Can Destiny Be Changed? | A V...

By PrincessSerenity16

144K 3.5K 899

"It all started with a dream...." Lily Adachi, a 17 year old noble vampire hunter was cursed on the day that... More

About the OC
Chapter 1: Dreams
Chapter 2: Voices of the Past
Chapter 3: The Night Class
Chapter 4: It Will All Eventually Return
Chapter 5: Shards of Memories
Chapter 6: The Inconditional Love We Once Shared
Chapter 7: Confessions of Love
Chapter 8: He Returns
Chapter 9: Seeking Forgiveness
Chapter 10: The Stormy Night that Changed Everything
Chapter 11: The Class Trip
Chapter 12: The Island of Our Memories
Chapter 13: Our Passionate Evening in the Moonlight
Chapter 14: Yuuki's Envy
Chapter 15: The Past Returns
Chapter 16: Hidden Feelings
Chapter 17: My Feelings Conveyed Through a Song
*Watch Out Guys!*
Chapter 18: The Secret to the Curse
Chapter 19: Hideki's Resolve
Chapter 20: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 21: Going Back in Time
Chapter 22: A Date To Remember
Chapter 23: Blessings
Chapter 24: Shattered Hearts
Chapter 25: Tears of Regret
Chapter 26: A Sticky Situation
Chapter 27: The Mission Begins
Chapter 28: Revelation
Chapter 29: The Blood Moon
Chapter 30: Two Months Later
Chapter 31: The Race for the Scroll
Chapter 32: Yami's Plan
Chapter 33: This is Our Destiny
Chapter 34: Moving Forward
Epilogue: Here's to Our Future
Thank you!
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Chapter 35: Together Forever

2.4K 47 4
By PrincessSerenity16

*Seira's PoV*

Hanabusa and I stood on the other side of the boat, looking to the distance.

"Everything's finally over, huh... I wonder what's to do."

"Doing what you always have. Hunting vampires that do wrong." Hanabusa stated in his usual normal tone.

"But... Doesn't it bother you? I'm killing your kind. Taking countless lives away."

"I agree with Kaname-sama's viewpoints. In order for vampires to coexist with humans, the ones that do bad and harm humans must be killed.  I think Kaname-sama will help make that change with Lily by his side."

"I think so too. But Lily might be leaving to France along with Kaname. That is what Grandpa Hideki told me." I said.

"If they leave, then we must do our part as well back here. Trying to promote the coexistence here. I want the future generation to exist in a world where both vampires and humans can coexist." Hanabusa stated confidently.

I smiled. "Yeah... if Lily chooses to go, then I can help her from here. I want that world to exist. People shouldn't fear vampires. They are living beings just like everyone else."

The sea breeze blew, moving my pink hair to the side.

"Where is Kaname and Lily anyways?" I asked.

" Oh...The last time I saw them, they were on the other side of the boat." Hana stated.

"I see... I was gonna go up to 'em. Might as well give them some privacy..."

"So this is where you guys have been." Zero's voice called out from behind.

We turned around, and there were the Kiryu twins.

"Hey Zero, Ichiru."

"Hi." Ichiru answered.

"So... what are you guys going to do from here on out?" I asked.

"Who knows.. I'm just going to continue with my vampire hunting duties as usual and keep going to Cross Academy. The Hunter Association's president asked me to be the one who travels to France to help out with the coexistence movement that the Adachi family and several other vampire hunter families in France are trying to fulfill."

"And you, Ichiru?"

"Same as Zero. I'll remain at Cross Academy along with Maria, who will be in the Night Class from here on out. I'll go with Zero along to France and help out as well. And you two?"

"The both of us have resolved to do the best we can back here in Japan to help promote the coexistence movement. Many people here still fear the vampire race, I think it would be helpful if the both of us did helped as well." Hana said confidently.

"I see..." Zero said, looking forward to the mainlands. "Honestly, I don't know what is going to happen from here on out... All this time, I've been living a life haunted by my past. Now... everything has been cleared. Everything's changed..."

"Well, I can understand you, Zero. The both of us lived a life hating each other mainly because of Lady Shizuka... But now that she is gone... It's like an conflict between both of us has cleared."

