Amourshipping One Shots

By Amourboy15

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This is one-shot amourshipping story. I will be writing amourshipping chapters in this book. More

Amour - Take a chance on me
why did you leave me? When i needed you the most!
I know i can treat you better, than he can.
Libary flowers
The kiss, to remember
All I want is love: part 1
All I want is love: part 2
The magic never ends
One Dance
Middle of the night
I want you back
Body language
Love story
Do anything for you
You mean everything to me
Side to side
What do you mean?
Amour vs Kalos - Fight for Love
Don't Wake Me Up
I lay down this Armor
Secret Admirer (Valentine day special)
What every girl wants hear from a boy
Call me maybe
The number 10
The Serena I.....used to know
Closer being my Boyfriend
Without you
Thinking out loud

Childhood friend

9.8K 114 155
By Amourboy15

Hello there and welcome to my first one shot chapter, hope u like it.

"Now class, I would like you to say hello to our new student" A teacher told to her class. "Her name is Serena Yvonne and she is from the region of Kalos"

"Kalos?" The whole class asked. "Where is that?"

"It's far away from here" the Teacher explained. "Very far away from here, indeed"

Then the teacher of the class turned around to face the young classmate.

"Would you mind if you will sit next to.........Ash Ketchum, over there?" She Pointing out an empty seat next to him.

"Okay Miss" The young honey blonde nodded.

Serena went and sat next to Ash. He was a little 5 year old boy. Shy and hardly talked. People thought he was a mime or a dumb person that can't even talk. He had no friends or any siblings and always sat by himself under the huge oak tree. Having someone actually sitting next to him was something he never saw coming.

"Hi!" Serena smiled brightly at the shy boy.

Ash didn't reply but got on with his drawing. Serena was confused why the young five year old boy didn't reply. So she thought to say something else.

"What's your name?" she questioned.

"My name is Ash" he answerd, in a quite tone but loud for serena hear it.

"Nice to meet you Ash, My name is Serena, Hi!" she greets as she opened up her lunchbox, revealing snacks.

"Umm Hi" Ash replied as he took another bite from his apple.

"Hey do you want something from my lunchbox?" Serena asked.

"Am I allowed to?"

"Of course" she smiled. "Friends are allowed to share food"

"Friends? What are friends?" Ash questioned, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Well...umm...I think friends are people that you like and are special, that's what My Mom told me, but I forgot most of what she told me" Serena explained as she got her Cadbury chocolate bar and snaps it into half. "Here, you can have this"

"Thanks...friend" Ash smiled back, at his first friend.

the two ate their food and when the bell rang, the class dismissed.

the two best friends hold hands back to class. When they where outside, their class saw them and started to accuses them as boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Huh, What's that?" Ash densly questioned while Serena blushed.

The whole class laugh and was about to tell them until their teacher came out and told Ash and Serena to join the line so they could get inside.

It was free time for the whole class. A few people went on the computers to play minecraft. Some dressed themselves up and started to play knights and dragons.

Meanwhile Ash and Serena were sitting on their table drawing on a piece of paper with crayons.

"Hey what is that?" Serena pointed out at the paper.

Ash shurruged. "Well, I don't know"

"It looks like a yellow mouse" Serena added as she got a red crayons and drew two red circles on both of it's cheeks.

Ash got a black crayon and coloured the tips of it's ear. Then they both drew a zig zag tail at the end.

"It looks cute" the young girl chimed. "It should have a name"

"What about....Pikachu?"


"Yeah because my aunty has a mouse that goes chu and it's name is Pika" Ash explained.

"I like it" Serena smiled and picked up a black crayon. She was going to write Pikachu but was stopped.

"Err, How do you spell Pikachu?" Serena sweat-dropped, Confused with the spelling.

"I think I know"

Ash took the black crayon out of Serena's hand and wrote the name Pikachu down.


By AsH KeTcHuM anD SeReNa YVoNNe 

The two best friends smiled at each other and were proud on what they drew together.

"Hey ,did you draw anything?" Ash questioned.

"Yeah I did" Serena said as she lifted her drawing up Ash's face.

Ash pulled down Serena's drawing from his face. Took her drawing and looked at it. It had a stick figure of Serena and a stick figure of himself. Serena had a triangle dress with long blonde honey hair while Ash had a yellow top with blue pants and a red cap, however there was something missing that needs to be drawn.

Ash had an idea. He got a yellow crayon and started to draw something. When he was finish, Serena saw it was Pikachu.

"Remember Pikachu is our friend as well" Ash said.

