Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)

Oleh Freeze-kun

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You've gotten used on accompanying the heroes in their adventure. It's always fun, rainbows, cries and rain a... Lebih Banyak

Copyright and disclaimer
Prologue: The Embodiment of Despair
Table of Content: Arcs
Kurai Yoru OS: Different Yet The Same
1: A Daily Life of A Demon Lord
2: Past Best Forgotten...
3: Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?
4: Sweet Revenge
5: A New Friend...
6: ...Then A New World
8: Double Vengeance
9: Lingering Nightmares
10: Rebuilding Trust
10.5: A Caring Brother [AC]
Season 2 Prologue: Learn Fear
11: Let's Start Fresh
12: Just A Plaything
13: Tricks and Lies
14: Unsealed
15: Killing Death
16: What You Really Are
17: My Child
18: Her Tutor
19: The Genie's Wishes
20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald
21: Not A Lie
22: Consequences
19.5: Phantasmagorical [AC]
Season 3 Prologue: Equals
23: False Serenity
24: Purgatorial Trinity
25: A Monster
26: Hybrid
27: Simplest Tactic
28: King & Queen
29: Transition
30: Difference in Strength
31: Evil-Nice Girl
32: Happy Ending
Web-Novels' Commonly Used Japanese Suffixes
Info: Cast/ Informations
33: Loyal, To The Very End
34: New Dawn

7: Broken Bird

98 21 83
Oleh Freeze-kun

"Welcome to Light Year academy. Would you like some tea, my alien visitors?" Reya tilted her head a bit.

Sitri was instantly on guard, along with Thalia and Tamamo. Ani kept on trembling in fear behind Sitri, not wanting to see the 'scary angel' as she like to call Reya.

Tamamo spoke first. "I see that you know we're not from this world. What will be your reaction, Reya?"

Reya turned her gaze to her. "Ah, the legendary Tamamo no mae. I did not ever thought that I will see the original in my short lifetime." She mused.

"Answer me." Tamamo glared at her.

Reya's smile haven't even faltered a bit, nor her eyes even blinking for once. "Well, of course I'm delighted! It's not everyday you get to be visited by inter-dimensional travellers. Please, come in and have a seat." She stepped aside and gestured to the comfy living room behind her.

They all warily went inside, looking at every bit of detail in the room. Generally, it was designed in Victorian style, the sofas, chairs and tables. They all look antique and ancient. A cozy fireplace is brightly illuminating the room, the fire crackling as it heated the supposedly cold office of the angel.

As they sat, Reya flicked her fingers. In a snap, plates containing different snacks and dishes appeared in front of them.

"Foods? Anyone?" She offered.

Ani was about to grab a single cookie, but hesitated when she saw Thalia shaking her head.

Up to this point, Reya's face haven't changed one bit. It's as if her facial expression is a permanent mask glued to her face, but the movement of her lips said otherwise.

Sitri suddenly spoke. "Okay. So tell me what's happening here, where are we, what time is it, and who the hell are you."

Reya looked at him. "Isn't it formal for you to introduce yourselves first?" She asked.

"Formal my ass. The only thing you need to know is when you answer me one more time with your idiotic comebacks, your gonna find yourself rolling back and forth at the floor with my hellfire cooking you alive." Sitri glared.

Reya, for the first time, blinked, then her mask went back to normal again. Which is smiling creepily without blinking. "Did you just threaten me?" Her smile is still etched in her face.

"No, I just told you a fact. So you better start answering or die." Sitri shot back.

The other occupants of the room sat in silent, either because of fear, curiosity or worry. Ani fidgeted with her hands as she looked down, feeling a bit out of place in this situation.

Reya stared up at him from bottom to top, and finally, her smile faded. "... I see that you're stronger than me."

"Glad you have common sense." Sitri said.

"But your human companion is seemingly vulnerable, it's as if she's begging me to kill her right here and then." Then her smile came back.

Sitri let out a bit of his aura indicating that he is far from happy about her own threat. Ani looked at her, slightly trembling in fear as she hugged Sitri's arm for comfort.

Reya giggled a little. "Now that's what I call extreme killing intent."

Sitri narrowed his eyes, while Reya just kept on smiling at him. "Oh, don't give me that look. You can't kill me. If you do," she pointed at Ani. "this girl will be easily killed when all of my precious students starts hunting you all down. And another warning, they might not be as strong as you, or Ms. Fox here, but they can surely overwhelm you in numbers." Reya's smile widen, if that's even possible.

"Do you even know me?" Sitri spoke.

"Personally, no, but your name suggest something. A noble or royal in the demon race, perhaps?" Reya tapped her chin in a thinking position.

"Close, but also far. I'm a demon king." Sitri leaned in closer to her, putting both his hands on the table between them.

"... And?"

