Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Sty...

By hipstaprincess

690K 17.7K 4.7K

"There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play There's a girl in the window tears rolling down her... More

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))
01. Mine
02. New Girl
03. Blue
04. I Hate You
05. Little Black Dress
06. Into Your Arms
07. Think Twice
09. Midnight Memories
10. Could You Be Loved
11. Not So Bad
12. Just That
13. Stay With Me
14. Wanna Believe in You and Me
15. Somebody To You
16. Luck
17. Risk It All
18. Let's Love
19. Misery Business
20. Enough
21. Flowers
22. Fireproof
23. She Belongs to Me
24. Wrapped Up In You
25. Tell Her
26. Jealous
27. Give What I Got
28. You With Me
29. Gotta Love Me Harder
30. Take My Hand
31. A Night To Remember
32. Be Ok
33. You're Beautiful
34. Styles
35. Together Again
36. Big Girls Don't Cry
37. Wicked Games
38. Avalanche
39. Alive
40. Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart
41. Forever
42. You and Me
43. Epilogue [The End]

08. Wanted

19.3K 482 65
By hipstaprincess

i imagine selena's parents to be chace crawford (gomez) and anna kendrick if you're curious (: 
anyway, i've been having writer's block for so long and at one point, i sort of wish i developed a different story, but while i was just sitting here, i suddenly had an epiphany and i just wrote all over my english assignment from last year, the climax/end and im beyond excited to get there (so yay), but it'll take a while of rising action i haven't thought of yet. 
also, if you'd like, you should check out HappyNeverAfterxx! she's really amazing, as a person and a writer! i really like her story Strong , so yeah, it'd be cool if you gave that a read ^__^

sorry this is really short ): and sorry sorry sORRY for late updates and what not, i have finals next tuesday, wednesday, & thursday, and my grades seriously suck so im freaking out and overly stressed and crying and my left eye is mildly infected so i can barely see anything and yeah. ps; i love zach beeken from restless road a lot.


 Selena's POV: 

"Harry's going to kill me," I turn my head to watch the brown-haired boy mutter repeatedly, frantically pacing as I laugh. 

"Calm down, Liam," I pat his back in comfort as I collapse on my bed, him joining me by taking a seat on the ground beside the bed post.

"He really will do it, Selena," he frets as I frown and sit up, once again rubbing his spine to give him reassurance.

"I told you I'm not going to let him do it," I sigh as I observe him, slightly relaxing at my touch and the hope in my words.

"Thanks for taking me back home, Liam," I softly smile at him as he returns a gesture, his eyes showing sincere care. I had found myself in Harry's tight grip this morning; it's a miracle I even managed to squeeze out. After finally being free of him, I picked up the CD and my jacket, before making a sneaky escape out into the living room. No one was up yet, but I knew I couldn't make it all the way home by myself so I did what was most reasonable.

I found Liam.

He reluctantly woke up and after a lot of convincing, he finally caved in and got dressed, helping me leave. The two of us made a mad dash to his car and with my careful directions, he drove me home. I offered for him to come in and he agreed, only in fear that Harry would not hold back in hurting him if he was found alone. When we entered, he treated himself like home whilst waiting for me to take a quick shower and change my clothes. Thinking back, Liam's the sweetest person ever and I admire him for always being there for me, even if it means sacrificing his friendship and well-being. 

"Anytime," he places his hand over mine as I stare at our overlapping fingers on my lap. Before I can break the comfortable silence, the sound of my door roughly being pulled open startles the two of us as we both fumble to stand up. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I-I uh, didn't know you had company over, Selena," my mum stands there awkwardly, her eyes darting between the two of us.

"We're just friends," Liam quickly defends us, not wanting her to have the wrong idea.

"Close friends?" she raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Yeah," I nod as she folds her arms across her chest, with a knowing smile on her face.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your close friend?"

"Mum," I sigh as she shrugs, "Go on."

"This is Liam. And, wow, look at the time. Liam and I got to go," I immediately stand from my previous position and drag his wrist, pulling him up with me.

"It's barely six in the morning, dear," she rolls her eyes.

"Liam works at a florist shop and we're going to go visit Zac and Dad," I'm already halfway out the door as the words spill out and I can sense my mum freezing in place at what just left my mouth. 

"Make sure you go to school on time. And, don't expect a ride home, I'll be busy," she coldly replies right when I exit the door. I turn around to say something but she slams the door in my face before heading to the kitchen. My jaw slightly drops at the sudden shift in her attitude; for a moment there, she was like the mum I grew up with, the funny, highly suggestive, but loving mother.

