Underneath The Same Sky (Luke...

By dcandels

91.8K 1.1K 181

they never knew that they would need each other so much. this story is being edited to make it better, not ma... More

Chapter 1: Does Calum Hood live here?
Chapter 2: Short for Theodora
Chapter 3: Awkwardness and Ice Cream
Chapter 4: Great. Just great.
Chapter 5: Save the Last Seat for Me
Chapter 6: Don't ever leave your buddy
Chapter 7: You'd still fall
Chapter 8: Cherrapunji Mysteries
Chapter 9: Again
Chapter 10: Twist
Chapter 11: Like the Movies
Chapter 12: Finally!
Chapter 13: You what?!
Chapter 14: Bus
Chapter 15: the F word
Chapter 16: Strange
Chapter 17: The Substitute Project
Chapter 18: I Just Don't Get It
Chapter 19: Sounds good
Chapter 20: Does that mean I get an A for your test?
Chapter 21: Wait, did I just say that??
Chapter 22: Perfect
Chapter 23: Dummies
Chapter 25: Friday night
Chapter 26: Nicholas Sparks
Chapter 27: Epiphanies and Cookies
Chapter 28: Remedial Classes
Chapter 29: F&O
Chapter 30: Problem
Chapter 31: We need a break
Chapter 32: Package for Teddy Aspen?
Chapter 33: White balloons or yellow?

Chapter 24: So which one requires less energy?

1.7K 34 4
By dcandels

Luke’s POV

“Okay, boys, Green Light!” Michael yelled then Ashton clicked on his drum sticks.

It started with a picture

Those messages that you sent me

You're like the perfect mixture 

Of Megan Fox and Katy

It's such a sick obsession

And now you've got the best of me

I've got the worst intentions

So call me over, set me free

I can give you what you want


“That was great! We’ll rock it on Friday!!” Calum congratuled us after a round of Green Light, Beside You and Check Yes Juliet.

The gig that was supposed to happen last two weeks was finally going to take place. Ashton called up the mall manager yesterday and we’re up on Friday night.

“Are you pumped?” Calum said as he plopped down on the couch next to me. We were in Ashton and Michael’s dorm room. Ashton and Michael went out of the room to get us sodas.

I nodded, “Of course. Tomorrow, I’ll also be able to take Teddy out to lunch. I’m gonna win those certificates.”  Today is Tuesday and tomorrow Mr. De Leon will announce the winner for the music class project.

“Looks like someone has a crush on a bear.” Michael said smugly as he jumped on his bed with soda cans in his hands.

Ashton threw me a can of rootbeer. “Why don’t you bring her to our Friday gig?” Ashton asked as he popped his soda can open.

“Yeah, it’d be like a date. Like Mikey here and Roxette.” Calum added, nudging me in the ribs.

“Whoa, whoa wait. First of all, I don’t have a crush on a bear or any animal for that matter. And second, she’ll be there without me having to ask her, Roxette will do that and it’s not a date and third, I’m only excited to win the certificates because I’d like to rub it in Roland’s face.” I clarified. I also explained to them about Roland and I’s little feud.

“Okay, whatever you say big guy” Calum joked.

“What? You honestly think I have a crush on her?” I inquired.

Michael shrugged, “We don’t know man. I mean, you two look so cute together.”

“Yeah. It’s time you stop going for the same category.” Ashton added then he chuckled.

I looked at them wearily to which Calum replied, “You know, you’re always going for the same type. Cheerleaders.”

“What’s bad about that?” I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

“Nothing’s bad man. But you know, it’s complete opposites. You always fall for a cheerleader. Remember, Karen, Jenny and Louise? Yeah, and Felicity too.” Michael elucidated.

At the mere mention of her name makes me wince in pain. I still haven’t forgotten about her and of course, over her.

“We’re not saying you should go out with Teddy just because she’s far from the cheerleader type.” Michael raised his hands in defense.

“Yeah but we want you to forget about her. We saw you cringe when we mentioned her name.” Ashton pointed out.

I sighed.

“We’re not pressuring you or anything but you seem really happy being with Teddy.” Calum patted me before standing up from the couch.

“Besides, who knows, Teddy probably likes you too.” Ashton shrugged as he plugged the Xbox in the socket.


It was Wednesday morning and Calum forgot to wake me up…….. again. I am totally gonna destroy him the next time we play Grand Theft Auto.

I got up from my unmade bed and left it unmade and grabbed a cruller from the cafeteria and ran to catch up on what’s left of my first period class.

I bit the cruller so I could pull my socks on while hopping to English, first period class.