"That woman was the conflict between us. You took her side, I didn't. She wanted to kill Lily and Kaname both. She used Yuuki, and throughout all of that Yuuki died. People had to die in order for things to come out like this. The only thing we can do is avenge Itsuki's sacrifice and move forward in our lives to create a peaceful world. I think all of us have had enough of this conflict. Even I have. I despised vampires. I hated the fact they turned me into a monster like them. But thanks to Lily, I've come to understand that they are also people with feelings. I continue to be the same, even as a vampire, Lily as well."

"Heh. You really have grown, Kiryu." Hana said with a smirk.

"Shut up, Aido..." He said looking away.

Zero is right. We have to continue living, looking towards a brighter future and fulfill Lily and Kaname's dream to create a future where vampires and humans can coexist.

The sun shined proudly in the sky. A hope for the bright future ahead...

*a few weeks later, Lily's PoV*

It's a beautiful, cloudless morning here at Cross Academy. The temperature was about 50 degrees. It was a fresh, breezy day. Kaname and I decided to leave for France. Grandpa Hideki was right. If I want to carry my dreams from 9,000 years ago until now, I should help out the people in France.


"I...accept the offer, Grandpa. I want to make a change and help create a hopeful future for both humans and vampires. That was my wish 9,000 years ago, and it continues to be now."

"I as well. It is a dream that both Lily and I share. Using my position as the head of the Kuran family, I will work with the leading pureblood family there which is the Lavielle family. From what I know, they are a family that shares the same viewpoints as the Kuran family."

"Heh. I cannot believe that I'm actually helping to promote coexistence. But I guess it is something that must be done."

"You really have changed, Grandpa..."

"I think I have changed for the best..." He stated with a smile.

*end of flashback*

The both of us were in our room in the Night Class dorms, yes, our room packing up to go to France for about 5 years. The engagement ring I had on my ring finger glistened proudly as I was putting some of my clothes in my suitcase.

"Let's see... translation dictionary, pretty outfits, parasol, perfumes, casual clothes, toothpaste and brush... I think I have the bare necessities needed for now. I can just get the other things in France. How about you, Kaname?" I asked, closing up my suitcase.

"I am also all set." He stated, closing his suitcase.

"Well, I guess this is it. We are beginning our new life, huh.." I said, taking a final look around the room. Being a few weeks, this room actually has a lot of memories for Kaname and I. We spent many nights in bed cuddling in each other's arms and playfully fool around. Kaname has also been trying to teach me French in order to communicate with the French people for when we get there.For every wrong answer I had, he would "punish" me by giving sweet kisses in the neck, basically my weak spots.

"Yes. Well, shall we go downstairs to the others?" He said, smiling.

"Yes, let's go!" I stated excitedly.

With our luggage in tow, we both went downstairs to where everyone was. Seiren was to accompany Kaname as his bodyguard, and Hiroki for some weird reason decided to be mine.

"Kaname gets to have a bodyguard, why can't you? I've decided! I'll go to France with you guys and I'll serve as yours, Lily!"

I told him continuously that I was fine, but no matter how many times I said it, he kept saying that it was fine that he had nothing else to do.

As we went down the stairs, the Night Class and everyone else was standing there, waiting for our arrival. Hiroki and Seiren were standing next to each other side to side, while everyone was sitting in the couches in the living room.

"Kaname-sama, Lily-sama. Are you all ready for the long journey?" Seiren asked.

"Yes." I answered.

Everyone stood and came up to us.

"Ichijo. Keep the Night Class in order. I know you will fulfill those duties perfectly as the Night Class' new Dorm President."

"You got it, Kaname! I'll come to France and visit you guys when everything here is in order!"

Kaname slowly nodded his head, then turning his head to Aido. "Aido. You take care of things as the Vice-Dorm President and help Ichijo out."

"Y-yes, Kaname-sama!  And Seira and I will do our best as well to help with the coexistence here in Japan as well."

"Thank you both." Kaname responded, looking over at Aido and Seira.

"Lily, take care alright? Hana and I will come visit when the babies are almost about to be born." Seira said cheerfully.

