Code Lyoko: The Broken Time (...

By DakkokuSuru

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Tells the following story about what happened after Season 3 ( X.A.N.A 's defeat )...Hope you guys enjoyed it... More

Season 1: X.A.N.A Awaken//Episode 1: Start Up (Part 1)
Episode 2 : Start up ( Part 2)
Episode 3 : Project Paradox
Episode 4 : New Allies , New Hope
Episode 5 : The Terror From The Sky
Episode 6 : XANA Halloween Surprise
Episode 7 : Unknown Danger
Episode 8 : The Christmas Miracle
Episode 9: Time Loop
Episode 10: The First Wave
Episode 11: Cold Cut
Episode 12: Paradox Past
Season 2: Broken Reality // Episode 1: Paradox and Consequences
Episode 2: Back on Track
Episode 3: Fracture in Time
Episode 4: Who's Who
Episode 5: Jack and Annie
Episode 6: The Dunbar Brothers
Episode 7: Destiny
Episode 8: Brother Showdown
Episode 9: Winter's Howl
Episode 11: Hard Time
Episode 12: Final Battle (End season 2 )
Season 3 : Legacy // PROLOGUE - Birth Of A Generation
Episode 1: Ghost from the past
Episode 2: Team Lyoko Warriors
Episode 3: Surprise Attack
Episode 4: Fusion of 2 Generation
Episode 5: Rise Of The Descendants
Episode 6: The First Test
Episode 7: Rebirth of XANA
Episode 8: Family Reunion
Episode 9: Sweat ,Bits and Bytes
Episode 10: Rises of Evil
Episode 11: Family Business
Episode 12: Return to the past
Episode 13: New Replica, New Trouble
Episode 14: Dokusei no Numa
Episode 15: Pieces of the puzzle
Episode 16: Pride and Love
Episode 17: The Doctor, The Artist and The Gunner
Episode 18: The Great Beast
Episode 19: Back to the future (Final)
Episode 19: Back to the future (Alternative End)

Episode 10: Seize of Camelot

15 1 0
By DakkokuSuru

1 month pass by and the Lyoko Warriors have take down the German and Chinese severs, at that time those government have joined forces and create an investigate team to find out who is responsible for their sever take down. They found no trace to lead where is the hacker are and from so they waited for the next sever take down.

Date 2nd January, 2003- Dr. Franz and Jeremy are working to find a way to hack into the British sever and at 11pm, they succeeded.

- Jeremy: the British sever sure are tricky, we were this "close" from being trace back

- Franz: but we finally did it, go get some rest, you earn it, as usual your team have 1 week to prepare before they sweep the sever and reset the sever password matrix.

- Jeremy : i got it, good night professor

- Franz: good night, Jeremy.

Date 3 January, 2003- the school is having a play call The Knight of the Round Table, Jeremy, Aelita,Ulrich and Odd sign up for the audition but finally Ulrich get to be Authur and Odd get to be Guinevere. After reading the scipt

- Odd: oh come on, King Arthur have to kiss his wife.

- Ulrich: what wrong with that? Don't you like me

- Odd: uhm, it really really complicated, i wish you had your memory back then you will know why

- (*giggles*) Aelita : relax guy, the play will start next week, you'll have plenty of time to explain, haven't you, Odd.

- Odd: this is a serious matter here, Aelita

- Jeremy: ok, will tell professor Franz to make a spectre of you for the play

- Odd: you better tell him that.

At 1pm, they go to the lab and begin the process. They get in the Skid, dive into the Digital Sea and go to the British sever. At the gate, Jeremy launch the hacking program and begin cracking to the sever. After the process the door didn't open but all member are instantly teleported into the sever.

(*all went dark*)(*dizzy*)(*unbalance movement*) then they hear a sound

- ???: who are they people/ they look weird/should we tell the king?

- Jeremy: what the... where are we?

-???: he just speak french/ tell the king now but now, guard capture them.

After 15 minute, the team finally gain back conscious and see that they are all tie up and surrounded by a group of soldiers.

- Yumi: Jeremy, why are we tie up, who are they people

- Jeremy: looking by the symbol on their chest, i could have guess we are in Camelot- The land of king Arthur.


- Monty: guy, be ready, i gonna burn the rope to set us free

- Jerem: don't do that, Ulrich and Odd still haven't wake up yet

(*horse running*) - Arthur: Lancelot, why have you call me here?

- Lancelot : your highness, i have capture a squadron of Frenchman, they could be spy?

- Arthur: we shall see/ which one of you is the commander?

- Jeremy: i am, we mean no harm, we are just passing by

- Arthur: do you really thing you could trick us, guard, take them to the dungeon

The guard take them to the castle of Camelot and lock then in the dungeon, while that Ulrich and Odd finally wake up and ask Jeremy where are they, Jeremy answer their question and begin wondering why there is Arthur in the British sever

- Aelita: Jeremy, what do you think about this situation?

