D A I S I E S. (frerard, pt1...

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To Frank, it felt like every thing he did needed to be perfect. He needed to be perfect. Everything had an or... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
book two!!
author chit chat

Chapter 8

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okay so, sorry i took a tiny internet break school has been breaking my back
and i can't guarantee activeness for the next two weeks bc we have finals and dead week
but its a three day weekend and im gonna try to type as much as i can so that i can still update then
k thanks 


They had kissed.

Gerard and Frank, had kissed. And Frank could hardly process this information as he lay back in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. After they had gotten home he had told Mikey he didn't feel well and had walked home alone. He couldn't stand the thought of the awkwardness if he saw Gee again in the morning or something. Of course, he would probably go back in the morning or afternoon, but he wanted to sleep in his own bed tonight. 

Last night had been strange. The kiss started out pretty heated, and only got more intense as it continued. But the two tipsy boys not long into it were separated bye police sirens cutting through the music. Gerard had automatically pulled away and was flooded with panic, and neither of the two were really sure if he was panicking because the cops were here or if it was because he had realized what he had done.

Gerard had turned away before Frank could say anything, and grabbed him bye the arm and dragged him away to find Mikey. After they found his friend Gee pulled them into a bathroom upstairs, before showing them how to climb out the window and sneak out through the alleyway.

They had gotten home fine, if not for a bit of awkward silence that kinda sorta drunk Mikey didn't really understand. But that's okay, Frank really hoped Mikey didn't understand it or catch on anyways. Frank really hoped sober Mikey didn't remember an awkward silence.

Frank continued to think about this, running the nights events over and over again in his head, muddling through it and trying to make sense of it even though there wasn't really much to make sense of. But then again, he's a teenager, what are teenagers good at if not over thinking?

He lay back in his bed, on top of the covers, and staring at the ceiling. It was quiet and dark in his room, probably only four or five hours after the party. He couldn't sleep, he could still feel Gerard's hand on his waist. He couldn't sleep, he could hardly bring himself to close his eyes.

One side of him wanted to yell that it didn't matter, that it meant nothing, that Gerard was probably just tipsy and horny. But another side of him, a more hopeful one, kinda questioned if maybe it had more substance to it. Maybe Gerard kinda sorta had a small crush on Frank the same way Frank kinda sorta had a small crush on Gerard?

But, while his head was racing his body was exhausted from hours of dancing and acting like an idiot, so eventually sleep won and he just couldn't keep his eyelids open anymore because they felt way to heavy and before he knew it sleep had fast approached.

* * *

Morning soon came, much to fast for his liking. 

He woke up due to light streaming in from the grand windows on one wall of his room, and the irritating fact that it always seemed to go directly onto his face.

Frank laid in bed for a moment, the blankets were so warm and everything just felt so nice just like this he almost considered just getting up, pulling the curtains closed, and going back to sleep. 

But, the day had started. And as they say, the early bird gets the worm. Plus, was he really gonna waste his spring break away laying in bed and doing nothing all day? When he could be playing dungeons and dragons with his best friend right now? No! Of course not. There's more important things to be done. 

So the dark haired boy pulled himself out of bed, and indeed left the curtains open. Sunshine is nice, he tells himself. Sometimes being healthy requires some pushing, he would quietly mutter as he opens the door to his bathroom, to shower and brush his teeth.

Frank never understood the whole 'shower first thing in the morning' but he forced himself to, he's been trying to be healthy and take care of himself recently. And he supposes laying in bed all day or throwing on the first thing he sees off his floor and calling it good isn't taking care of himself. 

Frank showered, brushed his teeth and his hair, and found some decent clothes. He made his way downstairs, hoping they had some cereal. He paused outside of his mothers door, shifting his weight on his feet for a moment as he thought. She wouldn't be home right now, she would have already left for work. So Frank tentatively pushed open her door, before making his way into her bathroom and rummaging through her drawers.

He found some simple black eyeliner, and smeared some around his eyes with his finger. He leaned back from the mirror for a second, examine his work and smirking, before giving a satisfied huff, pocketing the eyeliner and continuing downstairs on his quest for cereal.

He had his meal, and pretty soon threw some clean clothes in his backpack and was on his way back to Mikey's. He tried to stay calm, but honestly, he couldn't push last night out of his head as he walked. Would Gerard be upstairs today? Would he say anything about it? It was making him pretty anxious, but Frank just shoved the thoughts out of his head and told himself he was being silly. 

* * *

Franks nerves probably were indeed just him being silly, because he didn't even see Gerard once.

