Distractions [completed]

By Tatumn_B

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This book hasn't been edited since I completed it. Alexa Harper is your basic girl, or at least she appears t... More

Part 1: "Damn... She's beating your ass"
Part 2: "Guess Who?"
Part 3: "Get on the counter, asshole."
Part 4: "I hate you."
Part 5: "Did we seriously come here to feed ducks?"
Part 6: "Guys this is Jay!"
Part 7: "Don't wait up, asshole."
Part 8 : "Shut up and hit me with a crusty burrito... Are you serious?"
Part 9: "S-something happened."
Part 10: "I don't know what to do."
Part 11: "Let it all out,"
Part 12: "I'm most likely going to cry myself to sleep."
Part 13: "Yoga. Hmm, what type of yoga?"
Part 14 : "She's such a bitch!"
Part 15 : "Yeah, I could totally take you."
Part 16 : "You two cannot be serious."
Part 18 : "Do you have feelings for me?"
Part 19 : "I'll try."
Part 20 : "What the fuck is your problem?!"
Part 21 : "I'm glad I can finally do this whenever I want."
Part 22 : "There goes Alexa for you."
Part 23 : "You're the best shoe tier I've ever had."
Part 24 : "Are you crazy!?"
Part 25 : "My sister everybody."
Author's Note :)
Part 26 : "Now let's get our asses out there."
Part 27 : "We'll talk about it after school tomorrow."
Part 28 : "I-I love you."
Determination/Sequel ;)

Part 17 : "This isn't exciting, you twat!"

17 1 0
By Tatumn_B

"Why am I here?" Ketsen asks annoyed at something.

"Aw. What's wrong?" I ask in a baby voice.

He looks up at me through his eyelashes with an angry look on his face now.

"Come on, stop pouting and uncross your arms and talk to me. We're friends now, I know you wan't to tell me." I poke his arm and pout my bottom lip out.

His eyes dart to my lips but looks away just as quickly "Well... Mark said I could go to my mom's next meeting, right?" He begins and I nod.

"He didn't know what the date would be for the next one, turns out that was today was the meeting and I didn't know that until I got home. There was a note... A fucking note that said that's where they were! Am I there now?" He asks.

I shake my head "Fuck no! Sure ain't!"

"Maybe they... forgot?" I suggest, he snaps his head towards me and I swear I heard something pop "Or not..."

"You know what you need?"


"Alcohol." I wiggle my eyebrows before walking out of the area and walking behind one of the bars. I grab a bottle of vodka and a shot glass and take it back to ou- my spot.

After school I came here to practice for tomorrow then called Kesten and Rae to come hang out with me. Rae answered the phone out of breath and said she was busy, needless to say I didn't ask just said okay and bye. So it's just been the two of us for the past five minutes, Kesten sat there pouting and now here we are.

I sit and cross my legs before signaling him to do the same. He rolls his eyes but sits down.

"Show me what that mouth do." I laugh thinking of a bunch of dirty jokes before filling up the shot glass, he takes right when I'm done and gulps it down in one swallow.

He slams the glass down and I fill it up again for me. I drink it "I've never seen you mad before... It was weird." I state.

He looks at me and his eyes soften "I'm sorry, I didn't me-"

"Don't apologize, I understand. I am the queen of getting mad." I laugh.

He smiles and gets up to sit by me. We both lean against the wall bringing our knees to our chests. "Want another?" I ask and he nods.

I pour him a shot and he drinks it, then pour myself another one before downing also. We sit there in the comfortable silence.

"Are you excited?" I look up at him and notice that my head is leaning against his shoulder.

"For what?" I sigh turning back to looking at the blank wall in front of me.

"Tomorrow night's performance."

"I do it all the time." I laugh

"You enjoy it though, right?"

"Of course... I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't enjoy it."

"Exactly, so are you excited?"

"I guess."

"What songs are you singing?" He asks as I close my eyes.

"Uh, I'm singing Teams by Kalin White, Rae and I are singing Strange by Croosh and A-RU$$, then Rae is singing Moment Like You by Lia Marie Johnson by herself."