"Okay! I'll be looking forward to seeing you guys!"

"Kaname-sama. Thank you for everything. I'll do my best to help out as well." Ruka said with a sad smile.

"Thank you, Ruka." Kaname said.

"And Lily. Take care as well." She finally stated as she went up the stairs back to her room.

"Lily. I want to give you this." Zero said, handing me something wrapped in cloth.

I looked at it curiously, then took it.

"Open it."

I took off the cloth and there was Golden Artemis, in its rod form.

"Wha-? How did you find this?! I dropped this."

"I was the last one out of there. I saw your weapon, and I figured that I had to take it. You might need it. There may be some conflict in France. You might need it."

"Thank you, Zero. It will help me a lot. This is something that means a lot to me." I said, looking over at Kaname.

"Lily-chan, Kaname-sama, take care!" Maria said cheerfully.

Everyone continued to say their goodbyes and wish us luck.

"Good luck, little sis. I wish I can go, but I need to take care of things for the Adachi family from here." Daisuke said with a smile.

"I understand. I'll miss you, Onii-chan." I said, hugging him.

"I'll come visit, so don't worry about it." He said, ruffling my hair.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Kaname and I left along with Seiren and Hiroki. I opened my parasol, blocking the sunlight as it still kind of bothered me somewhat.

"Lily, you look funny with an umbrella over your head on a sunny day." Hiroki said, teasing me.

"It's not an umbrella! It's a parasol, Hiroki." I said with a pout.

"Lily-chan, Kaname-kun!" The headmaster said, calling out to us.

"Headmaster, where were you? Why weren't you at the Moon Dorms?"

"I had to take care of some things... Thank goodness I made it in time!" He said, trying to catch his breath.

"Thank you for everything!" I said, hugging him, dropping my parasol into the ground.

He then hugged me back. "You did great, Lily-chan. Now work to bring peace for both the humans and vampires."

"I will!"

"I'll come visit France when everything here settles down a bit. And Kaname-kun... take care of Lily-chan." He said, breaking the embrace.

"Do not worry. I will." Kaname said with a smile.

Then the Headmaster started crying in his usual weird way.

" I can't believe my dear Lily-chan is growing up! I can't wait to see how those little babies of yours are going to turn out!"

"Hehe... Then come in two years to see them." I said happily.

"We should get going, Lily." Kaname said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, you're right." I said.

"Hiroki-kun, Seiren-san! You guys protect both Lily-chan and Kaname-kun should anything happen!"

"Of course!" Hiroki said cheerfully.

Seiren nodded her head.

We both picked up our luggage and Kaname took my free hand and held it tightly, and continued walking to the Adachi family limo that was parked in the front of the academy.


We all met at the airport after a two-hour drive, and we went to our family's private jet. We all stood outside at the gate until the pilot gave us to

"I did not know the Adachi family owned a private jet." Kaname said in a surprised tone.

"We use it for business and sometimes for fun. But in this case, it is obviously an important reason." My father said.

"Interesting..." Kaname said in awe, looking around in interest.

"Kazuki-sama, everything is ready to go. Whenever you are ready..." The pilot stated, giving the thumbs up.

"Yes. We are all set and ready to go." Father said.

All of us then went up the stairs to the cabin putting the luggage in the storage. I looked around the plane, and I haven't been in here since I was maybe five years old or so. I sort of forgot that my family owned a private jet.

"We are going to go sit in the back where the two seats are." I said to my parents.

"No problem!" My mother said happily. I'm honestly glad that Dad came back to life. I have Amaterasu to thank for that. I never thought that he would be on our side... I thought he believed it like everyone else... that I was going to die, and that there would be no other way out of it.

" long is the flight again?" I asked as the both of us sat on the seats in the back.

"About 12 hours and 36 minutes." Kaname responded.

"It's going to be a long trip..." I said with a sigh.

"Do not worry. We can use a portion of this trip to sharpen your French skills...or we can use this time to ourselves..." He whispered softly, caressing my cheek and giving me a peck in the lips.

"You two do realize that I am facing you guys, correct?" Hiroki said, in his usual tone, resting his head on his hand in a lazy manner.

