The First of February (EDITIN...

By 1DWonderland

36K 505 62

Eighteen year old Ashley Wills and her three friends have been waiting outside a hotel for two days in hopes... More

The First of February (1)
Dinner (2)
The Club (3)
Hungover (4)
Racing (5)
Food Poisoning (6)
The Flight (7)
Welcome to Hawaii (8)
More Than This (9)
Three is a Crowd (10)
Torn Between Them (11)
Should've Kissed You (12)
Green Doesn't Look Good on You (13)
What Came Through the Window (14)
Party Crashers (15)
News Worthy (16)
Welcome Home! (17)
Sticky Situation (18)
The Ex (19)
Show Time (20)
The City of Love (21)
Valentine's Day (22)
Back Home (23)
Forgive and Forget (25)
Secrets (26)
Priceless (27)
Forever Young (28)
The Start of a New Beginning (29)

Abandoned (24)

889 11 0
By 1DWonderland

 Ashley's P.O.V-

"Honey, she's home!" My mom shouted into the den where my father sat in a recliner, watching the Viking's at Philadelphia. He quickly stood up and hurried over to the kitchen to greet me with a big, happy smile.

Both of their arms coiled around my body, pulling me into a tight embrace. They smelled strange. I was so used to the boys scent, it was unusual now. You know how everyone's house has a certain smell, that's what I mean.

"We are so glad you're home! I made your favorite, chicken fingers and fries!" she shouted, finally letting me go and getting a good look at me.

"Is it just me, or have you grown?" My dad joked, laughing and giving me a big kiss on my cheek, his beard and moustache tickling my face. He had like a stubble thing going on, which looked good on his young face. Did I mention my parents were 34? Teen pregnancies at their finest.

They were young adults to me. And I was a young adult, it's very strange. This is around the age where people start talking about kids, well a bit earlier, but still.

"God, we've missed you terribly! Why didn't you call? We were oh so worried," my mother said, frowning a bit at me.

Ha ha, you thought that's what really happened? Yeah right, not a chance with my young adults that I call Mom And Dad. Well, that's a lie. I actually call them Mike and Jess. They don't even sound like parent names....

"Where the hell have you been?" Jess scoffed at me, slapping down the spatula she had in her hands. She worked her way over to me, her feet shuffling quickly and she stared at me, her eyes locked and looking for an answer.

"Will you shut your trap, Jess? I'm trying to watch the game!" Mike shouted from the den. He went back to shouting at the TV.

"You act as if you were worried. If you were wondering, you could have called me. But everything seems just fine, no missing person report, nothing. But if you'd love to know, I've been having the time of my life with the greatest people I have ever met. Those 5 boys are more of a family to me then you," I replied coolly.

"Boys?" My dad shouted, storming out of the den and into the kitchen where me and my mother stood silently. "And who the hell are these boys, Ashley?"  He still had the TV remote in his hands, as if someone were going to change the fucking channel. Number one douche bag.

"Who go you that necklace and bracelet? I know you don't have enough money to buy stuff like that. Have you been walking the streets as a whore?" Jess said, raising her tone more and grasping the key that hung from my neck. I felt her hand try and tug it off.

"Piss off!" I shouted, slapping her hand away. "My boyfriend got it for me. And the bracelet? All 5 of them. Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall," I spoke seriously. The anger in my parents were about to come out now. I was probably making their blood boil and their blood pressure spike. My dads temple was pulsating. Show your true sides, mother fuckers.

His hand lifted, his hand raised and clenched in a fist. My mother beat him to it. The hard slap of her cold, icy hand swatting across my face took me by surprise. "Don't you dare talk to me like that, you little whore. Now get the fuck out of my house and don't expect to come back."

"You ungrateful little bitch," my dad added. I clenched my jaw and turned on my heel and headed straight upstairs to get my stuff. My cheek was stinging but I ignored it. My impulse was to get my stuff and leave, and never come back to this hell hole.

"Screw you both." I muttered under my breath quietly.

I entered my room and quickly pulled out any of my extra bags and began stuffing them. My hands just stuffed whatever was in front of them. After I got a hold of myself, I stopped and unpacked everything. What do I really need? Most of my important stuff is in my suite cases right downstairs, so not much left to pack.

My eyes skimmed through my closet and dresser, picking out my favorite items and packing them away into a small bag. After that, I grabbed any money that was lying around and my wallet. I quickly pulled the floorboard in my closet up and grabbed my secret stash I've been saving since I was 7 after my Communion. My fingers grasped the wad of cash and I stuffed it into my bra and grabbed my bag, running downstairs and picking up the rest of my stuff.

