The Random Chronicles Book 1

By fishcustardanwaffles

513 52 73

Hey peeps. I finally have the internets so I can share my random with the world. If you read this book and be... More

I must bring this up
Random Trek: This meme
Timey Whimey Stuff
It started with Ice-T
Guess What? im sick!
Dear Everyone
Our prayers have been answered
U Callin Me a Shrimp!?
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Torchwood and conputers
We Are...
a totally random update
Because i was randomly tagged
Cheesy Pickup Line.
Everyone gets a candle!
Cover Problems
MLP parody
One Question Quiz
An Update.
read dis.
I need a bigger desk
I'm an awkward dandelion everybody!!!
my shower
Expert way to get back at someone.

Impossibilities in the World

8 1 0
By fishcustardanwaffles

Here's a thing I found on the Internet. So please do not ask how I find my internet stuff because it takes hours of digging through crazy stuff that scars you for life. One I time I was looking at weird stuff and I saw a picture of what looked like a living version of the raker (creepypasta). It freaked me out because I was looking in the dark, but on further investigation I thought that it looked like someone had shaved a poor deranged monkey and set it loose. Let us pray for that monkey and pray that animal abuse will stop in the future. I mean, who would honestly want to do a thing like that?

So anyway. I find my pictures through scrounging through junk on the Internet for hours. I type random words in the search bar and see what happens and I scroll through until the end. If you ask me if I can find it, I delete all my browser history (there's so dang much) and so I will never be able to find it ever again, so you may want to save this junk if you find it weird. And plus, you can do this, but once in a while just be aware you will find a picture that you will never be able to unsee. If this does happens, I suggest doing an image search for *insert favorite fandom* fantasy art. Depending on what it is you will either cute/cool it away or scare yourself so much that you forget (but not entirely.) 

That being said, this next part was an image I found on the Internet but instead of trying to upload a picture of words, I'm just going to type everything. So without further ado, I give you:

Three Impossibilities in the world (+Hope's added touch)

1. U can't count your hair

2. U can't wash your eyes with soap

3. U can't breathe when your tongue is out

Put your tongue back in fool.

Don't worry there's still more








Nearly there.

So how was your day?

I would hate me too.

Are you ready to throw your phone down yet, or your computer out the window?

Okay, last one. WARNING: I'm about to read your mind.

12 Things I know about you...

1. U are going to do a lot more scrolling.

2. U are reading this.

3.U are human (I hope)

4. U can't say the letter "P" without opening your lips.

5. U just attempted to do this.

7. U are laughing at yourself.

8. U have a smile on your face and you skipped No.6

9. U just checked to see if there is a No.6

10. U are mad at me because you had to scroll all the way down here, then half the way    back up, then half the way back down here again.

11. U laugh at this because you are an idiot and everyone does it too.

12. U are probably going to repost this to see who else falls for it.

Okay, yea. I promise to never do the spacey thing again, but if it makes you feel better my arm and thumb hurts now so I have been served justice. 

So could you guess which additions were me? Comment here or below.

Eight Below. I like that movie. 


Bye fellow fandomizers and random weird people who are reading this...

XHope (-Geoff)

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