The Outsiders: Dally's little...

By Pony_babe

1M 18.5K 63.4K

Dallas Winston knew he had a younger sister up in New York with his parents, but when his parents die, and So... More

From New York to Oklahoma?
If he never killed a soc
A good gang of greasers
Sodapop's secret
What Dallas did...
Kick em' where it hurts!
Near death experiences
Point of view.
Outta there
The doctor, the date, and the drive-in.
Who ya callin' greaser?
We thought it was a good idea
Ridin' dirty
Going steady
~The Fair~
The New Girl
Real quick A/N
Try Outs
Violence Is The Answer
A Romantic
Cold As Ice
Out With A Bang
Merry And Bright
The night before Christmas-pt. 1
The night before Christmas-pt. 2
The Framed Girl
In The Cooler
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Walking On Thin Ice
Saying Goodbye
The End.

Christmas Kisses

18.7K 358 1.6K
By Pony_babe


I don't know who left a window open over night, but someone did. It got real cold that night. Not that any of us were doing a lot of sleeping, though. We got home around four in the morning the night before from the parlor, and went to sleep even later than that. I woke up around nine, shivering. Sophie was shivering in my arms, so I took the blanket off of me and put it around her. I held her in my arms tightly to keep her warm. I looked around and saw everyone asleep except for Pony who was silently stirring on the other couch. "Hey Pone." My voice was groggy and muffled.

His eyes darted to me and his expression softened. "It's freezing in here man." He complained rubbing the sides of his arms. 

"I know."

 My eyes scanned the room and found the window along the side that was open. The wind caused the curtains to flow around. The house flooded with cold air every time a gust of wind went past. I nodded at Pony and stood up, careful to not wake Sophie. I adjusted the blankets on her to keep her toes warm. She always told me that her toes got cold when she slept, so I made a conscious effort to keep her covered. I tiptoed over and pulled the window shut, but not before getting a prompt gust of wind to my face. My nose felt prickly and my ears got cold, then red and hot. 

Once the window was shut, I walked over and pulled on a pair of Darry's boots and a jacket. "I'll be back." I whispered to Pony who still lay on the couch under the blankets. 

He nodded in acknowledgement and I walked out the front door. A wall of cold air hit me like a ton of bricks. I sucked in a gulp of air and close my eyes tightly, before continuing outside. I went to the side of the house where Darry stored all the firewood that him and Two-Bit chopped the day before. I got an armful, and hurriedly walked back into the house. "Shut the door Johnny." Pony hissed from clenched teeth. 

"Awe hush up." I could see a few of the other guys on the ground starting to stir, but none of them woke up. Dally was awake by now, though. He sat in the armchair playing with the ring that was on his finger. "Hey Dal'." I said putting the wood strategically in the fireplace.

"Hey Johnny-Cade." He murmured getting a cigarette out from his shirt pocket.  

"Darry sure won't like you smoking that in here." Pony commented, sitting up. 

Dally just shrugged and lit the match with his necklace. I watched him with admiration. Dally is everything that I strive to be. He's tuff, strong, cool, smooth talking--he's everything a guy wants to be. His eyes flicked to me, and I quickly looked away, going back to propping the wood up. "Dal can I get a few matches?" I asked.

He jerked his head and tossed me the pocket size box of matches. I caught it, and slipped one out. Darry kept a basket of old newspapers by the fireplace to held start up the fire, so I crumpled some up and put it in the wood. I lit the matches one by one, putting them onto the paper and watching the fire catch fire shortly after. I poked around at it until it was going pretty steadily, and I tossed the box back to Dally. 

I went back over to the couch, and laid back down, slipping off the shoes and jacket I was wearing first.  I wrapped my arms around her, and she stirred. She turned around and face towards me, our faces inches away from each other. "Morning sunshine." I whispered, kissing her on the nose.

"Morning." She groaned.

