The First of February (EDITIN...

By 1DWonderland

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Eighteen year old Ashley Wills and her three friends have been waiting outside a hotel for two days in hopes... More

The First of February (1)
Dinner (2)
The Club (3)
Hungover (4)
Racing (5)
Food Poisoning (6)
The Flight (7)
Welcome to Hawaii (8)
More Than This (9)
Three is a Crowd (10)
Torn Between Them (11)
Should've Kissed You (12)
Green Doesn't Look Good on You (13)
What Came Through the Window (14)
Party Crashers (15)
News Worthy (16)
Welcome Home! (17)
Sticky Situation (18)
Show Time (20)
The City of Love (21)
Valentine's Day (22)
Back Home (23)
Abandoned (24)
Forgive and Forget (25)
Secrets (26)
Priceless (27)
Forever Young (28)
The Start of a New Beginning (29)

The Ex (19)

965 12 0
By 1DWonderland

 Ashley's P.O.V-

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't enjoy my shower. The boiling rain showered down on my stiff body, just standing there, letting the water cascade. Usually, I enjoy all my showers, but I was so stressed and I just couldn't get Harry off my mind.

If only someone saw me right now, looking like a stupid zombie just standing there naked, motionless in the middle of the tub with water pouring onto my body. I finally brought myself to turn the water off, after my body was all cleaned off and my hair was washed with some Axe shampoo. I forgot I was in Harry's bathroom, where he kept all of his stuff, so obviously there wouldn't be any girlie products like flowery scented shampoo or that other shit.

I smelled like the boys when I stepped out of the shower and onto the black bath mat, wrapping a towel around my body. Quietly, I made my way down the hall and into Harry's room. Right away, something was wrong. My clothes weren't there. Before I knew it, my legs led me out of his room and downstairs into the living room where the boys sat.

"Who took my stuff?" I snapped, looking at each boy in the eye. They all stared at me, wide eyed and trying to act all innocent. These were just like the stupid pranks back in highschool; stealing someones clothes while they showered after gym.

"Well? Who the hell took my clothes and hid them?" They all looked like they were in a trance, but why? My eyes slowly looked down to find my towel at my feet, leaving me there in the living room, naked, in front of Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry. I quickly bent down and got the towel, covering my body up and running back upstairs.

I ran right into Harry's room, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. I walked right over to his closet and pulled out one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxer briefs. My legs slid into the bright cherry red underwear, and to my surprise, they fit me nicely. Harry's Ramone's shirt fit my body loosely, but I didn't care. 

By now, my hair was dry and I looked like a mess. Because all of my stuff was in my bag, I used Harry's comb to brush through my hair. After I tried to look a bit decent, I made my way back downstairs.

"You guys are all assholes," I said as I walked past them just sitting there, all staring at me and their eyes following my body walk into the empty kitchen. I sat down at the table alone, playing with my fingers.

I heard the front door open and close, and was left in total silence. I thought I was alone, assuming that all the boys left, but then Harry walked in, taking a seat across from me at the kitchen table. "Ashley, no one took your clothes. My mum took your bags and set them in the guest room and unpacked everything," Harry explained quietly.

"You've got to be shitting me," I mumble quietly, glancing up at him then back to my fingers.

"Nope, I'm serious. And are you all pissed off at the whole towel situation thing still?" Harry spoke quietly, almost soothing and comforting, like he was showing me compassion.

"Harry, I was naked for a good three minutes in front of all of you guys!" I looked up from my fingers and looked at him in the eyes, getting lost in his green eyes.

"It was more like ten seconds, actually. And you've got a wicked body." He stayed silent for a few seconds. "If it helps, you look smashing in my clothes." Harry grinned cheekily at me, but it was a sincere smile and because of this, I couldn't help but smile back and blush like an idiot.

"Thanks," I stayed quiet and realized I had to tell him what his mom had said to me. "Harry, your mum thinks were dating."

He leaned over the table a bit with wide eyes. "What?"

"She said to me this morning how we are such a cute couple and how sorry she was for disturbing us last night from whatever us lovebirds were up to." I couldn't believe I was saying this, but it just ran out of my mouth, blurting itself out to the whole world, well Harry, but..... You know what I mean.

"I'm sorry. All I did was kiss your neck last night, I swear. I just can't help myself, Ashley," he started slowly.  A sigh escaped my lips as I ran my hands through my hair, my nails scraping against my scalp lightly.

"Were back!" Niall shouted, running into the kitchen with three plastic bags with the Nando's logo on them. So they went to go get dinner, how nice. Thankfully, the boys interruption got me to avoid answering Harry.


"Harry, no one looks down and smiles at their crotch. Now stop texting at the dinner table," Anne scolds, giving her son a disapproving look.

Harry looked up grinning. "Yes, but mum I'm not texting. You'd be smiling too if you had a dick as big as mine." Louis spit his water out of his mouth, sending the mist flying over the dinner table. Everyone started erupting into laughter, even Anne.

