✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/C...

By kogikofi

245K 6.9K 10.4K

↱complete↲ ⇨ 2/27/17... More

Ch.1» First Unofficial meeting
Ch.2» First official meeting
Ch.3» Ladybug's first impression
Ch.4» What a Night
Ch.5» Hangout
Ch.6» Hello Again~
Ch.7» FAB
Ch.8» Memories
Ch.9» Mornings
Ch.10» Indirect
Ch.12» First Day
Ch.13» Christmas Coincidence
Ch.14» Decorating
Ch.15» Surprise?
Ch.16» Unexpected
Ch.17» Thoughts
Ch.18 » Admitting
Ch.19» Planning
Ch.20» Decision
Ch.21» Dat-Hangout
Ch.22» Crazy
Ch.23» Helping
Ch.24» Sad To Happy
Ch.25» Compliments
Ch.26» Just a Little Chat
Ch.27» Unexpected Someone
Ch.28» Getting Ready
Ch.29» Goodbye?
Ch.30» News [EPL]
Bonus (Special Nash chapter :'D)

Ch.11» Tell Me~

7.1K 217 466
By kogikofi

Your not my number 1, Your my only one

-- Marinette's POV --

" Thanks for inviting me to your home "

" No problem! If there's anything you need, I'll be at the living room " She smiles " And this is the map of the whole house " She hands me the said object before leaving.

" Is their mansion really that big? Oh,well " I shrug and followed to where Nash's room is.

After a few minutes, I finally found his room. I can feel butterflies in my stomach and a blush creeping up my face. I shake my head and knock on the door.

" Come in! " I heard him say from the other side.

I went inside and closed the door behind me, only to him tiredly laying down in his bed with his jersey on.

" Marinette! " He jerk out of his bed before sitting down " What brings you here? "

" That's like the 2nd time somebody ask that " I mutter " I need to tell you something " I pause after a I saw him raise a brow.

' W-wait, I-is h-he getting t-t-the wrong idea?! '

"It's a-about y-your sister " I stammer.

'Dang it head! What even made me think that he was thinking of me confessing! . . . It's too soon!'

He then glance down, looking a little sad " Take a seat"

I nod and went over to a chair that is facing him.

" So, what about her? "

" She just got an indirect kiss "

" What?! When?! Where?! " He jolt up,happily.

" Earlier this morning. When we went to this burger place.I didn't have the mood to drink any milkshakes, so, I gave it to her, plus it was free "

He chuckles, making me blush and mentally slapping myself for doing so.

" Wait, burgers?! "

" Yeah. But Let me— "

" Burgers! "

" Yes, Burgers, now— "

" Burgers! "

" Nash!!! " I snap.

He looks at me with a sheepish smile " Sorry, Go on "

' (Y/n) was right '

I clear my throat " When we left, she wants to take the shake for take out, so she did. And then while we were walking, Adrien came by and ask to drink some of her shake "

I sweat drop when I saw him 'fanboy' for his sister.

" and that's where they have it "

" Let me guess, " He starts " She was too dense to notice it "

I nod.

" Sometimes I wonder if she ever notice everything " He sighs while laughing a bit.

-- Nash's POV --
« Time Skip by Dante »

" Bye Marinette! " We wave as the said girl left.

We then went back inside and sat down on the couch.

" So, What did you guys do? " (Y/n) asks, plainly.

"We talked about stuff " I say and brush off the dirt in my now fresh set of clothes.

" About what? Oh and by the way, I like the smell of your shampoo " She sniff to smell more of the fragmented smell.

" Thanks? And it's none of your business "

" Wha?! " Her mouth opens.

" Close your mouth " I say and shut it " I don't want a fly getting in it. Though that would be funny. Open it again "

She then slap my shoulder while moving her jaw " That hurts,you know? "

" I don't know " I say, plainly. But then, I remembered what Marinette told me. A smirk formed in my lips making (Y/n) look at me confusingly " oh, by the way,What happened today? "

" Oh,that? Well, nothing, we just ate, talk, walk around the park "

" No one there particular?"

" Adrien was there "

'" That's all? "

" Well, what do you want me to tell you? " She says with an annoyed tone.

' She really doesn't know '

I shake my head " Nothing. But I got a question for you "

" You've been asking the whole time "

"..." I blink " It's a different one! "

" Well, you've been asking different questions for the whole 4 minutes "

I sweat drop " Just answer"

She rolls her eyes and nods.

" Have you had your . . . Indirect kiss? "

She looks at me with a look " Where did you get that? Of course not "

" You really are oblivious "

" And what is that supposed to mean? "

" I'll tell you in another time "

" Don't tell me. . . That the two of you were talking about me "

" Actually,yes. But in a good way "

" Right. And that involved Indirect kiss? " She rose a brow.

" Maybe " I look left to right.

" Come on! You just have to say it to me! " She whines.

" Like I said; It's none of your business "

She then raise her point finger " You know,I take 'maybe' as a 'yes' "

" And I take that as a ' Say that to your face ' " I say while lowering her hand.

" That's like the second time someone put my hands down "

" Well then, I'm going to my room "

" This early? "

" Yeah "

" Don't tell me that your gonna play video games again"

" Psh, says the one who reads 'X Reader' for a life " I laugh.

" At least they're better than you! "

" At least I'm real! " I laugh harder before going to my room.

I locked the door and set out a bowl of blue berries. And of course, Fizz flew out and started eating it.

" Wait, I know that look " He starts.

" Yes, yes you do "

« Time Skip by Yuri »

" Something is off " Ladybug glares side to side.

" Yeah " Chat reply.

" Off what? " I ask, titling my head.

" It has been quiet for the past few days " Ladybug looks at me.

" Maybe is a warning? " Foxy says.

" Warning?If that's the case, I hope nothing bad happens "

" Why'd you have to say that?!" I huff " Now, there's totally gonna be a dangerous thing that will happen "

" You believe in those? " Foxy rose a brow.

" It always happens,so,of course I believe in those "

" Riiiight "

" Anyways, " I jump down " I'm going to go walk around - or fly " I say with a grin and starts to fly around Paris.

" Careful there Batman " I heard a feminine voice teased.

I look down and saw Ladybug catching up.

" Oh, if it isn't Ladybug " My mouth forms into a smirk " Seems like you want to play tag "

" Sure, I won't mind "

" Don't say I didn't warned ya " I fly faster.

" Hey!!! Not fair!!!! "

" Told Ya!! "


I just have to post this😂😂since I have nothing to say.

♦♥~ Unicorn Queen

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