Welcome to the Black Parade

By FrnksFrThMmrs

17.9K 908 349

Diamond slips into a coma after being shot. Whilst she is in her unconscious state, she is greeted by a very... More

Welcome to the Black Parade
House of Wolves
This is How I Disappear
I Don't Love You
Famous Last Words
The End
✯ We'll Carry On ✯

The Sharpest Lives

1K 56 29
By FrnksFrThMmrs

They heard distinct sounds in the distance. There was cackling and maniacal laughter that seemed to radiate from the faraway Black Parade... at least they thought they were far away. Somehow, they seemed to have tracked them down. Good thing LynZ looked around and saw them.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" LynZ shouted.

"Oh FUCK!" Gerard started, "We gotta bounce!"

They all got up and started to panic.

"Where the fuck do we go?" Frank asked frantically. 

"Oh shit, uh," Christa started, "uh, let's go run and hide into the forest!"

"What if we get lost?" Diamond asked.

"We won't," Alicia answered, "We know the forest like the back of our hands."

"Can we take them?" Mikey asked.

"No," Ray started, "I saw how many people there are, we can't take all of them at once!" 

They started to run for the forest, they ran and ran until they couldn't see them anymore. Diamond and the guys followed the women up and around the forest, trusting their every move for that was all that they could do. They ran until they lost the feeling in their legs and lost their breath. 

"Do you think we lost them?" Diamond asked. 

"I don't see anyone," Gerard answered as he put a hand on Diamond's shoulder and a hand on one of his knees. 

"We shook them off our trail for now," Frank panted as he looked around at everyone. 

The took a moment to catch their breath. And those moments turned into minutes as they sat down on the dirt floor. 

"How the fucking hell did they get to us?" Diamond asked.

"I don't know," LynZ said as she wiped the sweat from her brow, "Maybe they've been tracking you guys for some time now."

"How do you think so?" Gerard asked.

"Well, maybe they know where your going, maybe you can't ever escape from the Black Parade..." LynZ replied.

"Maybe it's a forever thing," Alicia added, "I mean, come on, how else could they find you?"

"Maybe someone is telling them where we are?" Jamia suggested.

Suddenly, everyone looked at one another with eyebrows raised and their senses on guard. The mood became dimmer, everyone started to lose faith in each other. A few minutes passed and no one had said a single word. 

"Well," Ray started, "If anyone was double crossing us, it isn't me, but I suggest whoever it is to say it now so we know who to leave behind."

"How do we know it's not you," Mikey replied suspiciously. 

"Well, maybe it's you, Mikey," Frank raised an eyebrow, "It could be anyone at this point."

"Jesus fucking Christ, Frank," Gerard started, "That's my brother and I doubt he'll do that to me or us for that matter."

"Well, maybe it's you," LynZ commented, "you seem to be the brains of this whole operation, how do we know your not gonna turn us in?"

"For all we know, maybe you're just using the girl as a decoy," Alicia glared.

"You guys probably have some sick and twisted plan for us," Jamia added. 

"Yeah," Christa added as she examined the men, "How are we to know if you guys are to be trusted?"

"What about you, Bob?" Frank said, "Got any fucking clue how they found out where we were?"

"You seem to be quiet," Gerard added, "How are we to now you aren't plotting to fuck us over?"

The men and the women started to gang up on Bob, and they began to suffocate him with words.

"ENOUGH!" Diamond started, "Who do you fucking think you guys are? He didn't do anything. Bob is innocent! Maybe we are just being followed by some creep or something, because I know for sure that Bob had nothing to do with it."

Everyone fell silent for a while as if they were children that had just been scolded. They looked at Diamond for a while and then looked down at the dirt. Them, they looked up at Bob. 

"Gee, Bob, I'm sorry," Frank started, "We're all just a bit paranoid. 

"Yeah,"Mikey added..

"We never ment to point fingers at you," Ray said.

"You're a great person and I am sure you wouldn't stab us in the back like that," Gerard smiled.

"We're also sorry" LynZ said. 

"We're sorry we accused you of ratting us out," Jamia added.

"I guess the heat of the moment rally got to us" Alicia said.

 "Again," Christa started, "We're so so so sorry!" 

Bob smiled and said, "It's okay, I understand." 

Diamond walked up to Bob and put her hand on his shoulder. He turned to her and wrapped his arms around her and gave her a great, big hug. When he let go, she smiled and held his hand. Frank looked at them almost enviously, but brushed it off. 

They found themselves back to square one, in the forest. They decided to rest for a while to just hang out for a while. The sun was still up, and they could still keep moving forward, so after a while of sitting down and talking, they got up, brushed themselves off and started to walk. 

LynZ and Gerard were at the front of the gang, their dominant personalities clashing in such a perfect way that it complimented both of them. Ray and Christa were right behind them, following their steps as they talked about each other, their intrests, dislikes, and everything in between. Frank and Jamia were in the middle of the group, they laughed together and talked about bands that they had listened to, and their favorite movies. Alicia and Mikey were right behind them, they started to talk about comics, and other things that Diamond didn't really pay attention to. Finally, Bob and Diamond followed the group at the end, they were talking and smiling together. 

"Hey," Bob started, "Thanks for backing me up, they really would have pounced on me if it wasn't for you." 

Diamond smiled, "No problem, it couldn't be you, you're the only person that had hung out with me this whole time." 

They walked next to each other, Bob put his hands in his front pockets, and Diamond just walked forward. Then, she took hold of Bob's wrist, and moved her hand towards his, and held his sweaty palm. He looked at her with a delighted puzzled face, and she gave him a half smile that almost made him blush. 

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