She looked so cute. Her hair was messy and her nose scrunched as she stretched and yawned. "Why don't you two get a few inches farther away from each other." Dally said firm and protectively. I sighed and she blew the small hair strands out of her face. I smiled at her, and she grinned back. "I don't see any moving." Dally urged. 

"Awe hush up Dally I'm spending time with my man." Sophie said with an annoyed voice. 

"He ain't gonna be your man much longer if y'all don't back up." Her lips twitched into a small frown and she scooted back a few inches on the couch. Our bodies weren't touching anymore, and I could no longer feel the warmth of her body radiate. We both frowned. "Much better." Dally smiled contently, taking a drag on his cig. 

Suddenly, I heard a gasp come from the floor. I looked over to see Two-Bit shoot up from laying down. "It's Christmas morning!" He yelled with joy. He gasped again. "And there's Santa!" He yelled jokingly pointing at Steve. Steve opened his eyes at Two-Bit's remark, and gave him a cold look. "The resemblance is uncanny." Two-Bit said leaning in towards Steve, taunting him again. 

Sophie giggled and I smiled. "Two-Bit you're a clown." Pony said standing up.

"Why do you think they call me Two-Bit?" He smiled wolfishly. 

Pony rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen. He came back with a plate of cookies and muffins. "Where's the chocolate milk?" Soda asked turning over towards everyone. 

"You can get your own chocolate milk." 

Me and Sophie both sat up and scooted close to each other. Ya know, I've had girlfriends before--not a lot of them, but I've had some. Never before had I felt so close to another person in my life. I always wanted to be close to Sophie, I always wanted to be with her, or with her in my arms. I felt like she was a drug that I was addicted to. That's probably the best way to describe it. She's a drug to me. When I'm not around her for a long time, it feels like withdrawal. I just need her again. I know it sounds cliche, and I hate being cliche--cliche isn't tuff--but she is the reason I live. She is my life, my happiness, the only thing that keeps me going. Before she came, I always thought about killing myself. That night me and Pony first met her when she stopped me from killing Bob, before we were in the park and me and Pony were in the lot. After me and Pony got back from the drive-in with Cherry and Marcia. I told Pony I would just kill myself if all this kinda stuff kept going, I was serious. If I hadn't met Sophie that night, I probably would have done it. I would have killed myself. So not only is she the reason that I live and keep going, she is the reason I'm alive.

I looked at her and she yawned. I smiled slightly and looked back to the gang. Everyone was awake now and all sitting up. "Alright guys, who wants to open some presents?" Darry asked.

I thought Two-Bit was gonna have a heart attack because of how excited he got. He squealed and danced around the room singing Christmas carols. He ran outside to Darry's truck, and came back with the radio from last night. He turned the volume up all the way and blasted Christmas songs. "Chill out Two-Bit!" Dally yelled plugging his ears. 

Two-Bit stuck his tongue out at Dally. "Oh I know you ain't smoking no cigarette in my house Dallas Winston!" Darry raised his eyebrows. 

Dally froze. "Told ya." Pony coughed.

I chuckled. "I was just about to put it out Darrel." Dally replied. 

"Sure." Darry sneered. 


The end of opening presents was coming near. There were only a few left under the tree. Everyone had already opened the presents I got them, except Johnny. Two-bit almost had a stroke when he opened my Mickey Mouse shirt. He hopped up and hugged me so tight I got dizzy after he left me go. Pony loved the book I got him (Almost everyone in the gang got Pony books, and he was as happy as could be about it). Soda put the flannel I got hyim on right away and beamed when it fit just right. I got Dally a new leather jacket. His other one had holes in it, so he was very grateful. Everyone else loved their presents from me.

