Fate || 缘分 [EXO Lay Fanfic]

By ahwaeee

16.2K 583 38

Fate brought us together. I was too stupid that I've missed you for a year. I was too stupid that I never rea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Characters point of view
Zhang Yixing
Mini Theater
Jocelyn's words

Chapter 16

472 20 0
By ahwaeee

Jiayi's university is in Xi'an. She went to the same university with Luhan and had left months ago. Since I wasn't planning to go far away from home, so I decided to apply for universities in Changsha.

According to my teachers, my results could get me till better universities in China, but I still insist in staying here.

It's actually a long distance from my house to the university. It takes about one and a half hour. My parents were planning to let me rent a room nearby the university or stay in the dorm of the university.

I talked about that with Yixing too and he told me that he has a house near the university and if I want I can stay there.

I rejected him. I don't want that it's just our first month being together yet I'm moving there, into HIS house. That is fast. And if I move into there, how should I tell my parents about the rental fees? Yixing will surely let me stay there for free.

The weather out there had started to turn cold, as it's nearing September. Yixing and I don't really go to much places while dating. We basically spend our time in cafés, or sometimes in the mall. But wherever we're going, there will be people who are looking at us, judging. I guess that this is because Yixing is a public figure.

It had been almost a month since we started dating. Xueyu was really happy to see that we are together. I was planning to find a job after graduation but I don't even have ideas on what to do.

Jingyi had been working in a restaurant after graduated. I visit her a lot of time as the foods there are really really nice. Crystal is working for her mother, helping her with paperwork.

Yixing joked about I can help him in the office but I know that it's just impossible as there wouldn't be a suitable job for me there. Well, he did said that I can help him in his office, such as help him to look for documents or make coffees. Yeah, something like secretary. He always complained about how his secretary couldn't even make a good coffee for him.

Honestly, when he told me that I thought about going there to help too but isn't it just too obvious? I mean, like it's just our first month together.

Zhengyao is stuck in his house to take care of his granny's dogs. He couldn't even go out now. Jingxiu found a job about IT and he's enjoying it. I'm not sure about Weiliang as he's actually the one who I don't contact much with among the six of us.

Xueyu doesn't even want to work. She's too lazy. I really envy her that she has an elder brother who loves her a lot.

Jiajun is getting frustrated every time when he's revising for next year exams. I really pity him. They've just about to start their last year yet he had to start working hard from now. He attended tuition and whenever he came back he'll lay in his bed lazily and sleep for a long time, then wake up and start doing his revisions. He wanted to get good results, just like how Jiayi did.

"I really think I should find something for me to do now." I held my chin with my hand as I told Yixing.

"Jiahui, you've been repeating that for a few weeks ever since you graduate." Yixing chuckled as he put down his documents. He got up from his seat and sat down beside me.

"You should come here. With that I can see you more frequent, instead of only seeing each other for once a week." He put his arms around my shoulder and told me.

"If I really came...there's nothing that I can do well. I can't even make coffees, Yixing."

"Never mind. Honestly, no one will order you to do anything." He chuckled.

"Why?" I frowned and asked.

"Jiahui, who will ask the future wife of the boss to do things for them? You should consider that." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

"Don't get mad. I'm just kidding." He patted my back slightly and said.

Since it's holidays now, I will go to Yixing's office every Saturday after two in the afternoon. He said that he usually only stay in his office for morning by Saturday but he stay back so I can come and spend time with him, while he's working, as I have nothing to do when I'm home too.

We usually spend our time together from two in the afternoon until eight or nine o' clock in the night.

Jiajun's tuition end by nine o' clock so I will go and fetch him, driving the car that my mother wasn't driving. I've got my license before the exams started.

"I'm not mad, Yixing. I just think that it's...kind of embarrassing."

"Alright." He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "My secretary might be coming over for a while later, to pick up some documents. If you don't mind, you can stay here and help me to pass it to him later if he comes."

"You won't be in here?" I asked.

"I need to go out for a while. Just in case he came, help me to pass it to him." Yixing answered as he took his phone from the table.

"Can't I go with you? I don't want to be alone here." I stood up from my seat and asked, approaching him who was currently fixing his coat in front of the mirror.

"It's an important client, Jiahui. I promise, I'll be back in half hour. It's just a short meet up. I'll be fast so you wouldn't be alone here for too long." He ruffled my hair and told me. He pulled me into his embrace and said, "Wait for me here, Jiahui."

"I will." I nodded and told him.