She did smack him across the head though after his crude remark.

I picked at my food with my fork, stabbing the chicken breast multiple times. Niall looked at me and slid his hand onto my knee, giving it a squeeze and causing me to jump a little. I looked over at him and giggled quietly.

"Oh Harry, I'm running to the store tonight. Would you like me to pick up any of that cream for your rash? Louis told me it came back," his mum said, sticking a piece of chicken in her mouth with her fork.

Harry shot Louis a death glare and blushed bright red. I glanced at Niall who was cracking up in his chair, making me laugh as well. "No mum! And Louis, you think you're one funny wanker don't you? Just wait, shit head." Louis fell over in his chair and landed on his shoulder on the ground, cracking up.


"Night guys, I'm going to bed," Liam announced, letting out a yawn and waved us a goodbye as he walked up the steps slowly, stumbling over a few. He looked tired so it's good that he isn't going to stay up, hes been looking stressed. I've over heard some of his phone calls to Danielle.

I cuddled with Niall as we all sat in the living room just talking about the most pointless stuff. Niall brushed a piece of hair from my face and swept it behind my ear and smiled, kissing me on the forehead.

"Oh yeah, guys, I forgot to mention that we are having company tomorrow. My friends are stopping by and we're all going out to lunch and then the beach, up by the point," Harry says with a grin. He cracked his knuckles and fingers as everyone looked at each other.

After we all headed up to bed, I curled up next to Harry and shut my eyes, trying to relax. I pretended to be sleeping each time he tried to start a conversation in the darkness.

"We'll talk tomorrow," I whispered finally, getting tired of him pestering my sleepy self.

"Oh, okay," he whispered back quietly and moved around in the sheets, trying to get comfy. I finally fell asleep, but I don't think he did. It was a pretty peaceful night actually. I had a good dream I think, I just can't really remember. Harry tossed and turned all night, so I cuddled up to him to stop him from moving, and that did the trick.

My good nights sleep was disturbed when two large figures leaped onto Harry's bed, squishing me and Harry. "Harry get the fuck up, you lazy lad!" someone shouted in a deep voice. The boys climbed off the bed then stood there shocked when I got up, rubbing my eyes.

"Get out of my room, Louis," Harry mumbled.

"Harry, who is the fine fittie in your bed?" the other boy asked. The one was wearing a gray knit beanie and black skinny jeans that were big on him with gray Tom's and a plaid button up. The other boy was wearing sweat pants, a Jack Wills jumper, and sneakers.

Harry slowly got up and stared at his friends. "Oh it's you guys."

"Nice to see you too!" the one replied cheerfully.

"Ashley, that's Ian and Brandon. Brandon and Ian, that's Ashley," Harry groaned and got up finally, getting out of bed without his shirt on. I followed him out of bed and stood in front of his friends in a pair of navy yoga shorts and a black tank top.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ashley. May I say, you look smashing," Brandon said, grinning cheekily at me. His brown hair reminded me of Louis, just much lighter. He had chocolate brown eyes unlike Ian. Ian had jet black hair and bright blue eyes, reminding me of Logan Lerman.

I let out a small smile before throwing my hair up in a messy bun and heading downstairs, my black ankle socks keeping my feet warm. I was surprised once again to see more new faces in the living room chatting with the boys and I sure in hell wasn't pleased to see some blonde broad throwing herself at Niall.

"Oh, good morning babe." Niall got up and wrapped his arms around my body and kissed me. A thought popped into my head, and I decided to kiss him longer then I usually do when we greet each other, just to piss off that girl and show her he is mine.

"Morning love," I whispered, smiling against his soft lips. "Hello!" I smiled cheerfully, looking at the new people; three more boys and four girls, so in total, five new boys. Awesome nine people I don't know then the six of us, what a full house and a lot of numbers. "I'm Ashley."

I wanted to punch the four girls who all whispered and stared at me like I was an alien or something. The girl who was sitting next to Niall seemed to be like the leader of the girls, but I wasn't sure yet. "Hi Ashley, I'm Pat. That is Matt and Frankie," Pat explains, pointing to the other boys. Just then, Ian and Brandon ran down the stairs, Harry storming down behind them, mumbling something.

"These were my friends I was talking about last night," Harry whispered in my ear as he passed by me. I nodded and headed into the kitchen to get food.

"Does anyone want breakfast?" I asked, walking back into the packed living room.

"No, we already ate," A girl with a nasally voice answered me quickly, flipping her brown, curly locks. I raised my eyebrows and shrugged.

"Speak for yourself, Kate," Matt says, making a face at her.

"Only if you don't mind," Frankie said smiling, with the rest of the boys smiling wide and nodding. I grinned and turned on my heel and went back in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Why are these people so happy in the morning with their big cheery smiles and all.

"Breakfast is done!" I shouted, setting down plates full of food on the table. All the boys sat down and the girls stood in the door frame, staring at me and whispering.

