I'm your bloody friggin' mate...

By nyabhzz

3.5M 69.8K 5.1K

Abby has a secret. After moving into a new town, she finds herself surrounded by werewolves and one of the we... More

Chapter one: Beginnings
Chapter two: The first time
chapter three: his insight
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five-part one
chapter twenty five-part two
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty eight
chapter tweny nine part one
chapter twenty nine part 2
chapter thirty: change
chapter thirty one: clock of invisibility
chapter thirty two: fiercely loyal
chapter thirty three: And he reeks of death
forever sounds promising

chapter twenty seven

67.9K 1.3K 42
By nyabhzz

                                                      Chapter twenty seven

There moments in life when you wish for them to just last forever and that was my exact feeling at this point. May be it just might.

I smiled as I placed a kiss on Preston’s cheek. And with that I left the locker room with a smile plastered on my face.

It was a long day....but without Brittney or reigning questions from people, it remained a simple cool day.

Well that was I had seen it to be up to the moment I stepped into my home.

And as soon as I closed the door and headed into the living room I saw him... the one man who had changed me and my father’s life forever.

My mother’s father...

The mad, crazy, stupid, idiot son of a bitch alpha who had ordered the kill

The reason....

He dared to smile and it was the same moment that something within me burned terribly. The rage was burning inside. The rage for this man turning my heart inside and out...

“Hello, Abigail.” He said in a menacing voice filled with hints of pure hatred.

I did not understand how one man could be like this? And still be my grandfather?

“What the hell are you doing here?”

He was shaking his head as if in disappointment. “Didn’t your father ever teach you manners my dearest granddaughter? Or was he too busy living his life? You are not supposed to talk to me like that; I’m your grandfather...Your dearest grandfather.”

“You’ve no right to say that. I don’t consider you to be my grandfather.” I spat. I never imagined one person getting me this furious.

Britney had tried and they were occasions that my temper ruled me but never like this.

This was extreme.

I swore there was a moment I felt like just killing him.

“You’re a sick bastard and you better get out of my house before I call the police.”

He raised his eyebrow in such a way it managed to send a jolt of fear through me.

“The police?” he laughed. “I thought you had a mate...” he pretended to think for a minute as he snapped his fingers ever lightly. “He’s named Preston right? The alpha to be of this pack?”

“What do you want?” I asked hoping, praying he would just tell me already.

“What I want is for you and your evil son of a gun father to be gone forever...like dead and nothing  would be more satisfying than for me to kill you myself before you inflict your witchcraft on another soul..” He spitted. “I’m sure Preston would agree with me once he knows exactly what you are.”

My heart skipped a beat.

“Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?” I asked finally letting my rage control me. I could feel the rage inside my body completely blinding me of all reasons.  “You’re a sick bastard...you killed your own daughter for a stupid belief that my father had cast a spell on her...”

“Your father did a lot worse than that...and by the end of this week you will both be too dead for me to ever consider you again in my life. I will not let another human suffer from a spell you cast ever....” he hissed.

He was here to kill me?

Hell fires...!

“I did not cast a spell on anyone and neither did my father...you stupid old man.” I screamed. “For Pete’s sake I don’t know the very first thing about the craft you so much hate but right at this moment I wish I had accepted that part of my heritage. Then I would so easily kill you.”

And as I said that I realised I meant every word.

This man was turning me into a killing machine and the more time I spent under his influence the more plans and ways to kill him kept raving themselves in my head.

“You will not be able to kill me...not in your lifetime little girl” he spoke with such confidence. “but you know what I want you to suffer so I’m going to let you be hated by the only man you really like...the boy you liked so much that you had to conceive a plan with your father to make it look like he is your mate.”

Maybe he was crazy.

I thought to myself as I watched him say those words with eyes that said everything he had just spoken was what he believed in.

He was utterly insane.

“He is my mate.” I screamed on top of my lungs. . “My mate... I did not do anything to make that happen, okay?”

He laughed.

“And by god if you do anything...anything to jeopardize my relationship with him, I will personally see your grave is covered in cow dung...”

“Threatening me? Really?” he smiled. “Looks like I underestimated you little girl. You are a spit fire...and a rebel just like your mother was...nevertheless, right now your little boy toy is being told what you are...”


“And by the end of tonight he will hate you so much you will come to me and beg me to kill you.”

I had not even realized the tears rolling down my cheeks.

“I hate you and...”Before I finished, he was a mere inches away from me gripping my hands so tightly it hurt.

“I know you hate me but I hate you more...don’t forget that and I will be back to kill you.  You and your stupid wizard dad.” A lopsided smile grew on his lips.

“You’ll be dead before you get the chance to do that.” I stated. Somehow the fury I let control me earlier was taking a climax in me and it released a fearless me.

He laughed at that too. “Remember, your precious boy toy will hate you by the end of tonight.” He said and without knowing what he would do next he placed a kiss on my forehead.

It was the most I could take.

The fury, the rage, the anger inside me grew more...

For a second I felt a whole new sense increase in me...I felt far stronger than normal and for another second I swear I had a whole new body fighting with me.

I managed to push the old man away from me. He fell down. His face was covered in shock before he clearly rid his face of all emotions except rage.

I was just as surprised as he was.

I knew I was stronger than a normal human. Hell I had known that all my life which had been okay because it helped me deal with stupid idiots but never like this...

The energy that had flown in me a few seconds ago was almost too much for a half werewolf. In normal sense a real, strong and alpha werewolf was someone I could never take on but...

“Looks like my judgements keep on dwindling more every second about you.” He spoke standing up as he straightened his well tailored suit. “Ha ha...then you certainly will give me a show for my money when your boy toy starts hating you...”

He turned around and left.

I was still a bit shocked with the energy flowing inside me to do anything.

I just sat there and watched him leave.

The damned asshole...that also happened to be my grandfather and Alexander’s too.

Fate had a funny way of choosing my family right?

I had not even stood up from where I crouched down earlier when I had the front door open. Looking up I saw...I saw Preston.

A pokerfaced Preston...

He knew?...

yeah it's been a long time since i uploaded i know...for those who did not give up on this...uploading tommorow same time like now...or even earlier...love you all...

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