Serena nods in understand "Oh yeah"

"I had never had such a great time in my whole life. For the first time I could share my talent with someone else. And that someone was my best friend Serena" Ash thought and smiled with her.

Grey clouds had already covered the blue skies of school. So the class had to eat inside their class room. The two best friend were having a great time eating their lunch until Gary interrupt. Gary was a bully in Ash's class who always asked for money or food from other students.

He walked up to Ash. "Oi Ashy boy!" Gary called. "What have you go this time"

"Nothing" Ash told Gary.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you always have to have food for me!" Gary went at Ash and picked him up by the shirt.

"Hey! let Ash go" Serena yelled. "Your hurting my best friend!"

Gary dropped Ash on the ground without careness and walked away. 

"Your lucky that your girly friend saved you Ashy boy. Next won't be so lucky" Gary warns, as he walked away from the two.

When Gary was gone, Ash got up and sat next to Serena, again.

"How could you let him bully you like that?" Serena questioned. "That isn't nice what he is doing to you"

"I don't know" Ash shrugged. "He always act like that to me since I got to this school"

"Well, not while I'm here, that isn't going to happen anymore"

"Thanks a lot...Serena" Ash smiled. "I don't know what I could do without you"

The weather wasn't as bright and the rain just kept pouring down. The school had already finish. Ash and Serena where the only ones left.

"We are not going to get anywhere in this weather" the young 5 year old honey blond complained.

"Actually we are" The young 5 year old raven replied as he pulled out a red umbrella from his school bag.

"Wow" Serena said in surprise. "That's lucky, Now let's go"  she grabbed Ash's other hand and they started to walk home in the rain, holding hands. The two best friends walked home together as the rain was getting heavier and heavier. Soon, they finally reached the young honey blonds house.

When Serena got in, she ran into her mansion waving as she went inside. The young 5 year old boy waved back and walked to his house.

Today, was the day, he had to get use to having a friend near him.

The next day. Rain had stopped and the morning sun shown all over Pallet town. Ash ran all the way to his best friend's home. He waited at the gates until he saw his best friend running down the driveway and ready to greet him at the gates.

She had her pink backpack behind her shoulders. When she got to the gates she pulled them towards her direction and walked out closing it behind.

"Ready?" Ash asked.

"Yeah" She nodded with a gentle smile.

Soon Serena notice something. There was a puddle filled with water from the rain. She jumped into the puddle with water splashing everywhere. Some water got on her blue and white checker school dress. Even Ash's white school top and light blue school trousers got wet as well. Instead of getting frustrated about their clothes wet, the two just laughed.

"We better get to class"

"Don't you think the teacher will get us angry?" Serena asked her best friend. Looking down at her wet dress

"Hmm, Let's just say a car got us wet while we were walking to class"

"Sounds like a plan to me"

the two ran all the way to their school, hoping that they won't be late.

School went on as any school would do. Ash and Serena did their work, at recess and lunch. They would both eat under the huge shady oak tree.

Months flew by without the two best friends knowing. It was one autumn afternoon. Orange leaves fell from their branches. The two where walking home when they notice something at the old park. They ran to the object that caught their eyes. It was a tree house which didn't look too old or brand new, but It was high, so there was a rope ladder that they had to climb on. Serena was the first one to try it.

She pulled the ladder to make sure it was strong enough. Then climbs up the ladder.

"Hey Serena!" Ash called out. "Do you think it's safe?" He replied, worried for Serena's safety.

"Does it look like I'm falling yet?"


"Well it's safe then" Serena replied as she continued to climb up the rope ladder.

Ash just shrugged his shoulders and follows, climbing up the rope ladder. Soon the two were at the top of a tree house and scanned around pallet town.

"Wow, you can see the whole neighbourhood from here" Serena said in astonishment, looking around.

"It's really pretty" Ash added as the sunset was starting to develop. "We should come here more often."

"I know" Serena said. "Let's make this our base"

"Our base?" Ash asked in confusion. "What's a base?"

"You don't know?" Serena said in a surprise tone. "Anyway, a base is like a cubbyhouse but with stuff inside"

"Oh" Ash said. "Let's come here tomorrow"


Within minutes, the sunset was covering the whole of Pallet. The two climbed down from the tree house. When they got to the bottom, they parted ways and made their way home.

Three years had flown by and Ash and Serena were still great buddies. They always hanged around the tree house they found three years ago. The tree house wasn't in it's best condition like three years ago. The rope ladder wasn't as strong and the rope looked like it was about to break.

It was one lazy afternoon and the two were at the tree house once again. Ash was doing his homework when notice Serena was making something out of yellow material.

