Nobody ➝ Vhope

By goldenjtae

109K 12.3K 3.1K

Where Hoseok has suffered a lot in his home town and has ran away to run away from the pain, suffering and hi... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Handwriting Tag
Twenty Three
Epilogue [1/2]
Epilogue [2/2]
Officially started the sequel!!


2.6K 387 137
By goldenjtae

It's been a few days since Hoseok got released from hospital. Jungkook wouldn't leave the elder alone, he wanted to make sure that he didn't do anything stupid ever again. On top of that Hoseok's been having his medicines like told and they really did help him with his hallucinations. The doctor also prescribed him some depressants and some medicine to help him reduce the voices in his head. Sometimes they worked like a charm and Hoseok would feel great. On other days Hoseok would feel like he was rock bottom, the voices loud and clear and suicidial thoughts floating around in his head. Today was one of those days.

Currently he was walking to Jungkook's apartment at 5pm, all lessons were finished so he knew Jungkook was definitely home, considering the two decided to have a movie night. So Hoseok coming earlier won't do anything right? He needed Jungkook right now or otherwise the voices would take over him.

Sighing deeply Hoseok tried his hardest to ignore the voices. He entered the building and anxiously waited in the lifted. Why was he so nervous? He's been to Jungkook's apartment several several of times.

Taking deep breaths Hoseok lightly gave himself a shake before getting out of the lift. Once he was in front of his boyfriend's door he was about to knock but he saw the door was slightly opened. He was about to open the door when he heard voices arguing.

One of them was definitely Jungkook's, Hoseok could recognise his voice in a instant. Hoseok started to shake slightly he hated yelling, it always reminded him of his dad and it scared him. Hoseok placed his hand on the door knob but stopped when he heard what Jungkook said.

"That night meant nothing!"

"You can't just say it meant nothing!" Was...was that Yoongi's voice? Why is Jungkook and Yoongi arguing?

"It did mean nothing! We were both drunk!
I don't know about you but I didn't know what the heck I was doing."

"You were saying the complete opposite the other night."

"I was drunk! I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I love Hoseok."

"Clearly! You love him so much that you had your first time with me instead of him."

'Did..did Jungkook really...' Hoseok's heart dropped, all negative thoughts came rushing through 'of course Jungkook did! Who would want to stay with a freak like you!'

Hoseok focused on their conversation when he heard Yoongi as the thoughts continued to run through his head.

"If you pull away you really don't feel anything but if you don't..." Hoseok heard Yoongi say. Hoseok didn't hear anything for a few minutes. He quietly opened the door only to witness the two kissing.

"You didn't pull away." Yoongi whispered as he pulled away.

"Yeah..Y-you didn't pull away..." Hoseok whispered quietly.

Both boys turned their heads so quickly that they could have given themselves whiplash. Jungkook's eyes grew wide like saucers "H-Hoseok it isn't- this isn't- I love you!"

Hoseok only shook his head furiously before running off. As expected Jungkook was about to run after him but Yoongi held onto his wrist.

"Yoongi let go!" Jungkook attempted to get out of Yoongi's grip but the other remained firm.

"Let him go Kook-"

"I can't let him go! He'll end up doing something stupid!"

"You're the last person he would want to see right now. Give him time."

"I don't care he's going to end up doing something-" Sighing Yoongi engulfed Jungkook into a hug and whispered soft 'it's okay's.'

Hoseok ran as fast as he could ever since he left. Tears blurred his vision. He didn't know where he was running so he let his feet lead him. Hoseok doesn't know why he didn't go to his dorm room but he just didn't. Instead he was knocking madly on someone else's door, soon enough someone opened it.

"Hoseok? What's wrong?! Why are you crying?!" Hoseok didn't reply and hugged onto the person.

"T-Taehyung..." Hoseok cried out as he hugged him tightly.

"It's okay, I'm here" Taehyung said softly as he rubbed his back softly "come inside, okay?" Hoseok nodded and Taehyung lead him to sit on the couch. Taehyung brought Hoseok into his arms as he rubbed circles on his back to soothe him. Taehyung waited patiently as Hoseok's cries decreased into mere sniffles.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked once Hoseok's sniffles reduced.

Hoseok stayed silent at first but lifted his head up to look at him "d-do you love me?" Hoseok asked.

Taehyung's eyes grew in size at the question "what?"

"Do you love me?"

Taehyung stared deeply into Hoseok eyes. Every second Taehyung remained silent caused the voices in Hoseok's head to get louder and louder.

'Of course he doesn't love you!'

'Who would love a freak like you?!'

'What a stupid question!'

'No one loves you! Jungkook doesn't even love you!'

'You got cheated on~'

'It survives you right though!'

A minute passed and voices continued screaming in his head but he held eye contact with Taehyung as he waited for his answer.

AN: short sorry :( I've got so many vhope story ideas I'm working on like 3 other fanfics 😂 if I publish them that's a different story xD

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