Coincidentally, Dally got me a leather jacket to match his. He disregarded my request for a book, which I actually did want, but the jacket was perfect. Steve, Two-Bit and Pony all got me books, though. They were all very different too. Two-Bit got me a pop-up picture book, Steve got me ghost story book, and Pony got me a very thick thriller, mystery, romance book. I secretly liked Pony's book the best. It was bound in a black cover that was trimmed with small gold roping. The book didn't have a title, but Pony could describe it pretty well. "Alright my turn." Darry said tossing his present to me. It was a small box wrapped in simple red paper. I glanced at him and he sat back in his chair smiling. I unwrapped the paper with ease and flicked open the small box. Inside was a small silver key. "Key to the house." Darry smirked. 

"Oh really Darry?" I asked happily.

He nodded. "I know I've told you that you're always welcome here, but this is your home. Just as much as it is ours." Darry stood up as I admired the key. "I have an announcement everyone." He beamed. "I got that big holiday bonus at work, and I got another promotion." He smiled proudly as everyone cheered. "I'll be making a lot more money now."

"I gotta announcement too." Soda said wiping the chocolate milk mustache off his lip. His eyes flicked to Steve who bounced in his spot. I assumed Steve already knew. "I also got a promotion. You're now looking at manager of the Tulsa DX gasoline station." He smiled wolfishly.

Another roar of cheers went up and Darry clapped proudly. "All the Curtis brothers seem to have good news, whaddya 'bout you Pony." Two-Bit asked.

"I'm getting all A's in school." Pony shrugged. 

"Better than I ever did." Two-Bit broke into laughter. 

"Alright I wanna give Sophie my present now." Johnny said. 

I looked over to him surprised. "Johnny you didn't have to get me nothing." I took his hand.

He smiled softly and looked in my eyes. "Well I did." He handed me a small box similar to the one Darry had given me. My eyes flickered from the box to his glowing eyes. I slowly unwrapped the small box, then opened it. Inside was a shining silver heart locket. The locket was beautiful on the outside. It was polished and had little designs carved into it. I gasped at the sight of it and put one of my hands over my mouth. I looked up at Johnny. "Go ahead, open it." He coaxed.

I felt my eyes get wet and my cheeks get red. I took the locket out and it was cool against my skin. The metal was smooth and precise. I opened it and inside was a picture of me and Johnny. My mouth fell open and instinctively, I hugged Johnny. "I love it Johnny!" I squealed. I wanted to asked him how in the hell he afforded it, but I didn't want to ruin the moment. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I said into his ear. 

"Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!" The gang started to chant. 

I handed it to Johnny and he wrapped it around my neck. I touched it gingerly. with my fingertips and smiled. "It's seriously perfect." I kissed Johnny sweetly.

The gang hooted and hollered like they usually do whenever we kiss. I giggled into the kiss and we pulled back, both laughing. "Awe hush up!" I laughed. 


After having some breakfast, and laying around with our presents, it was about four in the afternoon. Everyone was focused on their card games while I laid on the couch and watched the TV. Soon, I went up to my room, to do some reading. I laid down on my bed and picked up the book that Pony got me. I ran my fingers over the pretty cover and smiled softly to myself. I turned to the first page, but before I could start to read, there was a small knock a the door. "Come in." I called.

Johnny poked his head through the door. "Want some company?" He chuckled.

"Always from you." I smiled, glad to see him. 

He walked in and shut the door. "You gonna start reading that book from Pony?" He asked climbing on the bed. 

I nodded. "Do you want me to read aloud?" I asked as he got behind me.

"Yes." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my back. 

I laid my head back on his chest and he put his head on my shoulder peering into the book. He had his legs on both sides of me and he played with my hair as I started to read. I stammered at times while reading, but Johnny didn't care. He couldn't read any better than I could. As I read along he listened tenderly. 

As I turned a page and continued to read, he said my name. I turned my head slightly and he kissed me. In the kiss, I dog-eared our page and set the book aside. He ran his fingertips down my arms causing me to get goosebumps. I turned so I could kiss him more comfortably.  His hands moved up from my arms and he placed his hands on my jaw. 

I touched his chest and ran my fingers down his soft shirt. I smiled into our kiss and I could feel him smile back. "I love you so much Soph." He said a little out of breath. 