I walked through the door with my 4 bags and scurried down the drive way and into the darkness down my block. That would be the last time I'd ever be there. I didn't know where I was going. I had no friends, so I couldn't stay there. My grandparents hate me because they hated my dad for getting my mom knocked up at 15, so they think I'm Satan's child.

I had no where to go, no where to run and hide. I'm fucking homeless. In all of my 18 years of life, I would have never thought those words would come out of my mouth. I had no family I was really close to, no friends, nothing. My only family was thousands of miles away, and I left them.

I felt like I was a helpless, sick puppy that was abandoned in a box on the side of the road. I felt like someones unwanted garbage, or rubbish.

My hands fumbled into my pocket and reached out my phone and dialed Louis' number. It was hard to keep my phone steady to my ear as I sat down on the curb. What was I going to say to them? I have no id-

"Hello!" Louis called into the phone cheerfully. "Did your flight go well? How are your parents?"

I paused for a while. "Um, about that...." I trailed off. I tried to hide the nervousness and desperation in my voice. I was scared, I just didn't know how to tell them that.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked. I could tell he was concerned. I also knew he was frowning on the other end....

I was blinking back tears. I didn't know if they were from the below freezing temperatures or from being scared and so helpless. "Louis...." I whispered. "They kicked me out."

"They what!?" he shouted angrily. I heard faint 'whats' in the background coming from the other boys, pestering Louis to talk to me.

"Louis, I have fucking no one to go to. And it's all my fault because I left you guys, and now, I have fucking nothing except the stuff in my bags...." I went on. Now the tears began to fall down my cheeks.

"We'll be over as fast as we can. I'll board a plan ticket right now and fly over to come get you, okay? Just stay calm and sit in McDonalds till I get there, yeah?" he spoke softly. Everything was silent in the background now.

I laughed and nodded, wiping my face. "Yeah, um, of course." I whispered into the phone.

"Don't do anything stupid, stay safe, and remember, we love you and I'll be over there as soon as I can, love." The other line fell silent. I hung up and slid my phone into my pocket and sighed.

"Get a hold of yourself, Ashley." I whispered quietly as I sat on the curb under a street light. How pathetic was I right now? I gripped the handles on my bags and got up and began to walk to the nearest McDonalds like Louis told me to. It's silly, but I don't give a fuck.

"Hey Ashley, long time no see. Where are you heading?" a familiar voice said when I walked in with my head down. I looked up to see my ex boyfriend Luke behind the counter. The store was vacant.

"Oh, hi..." I whispered as I took a seat near the window but close enough to still talk to him. I didn't want to seem rude even if I was having a bad day.

"What brings you here so late?" he asked, furrowing his brow and walking over towards me, leaving his station.

"Oh, um... Just waiting for a friend," I replied, smiling faintly and staring at the table and playing with my fingers.

"Anyone I know?" he grinned.

"No." I answered a bit to quickly.

"Oh, then who?"

"A friend, okay?" I snapped, looking up at him. He shrunk down in the seat across from me. "Sorry," I whispered, scrunching up my face. "I have time to kill, wanna go in the play house?"

Luke laughed and nodded. "Sure, why not. Let me just go get my keys to unlock it," he grinned and got up, walking behind the counter.

Being with Luke reminded me of being with Niall. If you look at Luke, Niall, and my ex boyfriends, they are all pretty much the same. I think a lot of different types of guys are attractive. I like tattoos a lot, they are super sexy.

I think of different scenarios with different types of guys. The skater, jock, nerd, BMX rider, the guitarist or singer, the list goes on. I'm a weird person, but eh, you get used to it.

Luke grabbed two trays to go tray sliding down the swirly slide in the play pen as we snuck outside. He fumbled with his keys until finally finding the correct one and unlocked the door leading to out back. He held the door for me as we hurried out and I began climbing up the small stairs that were fit for 7 year old's.

"Don't get stuck," Luke called from down below. I laughed and slid my body through all the obstacles until finally getting to the slide and waiting there for him to come up. And this is exactly what we did all night. Well, we also caught up a bit, except I left out the part of getting kicked out and my lads across the pond.

By the time Louis text me, Luke and I were sitting inside eating McBites at one of the tables towards the front. It was still deserted, so he didn't have to be behind the counter the whole time. Thankfully he was here or I would have bored as shit.

Just landed. Hang in there, lovey. See you in a few, (; xo

"Whose Louis?" Luke asked, furrowing his brow as he read the message on my phone. The turd nugget looked at my phone as I threw out our trash.

"The friend I was waiting for," I replied coolly, sitting back down and gathering all my stuff up.

"Oh, so where is he staying, your house?" Luke asked, glancing down at his hands then back up at me.

"Oh, um.... No, actually. I don't know yet. My home situation isn't really set anywhere yet," I trailed off quietly.

"Why don't you stay at your house?"