I silently slithered up to the empty chair at the back and sighed, making me drop the cruller from my mouth. I grabbed the cruller from my stomach and bit it quietly.

“Nice of you to join us Mr. Hemmings” the teacher called my attention, interrupting my bite of my cruller. Everyone turned to face me.

I gulped then I uttered a reply.

That’s when my English teacher loses her shit. “That is it! Detention, now!!!”

I swallowed the rest of the cruller and grabbed my bag from the floor and left English.

Who needs English anyway, it’s been my language since I was born and I’m pretty sure it’ll still be when I die.

I groused my way to detention which is just two floors down.

I just hope this will be my last detention for the week. Or else they’ll notify my mum and then I might have to take a break from the band. And I can’t afford that.

I opened the door that says, “detention”. Detention monitor was seated up front with brown envelopes on top of it and three boys were already in there.

I walked up to the monitor and told him Ms. Tanner from English sent me. Then he asked me to take one brown envelope from his table. I took the one in the middle and opened it on my desk, the desk near the door.

The monitor motioned for me to open it up so I did. Inside was a paper filled with tasks such as after school cleanup, tutoring, cafeteria serving, student aide, teacher aide, school files monitor, gym clean up and the library duty.

I don’t get it. The last time I had detention which is just last week, all we had to do was sit through it and write an essay about it and now what’s this?

“Excuse me, but what is this?” I called to the monitor in front.

“Choose one to make up for your detention.” He replied in a blasé manner.

“What about essay? Can I do that instead?” I asked him. There’s no way I will be a teacher’s aide or help in the library or something.

“No more essays. You pick one and do it tomorrow or today.” He grunted, obviously annoyed.

I frowned and stared at the paper. So which one that requires less energy?


“Hey Luke! Good luck about the music class project” Ashton patted me on the shoulder when I encountered him on my way to Music class.

“Thanks man!” I yelled over my shoulder as we both were taken away with the moving crowd.

I opened the door to music class which is filled with excitement, anxious to know who the lucky pair is. I saw Teddy waved at me from our usual seat at the back.

Then I remember the conversation we had yesterday about me dating Teddy cause I just seem to get along with her great.

I smiled at her and dropped my bag on the floor next to my chair, “Did they announce it yet?”

“Not yet. Mr. De Leon isn’t even here yet.” She said. She looks giddy. “Do you think we will win?”

I nodded, “Yeah. You were great out there.”

She blushed then stared at the floor, “I do hope we win.”

I opened my mouth to say something when everyone burst into cheers, Mr. De Leon just came in with a white small envelope.

“So I know this will be our last class together and I know you are all excited to know who the winner is.” He beamed with anticipation as he waved the envelope in the air.

I actually had fun in this whole assignment even if it was just a short time. I glanced at Teddy who was clapping to what Mr. De Leon just said. Yeah, I had fun.

“Before I announce the winner, would anyone like to showcase their talents off before I go back to maths?” Mr. De Leon encouraged.

A few hands shot up in the air and Mr. De Leon picked a boy who sang Island in the Sun with his guitar. We all clapped our hands and howled for him.

“That was amazing and I’m sure going to miss that. I’m gonna miss you all even though I will be seeing some of you in maths and remedial classes” he chortled.

Ms. Travers was finally back after her mysterious break which means music classes are now back to its original schedule, and Mr. De Leon will no longer teach Music.

“I know all of you worked hard and you deserve all the grades I gave to you but there’s only going to be one winner of these two gift certificates from Mad Cow!!!” he shrieked as he opened the white envelope and got out two legit gift certificates from Mad Cow and waved them in the air which accumulate a round of applauses and hollers from the class.

“And of course, I already talked about to Ms. Travers the winning pair about them missing music classes, so it’s all good now.” He gave us the thumbs up.

That also gained claps and howls.

“Okay, let’s not hold this up any longer, so the winner is,” he said as he opened the same white envelope and retrieved a piece of white paper.


The whole room was as quiet as a mouse and you can really feel the tension that I had to hold Teddy’s hand, which is trembling a little out of thrill and enthusiasm.

“Josie and Roland!!!!!!” he yelled.

WHAT?! I couldn’t help but let go of Teddy’s hand and stand up from my chair.

“Congratulations you both worked hard for it, so go enjoy it.” He said as he shook the hands of the winners and handed them the white envelope.

The whole class clapped and cheered for them, so did Teddy.

They both jumped up of joy and Josie hesitated if she would hug Roland then I saw Roland smirk at me.

“It’s okay, Luke. We were good, like you said.” Teddy smiled at me. A genuine smile.

There goes the light-up-a-whole-Christmas-tree smile again.