"Yes, I did realize. If it bothers you so much, then move somewhere else." Kaname said in a teasing tone.

"Nah. I'm just gonna listen to some music and play with my video games. I ain't gonna pay no attention to your lovey-dovey stuff." Hiroki answered, putting on his headphones.

The plane began to leave the gate, and eventually after a few minutes of taxiing, it went up to the sky.

As the plane reached its cruising altitude, I rested my head on Kaname's shoulder.


"Yes. I really didn't get too much sleep last night... I was kind of waiting for you to come back from that final meeting you had with the Senate. The bed felt so cold without your presence next to mine."

"I'm sorry I left you waiting..." Kaname stated softly.

"It's fine. I have you with me right now, that is all that matters." I whispered quietly, slowly falling asleep in his arms.

Time passed. The flight felt so long, and we mostly spent our time either practicing my French, cuddling, napping, or thinking of possible names to give to our children, whether it is a two boys, two girls, or if it is a boy and girl.

*Hours later...*

Kaname was resting his head on my shoulder, taking a nap, slowly breathing in and out. I looked out the window, and I began to see some beautiful shining lights below.

It's evening here, huh..

'Wow... so pretty..." I said, looking excited like a little kid.

"We are about to descend into Paris, France... Please stay seated, everyone." The pilot stated through intercom.

I then looked over to Kaname and I noticed that he was softly opening his eyes.

Hehe... he looks like a little boy waking up from his nap.

"You slept for a while." I said.

"Hiroki has been sleeping for quite a while." Kaname said, looking over at Hiroki who was across from us, sleeping.

"Hehe, he's quite a sleeper alright." I said.

I started to poke his head a few times to wake him up.


"E-eh?! Lily? Why must you disturb me from my sleep...?" He said in a cranky tone.

" 'Cuz we are here! Look at the pretty lights down there!" I stated cheerfully, looking down.

The plane eventually descended, bringing us down into Paris' airport.

It was night here in France, so we were going to meet up with the Lavielle family immediately and supposedly some members from the Adachi family that have lived for decades as pureblood vampires. My parents went to France's Vampire Hunter Association, so we ended splitting up.

As Kaname and I, accompanied by Seiren and Hiroki were making our way out, we saw the Eiffel Tower and a bunch of incredible things that we did not see in Japan. Everyone was speaking French, which thank goodness, I'm able to somewhat communicate with them. Eventually when we got out of the airport, we saw some people that were a bit distant from the other people. There was a tall man amongst them who had dirty blond hair, and shining dark blue eyes. We made our way over to them, they ended up speaking Japanese to us instead of French.

"Welcome to France, Kaname-sama. Is this your wife that you have been talking about? The ex-human girl that became a pureblood vampire?"

"Yes. This is my wife, Lily Kuran. Introduce yourself, Lily. This is the head of the Lavielle family, Evan Lavielle."

W-what?! Wife? Lily Kuran?! But...We aren't even married yet! And don't get me wrong, I'm happy and all, but this is sudden!

"Hello there... I'm Lily. It's a pleasure to meet you.." I said, trying to sound not too nervous.

"Oh, Kuran-san. We know that she's just your fiancee and you are getting ahead of yourself..." A tall middle aged man with short black hair and emerald eyes stated, coming out from a limo with a very familiar insignia.

No way. That's..!

"There you are, Itaru-sama. I thought you were going to stay hidden."

"I had to see for myself in person. Wow... to think that there are members of the Adachi family that are still pureblood vampires roaming around. You must be Miss Lily Adachi. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Itaru Adachi, a very distant cousin of yours, and the pureblood Adachi family's current head." He stated in a very elegant tone.

"How is this possible? How can there people from the Adachi family that are purebloods if the only existed decades ago?" I asked Itaru curiously.

"Actually you might be surprised. I'm actually about older than Kuran-san by about 40,000 years. If I'm not mistaken, you are 10,000 years old correct?" He asked Kaname.

"Yes..." Kaname answered.

"I'm actually about 50,000 years old."

Wow... But he looks so young. In human years, Itaru looks about 27 years old...