"I'm sorry, Sel," Liam quietly scans my face but I don't express a single emotion.

"It's fine," I tug his hand, urging him to just drop it and continue walking. 

"If it makes you feel the slightest better, Harry still doesn't know we left. The other boys and I just shared a text. I told them to keep quiet," he cracks a tiny smile and I can't help but let out a breathy laugh. 

"Thanks, as always, Li."

Harry's POV: 

I smile at the thought of the warm sheets covering my exposed torso and my revealed legs being tangled with her smooth ones. The moment is just so perfect that I don't want to open my eyes and have it all end. For the first time in seven years, my nightmares didn't even appear. My body feels well rested and for once, fully rejuvenated; it's the best night's sleep I've had since I left my mum and sister. Deciding that I want to wake up to the sight of Selena's beautiful face, I extend my arms around to hold her closer before opening my eyes, only to realize my arms are bare. Panicking, I search around the mattress desperately, my arms flinging in every direction only to feel, empty. My eyes shoot wide open and I sit up panting, fury slowly building up inside.

She's not here. 

What the fuck?

I swear to God, she better be in the kitchen, or I'll go mad. Angrily, I clamber out of bed and violently shove the door open, my eyes scanning the living room that contains no one and the kitchen that currently holds three boys crowded around the dining table.

"Where the fuck is Selena?" I spit, not even bothering to hold back my frustration.

I can tell I frightened the boys due to the instant dropping of the metal spoons against the ceramic bowls.

"I'm not going to repeat my question."

"We don't know, Haz. We just woke up," Zayn rubs his eyes and I immediately know something's up. Zayn never wakes up early. 

"Okay, I'll say it one more time. Where. The. Fuck. Is. Selena?" my patience is wearing thin as Louis and Niall shrug.

"We honestly don't know, mate," Louis rolls his eyes, but I can sense the lie as he quickly scoops more Honey Bunches of Oats into his mouth, as if to avoid having to answer me. 

"Okay, either you guys tell me where the fuck she is or I'll beat the shit out of all of you," I grit my teeth. Why are my own friends betraying me?

Right when I was about to grab a handful of the front of Niall's shirt, I evaluate the situation again. There's only three boys. 

I immediately march into Liam's room only to see it deserted, the keys usually laying on the top of his bedstand table, missing as well. My jaw clenches at the connection.

He's dead to me. 

Selena's POV:

"Thanks for coming to see Zac and my dad with me, again," I look up at the horribly kind boy I owe so much to, nervously clutching a bouquet of flowers. We accidentally took too much with us when we left his florist shop this morning, so now he has an extra set of bright red roses. 

"It's no problem," he smiles, "I'm honored you trust me so much."

"I'm surprised too. I usually don't let people in that easily," I confess sheepishly as we make our way up the stairs of the school building. When Liam got the text from Niall saying that he's fucked, I kissed my dad's forehead goodbye and we bolted out the hospital to school, despite it being too early.

"What should I do, Sel?" he suddenly questions me, and when I take a glance at him, I notice the worry evident on his face.

"You should talk to Danielle!" I eagerly urge him, the epiphany hitting me.

"Selena, I'm being serious. Now, is not the time to be joking like this. Harry's going to fucking murder me," he rubs his forehead, crinkles appearing from the stress.

"I'm not joking, Liam! Danielle has dance class for zero period, which means she's in the east wing! Harry never goes there, because we're always in the west wing."

"What would I say?"

"I don't know, how about, 'Danielle, I've loved you since like forever'?" I sarcastically and dramatically fan myself in a joking manner.

"Very funny," he dismisses my immature behavior, making me burst into light giggles.

"Well, genius. Why don't you give her these flowers?"

"No way," he shakes his head persistently.

"Come on, she won't bite. I mean, if there's a dangerous person here, it would be you and your friends, no offense," I poke his chest as he sighs.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Cool, meet me in front of my locker if you need any help, yeah? I'm going to go talk to someone," I inform him, leaving before he can even protest. Once I'm out of Liam's sight, I run to the entrance of the school, my eyes scanning for the distinct blonde hair. Sighing, I return back to my locker about to give up, only to be surprised, but relieved that Ross is taking his own books out, near mine.

"Ross!" I call out as he yanks his earphones out and sends me the typical head nod.

"What's up?"

"What's up?" I scoff, "You're kidding, right?"

"What did I do wrong?" he questions, looking genuinely confused.

"Is Sterling Knight your brother?" I look dead into his eyes.