"Good. There's some books in the bookshelf but I don't know if there's any of it that you're interested in. Just go and look for something to read while waiting for me. I love you." He left a soft kiss on my forehead then went out from his office.

I went to the bookshelf that Yixing talked about earlier and started going through what books he owned. I found two magazines that were put separately. It was our school magazine, that Jingyi mailed it to him.

Beside there, there's a file labelled 'interviews'. I took it down and opened it, and found that it was all the interviews that Yixing accepted for the magazines. I think it was his secretary who did that for him? He doesn't look like someone who will do this.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Li Jiahui?" I heard a voice asked. I turned around and found a guy in suit stood beside the door.

"Yep. You're Yixing's secretary?" I asked back, remembering that Yixing once mentioned that his secretary is a male.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Miss Li." He bowed deeply at me and greeted. It is weird to be greeted formally by someone who's elder than me. I bowed back deeply as well, then said, "Yixing told me that you'll drop by to pick up the document."

"Yes. He asked me to drop by here to take it." He nodded.

"Here." I took the document that Yixing left here earlier and passed it to him. "Do you know how long will Yixing take to meet the client?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about that. I'm off now and Mr. Zhang didn't mentioned about he's seeing a client."

"He didn't tell you?" I asked, frowning. I thought a secretary suppose to know the schedules of their boss.


"Okay, never mind. Thank you for telling me these." I bowed slightly at him and said.

"I'll be leaving now." The secretary bowed as well and left.

I'm all alone in Yixing's office, once again. I decided to go to the mini kitchen in Yixing's office and look for some hot drinks or even some foods. There's nothing except some tea sachets, a coffee machine and a few tins of coffee powder, and also some cup noodles.

I wonder what he eats when he's alone and hungry in the office. He must be eating only cup noodles.

"Are you hungry?" I suddenly heard Yixing's voice behind me when I looked into the fridge which was empty.

"Nope. I was just...looking around here." I grinned and told him.

"So, what did you found?" He smiled, asking me.

"Well, I was surprised with the foods in here. I'm expecting some healthy foods, like fruits."

"Ahh, I actually just finished the fruits inside there last week. I forgot to buy it as I was busy." He said. "Should we go and buy it now?"

"Later. Your secretary came over earlier and he told me that you don't have schedules for any client earlier." I stated.

"Oh, the important client I meant by is my mother. I just went to meet her earlier. She gave me a lot of vegetables and I've put it in the car."

"Ahh..." I nodded.

"Why? You were suspecting me seeing other woman?" He chuckled.

"No, I was...curious." I shook my head.  He wrapped his arms around my neck and told me, "Jiahui, like what I said before, I will only look at you, because you're my one and only."

I blushed hard when he said that. He chuckled and pinched my cheeks.

"Come on, we'll go to the mall now, to buy fruits, as what you wished for." Yixing said, leading me out from his office. He locked his office and we went down to the car park.

"Jiahui, what should we eat for dinner?" Yixing asked as we are both in the mall, buying fruits.

"Anything." I told him. "Yixing-ah, what fruits do you like?"

"Just buy every of them." He said, picking up a call. I put the fruits into the trolley and headed to the cashier. Yixing handed me his wallet as I was paying. The cashier was eyeing Yixing who was behind me all the time. It seems like the cashier had found out that he is Yixing.

"Here's your change." The cashier handed me the change, still having her eyes on Yixing.

"Thank you." I nodded at her and took the money. Yixing had ended his call, and took the fruits in his hands. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and said, "Let's go, baby."

"That was embarrassing." I commented as we stepped out from the mall.

"Why? I don't see anything that is embarrassing to you, baby." He smiled and said.

"Stop calling me that."

"It's obvious that you're jealous, Jiahui. I'm just showing to the person that you're my girlfriend. Oh, I just remembered, it seems like that is the first time that I've ever address you as baby." He moved his arms down to my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"You should start getting use to it." He chuckled. "Come on, my mother asked us to go for dinner together."

I was shocked when he said that. I stopped in my track, and asked, "Your mother?"

"Yeah. She just called earlier. I shouldn't let her have dinner alone. She's cooking. We'll be going over to her house."

"You live separately with her?" I asked.

"I'm now staying in the house that is near to the university, since my main office is near to there. She's staying near to your high school."

"Ahh..." I nodded.

"Don't worry. She likes you a lot." He patted my back and told me.

I wasn't driving for today as my mother had went to her meet up with her friends so Yixing was the one who pick me up from my house to his company.

We reached Yixing's mother's house after fifteen minutes drive. I am really nervous about meeting his mother. I don't even know whether his mother will like me or not.

