Sotus Fic-lets

By innerdemonsss

153K 5.2K 799

Short and sometimes long, one shots of Kongpop and Arthit...Maybe even Singto and Krist Disclaimer: The char... More


Twenty One

4.5K 206 71
By innerdemonsss

It's been raining pretty badly outside. Arthit watched the weather change from bad to worse from his darkening room. It was good that his classes had finished early due to the upcoming exams. Kongpop was however still in class.

As the sound of rain becomes louder, Arthit inches towards the umbrella he had placed by the door. It wasn't like he was concerned about Kongpop or anything.

It's just that it was raining really hard and Kongpop probably doesn't have an umbrella with him and even if he did he will probably offer it to someone else because he's such a prince like that and it's so annoying not because Arthit is a jealous person (he will fight you if you even suggest it) but because then that stupid Prince would get sick and Arthit would have to look after him because Kongpop sure as hell never takes care of himself.

Arthit already had enough on his schedule without adding a headstrong cheesy sick brat to it too. So yeah....he was just concerned for himself not for Kongpop.

Or so he tells himself as he makes his way out the dormitory building and into the pouring rain.

Yup that was all there was too it.

He walks all the way to the university and slowly walks towards the lecture block where Kongpop was having his classes. How does he know? Well it's only because Kongpop can't stop talking and because Arthit is a good listener. It is not that he knows Kongpop's timetable better than his own and it's not because he likes to take routes that would some times let him cross paths with his boyfriend. None of that. Nope.

If anyone asks, this was just a lucky guess.

He is almost there when he notices the now second year students making a run for it, some under umbrellas and some with their bags over their head. And then there is Kongpop, glasses perched at the bridge of his nose (Arthit personally finds it cute but he is never going to tell Kongpop that because his head will be bigger than it already is now) and hand up shielding his eyes from the rain.

He obviously hadn't noticed him yet so Arthit just slides in next to Kongpop.

Kongpop was in a pensive mood. He had been given loads of assignments and the exams were coming up too and all this meant less time with P'Arthit and Kongpop really really hated that. He already had little time with him as it was and all he wanted is to stay with him all the time.

He sighs watching the rain fall. He supposed that P'Arthit was probably in his room studying for his exams so he couldn't go disturb him...but how he missed him. He just wanted five minutes but he also knows that if he sees him, he wouldn't want to leave. Arthit has that effect on him and try as he might Kongpop just can't help it. He wants to be with P'Arthit always. He sighs again, shaking his head off of his depressing thoughts. Maybe he'll see him for dinner....

He steps out into the rain, glancing up when he doesn't feel the rain as he should. He sees an umbrella and holding it is a shy, absolutely fucking adorable P'Arthit. His Arthit.

Kongpop grins, the one that P'Arthit says he hates but Kongpop knows he loves, because P'Arthit always blushes - like right now, "P'Arthit-" the spots of pink on arthit's cheeks bloom crimson "I love how you take care of me," his P'Arthit is seriously the most adorable person he's ever laid eyes on, "You make me fall in love with you more and more every time."


Its been a year. How have y'all been? Have you seen the Sotus S teaser?!!!!! I know right? It's so perfect I watched it on repeat and then again on IG whenever it's posted. I was literally like that gif after it was released 😅😅

Let's have fun everyone!! Xoxo
IG - @innerdemonss
Line - shivyn

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