"What is she, their slave? Let me guess, they pay her by fucking her probably, what a whore..." they all giggled. I dropped the fork in my hand.

"Excuse me, but you can leave my kitchen. No one asked your skinny asses to come in here and whisper and snicker about shit. So shut your mouths, stop complaining, or I will gladly do it for you," I warned them sharply. I heard the a few of the boys forks drop out of their hands and everyone stared at me, including the bitch crew. No one even told me their names.

The girls mumbled and walked away and back into the living room. I glanced at the table and saw them all giggling and laughing. I grinned and smoothed my clothes and bent down to pick up the fork I dropped and put it in the sink.

After cleaning off the fork, I joined all the boys at the cramped table and ate a bit of bacon and eggs. Harry kept babbling about how he had the day all planned out. When the boys were all done, they all put their plates in the sink, surprising me with their good manners.

Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and I all headed upstairs to change for the day then we would be heading out. I changed into a pair of denim shorts with a brown braided belt. After slipping out of my tank top, I put on Harry's Ramones t-shirt again, after it was washed again of course. I put on a gray sweatshirt and slipped into matching gray chucks.

We all sauntered outside, all fifteen of us, and worked out driving situations. No one wanted to ride with Kate, Christine, Piper, and Olivia, AKA the bitch crew. So they decidied to take Piper's sports car that her daddy bought for her.

I ended up riding with Brandon, Ian, Pat, Frankie, and Matt. So I rode with the new boys and my boys rode in the front of the pack in Louis' car, then us in the middle, and the bitch crew bringing up the rear as we all followed Louis, even though Harry was driving.

Harry decided we would head up the beach first, then grab a bite to eat. On our hour ride there, I got to know the new boys.

"So you go out with Harry?" Ian asked, turning around from the front passenger seat. It was easy for him because he didn't have his seat belt on. We were driving in Frankie's truck, so four of us were squished in the back.

"No, I actually go out with Niall." I explained, trying to shift my position in the back seat.

"Oh, then why were you sleeping in Harry's bed with him?" Brandon asked, turning to look at me even though we were next to each other already.

"Hm, I'm not quite sure. I slept there the first night, and all my stuff was in there. And I was also told that's where I was spending the weekend, so...." I trailed off, nodding.The boys let out "ohhhs" and nodded, understanding now.

"Well, Harry likes you though," Matt chimed in. I furrowed my brow and looked at him confused with a puzzled look on my face.

"Yup!" Pat added. "Durring breakfast, he kept staring at you the whole time. By the way that he looks at you, he is in love."

After that, the whole ride was pretty awkward, and to make matters worse, Brandon rested his hand on my knee the whole time, and I swear to god, if he kept making his hand up my leg, I would punch him. When we arrived at the point, his hand was on my upper thigh. So I was happy to get out of there and get some fresh salt water air.

I took a walk with Niall right when we got there, but it was short because everyone was wondering where we had ran off to. While everyone was snacking or playing spoons or some other game, Ian and I sat on the ledge of the point.

"So, you do know that Piper was dating Harry right before you guys got here?" Ian asked. I nearly spit my soda out.

"Wait, what?" I turned to Ian and set my Coke can down. I had found out that Piper was the one throwing herself at Niall and was the one who said the lovely comment about me at breakfast and already hated my guts.

"Yeah, Harry broke up with her right before his birthday, like the day before," Ian added. "And her and the 'Piper Possey' will do whatever they can to break up whatever you and the boys have because they're jealous. It's quite sad, actually."

"Why? I don't even know them...." These girls kept pissing me off more and more. I really wanted to hit them all, soon, very soon.

"I know, but that's how they are. Harry never fancied her, ever. Noe of us know why we are even friends with them," Ian sighed and took his hat off, setting it in his lap. He ran his fingers down his hair then put the hat back on.

I heard snickering behind me, little nassaly whispers and giggles. My head shot around, including Ian's, and I got a bottle of red gatorade poured onto my head. In front of me were a pair of sticks that Piper called legs and had a bad spray tan covering them. I looked up and saw the smug expression on her ugly ass face, while the other girls were cracking up.

The red gatorade cascaded all down my hair and back, onto my shirt and jumper, everywhere. Some splashed onto an innocent Ian as well.

"Aww, looks like it's Ashley's time of the month! It's okay Ashley, we got you covered," Piper said, acting sincere. The other girls came up to me, sticking pads and throwing tampons at me. I nodded and clenched my jaw.

I laughed and stood up, standing right against Piper and looking at her in the eye. "What are you going to do, hit me?" she says, laughing and turning back to her friends. She looked back at me and laughed in my face.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do Piper, I'm going to break your ugly ass nose job," I barked at her. My instincts took over and the next thing I knew, I was getting dragged away by some of the boys as they were trying to keep my thrashing body away from her. I looked down at my hands and saw the red stain on them. That's not gatorade, that's blood.

And that's when I knew, I hit her.

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