Wherever You Are

By kissie323

382K 3.3K 197

Wherever You Are is going o be a book full of imagines, *Sexual Content* there is some BoyXBoy stuff going on... More

Wherever You Are
She's All I Want -Harry Styles
Takes Care Of You While You're Pregnant -Harry Styles
Takes Care Of You While You're Pregnant -Liam Payne
Takes Care Of You While You're Pregnant -Niall Horan
Takes Care Of You While You're Pregnant -Zayn Malik
Takes Care Of You While You're Pregnant -Louis Tomlinson
Perfect For Me -Ashton Irwin
I Should Ink My Skin With Your Name -Luke Hemmings
Dating A Band Member But Related To Another -Calum Hood
Dating A Band Member But Related To Another -Ashton Irwin
Dating A Band Member. But Related To Another -Luke Hemmings
Dating A Band Member And Related To Another -Michael Clifford
I'll Stand By You -Luke Hemmings
Christmas Decorating -Calum Hood
Dip Dye -Calum Hood
Football Season -Ashton Irwin
Make Me -Justin Bieber
Cute Guys -Luke Hemmimgs
Make Me (Part 2) -Justin Bieber
First Time Saying "I Love You." -Ashton Irwin
First Time Saying "I Love You." -Luke Hemmings
He Tells You He Wants a Baby -Zayn Malik
He Tells You He Wants a Baby -Harry Styles
He Tells You He Wants a Baby -Louis Tomlinson
He Tells You He Wants a Baby -Liam Payne
He Tells You He Want a Baby -Niall Horan
Amazing -Wesley (Emblem3) **DIRTY**
You're In The Hospital -Drew (Emblem3)
You're In The Hospital -Wes (Emblem3)
You're In The Hospital -Keaton (Emblem3)
JacksGap -Finn Harries
Beach Time & Tattoo Questions -Ed Sheeran
Insecurities -All Of 5SOS
You Were My Picket Fence -Ashton Irwin
I Miss Missing You -Luke Hemmings
Sometimes Before It Gets Better The Darkness Gets Bigger -Calum Hood
The Person That You'd Take A Bullet For Is Behind The Trigger -Michael Clifford
Like Father Like Son -Harry Styles
Daddy's Girl -Louis Tomlinson
Family Picnic? +1 -Zayn Malik
Fingers Crossed Bud -Niall Horan
He Wont Know What Hit Him -Liam Payne
He Finds Your Old Tumblr -All Of One Direction Lads
He Finds Out You Don't Drink -Liam Payne
He Finds Out You Don't Drink -Niall Horan
He Finds Out You Don't Drink -Louis Tomlison
He Finds Out You Don't Drink -Harry Styles
He Finds Out You Don't Drink -Zayn Malik
Breathe -Wesley (Emblem3)
Trust Issues -Justin Bieber
Snake Bites Make You Look Extremely Hot -Harry Styles
Skate Park -Drew (Emblem3)
Backstage -Little Mix +others
He Sees You In Your Wedding Dress For The First Time -All Of One Direction
First Steps First Memories. -All Of One Direction
Where's Mum? -All Of One Direction
Paps Are Aiming Low. -All Of One Direction
Small Bump -All Of One Direction
Complications...? -Jack & Finn Harries Twins
Kaaaylaaaaaaa! -Wes (Emblem3)
A Bit Dumb. -Finn Harries :)
Christmas Eve Twins And Marriage. -R5
Rumors? Death? -All Of One Direction
Shedding Tears. -All Of One Direction
BEST Dad EVER! -All Of One Direction
Learning From The Best....Ish.... -All of One Direction
My Dog Died. -Justin Bieber
Proposals -Ed Sheeran
+1 To The Family? -Jack & Finn Harries
Couldn't Imagine -Justin Bieber
Cheeky Little Ed. ;) -Ed Sheeran
Too Hooooot! -All Of 5SOS
Neck Kisses -All Of 5SOS
Bubbles -Ed Sheeran
Imagine For Kylie H. -Justin Bieber
I'll Show You. -Ed Sheeran Ft. Harry Styles
How Are You Doin? -Jack Harries
You're His Celebrity Crush -One Direction
Perfect To Fans -One Direction
Fans Getting Violent With You Infront Of Him -One Direction
The Moment He Knows <3 -One Direction
Little Bummms -One Direction
Little Feet On Stage. -One Direction
He Brings To Disney -One Direction
Going To A Concert Together -One Direction
Wedding Bells -Jack Harries **(IMAGINE FOR Rhianna)**
On Your Period -Ed Sheeran
That Should Be Me -Jack & Finn Harries
He's Jealous -All Of One Direction
He's Jealous PART 2 -All Of One Direction
He's Jealous PART 3 -All Of One Direction
One Direction I LOVE YOU!
How you argue ~OneDirection~
His favorite thing about you ~One Direction<3
Youtube video ft Zayn Malik
Horrible Voice. ~OneDirection -Harry Styles
The ed sheeran song that reminds him of you. - onedirection
How you meet. -Liam Payne
He finds your Australian accent... -onedirection
He finds your American accent... -onedirection
Something he always touches. -one direction
He vines you! ~OneDirection
Truth or Dare? ~Nini Horan
Catching eachother read imagines. ~One Direction
Meeting Your Family ~Louis Tomlinson
Interview with the boys ~Harry Styles
first dates & hurtful lies -One Direction
Panic Attack? ~One Direction
Daddy will you walk me down the aisle? ~One Direction
Deployed... ~One Direction
Trouble. ~One Direction
FanFic? Update?