Now, even Sitri was taken aback by this girl's responses. She shrugged off his title as the king of demons, which is the most feared one in his world.

Thalia suddenly yelled. "What do you mean and?! You're talking to the devil himself!"

"Do I look like I care?" Reya looked back at her slowly.

Everyone was silent, anticipating Sitri's reply to her. To everyone's surprise, excluding Reya, Sitri laughed. Reya just merely shrunken her smile.

"I like your attitude. It'll be my pleasure to break you." Sitri now let his trademark grin shown to the black haired girl. Finally, Reya's smiled vanished in surprise.

"Break? And what did you mean by that?" Reya asked.

Sitri looked down. "5th Dimension." Tamamo's eyes widen. She was about to shout, but then all of them glitched like a static on a TV. Only Sitri and Reya remained. Suddenly, their surroundings turned darker, until everything was pitch black.

Reya looked around. "You're not going to kill me, are you?" Reya looked back at him, searching for emotion, though she found him looking down and hiding his face. When he looked up, she saw his face contorted into a psychotic smile, his eyes seemingly larger than before. He cackled endlessly as he approach her. Reya, acting on instincts, took a step back. But still, even though her smile is gone now, she's still unblinking like a stone gargoyle.

"I wonder how long you'll last, Light Reya." Sitri uttered, pouncing the wide eyed fallen angel all of a sudden.


"Thalia-san, where did Sitri and that scary girl go?" Ani asked her older sister figure.

"I-I don't know Ani, but I hope he doesn't do anything stupid." Thalia sighed.

Then, they heard a slapping noise beside them. The saw Tamamo facepalming.

"Did he really have to resort to that?" Tamamo muttered.

"What is it Tamamo-san?" Ani sat on her other side.

"Sitri teleported himself and Reya in another dimension. He trapped her there for... interrogation." Tamamo worded it carefully. She's talking to a child after all.

Thalia though, was still confused. "What do you mean by that?" She rose one of her eyebrows.

Tamamo looked back at her, staring blankly at her eyes. "Sitri, devil. Reya, girl. Devil and a girl, all alone. Get it?"

Thalia's eyes widen. "I-Is he going to..."

Ani suddenly spoke. "Oh, Sitri-sama's just gonna torture her, what's so wrong with that?" Ani asked, tilting her head.

Tamamo stared blankly at the child. "What you just said is wrong too, you know. But that wasn't I'm talking about. It's something more... feral?" She asked herself, the shook. "Enough of that, I can say that it's going to be a while before Sitri comes back. I say let's walk around the schools."

Thalia, shaking her head from her thoughts, nodded. " I think that's nice. Ani?"

"I'm gonna wait for Sitri-niisama to come back. I'll stay here." She smiled.

Tamamo shrugged, then held Thalia's hand as she led her outside the room.

"Hey! Are you sure we can leave Ani all alone like that?" Thalia said as they passed through the doorway.

"That girl can take care of herself. Now that I don't have my powers with me, I need a bodyguard! And a vampire is a great choice if you'll ask me." Tamamo grinned.

"You tricky fox..." Thalia glared, but said nothing else. She herself wanted to explore the new area too.


"Once there was an i~diot, trying to be a he~ro. Then a nice fairy came and grant his wish! She killed the foolish boy, and then he became a he~ro. Na nana nana~na~!" Ani sang a random song that popped in her mind, trying to entertain herself. Still, she loyally waited for her master.

She looked around the room, then she spotted the papers on the 'scary girl's' table. Curiosity got the best of her, and she slightly ran towards it. Looking from side to side, checking if there's someone around her.

"What is this..." Ani scrunched up her eyebrows, thinking hard just to understand what was written on the paper. In the end, she gave up, since the language was too complicated for her.

Her English and Japanese isn't even near perfect.

"What kind of language is this...? I don't even think it exist in my old world..." Ani pondered.

Suddenly, the space around the sofa became distorted, and a rip opened up ejecting Sitri and Reya on his arms bridal style.

Sitri looked around, then he saw Ani walking towards him. "Hello there Ani. Where's Thalia and the fox?"

"They said they wanted to explore the school," Ani answered. "but I stayed here waiting for master." A smile appeared on her face.

Sitri smiled back, then he rubbed her head. "Nice girl."

Suddenly, Reya talked while sleeping. "S-Stop it... No, no no not ins-- WHAAA!" She suddenly sat straight, hitting Sitri in the chin that sent him stumbling back to the couch. Reya landed on the floor, though she didn't even flinch. Instead, she kept her gaze at the devil, slowly backing away.

But what threw Ani off was the pair of tears sliding down Reya's cheeks. She thought the girl doesn't even know how to cry, given her earlier attitude towards them.

"I-I said not i-i-inside! Why d-did it have to be inside?!" She half yelled-half cried.

Sitri just smirk. "You were annoying, that's why. Are you humiliated? Ahaha!" Sitri laughed.

