entire closet with some teenager stuff which honestly sounded horrific to me.

'Dont trust them again with my bag'

I made myself a self note, watching everyone leave my room and finally giving a chance to look at myself.

I threw my t-shirt over my shoulder and went for a bath.

After taking a hot shower when I stood infront of the mirror-

Holy Shit! Is this really me?

I gulped and touched the mirror to see my reflection doing the same.



Later that night Louis got a call from Niall inviting us for a new year party he is throwing at his farm house and ofcourse honouring Louis' postponed Birthday Party.

Surprisingly Harry agreed at once so here we are standing, infront of Niall's large house.

My heart was thumping loudly in my chest, knowing exactly who else might be inside.

I haven't seen him for days or least heard a word from him. Last time when I told him to leave, he was so mad and upset.

Butterflies starts swimming in my stomach, nostalgic feeling crawling all over me but the moment Louis throws his arm around my shoulder, just like Zayn does, I felt a ray of relief flowing back in me.

"You okay there mate?" He asks, admiring the house beside me.

"Yea- just a little nervous" I absent minded brings my hand to push my specs to realise I dont wear them anymore.

"Just before we go in I want you to know something" Louis looks at me and flashes his signature smile "No matter what you do babe, me and Harry are right behind you! I promise- I've a record of breaking noses just if you didn't knew" he says making me chuckle with a nod.

"That's some comforting thing to know"

"I love you, Liam" he gives me a small head bud, and goes in, more like runs into the house and loudly opens the door.

'Always need dramatic entry'

I shaked my head in delight, feeling a lot more secure and relieved. He totally deserve Harry!

I dragged my bag and took a deep breathe before entering.

The house was big, hella big, too many couches arranged and too many new faces.

To make things more awkward everyone freezes on their place on seeing me enter.

I tried my best to ignore that insecurity flowing back in me and turns my eyes at Harry who was standing beside Niall.

I internally growled when I found Niall was staring at me too. His eyes were wide open in shock as I walked to him and his mouth slightly open which Harry closed by saying something about flys making me chuckle.

"Fucking Christ! What in the world happened to you?" Niall yells excitedly, looking at Louis for an explanation but Louis was wearing a proud smile on his face and just winked at me.

"Umm Is Zayn here?" Harry asks and in a second my hearts starts beating loud in my rib cage. Just the mention on his name makes my nerve go crazy. No shit!

"Yea- he is in that room!" Niall points.

"I'll be right back" Harry informs Louis and gives him a small peck, smiling briefly on hearing Niall squeal before he grabs my hand and takes me along with him towards the door Niall pointed.

He knocked the door and with every second I thought of getting a mental breakdown on seeing Zayn after so long.

The door opened and Harry quickly stood infront of me. Like he knew if I see Zayn without a warning I'll die.

(*just as dramatic as it sound*)

"Harry" Zayn's soft voice hits my ear, the moment, making me fall in love with soft surprised voice all over again.

"Umm Hi!" Harry awkwardly says, nervously scratching the back of his neck "I-I wanted to apologise- you know for hitting you and for taking Liam"

"That's okay mate!"

"And here's your best friend! And again Sorry for taking him away- I was acting really really naive- Sorry bro" Harry pulls my hand and drags me infront on Zayn before excusing himself.

I hunged my head down and for few minutes even Zayn didnt said anything making me more and more nervous.


Zayn's amazed voice makes me look at him and finally our eyes met.

He was looking at me with so much affection, his eyes raking my body and his lips slightly open.

"What even Harry did to you?" Zayn wonders and before I can reply he hugs me.

His arms effortlessly embracing me in warmth. The best thing about his hug is that he hugs tight, like he is scared to let go, nuzzling his nose in your neck and giving you time enough to enjoy and live in his scent.

"Who is it, Zee?" A femine voice makes me pull away to see Perrie coming out his room.

And in a second all my happiness drains out... all replaced by a burden on my heart.

"Babe, Its Liam!" Zayn rests his hand on my lower back and pulls me forward.

"Hi Perrie" I slightly waves at her.

"Oh Liam... Nice meeting you- again" she sounded uninterested but whosoever gives me a fake smile and the way she was looking at me- like in a judging manner made me a little insecure. I felt suddenly small and unwanted but that was until someone slid Zayn's hand from my lower back and replaced it with their own.

"Yo Perrie" Louis sneers, next giving me a cheerful smile, obviosuly making me smile along.

His smile is contagious, I swear!

Zayn just stares at the way Louis intruded between us with surprised eyes. His glare on the Louis' hand.

Whats wrong with him?

"Babe, Help me with the arrangement! We are going to place a game" Louis tells me. "And you coming broh?" He asks Zayn next who still looked surprised and dumbfoldedly nods.

Louis dragged me away from him the intant and I help him pull the couches and arranged them. In between keeping a table and an empty bottle of beer on it.

"TRUTH AND DARE!" Louis yells and soon crowd gathers. Before I can find myself a place Louis pulls me beside him and we watch everyone settle.

Niall sat beside Louis and surprising even though there was an empty place beside me, Harry goes and sits beside Zayn and Perrie who were sitting on the opposite couch.

