When I met U (ziam)

By zeeyumRule

82.3K 4.1K 6.5K

A ZIAM AU: where Zayn, captain of his school's football team is failing and has no option than taking tutions... More

My Rival's Brother
Cute tutor!
Smile, blush and many more
Newton Lawz
A Lie fired back
Broken Trust
Lemme Make It Up To You
Lost Home
Just One Chance
Best Friends
Bitter Taste
Family or Friend
No Shit
Thank you
Who's that?
Hard To Hide
Need Of Claim
Knowing Too Much
Next Story?

Tiny Sparkz

2.7K 149 178
By zeeyumRule

Normal Pov:-

After the ceremony, Zayn and Liam were almost unseperable. Zayn tugging Liam everywhere he was going, like he is too sacred to miss another moment with him.

He had so many things stored up that he cant wait for Liam to hear them all. He started with the Prof.Simon's horror face when Zayn answered his question, sort off humiliating him infront of Principal.

And ofcourse he had to brag about how he is becoming Liam's rival in studies after scoring more mark in Physics than him.

Not forgetting his other subject performance and beside he bragged about all the action figures he found in his store room. Something he was dying to show him since he had no one to share the same passion for Marvel. Sure Louis does too but not as much as Zayn or as a matter fact as Liam.

After the football ceremony, Coach Paul gave a treat on Mc Donald's and even there Zayn had Liam all to himself.

They both sat together along with Niall and Samuel, one of their team mate but Zayn acted that no one else exist around them.

He kept talking, even when his mouth was stuffed, smugging sauce all around his lips with every bite of his burger.

Zayn bought up the topic of him intruding Liam's house at night and how terrified he was when the lamp turned out and he saw green eyes, and On hearing him Liam wouldn't help but laugh loud catching everyone's attention.

But honestly none of the two boys were paying attention to notice.

Zayn continued with his tale about that night, how Harry said he want to have a word and how his mind was quickly calculating how his bones will break more? by jumping off the window or by facing Harry.

Liam laughed till his ears were shading pink and playfully pushed Zayn in the wall, taking his brother's side and saying how of a cheesecake Harry is to do something like that.

They both argued, chuckling softly at each others stupid comebacks but later it changed and was just Zayn talking and Liam listening to him with complete attention.

The way Zayn kept on talking about every thing made people around him wonder how he can even talk this much. All they saw him before was a Kool bad boii who give no fucks about grades, teachers and other students but he was, legit giggling and gushing like a teenage girl talking to her best friend.

Even while leaving and standing outside the Mc.Donald's didnt shut Zayn's rant " and then we had to leave- but overall it was such a great experie-"

"Sod off, Zayn! You're legit scaring the innocent guy!" Louis threw his hand around Liam's shoulder and pulled him to his side.

"Oi- why don't you go and see off your secret boyfriend and leave my best Friend to myself?" Zayn grinned and pulled Liam by his arm, back on his side.

"Why are you even with him?" Louis asks Liam, trying a way to offend Zayn but just when Zayn was about to open his mouth with a petty reply, Liam said "because I want to" Shutting Louis the instant.

"You two suck!" Louis grunts before walking towards the car where apparently Harry and Niall were having a chat.

"Think we should try that- together?" Liam asked, referring to the club incident Zayn was talking about.

"Oh hell Ya!!! Actually I'll take to all my favourite place and then we c-"


Zayn growled in disappointment and turned to Liam with his best puppy eyes, softly begging him to deny Harry.

"What's with the sad face, Zee? You'll meet him tomorrow anyway" Niall teases with a string of chuckles and suddenly Liam's cheek were burning hot.

"You need to go?" Zayn asks, ignoring Nial completely.

"Don't have much of an opt-"

"I can drop you!" Zayn suggested.

Liam turns at Harry who just waves at him to come and turns back to Zayn with a pout "Harry won't sleep till I am home!"

"Such a parent material! Dont you get annoyed?" Zayn questions and turns back to Harry where the boys are laughing about something he can't hear.

"Nope- never! I actually like it when he is demanding." Liam softly chuckles and adores the way Harry was laughing.

