
By meastories

1.6M 35.9K 11.4K

"I don't know how you did it" He said with pain and frustration in his eyes "But you need to stop" I look at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 20

27.6K 680 319
By meastories

After twenty minutes of driving we finally arrived. David parks the car infront of a huge house, there were some people around my age that were outside the house holding red cups, some were talking snd laughing but some were making out. We all got out of the car, some girls were looking at Xander and David with huge eyes. A blonde girl wearing a tube and a mini skirt started playing with her hair and giggling like a broken doll. I roll my eyes and walked beside Xander which made her scowl. The four of us entered the house and I heard Andrea squeal.

"Oh my god this night is going to be awesome!" Andrea wraps her arms around David while smiling widely. "Stay close to us okay?" David said. "Lets go get some drink" We started walking towards the bar, I look at the bartender and I immediately smiled.

"West!" I yelled. He looks at me and smiled widely. "Ely! What are you doing here?" I chuckled "I should be asking you that question" He chuckles "As you can see, i'm the bartender" He said while spinning a bottle like an expert. "I didn't know you were a bartender" I said while smiling "Now you do" He winks and looks at Andrea and David "Nice to see you both again" Andrea waves and David just nods.

West looks at Xander and smiles "Xander Woods, nice to finally meet you" Xander looks at him and nods "Nice to meet you too, who are you again?" Xander asked. "The name's West, Lauren's childhood best friend" West looks at me and winks. I roll my eyes while smiling. "He's the friend you were talking about?" Xander asked.

I nod "Yup" Xander looks at West from head to toe. "I didn't know you were talking about a guy best friend" He said while scanning West. Everyone was silent, we were all watching Xander look at West while West was just standing there scratching his arm.

"Um..." West says. I look at West and noticed that he was uncomfortable because of Xander. "Drink? Anyone?" I said, trying to lighten up the mood. West sighs in relief and gives me a thankful smile. "Me!" Andrea yelled and sits on the stool. I sit beside Andrea while the boys just stood beside us. "Four drinks please"

"What drink do you want?" West asked while bringing out four cups. "Surprise us, make sure you give us the strongest" I said. West chuckles and nods then he started mixing some drinks. After two minutes, he hands us four cups of red liquid. I smell the drink and immediately regretted it. The smell of alcohol fills my nose making my head throb a little.

"Bottoms up!" I forced myself to finish the drink. My mouth went dry and the alcohol burned my tongue and throat. "Woah" Andrea said while putting the glass on the table. "That was strong" She said while coughing. "I'll have one more" Xander said. I look at Xander who looked like he just drank water. David hands him another cup and Xander drinks it like it was nothing. "Don't get wasted yet, we still need to enjoy the party!" David yelled, he grabs Andrea's hand. "Wanna dance?"

Shut Up And Dance With Me started playing and everybody went wild.

"I'd love to!" Andrea said. They both started running to the dance floor and they started dancing wildly. I watch them dance wildly while smiling because they looked so cute and they looked really happy. Then I realize that i'm alone with Xander. I started panicking.

What should I say?

Should I ask him to dance?

Why won't he ask me to dance?

I was about to ask Xander if he wanted to dance but he was gone. I look at the left side of the house and my heart sank. He was with the blonde girl that was outside the house when we arrived. She was whispering something to him then Xander started laughing. The girl wraps her arms around Xander's neck and Xander wraps his arms around her small waist.

I immediately looked away because I didn't want to see them make out. "You okay?" I jumped a little when I heard West's voice. I forgot that he was there.

"Ofcourse, why wouldn't I be?" I said while forcing a smile. He looks at me and shakes his head. "Well, if I saw my date making out with someone else I wouldn't be okay" He points at Xander and the blonde girl. I just shrug "He's not my date, he's free to do whatever he wants to do" He chuckles "You don't like him?" I huff "Ofcourse not, he's no one, he's just a friend. I mean seriously what kind of question is that West. He can go make out with anyo-" West was looking at me amused. "I just asked if you like him and you already gave me the answer to everything" I started blushing and I look down. "Come on" He said while wiping his hands with a towel and holding out his hand. "Where are we going?" I asked, putting my hand on his. "To the dance floor, we're going to show these people how to dance" He said while pulling me, holding my hand tightly but not tight enough to hurt me. "Wh- what" I said terrified.