I hummed in agreement and continued to kiss him. 

"No." He said taking his head in my hands, slightly waking me up from the daze. "You are perfect." He looked at me with soft and caring eyes. "I've never loved anyone or anything so much."

We both went back to casually laying on the bed and I laid my head in the crook of his neck. I smiled into his warm skin. I closed my eyes tightly and clung to him. He wrapped his arm around me and ran his fingertips down the small of my back. I took the locket that hung around my neck into my fingers and fiddled with it. I lost track of how long we stayed like that, just clinging to each other, drinking each other in. "Johnny?" I whispered with a helplessly soft voice. 


"Never leave me." 

"I won't." His voice was now steady and low. His breathing was even and comforting. 

"You promise?" 

"I promise."

I leaned back and looked him in the eyes. They gleamed in the soft glow that emanated from outside my window. I glanced out and saw that darkness had absorbed the sky painting it with purple and dark blue. I looked back at Johnny who had his eyes glued to my face. "You're beautiful." He said with a low voice that made me tingle. 

I kissed him again, but this kiss was different than all the others. This one was filled with more than just love. This kiss, the way held me, the way he spoke to me, it was an attraction, a bond I had never felt before. Johnny meant more to me than anything in the world. I would never give him up, I would never hurt him, I can never lose him. I wanted to tell him this. I wanted to just let everything out and tell him what he meant to me, but I didn't. I couldn't find the right words.

We both looked up at the ceiling fan. I laid close to him. I had been this close to him before, but for some reason, it felt like were closer than ever. He kept his eyes looking up, while I stared at his face. I traced his stomach with my fingers and looked up at his beautifully soft face. His features were barely visible in the dark room, but I could still make out his handsomeness. He bit his bottom lip and looked down at me. "What?" He smiled softly. 

"Nothin'." I shrugged.

He looked away, but smiled and looked back at me. "Why are you lookin' at me?" 

I giggled and looked up at the ceiling. "If Dally caught us he'd kill you. No matter how much he likes you."

Johnny snorted. "I'd be out the window 'fore he could lay a finger on me. I might remind you I'm on the track team." He raised his head high and mighty. 

"Mmm yeah." I agreed. "I need to come to more of your practices. I love watching you run." I buried my head into his chest and smiled. 

He stroked my hair gently. Suddenly, the door flew open. It was Soda. "Hey Soph-" His eyes widened at Johnny and I. "I sure walked in on something I didn't want to see!" He laughed loudly.

"What?!" I heard Dally yell from downstairs. "What are they doing up there?!"

"Shoot!" I stumbled.

 I pushed Johnny off the bed and he stumbled over to the armchair as Dally's heavy footsteps got closer to the room. I straightened out the blankets on the bed and opened the book Pony gave me. All the while Soda stood watching us with his mouth hung open. Right before Dally walked in, I put my finger over my mouth telling Soda to shut his mouth. 

Johnny sat on the armchair trying to look casual as Dally ran in. I looked up from my book and acted surprised. "Hey Dal'." I said trying to keep my voice steady. 

He scanned the room with wide eyes. "What's going on in here?" He asked waving his finger. 

"Whaddya mean?" I asked pursing my lips. 

Johnny raised his eyebrows and looked confused. Dally's eye remained wide, but a tint of confusion added to them. "Sodapop what were they doing?" 

Soda choked and stammered. "Nothing." He managed to get out.

Dally narrowed his eyes at me, then turned to Johnny. "If you value your hands, you keep them away from my little sister." He said sternly.

Johnny saluted Dally with two fingers, and Dally walked out. Once we heard him get to the bottom of the stairs, I could breathe again. "Thanks, Sodapop." I whispered. 

Soda smiled shortly, then his face became serious. "Now y'all don't do nothing stupid." He pointed at me.

"Soda we weren't-" I tried to tell him we didn't do anything, but he walked out and shut the door before I could.