We all caught up and eventually all went together in a limo to the Lavielle family's residence. As we were in the limo, Itaru was looking curiously at Hiroki.

"You are Lily's younger brother huh... How fascinating for a pureblood vampire to have a human sibling. Well, I guess that is common in the Adachi family since technically, we are a mix of humans and pureblood vampires. If you want to become a vampire, you can ask me anytime. We do need more purebloods to create a new generation of Adachi vampires."

"Nah... I think I'll be okay as a human." Hiroki stated, scratching his head.

"Yes. I kind of don't want my brother to have to go through that painful transformation into one. The only reason I became one was because it was necessary." I stated.

"Anyways, about the coexistence..." Kaname stated, changing the subject.

Evan smiled. "Do not worry. We will be involved in the coexistence movement. I can speak for the rest of the Lavielle family."

"Thank you." Kaname stated.

I think.... no. I know that the future ahead of us is a bright one. Now that Yami has disappeared from this world, we finally have hope. We now have a peaceful future set in stone for our twins which are soon to be born in the next two years...

*two years later*

It's been two years ever since Kaname and I came to France to get the humans to coexist with vampires. We got married, but it wasn't really a big, fancy wedding. We simply just signed marriage registration papers and had my last name legally changed to Kuran. We both agreed to have a wedding when we return to Japan in four to five more years. Currently, there are more boarding schools like Cross Academy that are beginning to exist around France.

It's currently a beautiful, bright sunny day here in France, and Kaname, Hiroki, Seiren, and I decided to go for a walk around town.

"You should not be forcing yourself too much, Lily. They can be born anytime now, as the doctor stated." Kaname said worriedly.

"It's fine. I haven't had contractions yet, so it's okay. Don't worry!" I said, trying not to worry them.

"Lily, Kaname's right... you should be resting! Plus that huge belly of yours isn't helping you!"

I sighed. "Could you guys just please-"

I was then interrupted by pain that made me crouch down into the ground.

"Lily?! I told you! You shouldn't be overdoing... are you alright?"

"I just had a big contraction is all... I don't think it's anything-"

Once again, the pain came back.

"OW!" I said, cringing in pain.

"Lily, could you possibly be..."

Seiren then finished Hiroki's sentence.

"She might be in labor." Seiren said blankly.

"What? No... That can't be possible...."

"I agree with you, Seiren. We need to take her somewhere, but..."

"What's going on?" Itaru said, who happened to come out of a store nearby.

Uh, hello?! Do you not see that I'm in labor here?

"She's in labor. We have to take her somewhere safe where she can give birth." Seiren said.

"Can you guys just please hurry up and do something?!" I said in a very loud tone.

Kaname held me up, trying to make sure I didn't fall again.

"I can take her to the Adachi residence. It's not far from here. And we currently have a doctor on standby if anything like this happened."

"That would be a very big help. Thank you, Itaru."

"No problem at all. We are family after all." He said with a kind and gentle smile.

"Can we please go already..." I said, holding my belly in the process.

"Yes! Sorry about that..."

All of us went inside the limo and I began to take deep breaths. Come on Lily, just do what Mom said. Take nice, deep breaths and the pain should go away...

"Are you really okay, Lily?" Hiroki asked me curiously.

"I'm fine, I'm fine.... this is just some technique Mom showed me to ease the pain a bit."

Kaname brought me into his arms and brushed my hair with his hand to help me calm down a bit more.

"It's going to be okay... The pain will soon go away. Remember...this is not even compared to what you felt two years ago..." Kaname said in his soothing, gentle tone.

Eventually, we made to Itaru's residence and Kaname quickly took me in his arms and brought me to a room where a team of nurses were waiting. I ended up getting changed into a nightgown and put into bed.

They then did a bunch of things on me and put some things on my belly that calculated both the babies' heart rates and the strength of the contractions.

"Miss Lily, do you see this number?"


"Those are how strong your contractions are. When the number eventually reaches about 9 or 10, that is when you are about to give birth."

They are finally coming... Our little ones. Kaname and I both decided to let the genders of the babies be a surprise.

The door banged open, revealing my parents.

"Lily, how are you feeling?" Mom said worriedly.