Zayn face still on me as he smiled when our eyes met..

Josh sat beside me and finally the game started.

First two rounds were kinda stupid simple dare but then the bottle head pointed at Harry and the other side on Niall.

"Truth or Dare Hazza?" Niall asks and eagerly leans forwards.

"People know how dare I am so Truth it is"

Niall nods, like he was expecting it "are you and Tommo dating? If!!! yes? then why are you hiding it"

Harry widens his eyes but soon smiles and looks at Niall "I'm not hiding it now! We are dating- but I was hiding it before... because...." he eyes next softly rests on me "I was scared"

People starts murmuring around them until Harry speaks again "I thought being in a relationship will keep my distracted from my weakness but I found out that my weakness is my power so I'm not scared anymore! I love Louis- I really do and I dont mind shouting that from the rooftops"

It was quite a dramatic silence until everyone cheers loudly and I never found Louis and Harry smile this bright. Soon the game continued, Niall spins the bottle and this time it stops on me.

"So truth or dare Liam?" Luke, one of Zayn's football team member, asks.

"Umm" I dont want to be centre of attention by doing some act or dare so "Truth"

Luke growls, pouting a little in disappointment but suddenly his face lits up and a smirk grows on his lips.

"Will you come on a date with me?"

I widened my eyes in surprise!

I-Is he asking me out?

"That's a fascinating way to ask for a date" Harry hums and looks at me for an answer. Zayn terribly looking disappointed with Harry's words.

"umm well-" I trailed off.

"Liam dont do dates, mate! Too bad" Zayn says, cutting me off and gently pats Luke's back, before Luke can anything in his reply Zayn spins the bottle and the game continues.

Next comes Niall's turn who was asked to describe his fantasy kiss and he said having someone against our school locker, pinning their wrist above their head and kissing them until their lips turn cherry red and instantly my eyes met Zayn's as he was already looking at me with wide eyes. Like a little revival of our first kiss.

Harry cleared his throat to catch my attention and there comes the reminder that Harry walked down on us kissing and I started blushing furiously... With trembling hands I spin the bottle to carry on the game.


The night flowed down was actually weird because Louis and Harry were sleeping with me. It was not that they were being unseperable or gross, instead Louis was talking about his childhood while laying beside me where Harry was on the couch.

Louis was being cuddly and lets say I dont really mind him getting this close to me, though it pretty unexpected from him.

Next morning was the finally the last day of year. A loud chaos in the house since everyone were busy decorating and arranging things for tonight.

Harry was gone since morning and that thing really scare me. But to keep me in pace Louis was all around me, making me tag along where ever he was going until Zayn came around and I was lost in a convo with him.

"So how were your days?"

"Without you?" He asked, a sad smile on his face and eyes stuck on the ground.

"Yep! Without the most genius person on the planet" I nagged, amusingly watching that small smile turn into a big smirk.

"Wonderful! Best days of my life" Zayn brags with a chuckle making me roll my eyes.


"What?" Zayn looks at me with shock wide eyes "you used a curse word?"

"Oh that- My sister, Gem, curses a lot so I kinda learnt two to three words"

"She calls you that?" Zayn eyes were still wide with surprise.

"No- she calls Harry that- why?"

"J-Just wondering" Zayn smiles shyly.

'What even?'

"So what else changed?" Zayn asks, looking at me, while flicking his eyes over my clothes.

"My hair cut did! And I dont wear my specs anymore! And...." I trailed of

"And Louis and you are way closer now" Zayn continues making me frown in confusion..


"Y-Yea! I guess- he was right here" I turned my head to search Louis and surprising found him right behind at a mere distance. Casually looking at me here and then.

"Why was Louis all over you this morning? Cuddling you while watching TV, Feeding you with his hands, dragging you everywhere- I mean-"

"You mean you're jealous?" I claimed and watched him pretend offended.

"I am not jealous of Louis"

"You're jealous of me" I cockily said and folded my hands "not a good trait to have, Malik"

"Im not jealous of you" Zayn tells in a duh tone.

"Then why are you bothered with Louis cuddling me instead of you?"

Zayn opens his mouth slightly with surprised eyes but that until Niall's loud voice calls his name.

He starts walking backward, with an adoring smile on his face saying "Its really unbelievable how innocent you're Leeyummm" he drags my name with a cheeky smile, knowing exactly how I blush when he does that and watches me until he was out of sight.

This is again one of the thing I adore about him, he never turns his back on me and walks backward like he too wants to see me as long as he can.

But I've learnt the taste of disappointment in a hard way so no matter what Im not gonna get my stupid expectations high this time.

I was about to head to Louis when my phone buzzed, indicating a message.

NIALL: Meet me on first floor, 3rd room from left.

For a minute I was surprised, didn't I heard Niall's voice calling Zayn just now? Or maybe it was someone else.

Anyway I headed straight up and entered the room to find it empty.

'No joke -_-'

I internally growled but my body alarms up on hearing the door lock.

I immediately turned around to find Perrie looking at me with a smile.

"Why did you lock the door?" The first question skipped out of my mouth.