Running To See Daddy. -All Of One Direction

3K 32 0
By kissie323

ZAYN: You're backstage during one of Zayn's concerts, just milling about and talking to Zayn's sisters. Lane had been busily playing with Safaa, so you took a moment to turn your full attention to something Waliyah is showing you on her phone. Next thing you know, Doniya is calling, "Lane, no! Come back here!" You turn around just in time to see your young son escaping through the door of the dressing room. You and your sisters-in-law chase after him as he speeds down the hall towards the stage. Before you can catch up to him, he's racing onto the stage with his dad. Louis notices him first, giving him a high-five as Liam does his solo. It's not until the fans start cheering in response to the sixth person on the stage that Zayn realizes he's there. "Looks like we have a visitor," Zayn announces happily as the song comes to an end. He snatches up his squirmy and dancing son, playing with him for a moment before you seize the opportunity to scamper out and scoop him up. "My family, everyone!" Zayn introduces you, erupting the crowd in a fit of cheers. You give a quick wave and as you hurry back off the stage so the boys can continue with their show.

LOUIS: Lea had been fussing for her dad all night. Normally she behaves very well when you take her backstage, but she'd been extra-clingy of her dad today, and wanted nothing more than to be with him tonight. You know the concert will be over any time now and you're trying to sit with her and settle her until the boys appear through the door, but she fidgits right out of your grip and beelines it out the door. She knows the path to the stage well, as Louis and the boys had taken her there several times during their rehearsals that afternoon. As soon as she hears the opening chords to What Makes You Beautiful, her little legs carry her faster, as that's her favorite song. Louis spots her right away out of the corner of his eye as she bolts onto the stage and into his arms. He dances around with her, playing with her and emitting an "aww" from the audience. She sings and dances along to the song, giggling and laughing, happy to be in her daddy's arms. As soon as Harry finishes his solo, he takes Lea from Louis' arms and dances around with her as she sings along gleefully. As the closing line of the song nears, he hands Lea the microphone and lets her do the honors. The crowd cheers extra loud for her performance and she bows happily with her dad and uncles at the end of the show.

NIALL: "There's Daddy," you tell Cole, pointing from the wing of the stage where you two stand and watch the boys perform. Cole beams as he watches his father in action on the stage. As the boys hurry backstage to do a quickchange, you pull Cole out of the way. He watches as the boys change their clothes faster than Cole had ever seen. "Coooool!" he awes as clothes go flying all over the place. The boys hastily get back out on stage so as not to keep the fans waiting too long. You watch them go and when you turn your attention back to Cole, he's no longer next to you. You glance up to find him following the five men out on stage. "Hey, little man, what are you doing out here?" Niall addresses your son into his microphone. "Want to join us for the next song?" he asks, getting an overwhelmingly positive response from the audience. Cole nods enthusiastically, elated to be on stage with his dad for the next few minutes. "Give it up for my boy, Cole!" Niall shouts when the song ends. When he finally returns to you in the wing, the first words out of his mouth are, "That was so fun!" You smile at your little boy before saying through a laugh, "I'm glad you had fun, but next time ask first." "Sorry, Mommy," Cole chirps through the wide grin spreading across his face.

HARRY: As soon as Carson slips from your grip, you know he's heading for the stage. He's always begging Harry to let him go on stage and perform with him - wanting nothing more than to be a performer like his dad. You sigh and watch on from your post backstage as your son scampers right into the middle of all the action, mid-song. As soon as Carson sees Louis give one of his famous hip thrusts, a devilish smirk plays over your son's features and you know what's coming next. Carson immediately immitates his uncle's actions, leading you to laugh and shake your head. Harry watches all of this happen and walks over to Carson. He perches himself next to his son and demonstrates the "proper" way to hip thrust. Carson tries out this new method before Louis joins the duo and a competition of sorts breaks out over who can do the best hip thrust. "Oh good God..." you mutter goodnaturedly, laughing at the scene taking place before you. Once the song ends and your son is by your side once more, you turn to take him back to the dressing room. Harry catches your elbow on his way to a water break, saying through a laugh, "Like father, like son, huh?" "Like uncle, like nephew!" Louis corrects and he jogs by. "More like: you two are both morons for teaching a little boy to do such things," you joke.

LIAM: An eager Makenzie kicks her legs in your arms, signaling that she wants to be put down so she can walk around. She'd just started walking steadily the week before and she's been eager to walk any chance she gets since then. You put her down and let her wander for a bit, and it's not long before she's waddling away from you and towards the stage. She makes her way through all of the people and equipment until she's out on stage under the bright lights. She squeals happily, thrilled to see all of her uncles and her dad in one place right before her. She runs around, trying to play with them like she does in the backyard. Zayn is the first to notice and he immediately begins chasing her around like he knows she likes. It's not long before the other boys join in, each taking a turn at chasing her whenever she gets close to them. After a minute, Liam scoops her up and holds her close to his chest, carrying on with the song. She claps her hands and dances in his arms. When the song comes to a close, Liam puts her back down as he says, "Go find Mummy." You take that as your cue to go collect your daughter from the stage. Makenzie decides it would be more fun to play another game of chase, however, and scoots away from you before you can grab her. You chase the little escapee for a couple of steps before you catch up to her, receiving a round of laughter and "aww's" from the crowd.


i dont know i just find these kinds of one direction imgines cute with kids so thats what ive been working on alot lately. i will post some others ft jb 5sos R5 emblem3 and more soon :)

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