Frank got there and Mikey nearly had a heart attack because of course he didn't bother to knock, just let himself in and scared the shit out of his lanky friend. They went up stairs together pretty soon, and big surprise, pulled out the video games. A+ for stereotypical teenage boys.

They hung out for a while but that eventually just resulted in them both laying around Mikey's attic room and being board. Mikey sat on the floor, leaning against the bed and Frank laid sprawled out on his bed, staring at the ceiling. 

Mikey let out a loud dramatic sigh, huffing. There was utterly nothing to do. What a travesty.

"Hey- isn't there woods nearby?" Frank asked curiously, tilting his head so that it flopped over the side of the bed and he could look at Mikey.

"Yea," The skinnier boy nodded in confirmation. 

"Well have you been in them before?"Frank questioned,

"No," Mikey paused, rolling his eyes again and even more dramatically "Why do you care, who cares about the woods." He grunted.

Frank tried not to groan, sometimes Mikey could be so dense sometimes. "Well, we are two bored boys," Frank paused waiting to see if he would pick onto what he was saying but he just continued staring at him waiting for Frank to continue, "And there's unexplored woods at our waiting for us..." he drew his words out lifting a hand to poke Mikey.

"Oh." Mikey raised an eyebrow at him, "Why though, aren't there like, thorns, in the woods" he begun but Frank protested loudly and shushed him.

"Who cares," he exclaimed pulling himself off the bed to pull on his shoes, excited to have something to do, "Let's go."

Mikey glared at him for a moment, but as Frank grabbed him bye the arm and tugged the taller boy gave in and begrudgingly pulled on his shoes and a sweatshirt.

They found there way out of the house without incident, and pretty soon were standing a few streets away from Mikey's house. The pair stood at the edge of a street, looking out across it where the trees and bushes started.

Now that they were here, neither of them knew if this was such a great idea. The sky was kinda grey and the air's kinda cold and the trees are kinda ominous. The bushes and underbrush looked way to thick to get through, and it looked pretty over grown all around. There's no way they could get more than a few feet into the tree line.

But none the less, Frank grabbed the edge of Mikey's sleeve and was tugging him across the street pretty soon.

"Hey wait," Frank paused, stopping a few feet from the trees, warning Mikey to stop even though he was the one pulling him along. "Look at that! Easy peasy pumpkin peasy mother fucker!" The boy exclaimed excitedly before basically skipping towards what he was pointing at. A huge fallen pine tree seemed to make a perfect bridge over all the bushes, at least for a little while.

Mikey fallowed him less enthusiastically, holding back a groan as he shoved his hands into his pockets, carefully stepping through the tall grass towards the fallen stump Frank was already trying to scramble onto.

The tree really was pretty big, and it took some boosting and pulling to get them both onto it, but pretty soon they were both carefully balancing on the tall befallen tree, making there way into the forest. It was a lot darker in the tree line, the sun could hardly force it's way through the thick interwoven branches.

It was quite pretty, all the greens and browns looked almost ethereal with the long shadows trickling over it all.

Pretty soon the tree came to an end and they both jumped down, wandering farther along and kicking at stones, just being dorks really. Perhaps Mikey had been a bit of a negative nancy earlier, because this certainly wasn't as bad as he had thought it would be.

They kicked around for a while, and eventually found a small clearing where they decided to sit and breath for a minute. Running around like idiots in the forest could really take your breath away.

Mikey's breath certainly seemed to be taken away. Frank just seemed to be having such a good time, he seemed like his thoughts were kinda else where, but his wide and sunny smile hadn't left his face once. Mikey hoped he had caused that smile, because it was such a wonderful smile full of wildflowers and sun and joy that it really would be an honor.

But little to Mikey's knowledge it really probably wasn't him, and he certainly wasn't the way occupying his friend's thoughts. But Mikey's a little doe-y eyes and doesn't really notice or pick up that Frank thoughts where no where near Mikey or this forest.

But as Frank sat on his bum in the little clearing, smile wide as he fumbled with the grass and twigs, the sun hitting his dark hair at just the right way to make it look chocolate colored, Mikey had no problem at all.

Mikey got a sudden rush of just happiness, and thankfulness. He was so thankful for the friend he had, and he knew with Frank bye his side they would make it through anything. Life would be okay. Things would work out. He just knew it, the way he smiled, he knew it.

Before long the two noticed that the sky they could see through the thickly woven tree branches was starting to tint darker, and they figured it was about time they should head back. 

They barreled through the trees again, with just as much idiocy, trampling, and laughter as before, arriving home to a house wafting the scent of pizza.

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