"Cool, do you want to sing for me?"

I laugh "Uh no, if you want to hear me sing then come watch me sing tomorrow night."

"Okay... It's a plan." He sighs and I feel his head lean against mine.

"Can you sing?" I ask

He laughs and I feel his shoulders moving beneath my head "Only in my room, never in front of a crowd."

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

"Oh okay, I got you."

Standing up I reach my hand out to help Kesten, when he grabs my hand and is almost standing up I let go making him fall back on his ass.

"Really?" He glares at me. I start to walk away.

"Yep." I yell over my shoulder almost to the door.

Right before my hand touches the handle I pulled back by Kesten. His hands are on my waist and my feet aren't touching the floor. He begins to tickle me and I can't do anything because my arms are pinned to my sides.

Before I can protest and tell him to stop, I'm on the floor with him straddling me and pinning my arms beside my head.

"Apologize." He tells me and I look at his arms and mine beside my head. I smirk and mentally slap Kesten for being retarded. I'm pretty sure he knows, I take self defense.

I use my knee and jab it into his stomach, him obviously not expecting it loosens his grip. This makes it easy for me to switch up the roles, so now I'm straddling him.

"Now what did you want me to do?" I ask batting my eyelashes

He leans on his forearms to get closer to my face "Apologize."

"Yeah, you keep saying that and all I hear is 'please beat my ass Alexa'."

He laughs and lays back down on the floor. I feel my cheeks turn red when his hands touch my thighs. I quickly get off him and walk out of the cafe to get some air, the air feels great hitting my face.

I keep walking and Kesten came up beside me at some point. "Doesn't it feel so good out here?" I sigh letting the cool wind hit me in the face.

"Eh." He says and I laugh.

I interlock our arms together and look up at him "Food?"

He laughs "Food."

I begin to skip and practically drag him with me.


"Rae's birthday is coming up and I wan-" I start eating one of my french fries.

"You want to throw her a party." He finishes and tries to grab one of my fries but I slap his hand away and glare at him.

"Yes, asshole, I want to throw her a tiny get together for her. Just the gang, we can plan it together later." I tell him my glare turning into a smile.

We ended up walking to the gym to get Kesten's Jeep before driving to McDonalds after arguing about Taco Bell and Subway, we finally agreed to eat where we always eat.

"Why me?" He asks smirking.

"What do you mean?" I stare at him.

"You could be planning this with Jay, Sabrina, Soph, and anyone else. You want me to help you though, why?"

"What do you mean?" I ask again still not getting where he's going.

He blows out a breath and leans back against his chair with his arms crossed and just stares at me. "Are you trying to get at something?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Never mind." He sighs.

"If you're asking why I'm planning it with you, I want to. Besides Rae, you're my closest friend and I want to plan this with you." I smile at him and he smiles back

"So basically you just want another excuse to hang out with me, okay." He smirks. I throw a fry and it successfully hits him in the eye. I start to laugh until I can't breathe, but quickly stop when I see Kesten holding his eye and in pain.

I get up from my seat and rush over to his side before leaning down putting my hands on his knees "Are you okay?"

He shakes his head and I feel a tear drop onto my hand "Oh my fuck, okay, come on, we're going to the hospital." I tell him and link my arm with his to pull him up.

"It's my eye, Alexa, I can still walk." He laughs but then sucks a breath in.

I unlink my arm from his and get behind him, patting his ass "Stop being an ass and... walk!" I construct and he begins walking towards the exit.

When we get outside Kesten gets in the passenger seat and I freeze in my tracks. I have to drive. I mentally slap my self out of it and walk to the door before opening it and getting into the car.

Putting my hands on the wheel and just sit there.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you're just sitting there."

"Oh yeah." I laugh and put the key in the ignition and start the car.

The drive was mostly filled with Kesten groaning. I think he just got salt in his eye, but you never know what can happen. If we don't go to the hospital, who knows, he might go blind in that eye and it would be all my fault.