"Yeah...Why? What the hell happened?" he suddenly grasps onto my arm anxiously.

"He told me that you told him about me."

"Well, yeah, he's my brother and he asked me how school was. You just came into topic," he shrugs.

"Is that all?" he searches my face and I'm about to explain that his brother almost took away what was most important to me until Liam runs up to me in a rush, sweaty and shaky, roses still in hand.

"I couldn't do it," he pants as he reaches us two, "Here take it. I can't do it."

I struggle to hold on as he hastily shoved it to me and then turned towards Ross.

"Who are you?" Liam begins to ask but is paused when his head is slammed into the locker, scaring the shit out of both of us.

Harry's POV: 

Without another word, I stormed out the room, completely furious with Liam and Selena; I hated Liam for daring to steal Selena away from me especially after the first lesson I gave him when I bloodied his body. I was angry at Selena for wanting to leave me after everything I've done for her. Why can't I just be enough for her to stay? I saved her life, for fuck's sake. 

My hands tightened around the steering wheel as I drove aimlessly, not entirely sure where she went. Based on first instinct, I stopped by her house and immediately got out the car, slamming the door shamelessly in the process. With my fingers curled in, my fist made harsh contact with the door as I basically pummeled it. 

"Selena, I know you're fucking in there!" I scream only to be taken back by the older women who greets me at the door instead.

"Where's Selena?" I don't even bother to figure out who she is.

"She's out," the lady flatly responded with a stern posture, not appearing pleasant at all whilst discussing this particular topic.

"Out, where?" I nearly choked myself, out of the frustration that is Selena Gomez.

"It's none of your business," she huffed, "Who are you anyway?"

"That doesn't concern you," I hissed, just pretty damn pissed she wouldn't tell me Sel's locations.

"She's my daughter, so I would think that it matters to me," I widened my eyes. Daughter? ...This is Selena's mum. Well, just fucking great. Fuck. 

"Look, can you just tell me where she is?" 

"What is her relation to you? Are you her boyfriend who she only just met? Because I thought I taught her better to be involved with people like you when she should be focusing on her studies," she scolded as I shook my head violently.

"I don't date," I plainly responded, "And don't worry. I didn't take advantage of your daughter or anything." Before I could see her reaction, I ran back towards my Range Rover and checked the car clock, only to see that it's nearing the time when school started. Knowing Selena, she would most likely be there already. 

Damn everything. 

When I got to school, I half regretted that I arrived at this particular time and half wished I came earlier to prevent what was in front of my eyes. The minute I parked my car furiously, I proceeded to barge into the hallway towards the direction of Selena's locker. My eyes set on three figures and I completely fucking lost it.

Liam is fucking giving roses to Selena.

Who the hell does he think he is? How dare he chase after her after I already made it clear she was mine?

To make it even worse, even though I didn't think it was even fucking possible, Ross fucking Knight, Sterling's fucking brother, is just standing there with them. 

Selena's POV: 

I'm freaked by the deja vu effect of this situation but I manage to shake off my shock the minute Liam's agonizing face is visible to me. 

"Dude!" Ross attempts to intervene and stop Harry from violently acting upon Liam, and for a minute, my anger at him for telling his brother about me dissolves as I appreciate his efforts to help, something everyone would just pass by without a single glance or care.

"Fuck off," Harry spits as he elbows Ross painfully in the stomach, shaking the poor boy off his back as he falls onto the ground.

"Oh my God," I quickly kneel on the ground, placing the flowers by his side, as he holds his mid-section, wincing at pain.

"Are you okay?" he simply nods but nudges his head towards Liam who is basically, nicely put, getting his face pounded in, though not as bad as last time, yet.

"Harry!" I scream, desperately trying to tug him off. School hasn't even officially started yet today and we're already causing a scene and getting into trouble. I know that if I yell at him to stop, it will only make the situation worse, considering his anger management issues. Looking at Liam's slowly bruising face, I know I need to think quicker. There's no way I'm letting Liam get beat like last time; he's already done so much for me and he doesn't deserve this at all. It was my fault for wanting to leave, so shouldn't I be punished instead?

I impulsively place one hand on Harry's chin and the other on his cheek that isn't facing me, in attempts to literally pull his attention away from Liam and towards me. The sight that meets me frightens me and I have to blink away the intensity of his startling annoyed eyes.