"I'm fine... just a few contractions here and-"

I was then interrupted by one.

I closed my eyes and slowly breathed in and out. Kaname held my hand tightly, as he was sitting on a chair to my right.

"Do I seriously have to wait? Can't I just do it already."

"You cannot. You have to wait a bit. You should get some rest." Kaname said, caressing my cheek gently.


"It's fine. You should! We'll come back when the children are born! Just get some rest now, Lily." Dad reassured me with a smile.

"In the meantime, why don't you both come downstairs for a cup of tea? You can spend the night here of you would like. That way it would be easier to just come up and see the children." Itaru said.

"All right, then..." Mom said.

Itaru then escorted both my parents downstairs, and it was just Kaname and I in the room.

"Kaname, I am a bit scared. It's been awhile, and I have never given birth to children before..."

"I understand. This is, of course your first time giving birth to children. But.. It's a pain that will not last for long. And I'll be here with you. I am not going anywhere..." He said in his usual soothing tone.

Feeling comforted by Kaname's presence, I held his hand tightly and slowly began to fall asleep.

*a few hours later, Hiroki's PoV*

It's currently 2 am. I heard groaning from the room where Lily is. Could she birth?

"Come on, Lily! You can do this! I can see the head!" One of the nurses said.

"I-I can't! It won't come out!" Lily said, trying to catch her breath.

"You can do this! Just breathe in and out!"

The groaning continued for minutes. I cannot imagine how if feels like giving birth to a child. Or in Lily's situation, two. It has to be terrible...

"Lily, you are almost there. Keep going!" Kaname said in a motivating tone.

The next thing I heard was more groaning, then were the cries of a child.

"There's your first one! It's a girl!"

"Okay, Lily are you ready for the next one?"


It continued, and a few minutes later, crying was heard once again.

"It's a boy!" One of the nurses said excitedly.

"Thank goodness... I'm so happy!" Lily said in a soft voice, trying to catch her breath.

"Congratulations, Lily-sama, Kaname-sama!" The nurses said in unison.

About an hour later, the nurses left the room and I went to go wake Mom and Dad to tell them that Lily gave birth.

As soon as I got everyone together, I knocked the door to another room, as Lily ended up going to another room.

"Come in." Kaname said from behind the door.

As soon as we entered, we were greeted with a beautiful sight. Lily was sitting up in bed holding one of her children, and Kaname was sitting right beside her holding the other one. The windows were opened, the brightness of the moon shining on them.

"You guys..."

Lily then put one finger on her lips, telling us to be a bit quiet.

"They are sleeping.." She whispered.

We slowly then walked over to where they were sitting and there were two little babies, both a boy and girl that resembled Kaname a lot.

"They are so cute! What are their names?" Mom whispered.

"His name is Ryusei." Lily said, looking down at him with a smile.

"Her name is Yukari." Kaname stated with a smile.

"Wait, so how did you guys decide their names?" Itaru asked curiously.

"Yukari was named after my grandmother, Yukari Adachi, who passed away a few years ago. Ryusei was named after Kaname's grandfather, the former king of vampires." Lily stated.

"Wow... That's was a good idea to do. I'm sure your grandfather will be happy finding out that you named your daughter after your grandmother." Dad said happily.


"You did great, Lily. You have made me the happiest man alive. Thank you for giving birth to my children." Kaname said.

"Believe me, Kaname. I am just as happy as you are." Lily said, resting her head on Kaname's shoulder.

"They really do look like Kaname..." I said, looking at them.

"But the way they are acting right now kind of remind me of when Lily was a baby." Mom said.

"Really?" Lily asked curiously.

"You were so quiet and you slept a lot." Dad said.

All of us just sat down and watched the newest members of our family as they slept soundly in Kaname and Lily's arms.

*Lily's PoV*
Time has slowly passed. Everyone had left the room to give us some time with the children. I was carrying Yukari, and I noticed that she slowly opened her crimson eyes and she was looking at me. Her eyes remind me of Kaname's so much....

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

Yukari's eyes were wide open and she was looking into mine.

"How's Ryusei, Kaname?"