When we got there I yelled at him to hurry up and I ran into the Hospital, most likely looking like a crazy person. I got to the main desk and began to ring the bell until a lady came up to us.

"My friend needs help," I tell the woman gesturing to Kesten beside me not even looking.

"Um, honey, no one's there." She tells me looking at me sympathetically. I scowl at her for looking at me like that then see Kesten walk through the doors and walk up to us very slowly.

"See, don't fucking look at me like that. I'm not crazy it's just his slow ass was taking forever," I tell the lady and her eyes open wide when I curse. "Anyways, I threw a fry at his face and he most likely got salt in his eye." I smile at her and this woman looks at me weirdly.

"Okay!" She chirps making my ear twitch "No one's really here so Mr. Allen will see you in a short moment." She tells us and smiles at Kesten.

We go to sit in the waiting room to... wait. "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine, see." He tells me then takes his hand away from his eye. All around the eye is red. his eye is watered up and I see a little bit of blood at the bottom of his eye.

"Oh my God, it bleeding!" I tell him then hand him my phone. He looks in the camera.

"Oh, yeah, I see it!" He exclaims and my mouth hangs open in disbelief.

"This isn't exciting, you twat!" I screech at him right when the doctor comes in.

"Hi Mr. Allen." Kesten waves at him and I just shake my head at him.


Turns out the fry scraped his cornea and that's where the blood came from. Now he has to wear an eye patch on the eye that I threw a fry on. It's kinda funny but not funny at the same time, it's my fault and I feel a tiny bit bad. I'm not letting him know that though.

Kesten went home and so did I. When I walked in the house and immediately go to my room to change clothes. I change into a white tank top and a pair of fluffy plaid pajama bottoms then head back downstairs to find Soph watching TV. Guess I didn't notice her when I walked in.

I get a coke from the kitchen; my favorite drink ever, it's all I drink and walk into the living room and sit beside her.

"How was your date with Kesten?" She asks looking at me through the corner of her eye.

"First of all, shut up, you know I was at the cafe. Second of all, we're just friends and I don't think of him like that... I think. How did you even know I was hanging out with Kesten?" I ask now curious.

She doesn't even glance at me just keeps her eyes trained on the TV. "I just guessed," She laughs "You've been hanging out with him a lot."

"Yep." I sigh and get comfortable watching Skin Wars with my sister while taking sips of my delicious coke.

The episode ended and Soph went to get a snack before coming back to play another episode. We're on or at least she's on season two.

"You think?" Soph asks and pauses Netflix before turning towards me.

"Think what?"

"Earlier you said you think you don'y have feelings for Kesten."

"Oh my God." I groan leaning my head against the couch.

"Do you or do you not have feelings for him?"

"No I don't." I tell her.

"Okay." She says and plays the episode.

At least I hope I don't.

I'm not even paying attention to the show I can't get her question out of my head. Do I like him like that? Everyone seems to think I do. Soph, Sabrina, Rae. Why can't a guy and a girl be friends without one of them liking each other, I mean in most situations that's usually the situation. But I don't like him and he doesn't like me. Even if I did nothing would happen, I made a promise to Sabrina and I refuse to break it.

I don't even realize that I was asleep until I feel liquid spilling on my pants. My eyes shoot open and I see that I'm the only one in the living room now. I quickly jump up making sure to not get Coke on the couch, but still fail when it goes all over the carpet.

I run to get a towel and begin to wipe it up and scrub the carpet. A minute or two later Miles comes down the stairs and walks past me "You're so screwed." He yells over his shoulder.

"Shut up!" I yell back at him

There's definitely gonna be a stain tomorrow once it dries. I have hope my douche of a little brother will keep his mouth shut and I'm gonna walk away like nothing happened. I throw away my coke but not before hitting Miles in the head then go up to room to get ready for bed.

I start to read To Kill A Mockingbird while laying down and eventually fall asleep.


Hope you guys liked this chapter! If you did, vote, comment, and follow me to be aware of when I update 'Distractions'

XoXo, Tatumn

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