“Yeah, you’re right. Besides, we can always go to Mad Cow, we don’t need certificates.” I told her as I begrudgingly clapped for them.

“Then be happy for them” she said as she poked my cheek because I was frowning.

I smiled not because I was happy for Roland and Josie but because even though I hated music class so much, I was able to learn something, do something about it, and had fun with Teddy.


“Hello, I’m Luke Hemmings.” I said to the lady behind the desk and slipped in my detention card and paper.

The lady stared at me with her bifocals, “I’m the librarian.”

That information would have really been helpful if I wasn’t in the library or if it was my first time there. Obviously she’s the librarian, there’s librarian written all over.

“So you decided to help the library, huh? That’s a great choice. We need all the help we can get.” She gave me a toothy grin.

I nodded but didn’t say anything or I might cost myself another detention.

“Okay follow me.” She said as she left her librarian desk and led the way.

Her shoes went clackety-clack as I follow her to racks and racks and racks of giant books then in the back of the library there was a cart full of books. The library floors were carpeted, there were paintings of old people in the walls and it just screams dull to me.

“These need to be put to their proper categories and if you’re done with that, there’s a whole cart of them at the fiction aisle, understood?” she said as she pointed at the cart and the aisles.

I nodded then sighed when she was out of sight. Never in my life I have pictured myself helping out the library or even be inside one for more than an hour. I’m going to be here for hours so I can complete my detention curse.

What a way to spend my Wednesday night, I should be in my room destroying Calum in GTA or maybe listen to some tunes. Oh wait, I can. I charged my iPod last night and brought it with me.

I removed my backpack from my back and fumbled with it. And found nothing.

How could I forget such vital equipment in my life??!?!?!? Damn it!

My life is not so glamorous anymore. I have detention, I failed History and now this.

I threw my bag on the carpeted floors and muttered some curse words.

“Excuse me, Mr. Hemmings, you might want to start now rather than sitting there.” The librarian said, standing in front of me with her arms crossed.

I wiped my nose and pretended that I’ve been sneezing, “I’m sorry, there’s just so many dust in here that I have to sneeze.” I faked a sneeze.

“Oh that reminds me you also have to dust them too.” She said as she walked away.

I groaned then put my backpack on my bag then pushed the cart. The books were all heavy, the kind that you use to press flowers and to gain height. I grabbed a feather duster and dusted them while holding my breath.

I was doing them all behind the shelves so if anybody I know comes in here, they won’t see me. The boys would throw a fit if they saw me in here. I told them about me getting a detention but I didn’t tell them I chose library duty. At first I thought library duty was just about reading stuff or highlighting them, which I can handle without falling asleep or throwing up but I forgot that also means upper body movement.

I dusted the books first then checked the books’ spines to see which aisle they belong. Most of them belong in Medical section and some are just basically falling apart.

I dusted my pants which is about to create a dust bunny and grabbed my backpack and head to the fiction section, the other cart the librarian mentioned. I trudged my way to fiction section with the feather duster in my hand and spotted the cart at the far corner. There were some people reading right in front of the shelves.

I grabbed the cart and pulled it away from some girl who was reading the back of the book. The cart made a squeak and I have to cringe. I sighed and took one book and began dusting it and the cycle continues again.

Finally, I finished dusting the book and now I have to put them in their respective category. Most of them belonged to Reference Materials which is in the other wing of the library. Yes, our library has wings.

I pushed the cart to the reference section and saw Teddy who was talking to someone, probably Roxette.

“It’s just so unreasonable, you know. You worked so hard then you get all this!” it sounded like Teddy. She sounded frustrated.

“Oh honey, it’s okay. It’s just a stupid contest.” Roxette cooed. Was she talking about the music class project?

“I’m not only talking about that. I’m also talking about the English essay that I worked really hard on.” She replied.

“Today’s been full of disappointments. I really thought Luke and I got it in the bag and I really don’t get how I got a C on my best subject. My best subject, Roxette!” that’s when she burst out crying, I think.

I really couldn’t see them or Roxette might see me but I think Roxette was now comforting Teddy as she cried.

I didn’t know those kind of stuff pressured Teddy so much.  I would be glad receiving a C in history but maybe because I always get an F.

If this is causing her stress, then what she needs to do is to loosen up.

And I know the perfect thing that could bring that light up the whole Christmas tree grin.


Hi!! Thank you so much for being so patient with this update. I would like to greet you all a Merry Christmas and an amazing new year!!! May this be the year I marry Luke. I would also like to greet Louis a happy birthday I love you baby!!! And also a happy birthday to papa Jesus!!!!

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