"Can you stop asking so many fucking questions!?" I snapped, folding my arms across my chest. "Sorry, I've been stressed. If you'd love to know, I got kicked out tonight, so I don't know where I'm staying. I don't have any fucking family or friends to stay with, and my only friends/family are in fucking England." A heavy sigh escaped my lips and some weight was lifted off my shoulders as I rolled my neck, cracking it in the process.

"I'm s-"

"Ashley," a familiar, British accent spoke, ringing a bell as he entered. I whipped my head around and got up, running over to Louis and hugging him tightly. His warm embrace cheered me up instantly. It was nice having him with me, in his arms. He also smelled heavenly, it smelled like Playboy cologne. His fingers were coiled around my hair as he brought me closer to him.

"Hi," I whispered into his chest as we stood there in each other's arms. I didn't want to let him go, but when I heard a cough from behind us, I had remembered Luke was still sitting there. Louis pulled back and stared at me, his thumb rubbing softly against my cheek.

"What happened to your face?" he questioned me. He furrowed his brow and squinted, trying to get a better look.

"The number one cunt in America," I frowned. He rolled his eyes and his touch became softer.He wrapped his arm around me and gave me a squeeze before turning to get my stuff, holding it all in his arms.

"Well, lets go then, we'll talk on the way home," he said, quietly exiting the store. I turned to look at Luke as I scurried off to follow Louis.

"Bye Luke," I whispered, waving at him before I ran out to catch up to Louis who was entering a car that sat there in the parking lot, waiting for us both. My legs hurried right up to the open door where I climbed in and sat down on the leather interior. It was just the two of us, calm and peaceful.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we pulled into the airport parking lot.

"Home," Louis grinned, taking my hand and leading me out into the darkness and quickly into the bright lights of the airport which was deserted. Everything at night was much more creepier. But with Louis by my side, I was alright. "Shush, we will talk on the plane."

"Okay, so explain what happened," Louis spoke slowly and softly as we took our seats on the empty plane, sitting next to each other. He slid his hand over to mine and held it softly, waiting patiently for me to speak.

"Well, I got home and when my mom saw me, she was like where the hell were you. Then my dad but in when I mentioned boys, meaning you guys. Then they noticed my necklace and bracelet, and when I defended you guys, she hit me. Then they both called me a whore and an ungrateful bitch, then told me to never come back...." I spoke slowly, trying to stay calm and not cry again. So far so good. Louis looked very intent and was being a good listener for once.

"Well, you have us now. We are your new and improved family. You are going to stay with us for the time being until we can find you a better living situation. You can travel with us where ever, you are a part of us now...." Louis explained. I shook my head right away.

"No, I can't do that. I'll get a job and buy my own place, I have money saved up, and I'll visit every few months...." I said. Louis grinned and patted my hand.

"Oh, you're so silly. You are just tired, go to bed and I'll wake you when we get home. Home for good," he whispered, brushing my forehead and replacing the hair there with a kiss and curled up onto his seat. "Sleep," he whispered.

I nodded and shut my heavy eyelids. I needed some rest, it would be good. My body felt as if it were failing. I was sleep deprived, starving, and stressed.

"I think she's waking up...."


"Look, look! She is, hurry up!"

"Shut your pie hole."

"Will you pricks shut up! She's waking up."

When my heavy eyelids finally retracted up, I was startled to see 5 sets of eyes on me. Everything and everyone was blurry, so it looked like 5 heads squished together. I let out a quiet groan and rubbed my eyes.

I was lying on the couch in Harry and Louis' apartment in their living room. How did I get here? My head hurt and I needed something to take the pain away. Everything began to come in clear, and my boys came into view.

"Lou," I whispered, reaching up to my head. "How did I get here?"

"Well, Louis dropped you. He tried to be all cool and superman like carrying you inside, and he dropped you head first on the steps," Zayn said, hiding in a chuckle. I shot a glare at Louis and slowly slid up.

"I was gone for what, 10 hours maybe?" I laughed faintly but my head still hurt. "Aspirin?" I whispered, scrunching up my face. Liam nodded and got up swiftly and into the kitchen to get me medicine like a gentlemen. "Thanks."

"Welcome home," Harry smiled, looking down on me. My eyes searched for Niall, finding him right beside me. A sigh of relief blew past my lips and into the warm air. I was happy to see he was here.

"Would you fancy some ice for you cheek?" Harry asked. "Louis explained everything to us. After you wake up a bit more and recover from your fall, we will plan out everything and explain what we have in store for you, okay?"

I nodded but had a bad feeling these boys were up to something sneaky. I smiled and covered up my concern, putting on a fake happy face like most of the time. Except not lately, this lads make me happy. Thoughts began to race through my mind, trying to figure out what they've planned since I've been alseep.

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