I sighed and looked over at Johnny. He tried to look serious, but then he broke into laughter. "Johnny.." I whined trying to hide a smiled. "It's not funny." He laughed uncontrollably. 

"You got so scared." He said through his laughter. "And then you pushed me off the bed!" 

My lips turned into a smile and I giggled a little. "Awe hush up." I laughed. "If Dally had walked in and not Sodapop, you wouldn't have had time to run away! He would have pounced on you 'fore you could get to the armchair!"

"I think you're right." He laughed again.


Me and Johnny eventually went downstairs after reading some more. Sodapop was setting the table when we walked in. He had made a big dinner for everyone. He had been working on it for three days, stuffing the icebox with rolls and salad and a chicken that Darry was gonna cook. 

We joined in a card game, and Johnny won. He was really good at cards. I laid down on the couch and turned on the TV. "Ay Two-Bit, Mickey's on!" I yelled to him in the kitchen.

I heard a thud from the kitchen and Sodapop start to yell. "You stupid oaf! You made me drop my pie!" Soda started to curse, but Two-Bit just ran out of the kitchen all the way to the living room and plopped on the couch, running into the table in the process. 

"Mickey.." He said under his heavy breathing. 

I giggled and me and him watched TV while the Pony, Steve, Johnny and Dally played cards on the coffee table. 


"Dinners ready!" Soda yelled from the kitchen. 

Everyone shot up and bolted to the kitchen. I pushed Two-Bit down in the process. If there's one thing I learned from my time here is that you gotta fight to get the good food. I sat right in front of the chicken and green beans. Johnny sat on one side of me, and Pony on the other. "This looks great Soda." Johnny smiled.

"Thank you." Soda grinned ear to ear and admired his array of food. 

Darry sliced into the chicken and it let off steam. Two-Bit smiled and flared his nostrils. He looked like he was going to maul the chicken. I couldn't help but giggle. Darry tasted a piece of chicken, and nodded. As soon as he nodded, movement erupted from all around. Everyone started to grab food like there was no tomorrow. I did the same. When we all had our plates piled up, we started to eat and talk. Most of the time I couldn't tell what people were saying because of all the food in their mouths, but I pretended I knew what they were saying. 

One thing I did make out is when Darry asked: "Whaddya guys wanna do for New Year's Eve?" 

"The drive-in is having a movie marathon until eleven thirty that night, we could do that," Steve suggested. 

Everyone seemed to agree, so we decided on that. "Hey Dar, can we get some champagne for midnight?" Pony asked.

Darry glared at him. Pony snickered. "I'll hook you up squirt." Two-Bit cackled. 

"Oh no you won't." Darry wiped the corner of his mouth with his napkin. "Pony drunk is not a good thing at all." Darry froze and his eyes widened realizing what he just said. 

Everyone seemed to ask the same question at the same time. "PONY'S BEEN DRUNK?!" 

Pony laid his head in his hands. "You never told me that!" Soda yelled. 

"When?!" I asked.

Pony narrowed his eyes at Darry, then addressed the rest of us. "Dal', remember that one party I went to with you at Buck's?"

"Yeah, you disappeared at the end and had me worried to death." 

"Well I actually got super drunk and doubled over in the parking lot. Darry came looking for me and found me passed out lying on the ground."

"I took him home and the kid was throwing up the whole damn night." Darry snorted.

"I got super hung over the next day and couldn't get out of bed." 

We all laughed. Something caught my eye in the doorway. My eyes adjusted from me laughing so much, and my face fell immediately. I felt my body get cold and my stomach drop. It was Liam. He limped in and made eye contact with me. HIs face was cut up and bloody, as were his clothes. I didn't even hear him come in the front door. He gasped for air. He was sweaty but shivering. His hair was matted with blood and tangled. I tried to scream, but it came out more as a yelp and I got up from my seat

"Sophie.." He groaned as he fell to the ground unconscious.  

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