"So i should take you as a submissive?!" Zayn grins.

"Sub- What???" Liam widens his eyes and pushes Zayn in complete embarrassment before quickly walking down the stairs.

Zayn laughs echoes Liam's ears and he rushed to the car and waves at Niall and Louis before getting in to the car.

Liam waited for Harry to join and in the mean time he stares at Zayn from the windshield where Zayn stares right back, looking at him all the affection he has, by folding his hands across his chest.

And if that didnt created tiny unexplainable sparks in Liam's heart.


Next day the first things Liam sees on entering school was Zayn along with Louis.

"How come I see you on time, Malik?" Liam    wondered and they both walked towards their first class, which they share together.

"Well Louis was kind enough to drag me out of bed and realising that I'll have my first class with you. I cant afford to be late"

"Geez! Are you using tumblr alot?" Liam giggled and shaked his head softly.

"What it has to do with anything?"

"It has everything to do with your cliche words!" Liam pointed and entered their math class.

Zayn goes to his regular seat but his heart sinks on seeing Liam go near Andy's table.

He hangs his head down but soon shots it up on hearing someone shift beside him.

"Liam?" He wondered out loud.

"Whats with the surprised face?" Liam raised his brow and sits beside him.

"Thought you gonna sit with Andy"

"Why will I do that when you're here? I was just getting back my books- he borrowed them the day off"

And Zayn was smiling big "yea?" He nods to himself.

Ms. Ana gives a cheeky smile on seeing Zayn and Liam sit together and starts her lesson which honestly Zayn paid zero attention to and didnt even let Liam concentrate.

"You tried that ice-cream parlour across the Even's street? That shit iz worth dying!" Zayn says and draws an ice cream doodle on his book.

"You're quite an artist, Zee" Liam compliments, quite impressed by the way Zayn highlighted the inner part of the scoops and dragged a drop like the ice cream is melting.

"Its just an ice-cream cone, babe" Zayn shruggs and Liam bites his lip on hearing the word babe.

"Zayn detention after school!" Ms.Ana's voice jolts Zayn, making his pencil clank on the desk.

"Bu-t I-I"

Liam chuckles at the Zayn's stammering and next his name was called out loudly.

"Same for you, Mr.Payne!"

"Karma is a bitch, aint it?" Zayn smirks making Liam huff loudly.

"Shut up!"


The school ended pretty quickly, Zayn skipping all the classes he didn't shared with Liam to play in the football ground and Liam spending his time around his second favourite thing, books.

Liam was having a nice day so far but just when he was bunking all his books in his locker, someone cornered him.

"For God Sake Andy! You scared me!" Liam sighed on seeing no one but his now friend and closes his locker.

"What? Expecting someone else?" Andy laughed and moved aside.

"No! Just thought another bully!"

"I dont think you'll find one now! Not after Zayn long confession for you! I mean Li, who will bully you now? One school Hottie
Is your brother and another is your boyfriend! So no chance dude!"

Liam widened his eyes and horrifically looked at his friend.

"B-boyfriend??? Za-Zayn is not my boyfriend" Liam quickly dismissed.

"Not your boy- Oh so you guys are gonna act like Harry and Louis?"

"Nooo- w-we are just friends"

"Yea- the same thing Louis tells me! Not forgetting the same stammering" Andy nods to himself "cool thing, pal! If you dont want to share it dont- but let me tell you, its fucking obvious"

Liam stomach started feeling uneasy with all the sudden thought.

"What is obvious?" He couldn't help but ask.

"The way you two look at each other! Like all the stars and moon iz just one person and God who is ready to embarrass himself infront of a crowd just for a friend??"

"Im his best friend" Liam reasons.

"I wont do that for my best friend if you ask me"

"We are not dating!" Liam declares and tries to walk past Andy.

"Lets see how long this will hide"

"We are not hiding anything!"

Andy rolls his eyes and nods "whatever! Just like your brother!"

Liam opens his mouth to say something but decides not to and walks away mumbling

"There is nothing going on between us!" To himself.

Or is it?

His stomach twitches at  the thought of him and Zayn being a thing!!

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