Percy Jackson: The Great Army...

By Hash2511

100K 3.1K 910

His life was perfect after the war with Gaia. He was in a happy relationship with his girlfriend. Camp only s... More

Chapter 1|| Pain can takeover your mind
Chapter 2|| Not going to give up
Chapter 3|| Welcome to Chaos
Chapter 4|| Planet Chaos
Chapter 5|| Vines in training
Chapter 6|| Am I ready?
Chapter 7|| On the River Styx
Chapter 8|| The regular
Chapter 9|| Is it worth telling my story
Chapter 10|| Love can change you
Chapter 11|| Apparently we're myths
Chapter 12|| I ask for another chance
Chapter 13|| Can you forgive me
Chapter 14|| Rowdy Half bloods
Chapter 15||It's nothing personal
Chapter 16|| A blessing from Aphrodite
Chapter 17|| My heart sings
Chapter 18|| Heartbreakers Disease
Chapter 19|| The sound of waves crashing
Chapter 20|| A fallen Rebel
Chapter 21|| Memories over Death
Chapter 22|| The tides of Nightfall
Chapter 24|| Close on my tail
Chapter 25|| Discomforting Questions
Chapter 26|| Goodbye Chaos
Award to best readers
Bonus Chapter
New Book!!!!

Chapter 23|| A moody Teenage Girl

2.4K 82 62
By Hash2511

"So, what are you going to do?" Annabeth asks whilst we walk with our hands intertwined along long island beach.

"I am not sure" I answer honestly ignoring all suggestions that my head had listed, they all ranged from starting a war against him to destroying Chaos but none of them would do any good to me or my relationship with Annabeth, and that was something that I was not going to destroy.

We spent some time walking along the beach trying to avoid any contact from any of the camp's members. My thoughts lead me to how Annabeth and I had barely had anytime to be a couple without a new war or enemy coming up. Now was hopefully our chance to become the couple that everyone had hoped for, what I hope for.

"I think that I do need to confront him" I admit, "Because it was wrong with what he did and also I think that I need to talk to Paige about maybe taking my place"

Annabeth stopped in her tracks, "Percy, she would not do it" She states, "trust me, Chaos tried for a while and she turned him down, continuously"

This isn't something that I have not been told before, Paige herself had even told me. However, I wasn't going to give up to easily.

"Yes, but Chaos only gave her his reasons, not the people's" I suggest, "Also if I am to honestly tell Chaos the truth of how I never wanted the crown I have to help him give my crown back to its true owner and that is Paige, she is the true heir"

Annabeth responds with a smile and pecks my cheek, "Please, never change" She looks up at me with her happy grey stormy eyes, the eyes that I love.

"Then please, never leave me" I smile.

"Never" She repeats with a toothy grin.

My chest warms up as the love that I have for her runs through the blood of my veins and into my heart. I lean and give her a gentle kiss, Annabeth wraps her arms around my neck and I around her waist, "Gods, I love you" I say once we pull apart with each other smiles.

"Not as much as I do" She smiles.

"Okay, great so you love each other whoop-de-doo, let's throw a wedding and celebrate" A sarcastic voice interrupts, "Gods, it is like rated PG13 here, it is a good thing that it is only me"

We turn our blushed cheeks to face Rebel who does not look too happy. Her crossed arms sit on her chest as she gives us a disapproving look. Her mask is off and her jet-black hair is down, she wears a pair of black jeans and a strapped black top.

"Great, anything else?" I smirk, "because you ruined a moment here"

Rebel rolls her eyes, "Actually there is something" She grins. Annabeth and I look at each other with confused looks, her arms still wrapped around my neck.

"What?" We ask together.

Rebel throws her arms in the air and run to us and hugs the air out of my lungs, "That you two have finally found each other!" She then parts and slaps my arm, "And that is for you leaving me unconscious in a hospital bed alone" She says like a moody teenaged girl, once again she smiles and hugs us once more, "I am so happy for you two!"