"N-No... I-Im... Hwaaaa!" Reya cried behind Ani, hugging the little girl as she did. Ani, not knowing what to do, just rubbed the back of the fallen angel.

Sitri continued on laughing his ass out, remembering what he did to the unfortunate girl.

Ani, being oblivious as she is, asked. "Um, Sitri-sama, what di--"

"What have you done to the principal!" A voice yelled from the door.

The two visitors turned around, seeing the girl who had brought them here; Hanako Shirome.

Sitri took note that she's blushing furiously. "I just punished her a bit." Sitri answered.

Reya kept on crying. Shirome gave her principal a contemplating look, then she snarled at Sitri. "Whatever she had done to you, it could never be equal to what you... you did to her!" She pointed angrily at the horned teen.

Sitri rose one of his eyebrows. Then his eyes widen a bit, and talked. "I did not do that to her, you perverted human." Sitri deadpanned.

"W-What? Stop talking your way out of this, y-you'll be punished, just you wait!" Shirome was about to run away to the corridor, but Sitri speedily grabbed her by her uniform.

"Oh no you won't. First off, calm down. Second, can you let me explain myself, or just ask you're master there?" Sitri raised her so that she's looking down at him, showing her some of Sitri's strength.

Reya looked up, after hearing the commotion around her. "Shirome?" She wiped some few tears in her eyes.

Shirome immediately started wiggling away from Sitri's grip, but to no avail. "Master! I'm going to help you! Do not worry, this man's perverted act to you will be brought to justice!" She tried to reach for Sitri's horns, hoping to pull and distract him.

"P-Perverted acts? What are you talking about?" Reya asked, timidly.

Shirome looked back at the fallen, her eyes wide. "R-Reya-sama? Is that you?" She asked, not believing her ears.

"Yes..." Reya looked down.

"N-No way..." Then her face turned into a scowl. "You filthy being! You broke Reya-sama!" She tried to choke Sitri now.

Ani, not understanding what they're talking about, just silently sat at the sofa and nibbled on cookies at the table. "... Sweet. Yummy." Then she started eating all the cookies.

Sitri can't help but to facepalm. Apparently, what Shirome just said is true. Perhaps he had broken the once creepy and strong principal of Light Year Academy too much. Maybe he had gone too far on what he did.

'It was just an illusion.' He deadpanned to himself.

And it was only beginning, but he's already getting crazy from everything that's happening. Oh how he wish sometimes that he's like Ani over there, enjoying the cookies on the table...

'... Wait, the cookies...? But they have--' Sitri was cut off from his thinking by Reya.

"Uh-oh." She said.

"Ah, hell." Sitri spoke under his breath. What reply he got from the blonde girl was just a hiccup, and a slightly woozy smile.


In the still of the night, two robed figures stood at the rooftop of a building, overlooking the huge school known as Light Year academy. One was significantly smaller than the other one.

"The leader of the ability wielders had already befriended the visitors of our world. Just like what you've predicted, princess. Do we execute the plan as it is, young master?" One of the unknown figures said in a feminine voice. She was the tall one.

"Yes. Nothing has been changed. We will still declare the war. Our clan should trump over all the weak ones." A regal voice answered, coming from the smaller one.

"As you wish, princess Mabelle." Then the taller figure vanished.

The now named Mabelle walk closer at the side of the rooftop, then she removed her hood. A long curly trail of blonde hair waved with the strong winds at the rooftop. A red ribbon is placed nicely on her head.

"Prepare for the revenge of my clan, useless ability wielders. I will avenge my parents." Then she smiled, though her seemingly innocent smile feels more malicious than it could ever be.

"You'll pay, onee-chan Reya." Then she giggled uncontrollably.

As her giggles turned into cackles, a pair of doll fell from her dark robe. Mabelle looked at it, then she picked both up.

"Are you two trying to get away again? You know that's impossible, right?" Then she hugged the dolls to her chest.

One possessed nine plushy yellow and white tails, while the other doll's hair is colored green. And then, both the green haired dolls' porcelain eyes let out a single tear. The tailed doll just shook violently, it's eyes even flashing red for a second.


Cars' horns sounded, and streetlights shone brightly. A lone figure stood in the middle of a busy city, but no one dared to come closer to the unknown girl.

"W-Who's that?"

"Why is there a storm around her?!"

"Is she an ability wielder?"

The robed figure walked, not caring to the people several meters away talking about her. She continued to walk, to a certain location. A certain school.

"... The time is near, get ready." The little white haired girl said.


A/N: Now that's a lot of happenings there. More importantly, Ani got drunk?! I mean, Tamamo and Thalia got kidnapped! Let's see what happens next.

Ja ne.

Next time, on Kurai Yoru!

Revenges... Terrorist attacks... Sister.

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