"What?" he seethes, fist still raised near Liam's face, which thank God isn't too badly impacted. From behind, I can see Liam confused at what's going on. Harry flexes his jaw in irritation and I'm able to feel the contortion of his face, sensing the thin patience he has left for my sudden action. His grip nonetheless tightens on Liams shirt's neckline as his other hand remains in the air, ready to strike down anytime. Without thinking, I pull his face closer to mine and place my lips on his, gently but surely. His eyes widen in surprise before he slowly reciprocates, his hands gradually leaving Liam and coming around to secure the circumference of my waist against his own body as his previous tense posture and rigid muscles soften under my touch. Liam takes advantage of this to back away from the lockers and stand up straight, fixing himself out. Once I see Liam in a safe distance from being punched, I pull apart, shocked at my own actions.

Harry's POV: 


I can't think of how much I wanted that since I first saw her enter math class with her army jacket and rebellious attitude towards me. My lips are tempted to ask her why she did that now, of all possible moments, but I'm secretly afraid of hearing her admit it out loud. I know it was merely to distract me and stop me from potentially killing Liam and I'm angry she thinks that I'll just forget about it, but I can't deny that she does wonders to me. Nothing can stop my violent temper, but a simple, chaste, not even deeply heated, kiss made me forget everything. Also, nothing could stop my nightmares, but just having her in my arms for one night made it seem like I never even get haunted. 

I don't understand it.

"Harry?" her timid voice shakes me out of my conflicting thoughts as I turn to give my attention to her, my eyes suddenly finding her lips even more appealing than before, mainly because I now had the chance to taste them and I don't plan on stopping. They were wonderfully perfect, like every other part of her. 

"Yeah?" I clear my voice as I force myself to stare at her eyes instead.

"You need to know that hurting Liam was wrong."

Of course, she only kissed me to help Liam out. Why is it always about Liam?

"Just because you kissed me, doesn't make me suddenly weak to you. You can't tell me what to do," the anger builds in me again as my eyes change to a cold demeanor.

"Why are you so mad at him anyway?" she huffs, deciding to fight back with her own tone.

"He fucking bought you flowers after I made it clear you're only mine."

"Oh my God, you're impossible. He was going to give them to another girl, but he chickened out and was too nervous, so he just told me to do something about it. I was going to put it in her locker for him."


"You're lying."

"No, I'm not!" she runs her hands through her hair, frustrated just as the bell rings. Without another word, she walks away from me, turning her back on me as she heads to math, even though we had it together. 

Selena's POV: 

I don't even know why I care if Harry believed me. I hate him. 

Why did I even kiss him? God, I'm so stupid. 

Ignoring all the whispers and exchanged looks that aren't too necessarily nice, I directly approach my desk and sit down, shutting myself out to peoples' comments about something they don't even really know about.

"Sel?" I glance to my left and sigh when I see Danielle with complete concern in her eyes.

"Did he hurt you?" I shake my head, grateful for friends like her to exist.

"I don't mean to sound like everyone else, but...if he didn't hurt you..., is it true you kissed him?" the volume of her voice drops drastically as if her interrogation was a sacred topic.

"Yes," I roll my eyes, a bit disappointed in myself. 

"You don't seem too happy about that," Eleanor comments from my right as I sigh, before realizing something.

"Where's Dylan?"

"I, I uh. We, um, broke up," she shrugs.

"What? Why?"

"I think we all know he wasn't putting effort into it or showing that he cared. It seemed like he just wanted to prove that he can protect me from boys like Louis and Harry, and that his pride is more important than actually being a boyfriend."

"I'm sorry," I stare at her in guilt. If Harry didn't have to be so persistent about tracking me down all the damn time, Louis would've never gotten the chance to be so close to El, and maybe, she would've still been with Dylan.

"Don't be. I'm happy someone opened my eyes," I notice her own eyes flit towards the entrance of the classroom, smiling at the sight of Louis, all tattoo clad and frighteningly powerful. 

"And Tyler?" 

"He decided to stay home with Dylan for today," she answers but her eyes remain on Tomlinson. 

"Anyway, you can't just change the topic. Why aren't you happy about the kiss?" she finally manages to look away, before she pushes me to respond as Danielle leans in. She had been quiet during Eleanor's explanation and I wonder if she frowns upon the unlikely attraction that nonetheless developed. 

"I just can't believe I did something so irrationally," I want to tell them I feel a bit ashamed but before I can, Liam swings by, walking between our desks on the way back to his, no doubt hearing me loud and clear.

"It's okay. You saved my life, Sel. And, it was just once. You can use mouthwash later," he jokes before leaving abruptly. I'm a bit upset by his sudden departure but when I hear the room's chatter silence, I immediately know that Harry's here now.

Just what we needed.

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