The Bodyguard

By Evil2Love

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Crown princess Aphrodite is a eighteen years old girl who's just trying to get her father's attention. Be wit... More



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By Evil2Love

The next morning I awoke with her in my arms. She smiled and turned to me. I smiled at her and kissed her. She moaned and kissed me back.

"My love." She said and cupped my cheek.

"Yes darling."

"Your are to be crowned king today." She said. "Happy birthday love."

"Thank you."

A year passed and I was twenty one and she was nineteen. She smiled as me as we sat in front of my pack...our pack. She held my hand and looked around. She was so beautiful and I just feel in love with her every day. She sat in my lap and smiled at me.


"Yes my queen."

"I love you so fucking much." She said and I kissed her. She held me close and kissed me deeply.

That night we laid in bed. I held her close to me as we laid in the dark. Neither on of us asleep just yet. She played with the ring on my finger and I smiled. She sang to her self as she did so.

"Husband." She said. "Are you awake?"

"Yes my queen." She turned in my arms and swung her leg over me. She straddled me and smiled.

"Husband I want to start a family." She said and I looked at her.

"A family my queen?"

"Yes." She said and kissed me neck. "Will you give me a family?"

"Yes my queen."


I looked at my daughter while she slept. She looked so peaceful. I leave the room and go to my wife. I get in bed with her and rubbed her slightly producing belly. She smiled and held my hand.

"You gave me what I truly wanted husband." She said and I looked at her.

"What is that my queen?"

"A family." She said and I smiled.

"I told you those many years ago I would." I mumbled and she smiled.

Leo pov.

I walk down the hall with Micky. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Now that we found the guy who tried to kill our sister we're going to have fun. I watch as he walked down the hall to us. He walked pass and didn't bow or anything.

"Jason you know it's rude not to bow when you are in the presence of royalty." I said and he stopped. He turned and walked over to us with a smug look.

"Forgive me your highness's." He bowed and Micky stuck the needle in his neck and he was out cold.

"Apology excepted." I said and Micky picked him up. We throw him in the cells and had him chained up. My sister screams echoed off the walls. We walk down the hall to father's room. Theodore stood at her bedside and she held onto him. The doctor was doing something to Aphrodite.

"Why are you doing?"

"She's bleeding." Angela said and looked up at me. She sat in between my sister legs with her hand...

"She could have just started her period."

"No she's bleeding out." Angela said and turned back to my sister. "When she would throw up blood she was throwing up the poison in her blood. Now that she taken the cure she'll bleed the rest of it out. And the colour of her blood and the poison mixed up together who have a white tent to it. Her body had removed all of the poison early and then we got her back to bed she started bleeding and wouldn't stop. As she bleed her heart grew weak," She twisted her arm and Aphrodite cried out in pain. "She'll bleed out till she died. I have to do something about it." She said. "Got it." She mumbled.

"Hurry up Angela it hurts." Aphrodite cried out and Angela looked at her.

"Princess it shouldn't hurt that much. You've push a baby out of your vagina and my hand being in you hurts?" She narrowed her eyes at her.

"Shut the hell up and hurry up Angela and remove your fucking hand!" My sister growled and her eyes glowed golden. "When I say this fucking hurts I mean it hurts!" She looked at Angela. "Hurry up now!" She used your alpha tone and I was shocked. Her alpha side is showing. She has never use her alpha voice on someone. She thought she didn't have one.

"Yes your highness." She said. She removed her hand and my sister moaned in pain. Angela moved out of the way and I see the sheets was soaked in blood. She frown and looked at Angela. I just realized that Angela was nothing but a girl of eighteen. My father trusted her and she did her job.

"Sister." I said and walked to her side with Micky.

"Twin." She said and smiled.

"We found the guy who poisoned you and his punishment starts tomorrow morning. Would you like to be there?"

"Gladly." She mumbled and I smiled.

"Goodnight twin." I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight twin." She mumbled and went to sleep.

Aphrodite pov.

I wake up with a scream and was panting. I fall off the bed and cried out as I threw a up more blood. My nose started bleeding again and I was throwing it up. I feel something run down my leg and touched my thighs and moved my hand. It was covered in blood. A pain shot through my whole body and I let out another agonizing scream. It felt like I was being seat on fire and cut open.

"Someone please help me." I wheezed and laid in a pool of my own blood. I coughed and wheezed in pain. My heart slowed and I cried out in pain. "Goddess receive my soul." My heart stopped and my body went still. I started lifeless at the wall. Blood was still flowing from my nose and dripped from my mouth and between my legs. A pool soon formed around me.

Leo pov

I hear my sister screams of pain and frowned. My family was at breakfast of the other side of the palace where they could not be heard. Me and Micky walked down the hall to father's room where she stayed. I open the door and stopped. She wasn't in bed at all. I frowned and looked at Micky. He stayed at the doors while I looked at the bed. Blood covered the pillows and trailed to the side of the bed. I slowly rounded the bed.

"Twin." I whispered and frowned. No answer back. "Sister." I tired again and nothing. I looked on the floor and see my sister laid in a pool of blood. "Aphrodite!" I said and moved to her side. I shake her but she did move or say anything. "Aphrodite!" I tried again. "Brother go get father quick!"

I hear him take off and I held my sister lifeless body in my arms. She had blood from her nose and her mouth. I looked at her and see she had blood down her inner thighs. I cried and rocked her in my arms. I pushed her hair out of her face. She was so beautiful.

"You was supposed to live sister." I said and seen her cheeks was stained with tears and that her eyes was still wet. A tear slid down her cheek and I cried. I close her eyes and cried even more.

Micky pov

I watch my brother round the bed. He rushed to our sisters side and he looked up at me with tears. "Go get father quick!" He said and I turned and ran out.

I run pass people who bowed their heads as I passed. I run into the kitchen and they turned to me. I let the tears fall as they looked at me.

"What's the matter son?" Father said and I looked at Dimitri. Why did this have to happen to my sister. She has a family who she loved and cared for. She didn't deserve to die. What is a son going to do without his mother. I looked at Theodore. I knew he couldn't live with her. He would probably mourn for the rest of his immortal life.

"Michelangelo." Mother said but I kept Theodore eyes contact.

"Its Aphrodite."

"What about her?" They all stood. "Is she better?"

"No. No no she not." I shake my head. "Go see for your self." I said and they walk out.

I see Leonardo walking down the hall holding Aphrodite lifeless body in his arms. They stopped and looked at her. Her laid her down on the living room couch and stepped away. Angela moved to her and checked her pulse. She gasped and looked at my parents.

"She's dead." Angela said and my mother broke down in tears. She ran to Aphrodite side and cried her eyes out.

"No no no she can't be dead!" Mother yelled and looked at Aphrodite. "She's not dead! She can't be!" She scream out in pain. I've never seem my mother cry in my life. And losing her first born child was crushing her heart.

I looked around and see pack members slowly gather around. They gasped as the sigh if their next queen dead body. I frowned and held Athena as she cried.

"Where is he!" Mother said and her eyes was golden. I've never seen mother wolf either. She was calm one of her and my father. Her and Aphrodite eyes are the same when their wolf is out. She stood up and looked at the pack members. "Bring him here!" She said and they nod.

"My love." Theodore said and cried into her chest. I frown at the sight. Ma moved walked pass me with a metal rode with a gold ball on the end.

Jason was kneeling in front of her. He looked up at his queen with fear. His eyes held regret. He looked at the stick in her hand and moved back.

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