There's no way i'm going to dance infront of these wild people. "If i'm not mistaken, you're a dancer" He said while smirking. "But that was like six years ago" I said while trying to not step on toes. "I'm sure you still have it in you" He stops in the middle of the dance floor and immediately twirls me around and started dancing. "Come on, loosen up Blackwell" I roll my eyes trying to not look like a pathetic robot dancing. "You're doing it" He said while smiling widely. He started doing funny moves that made me laugh hysterically and made me feel confident. He started doing amazing moves that really surprised me, he ends it with a hand gesture that says 'Your turn'. I look at him nervously but he gives me a warm smile and gives me a look that says 'I got you' so I decided to loosen up and I started dancing. I started doing some moves that I watched on youtube a few months ago and I can tell that I've done it right because of the look on West's face.

Some people were watching while whistling and cheering. I decided to give it a small twist, I started dancing in a sexy way but not the slutty way that made all of the boys cheer. I grab West's shirt while smirking at him. Then I ended my dance by kissing him on the cheek and winking. Everyone went wild and gave me a pat on the back. Some even hugged me and kissed me on the head but I didn't care, I was actually having fun and I felt confident for once. "Well that was unexpected" West said while clapping his hands. I grin widely and hugged him "Thanks" He hugs me back immediately and chuckles "For what?" I pull away and looked at him "For making me do that, that was really fun" He gives me a sincere smile "You don't need to thank me, I should be the one thanking you"

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to dance with you, I mean seriously you were on fire" I roll my eyes "You're over reacting, West" It was his turn to roll his eyes "Psh, over reacting my ass Blackwell"

Say You Won't Let Go started playing, some people went to the bar to get a drink, some just sat down but most of the people stayed on the dance floor then started slow dancing. I was about to tell West that we should go back to the bar but he holds his hand out and smiles "Dance with me?" I look at him and his hand. Was he seriously asking me to slow dance with him? Me? Don't get me wrong, I would love to dance with West but he was just too good looking to dance with someone like me. "Are you sure? I mean there's so many good looking girls here that are probably dying to dance with y-" He grabs my hand and pulls me close to him. He grabs my small waist gently and he grabs my hands and placed it on top of his shoulders. "You talk too much" He said gently while smiling. I started blushing "Sorry" He chuckles and spins me around. "I missed you, you know that right?" West said out of nowhere "I missed you too, how've you been?" He shrugs "Good, still the same. You?" I imitate his shrug and tried to copy his voice "Good, still the same" He rolls his eyes and chuckles "You haven't changed a bit, jesus christ"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked curiously. "It's a good thing" He spins me around again making me giggle. "Any girlfriends?" I asked while raising my eyebrow. He started thinking "I have five" My eyes widened which earned a laugh from him. I glare at him but ended up laughing with him after a few seconds "I'm kidding, ely. I don't have a girlfriend" I nod "How about you?" I was about to answer but he cuts me off. "Xander Woods, I forgot, stupid me" I shake my head "No, dumbass. I already told you, i'm not dating him"

"Oh really?" He said while smirking.

"Yes, really"

"Then can you please explain to me why he's watching us and looking at me like he wants to rip my head off?" I froze.

Was he joking? He must be joking.

"I'm not joking, love. Look behind you"

I carefully turn around and then I saw him. I saw him watching me and West carefully. He was leaning on the wall, just watching us without any facial expression.

"I bet he already killed me fifty times in his mind" I chuckle "He's a nice guy" He nods "I know, everybody knows that. He just really gets over protective when it comes to people he cares about"

"How do you know?" I asked curiously. "Connections" He winks and we started swaying back and forth. He rests his chin on top of my head and he started humming the song. I close my eyes and listened to his deep voice.

After a few seconds West stops swaying which made me stop too. I was about to ask him why he stopped but I was cut off by a deeper voice.

"May I dance with her?"



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