"Mother!" Yixing called out loudly as he pushed opened the door.

"Oh my son! You're back!" A woman hurried out from the kitchen and called. Yixing held my hands in his tightly and made me stand beside him. I was surprised when I saw the woman who came out from the kitchen.

"Ahh Jiahui, you're here too." She beamed.

"Hello, Mdm. Huang." I bowed slightly at her and greeted.

"Come in, don't be shy. Yixing told me everything." She smiled at me and said.

Yixing just shrugged at me and went to the kitchen. "Mom, what are you cooking for today?"

"Your favorites." Mdm. Huang answered. "Jiahui-ah, come in and take a seat in the living room. The dinner will be ready in a while."

"Ahh, yes, Mdm. Huang." I nodded at her. "I'll help you in the kitchen."

"There's no need, dear. I'm almost done." She smiled and told me.

"It's just a family dinner, Jiahui." Yixing told me, when he came to the living room. "I've told you that my mother will like you a lot." He grinned. "She was the first person who know that I am dating with you."

"You should've told me earlier, that Mdm. Huang is your mother."

"Well, I thought that you'll know about that, as I went to her quite often whenever I go to the high school."

"But I only met you there for once, in your mother's office."

"Ahh...actually...that time...she was encouraging me to court you after you left her office."


"Yeah. That was the first ever dating scandal that I was involved in. Plus, she really likes you and she thinks that you're the most suitable person to be her future daughter-in-law." Yixing laughed slightly. "And I've told her once that I really like you."

"How long was it?"

"What is it?"

"How long had you like me?"

"The moment when I caught you in my arms." He smiled. "I fell for you at the first sight."

"Is that even possible?" I chuckled.

"Of course, Jiahui." He smiled at me, as he moved closer and pinched my cheeks. "It had been almost two years."

"I don't know what you see in me for the first sight, but I never expected that you're a public figure."

"I first fell for your beauty, then your personality after I get know of you."

"Beauty?" I frowned.

"Yeah, beauty. You're the second most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life."

"How about the first? Your mother?"

"Of course. She took care of me for years. I have to admit that she's the prettiest woman I've ever seen, even though sometimes I think that you're the one."

"Yah, Mr. Zhang, I heard you." I heard Mdm. Huang said loudly from the kitchen.

"I know, Mdm. Huang."

"Dinner is ready." Mdm. Huang came out from the kitchen and said.

"Let's go." Yixing told me and pulled me up from the couch.


"I think my mother might be planning for the wedding now." Yixing chuckled as he drove me back to my house.

"Are you serious?" I asked back.

"Yeah...from what I observed earlier." Yixing nodded.

"I'm eighteen, Yixing."

"And I'm just twenty-one. I don't even know why she needs me to marry that early." Yixing sighed.

"Well, maybe it's because you're the only child in the family." I shrugged.

"Probably. Anyway, want to meet up before I fly to Beijing this Thursday? My flight is at evening. We can still spend our time together in the morning." Yixing suddenly said.

"Thursday? Let me think...I seemed to have a date with Xueyu. She's dying because of boringness in the house."

"Date? Seriously, you're dating her behind me?" Yixing laughed. "I'll talk to her about that. Let's meet in the mall near to your house, the one that we went to buy gifts."

"Alright." I nodded.

Yixing stopped his car when we reached my house. "I always forgot that there's something that I am suppose to give you." He said and reached his hands to the backseat where his suitcase was.

"Here." He gave me a small paper bag. I looked into it and found that it seems like a necklace.

"Open up."

I looked at him for a while, then took out the box. I was surprised to see the same necklace that we've bought last year. The one that he asked me to pick for his mother.

"I thought that you asked me to pick for your mother?" I turned to him and asked.

"Nah, I lied. It is for you. I've planned to give you that when we started being together, but I always forgot about that."

"That's too...expensive, Yixing-ah."

"I never buy anything for you, except for the graduation flowers. Just accept it, Jiahui."

I looked back to the necklace for a while, then nodded slightly. Yixing heaved out a sigh and leaned closer, taking the box away. He took out the necklace and help me to put it on.

"I didn't tell you that you look really pretty with this necklace for that day." He said.

"But you didn't even saw me wearing it."

"I did for now. It's really pretty, Jiahui." He smiled, tugging my hair behind my ears. "Alright, go in now. Your friends said before that I should send you back before twelve." He chuckled.  That was what Jingxiu said during the prom night.

"See you."

"Goodnight, baby." He held up his hands and waved at me.

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