"What are you making?" he questioned.

"Do you remember that creature we made back at prep?"

"You mean Pikachu?" questioned again.


"What about it?"

"I'm going to make a stuff toy of him" Serena smiled.

"Ohh, okay then" Ash replied and went back into his homework.

It was the next day and Ash was at his home resting from a piles of overdue homework. He was lying on the couch, flicking though channels on TV until the phone started to ring. Ash got off the couch and ran to the phone. When he got there, he found his mother already picked it up before he could. His mother took off the phone away from her ear and covered the speaker.

"It's for you" His mother told him. "your girlfriend Serena"

"MOM" Ash said, blushing madly while his mother laughed at her son reaction.

Ash accepted the phone and put it against his ear.

"Hey Ash" Serena greeted. "Want to come to the tree house with me?"

"I wish I could Serena but I have soccer practice in a few minutes"

"Oh...okay then" Serena said,. soubded a little sad. "See you at school tomorrow, bye"

"" Ash said before placing it on the receiver

After that, Ash ran to his room to get dressed into his soccer clothes and ran outside his house to soccer training.

After finishing his soccer practise, he went home, but as he entered, he saw his mother in tears. However, not only her, Ash even saw Serena's mother who was crying her eyes out.

"Why are you guys crying?" Ash asked. confusingly. 

None of them spoke a word. Ash knew that something wasn't right untill serena's mother replied.

"My daughter, your best friend... is gone Ash" Grace spoke. "The rope ladder she was climbing on, it b-broke, when she got to the top. She fell and broke her skull on her fall" Grace continue. "S-She's gone Ash"

"No,no,no,No!" The boy yelled. "Your all lying!" Ash said before running away from them.

He could hear his own mother calling his name but he didn't care. He wanted to see it for his own eyes. Hoping this was all a nightmare or yet they were lying. When Ash arrives at the park, he ran to the tree house.

He was horrified, shocked and started to cry when he got there. Ash saw most of the rope ladder was broken and under the it was a Pikachu doll she made the other day. Then, he remembers something three years ago...

Three years ago....

The two best friends where at the school's playground. They were taking turns on the swings. Ash was pushing his best friend.

"Hey Ash?" Serena asked. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it Serena" The young five year old boy asked.

"What happen if I died before you?"

Ash grabbed the chains of the swing and stopped them. When they were stopped he turned around and faced her.

"Don't you ever say that!" Ash yelled at her. "I promise that I will never let you die until we turn really old with white hair"

"R-Really Ash?" Serena stuttered as her eyes were beginning to overflow in tears.

"Yep" Ash nodded. "I swear that on my life"

Serena got off the swing and gave Ash a warm hug with tears of joy running down her red cheeks.

"I'm so glad that I have a friend like you" Serena cried, placing her head on his shoulder.

"And I never had a friend like you either" Ash told, wrapping his arms around her. "Now lets head back home" Ash said as he stopped hugging his best friend. "I bet our parents will be worried about us"

"Yeah" Serena replied, wiping her tears away. "See you tomorrow at school Ash!"

"See you" Ash said, as the two started to walk their own ways.


Ash picked up the doll and stares at it. He could still remember the time where they made this creature.


"It looks cute" the young blonde said. "It should have a name"

"What about Pikachu?"


"Yeah because my aunty has a mouse that goes chu and it's name is Pika" Ash explained.

"I like it" Serena chimed.


A few hot tears were dripping from the young boy's eyes. He couldn't believe it. His only friend was now gone. He was alive... and she was dead. He was here at earth and she was at heaven up in the skies.

The the boy collapsed onto his knees.

"WHY!?" punching the ground. "WHY ARCEUS!, WHY HER!? *sniff* She was too nice to die. Like an angel" Ash cried.

Time skip

That was ten years ago. I'm eighteen and in my last year of high school. I'm here, in front of the tree house. Nothing much has changed. the old tree house was still there between the branches. The half broken rope ladder was still hanging. And near her gravestone was a candle and our Pikachu doll. I kneel down and light the candle.

"Serena..." I said under my breath. "I wonder what you would look like right now"

Sunddenly there was a giggle. It sounded like a girl's giggle to my hearing. I looked back and saw it was Serena. It wasn't the Serena I knew ten years ago. She looked like she was the same age as me wearing a white long dress and was smiling at me. She waved at me and walked away into the light. I ran after her but she was gone. Then I saw something on the grass. It was a piece of paper. It had the drawing we made back at prep. It was the Pikachu drawing .Then my memorise of us together back at primary school came back flooding in.

I will never forget them.

My childhood memories.

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