"Just finished giving him his bottle. And Yukari?"

"Just woke up. I need to give her a bottle." I stated with a smile.

I then got Yukari's bottle ready and then sat on the bed, beginning to feed her.

"Hiroki is right. They both look like you, Kaname." I said as I looked down at our daughter Yukari.

"But like your mother said, their actions were just like yours when you were a baby yourself." Kaname stated as he carried Ryusei in his arms.

"Yeah, I guess you are right." I said, smiling.

Eventually, the both of us went out for a bit to get some fresh air as Itaru watched the children back at the Adachi residence, who were sleeping.

It was a beautiful evening. Kaname and I were sitting on a hilltop looking out to the beautiful view of the city and its nature.

"It's so beautiful, huh..." I said, not getting tired of the sight.

"Yes, it kind of reminds me of the view back in Japan. Do your remember that time when we went on that date and you gave me that charm bracelet?"

"Yes, I do remember... It feels like it was only yesterday that we went on that date. " I stated with a smile as I sat on the green grass.

"I am happy how things have turned out." Kaname said, sitting down on the grass as well.

"But people have died in order for that to happen, Yuuki, Itsuki... and who knows.. maybe Michiko died along with Yami as well."

"We do not know that for sure. The both of them could have disappeared, and not have returned. And you told me this, Lily. Everything happens for a reason. There was a reason Yuuki had to die, Itsuki as well. They played a big part in this game in order for you and I to get to this point."

"Game?" I said looking at him a bit confused.

"That is just the way how I put things. First Shizuka, then Yuuki, and finally Yami. I honestly did think that Ichiru Kiryu was going to die along with them. But it seems that he really cares for Zero, despite what happened between them..." Kaname said, looking to the distance.

"I'm just glad that vampires and humans are starting to come together. Well, here in France that is." I said in relief.

"I'm sure Seira and Aido are doing fine in Japan." Kaname stated.

"I guess you are right...Everything was just a mess. I thought that I really was going to lose Ryusei and Yukari. I really thought that I was going to die... "

"You know I was never going to let that happen. Never in a million years. I would have done anything to keep you alive. If there was a point in which I had no other choice to kill you, then I would have killed myself as well..."


"Without you, my life has no reason. For over 9,000 years, it's always been you even if I didn't realize it that time when you and I met again."

"Yeah.. I can agree with you. I felt the same way. I just did things in a different way. I acted cold towards you because I didn't want to love anyone anymore. I lost hope and gave up. But you, Kaname, never gave up. You have always been trying to get to me, even if I didn't remember a thing. You love me as both the ancestress Kira Adachi and as myself, as one. Just like I love the ancestor Kaname and the Kaname before me now as one..." I stated confidently.

"Lily.." He said with a kind smile.

His face got closer to mine, and our lips met for a sweet, passionate kiss.

The kiss felt so warm and so welcoming. We didn't have to say the words, we told each other our feelings through this passionate kiss...

The wind moved my hair as we shared this sweet moment together..

"I love you, Lily...." His voice echoed in my thoughts.

"I love you as well, Kaname..." I told him in my thoughts as well.

I love this man... He and I went though a lot to get here. We separated for a time because I believed he still had something for Yuuki, we fought Shizuka and faced Yami in a final battle. The impossible became the possible and my father came back to life after being killed by Rido Kuran. Our dream is coming true. Vampires and humans are starting to understand one another, just as Kaname and I promised over 9,000 years ago....

Destiny... It's such a crazy thing. Many people believe that destiny is set in stone, but I want thm to know that they are wrong. You have the opportunity to change your destiny if you don't give up. Believe me. I was one of them. I thought I was going to die... But Kaname's love saved me from my destiny...

Can destiny be changed?

Who knows? Only you know the answer to that. It all depends on you and the decisions you make. Those decisions will reflect what is to come for you.

Don't ever say that "It's over" or "I'm done." You have the opportunity to overcome that obstacle. Don't ever give up. If you do, you won't learn new things in life...

Well... that's what I have to say.

Lily Adachi- wait, sorry I forgot... Lily Kuran, signing out....

~The sweet dream will continue in the Epilogue~

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