Don't Find Me, Baka |A SasuNa...

By NotYourName

127K 4K 991

Naruto runs away after being hated by so many. After thirteen years, Sasuke has to go find him but doesn't re... More

Don't Find Me, Baka |2| Mission
Don't Find Me, Baka |3|
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Don't Find Me, Baka |A SasuNaru Tale| Escape

26.5K 481 59
By NotYourName

I do not own Naruto or any of the character's mentioned from Masashi Kishimoto's work. I really wish I did though, but I'm not that talented. You may have seen this elsewhere, but I am going to try to finish it on Wattpad. I own the fic, so please don't think I stole it. + I have edited this. It might be short and have a few different things if you're up for rereading but things should be similar enough that you don't have to.+


Warning: I will not be changing much. BUT I may change a few things because I've completed the Naruto manga which I did not do when I wrote the original. They'll probably be minor though

I do not own Naruto or any of the canon characters as Masashi Kishimoto does. I wish but it'll never happen.


'Why am I still alive?'

'What is my purpose?'

'Who am I?"

Something akin to a growl alarmed the boy that he may not be alone. He jumped, dull kunai gripped between his fingers and sought out the invader. He stood from his place on the swing and spread the branches of the bushes behind him to search the only possibly hiding place.

There was nothing. He looked around a few more times but still there was nothing.

He sighed and flicked away the spider on his arm before heading back to the swing. A minute later, twelve or so children his age ran out to the field with their parents in tow. Enviously, the boy watched as they received the love and affection he had been deprived of since he could walk. Naruto's Uzumaki parents had died shortly after his birth and no one has forgiven him since. He had no one to coddle him after he was given his own place to stay.

Sure, his mean landlady would barge in occasionally to see that he was still alive but that was it. He knew she would leave him to rot if the Hokage had never told her to do it.

The very reason was because of what reside inside him, sealed away to dwell in nothing but sadness. He had growled rather viciously with ever thought of self-doubt that ran through his vessel's tiny mind. The Kyuubi was furious with the pitiful display of misplaced hatred for Naruto when he committed no crime. His classmates were no better giving him the cold-shoulder or piercing him with disgust in their eyes.

Since his first day at the academy, Kurama had nearly drowned in Naruto's sadness. At first, it had annoyed him and he had been convinced that his host was nothing but a weak, little toad. His mind changed after Naruto had tried standing up for himself against multiple foes. Through the foolishness, it was obvious that the boy was stronger than emotions let on.

Naruto's thoughts interrupted his musings and he let free another growl.

'Why do they always glare at me and no one else? I just want to hide.'

Kurama knew that if Naruto stayed in this unwelcoming village that it would only mean trouble. Contemplating telling the boy, he nearly missed the feel of a familiar presence approaching. He recognized it as Sasuke's, sole survivor of the Uchiha massacre. Sasuke was different, never mean like the other children, but something was off about him.

With a snotty smirk, Sasuke said, "why are you crying, dead-last?" Naruto glared but before he could say anything, he was pushed off the swing. Angrily, the jinchuriki stood and shoved back. Immediately, parents were on the scene like flies.

Naruto had been shoved away and the crowd was hovering over Sasuke as if he were a prized possession. Before things could get ugly, he ran away to his apartment. The small, lonely seclusion of his apartment since not even the orphanage had wanted him. They all thought of him as a monster even if he was just a kid! No one would explain why he was hated so that he could understand it and accept it better.

Once inside his sanctuary, he yelled in anger allowing the tears to fall freely. He knew that crying solved nothing but it was all he could do to ease the pain.

Knowing his host wouldn't cause a scene now, the demon finally spoke up, "Kit."

"W-who's there?" Naruto asked, pulling his comfort food from the cupboard. He had frozen at the sound of the deep voice interrupting him. It reminded him of a monster and made him wonder if it was someone playing a prank on him.

"Great. You think I'm the monster under your bed."

The squeak Naruto emitted before he jumped on top of the counter made Kurama cringe. He withdrew his kunai again, and asked, "how did you know what I said in my head?"

Kurama was surprised. So the brat did understand him now. "You can actually hear now? From inside your head?"

"What? I'm talking to you in my head?" Naruto screeched, "am I crazy now?" The idea of him being crazy only made him think that people would hate him a lot more. He could already feel everyone's cold, heartless eyes on him. Angry, he slammed his fist on the wall next to him hardly noticing the kunai digging into his skin.

"Hey! Calm down, kid, calm down. Just listen t-" the fox growled, surprised at the anger.

"No!" Naruto yelled, "I didn't do nothing and they hate me. Talking to myself is going to make things so much worse. I-I don't know if I can take it so you better shut up." Grabbing his hair, he yanked hard trying to get the unwanted thing out of him.

"Just leave."


"Just leave the village, kid." It was simple enough to do. He had no one that cared about him enough to take care of him or comfort him. He would never know that kind of love if he stayed in the toxic village.

"Where am I supposed to go, huh?" he questioned like his 'voice' was stupid.

'Cocky, little brat.'

"I have the perfect place," he replied, "but you have to do something first." The fox chuckled as his mind formulated Naruto's task. He would help the blond tactically, of course, do his bidding and then they would both be free of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.


"What? How could this happen?" A very pissed ANBU whispered to another. "We just let that little monster strut right in and steal our secrets?" Oh, he was ready to tear down the walls around him just thinking about it. His rage was fueled by memories of his dead father, killed by the nine-tailed fox demon inside of the little runt.

"Are we just going to sit around all night?" yelled an ANBU woman, "he's probably half way to the next village giving them all of our secrets!" She had lost her sister in the attack as well and held a particular grudge against Naruto for him trying to befriend her nephew.

"Silence," bellowed the Third Hokage just as he smacked his hands on the table. He glared at his special ops and said, "the scrolls that the child has taken are not dangerous or vital to us. They would take years to learn. With the seal placed on him, he cannot access the beast's power, so I refuse to allow you to speak ill of him in my presence." He paused to catch his breath, "Cat, Dog, Mouse, and Bunny will head the search for Naruto Uzumaki. He is to be brought back alive. He is only seven, after all. Am I understood?"

Hiruzen ran a hand down his face. He would send them on a wild cat chase if only to spare Naruto's suffering. He should have done better by the boy, he realized, and would allow him his freedom, for now.


Naruto stood at the gate to the only village he had called home. He had used one of the many sleeping gas bomb scrolls to render the guards unconscious. Doubt and worry filled his gut that he would regret leaving but the fox inside him encouraged him that things would all be better the sooner he left.

"Goodbye, Konoha," he murmured and ran through the gates to escape his nightmares. He felt tears leaking from his eyes as he ran, but they were tears of joy. The most amazing tears he had ever felt in his life. Naruto was so happy to be free, free from all of the glares, bullies and insults it made him relax just a little bit. A smile placed itself on the boy's face.

"'m feeling so free... Thank you, fox."

"No problem, Naruto."


Hey, leave a review if you would like. Let me know, constructively (not destructively) if I made any mistakes with spelling. I know I've probably got grammar mistakes but I really love my bo the comma. 

Thanks for reading. 

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