"What are you being scared of Liam? Dont worry I'm your best friend's girlfriend and I'm sure he trust me enough- but does he trust you?"

I dont know where this thing is going but okay "yea but I dont really see why you closed the door" I pointed.

"You've been so busy since yesterday and I wanted to bound with you, you know? Since Zee is now my boyfriend I want to mingle with his best friends, I've spent sometime but Louis and Niall is my cousin so it just leaves you- so tell me! Why dont we start with friends?" She says and stands infront with me with an offering hand.

I gulped and once again looked at the locked door before nodding with a small smile and shaked her hand.

"Good- so lets get to know each other" Perrie starts "Zayn is boyfriend so I was wondering do you have a boyfriend? I mean since you're quite gay yourself"

I raised my eyebrow, highly feeling offended on being judged but since she is Zayn's girlfriend I think I can't just tell her to fuck off, so I gave her a pressed smile.

"Its really sweet of you to judge me like that but I'm bi-sexual, and apparently Single" I replied and was about to leave but she stood  in my way and gently pushes my chest with a small giggle.

"Jeez Liam! Why are you running? It's not like Im going to eat you, okay! Chill" she says and looks at me with a cheeky smile "so ever went on a date?" She continues.


Perrie immediately snaps with tight jaw "But Zayn said you did- with him"

I chuckled softly! I cant believe Zayn told her that. "That's not considered as a date- He thinks it is but its not"

"Why does he think that way?" She comes closer with a sharp look on her face, quite scaring me.

"I-I don't know" I breathed out and gulped when she masks the angry look on her face with a smile.

"Did your so called date ended with a kiss?"

I widened my eyes and moved back, taking a reasonable step far from her "No" I informed, not knowing what exactly she is trying to find..

"So you guys never kissed?"

My eyes flicks on the door's lock, internally begging someone to intrude.

"Tell me Liam" she walks forward, giving me hint to walk back.

"Why dont you ask him?" I countered

"I will! I definitely will" she nods to herself and again gives me a fake smile, like she is some mentally ill person.

"You like Zayn, dont you?"

The words hitched in my throat as my eyes immediately started searching for lies.

"No- you love him, dont you?"

"W-what are you talking a-about? I don't"

"Omg chill Liam! I'm just kidding" Perrie giggles and moves back making me sigh in relief.

Is she okay?

"Zayn loves me too much to love someone else; you know?" She informs me like she needs to "he compliments me about everything, my eyes, my hair, my nose, my lips, my face, my body" she babbles, making sure that every word coming for her hurt me like 1000 daggers stabbed one after other.

Tears rolled in my eyes but I kept my head low, not gonna give her the satisfaction of seeing me hurt.

"Zayn made me feel wanted, made me feel really special but again he really really made me envy you like hell" she spits the last part with such bitter that my whole body shivers up in fear.

But how come she envy me?

"One moment, he was like I love your hair and the next he is all like Liam's curly hair are soft and smells really good! If he complimented me on my dressing- next thing he has to do is talk about yours! It was so fucking annoying" she grabs my collar with her both hands and pulls me closer "if  he said how soft my hands are then ofcourse he has to talk about how gentle and fragile your touches are! He really really made me jealous of you" her every word was making my heart go a little faster. She was looking so angry like she'll hit me any moment.

"Give me your phone?" She demands and moves back.

"M-my phone?"

"Yea- I need to see whether Zayn is cheating on me or not?" She was so demanding that I instantly handed her my phone.

I was highly surprised on seeing her dump it in the water glass without even opening it "opps sorry!" She fakely hissed and grabbed my t-shirt in an instant

Since I was offgaurd and couldn't predict her moves, she spins me around, making me fall on the nearby bed. "I'm really sorry Liam! You're a nice guy! Like really really nice- but!! Zayn is mine and I want you out of his life so I've to do this"

I quickly sat on the bed horrifically watching her smudge her lipstick from the corner with her palm and rub her eyes, blotching her eyeliner.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, still not catching the hint until she tears her sleeve.

'I dont believe this- S-She is gonna accuse me for mis behaving with her'

I quickly got off the bed but she grabs my arms, digging her pointed nails deep in my flesh.

"Let me go" I begged and struggle to get out of her grip. Honestly I can push her hard but I dont want to hurt someone who Zayn loves.

"HELP- LET ME GO- LEAVE ME LIAM!!!" She yells making me widen my eyes.

"Let me go Perrie" I tried to yank my hands off from her but she jumps on me with all her force making both of us fall on the ground, ofcourse Perrie on me.

"HELPPPPP" She growls as loudly as she could and I can hear people knocking on the door.


I rolled her, switching the places and was about to get up when she grabs my collar, not making me go.

"Let me go please" I begged and my tears fell on her face but she just smiled and called Zayn's name louder.

That minute I had enough of her "LET ME GO BITCH" I yelled and grabbed her hands from my collar and pinned them down and just on that the door flunged open with Zayn barging in.

The way Zayn was looking at me, anger blowing in his eyes made me realise the situation I'm in- by the looks right now, I am pinning Perrie below me.

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