Stay. (Completed!)

By 0smile0love0

77.9K 2.8K 191

Charlotte a 15 year old girl goes through problems when she learns to love what will happen at the end will t... More

Chapter 1: first start
Chapter 2: we keep on going
Chapter 3: leave they said....
Chapter 4: but they come back ..
Chapter 5: each step we go ..
Chapter 6: feelings keep growing
Chapter 7: and we go back again
Chapter 8: we meet again
Chapter 9: but then it ends ..
Chapter 10: but continues in our dreams
Chapter 11: step by step
Chapter 12: new
Chapter 13: endeless drama
Chapter 14: capsized
Chapter 15: arcade meetings ..
Chapter 17: prom night
Chapter 18: where am I?
Chapter 19: could it be?
Chapter 20: break down
Chapter 21: haunting thoughts.
Chapter 22: following our path
Chapter 23: fear takes over after panic
Chapter 24: lost hope
Chapter 25: don't leave me.
Chapter 26: first letter
Chapter 27: second letter.
Chapter 28: alone.
Chapter 29: note #2
Chapter 30: when will it end.
Authors first note! Please read!
Chapter 31: the end
Authors note! Please read!!!!!

Chapter 16: bring back the past ..

1.6K 73 0
By 0smile0love0

Saturday morning. 9:19 am. I woke up and washed my face. The vision of yesterday was stuck in my head like a song on replay. I tried to forget. Tried everything. But couldn't. I picked my stuff and decided to go to the gym. Not to work out. But in hopes that he would be there.
Walking towards the gym doors as I passed to the same spot that we both kissed. For the first time. I wish it never happened. I regret talking to him and falling for him. If we never met this would have never happened. My mind bursted as my tears drowned me. I wiped them away immediately  as I started to work out.

My heart started beating when I saw.. Grayson. I ran and hugged him so tight. He didn't ask he just held me tight.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"Yeah I just need you right now." I said. He then kissed my forehead.


These days I keep studying for my finals and have dance practices every Saturday. Grayson and I are still together. We had our ups and downs but at the end we end up coming back. There is still no sign of Blake. Since Grayson is a year older than me his prom past. Well mine is this year and it's next week. I'm hoping that Grayson would remember and come with me as my date. He will remember. I hope.

My day ended and I was now with Sam. Looking for dresses in these dress shops. I've been trying on so many dresses that I forgot what I ate this morning.

"I don't like the colour on you." She said after the 20th dress I've worn in the store. I went back to the dressing room and put on my next dress. It was a navy dress that was short from the front and long from the back. I liked it. A lot. I got out and Sam had a happy look.

"PERFECT" she said in excitement.

"Finally!" I yelled.

We paid for the dress and went out. Now for the shoes. Here we go again.

"How about those black heels?" Sam said. I put them on and they were too big. I then asked for my shoe size and thankfully it was the last one in stock. We paid for the shoes and went out. We finally got home and we started gossiping about celebrity's.

"Did you hear that AWSOME new song?" Sam asked.

"Which song?" I asked. She showed me the song on her phone.

"This one"

"Oh yeah that's a good song." I said. We started dancing at the music beating. She slept over that night. Suddenly we heard a noise in the living room.

"Sam do you hear that?" I said. It sounded like two men talking but in a very low tone.

"Yes" she said scared.

"What is it?"

"I don't know"

"Do you think it's a thief?" I asked. Fear taking over me.

"I'm going to scream." She said.

"No don't! You'll get their attention!" I whisper shouted.

"I can't I have to scream."

"Sam if yo-" I was cut of by Sam screaming.

"AHHHHHH!" She screamed. I have to admit I screamed with her. Suddenly my mom rushed into the room.

"What happened!" She asked.

"T-there were men talking didn't you hear?!" I said.

"Yes I heard! It was the radio!" She said.

"Oh" me and Sam laughed. My mom went back to sleep. It was an unforgettable night.

The next day I went to school. The only person I hung out with was Caleb since he was the same age as me.

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