"Thanks" I say rubbing my arm.

"So how did you manage to tell him without Chaos getting mad?" Rebel asks Annabeth.

Anger rushes through me as Rebel admits that she knew about Annabeth, but try to quickly maintain it.

Annabeth shyly pushes her hair behind her ear, "That's the thing, I didn't tell him" She says. Rebel gasps, "No, it is nothing like that Percy intruded on a conversation that we are having, actually it was more of an argument and I was under the impression that he was here so my mask was off"

Rebel's jaw hangs, "Well that was one way to do it" She smiles, "So, Percy what are you going to do now?"

"Firstly, I am going to do this" I say bluntly, I pick up Rebel and throw her over my shoulder.

"Perseus Oceanus Jackson, put me down right this instant!" She yells with kicking her legs in protest.

"One, that is not even my middle name and two, no this is my revenge for not telling me about Annabeth" Once the water is just below my waist I throw Rebel into the water, I then use my abilities and carry her with a fountain of water that spins like a tornado, Rebel yells in fright as she is taken on a ride with my spinning water fountain.

"Perseus Coral Jackson put me down now!"

"Still not my middle name" I say, "But if you wish"

The fountain drops back into the sea along with Rebel, soon she breaks the water's surface with a face of horror and hatred. She swims back to the beach with the same look plastered on her face. Her clothes are sopping wet and the salty water dribbles down her face from her soaked hair.

"Satisfied?" She growls.

"No not really" I grin, "Maybe once more"

Rebel puts her hand up telling me to stop, "Don't you dare" She says with threatening eyes.

"Come on, let's go find you a towel and some dry clothes" Annabeth offers.

The girls start to walk when an idea pops into my head, "Hang on, let me try something" I say.

Rebel glares at me, "Oh Hades no, I am not trusting you" She states.

"Too late"

I place my hands before me and attempt to concentrate, soon the water evaporates off of her body and goes back into the sea in little droplets. After two minutes of silence Rebel is dry and is in shock.

"I take my bow" I smirk.

"I am not even going to ask" Rebel says walking besides Annabeth.

A thank you would be nice

"Where are you guys going?" I ask from behind. They turn to face each other before returning to me, "I thought so"

"Okay what is the plan?" Annabeth asks.

"We are not going to go to announce our return" I state, "We still have our tent up so let us go stay there tonight and we will say hello tomorrow"

The girls exchange looks before agreeing to my idea. It takes a lot longer to get to the tent because of trying our best to not be seen so we had to practically go around camp. The sun's tip is all you can see over the horizon by the time we reach our tent, luckily it was still in the spot that we had left it. The girls first go in and I follow behind, the girls stop by the entrance.

"Uh Perce" Rebel says, she points her finger at our prisoner who unhappily sits on a chair with a look of hate until she registers who we are.

"Oh Hades" I say.

"It's you" She says looking up at me, Alexander looks at Annabeth next, "Annabeth" she breathes.

"Hello Alex, how are you?" Annabeth smiles.

"Better now that I know that you guys are here, please help me escape before they return" She begs.

My face drops to a look of sadness and regret, I walk to Alexander and take a seat next to her, "Alexander, I owe you an apology" I say, "You see we are them, and I am really sorry that I made you feel threatened, I was mad at how close Thalia was on my tail and I acted irrationally, I wanted her to feel regret for trying to snoop into my business and I can tell that I scared you and I will make it up to you, I swear"

"Annabeth was part of this?" she asks.

Annabeth shamefully nods, "I am so sorry Alex, I was suffering from amnesia so I didn't know who I was harming"

"No, Alex this was all my fault, Annabeth did not know what she was doing" I shamefully say, "I will make it up to you but right now I think that I should return you to your fellow hunters and lieutenant"

Hi. So it is obvious that Percy is starting to feel guilty for all his actions. i hope that you liked all the perceabeth moments :) Trust me there will still be more 

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