- Jeremy: this very interesting, XANA have create the land of Camelot and all of it people, but for what purpose?

(* Rock falling*) - Guard: we are under attack!!! Sound the alarm

- Arthur: alright men, let thrive back these monster. For Camelot

- Soldiers : FOR CAMELOT!!!

- Odd: Jeremy, what do you see up there

- Jeremy: XANA monster attacking this castle

- Aelit: why would he do that, that make no sense unless...

- Jeremy: XANA create this land and all of it people but he doesn't know that they will defend it with their lives which could mean XANA didn't take control of this sever fully.

The battle go on it look that king Arthur have push back the monster until Williams and Lindana show up with more monster, this time they bring a new monster- the Infector. It kill a soldier then he become one of them

- Jeremy: look like Arthur need help, come on guy let break out of here

- Monty: i've been waiting to hear that

Monty punch a big hole in the wall and the Lyoko Warrior jump into action. "Quadriplicate" Ulrich clone himself into 4 and kill the group of Infector surrounding Arthur. The Infectors are become more that they could overun the castle. Then Odd have an idea, she tell Ulrich to stand back to back with his clone and start spinning his sword to deflect the arrow. She run around and fire rapidly the arrow ricochet and hit all the Infector, Odd idea wipe out the entire army of Infector. William and Lindana withdraw and said they will be back. Arthur thank the warriors and open a feast.

- Monty: strange, this is a virtual world but they can cook food.

- Jeremy: this is an amazing work by XANA alright, it not just create a world, it also simulate a person, law of physic and ect...

- Odd: this remind me of a game but i totally forgot it name, what is it... Minecraft? Stardew Valley? ... i don't know

- Jeremy: enough about gaming we need to find the core and destroy it, the monster attack this castle so it could the core is nearby

- Arthur: oh, you seek the Heart of Camelot, follow me, i will take you to see it

Arthur take Jeremy to a secret room in the castle and there is it, the core Jeremy try to reach it but he was deflected by a dark shield

- Jeremy: what is this shield, it blocking the core

- Arthur: it a spell that Merlin cast before to prevent the monster to corrupt this land, he said only by destroying the Dark One shall the spell be broken

( Jeremy thought in his head: meaning we have to defeat XANA to break that shield)

- Jeremy:thank you Arthur for showing me the Heart of Camelot, now , i will be rejoining my friend

Jeremy find somewhere with no people and he contact professor Franz

- Jeremy : professor, can you hear me?

- Franz: yes i can hear you, what happen over there, you went offline for 3 hour now, i have to send the spectre to replace you or some one will freak out

- Jeremy: thank you professor, we may be here for a while.

- Franz: where exactly are you?

- Jeremy: it the land of Camelot itself and somehow the core is seal and i can't crack it because Arthur is watching me, he said if we defeat XANA the seal will be broken

- Franz: interesting

- Jeremy: i have to go now, he is coming here

- Arthur: what are you doing, you should be in there having fun with your friends

Jeremy: i needed some fresh air

- Arthur: after the feast i shall guide you to your bedroom

- Jeremy: no no no, you don't have to do that, we could sleep outside

- Arthur: nonsense, that is the least i can do to repay my debts to you/ Come now, we have much to do.

Arthur take Jeremy inside the castle hall and introduce him to his wife Guinevere and all of his loyal Knight. After the feast he show the group to their bedroom, Jeremy and Aelita sleep in the Dragon's Room, Ulrich and Odd sleep in the Hydra's Room , Yumi and Monty sleep in the Chimera's Room. Later that morning, they wake up have breakfast with the King and go with him on a stroll. But then, the alarm horn ring up and the army of Infector are back, this time XANA is leading them along with William and Lindana.

XANA body's is still not complet yet, it only a dark body, a head with a Symbol on it, XANA is wielding a scythe , his right hand is bigger than his left hand. The team rushes to the castle and mobilize the army. XANA give the order to attack and the Infector army rush in, Arthur also give the order and the army charge into battle. Linda use her vine to attack the soldiers but Yumi cut it of with her fan, while Monty and Wiliam are having a showdown at the far side of the battlefield, the rest of the team stay back and try to defeat XANA while he is still weak. Odd shot XANA but suddenly those arrow she shot just come out nowhere and hit her instead, she is devirtualize. Jeremy,Aelita,Ulrich try out a new plan to defeat XANA, Aelita use her Water ball combine with her heal to create a rain that heal allies and damage monster, XANA is hit by the rain and he become weaker and weaker, Ulrich charge in plant his sword in XANA's face.

Before he explode and become a energy form he throw his scythe and devirtualize Aelita. During the battle William beat Monty in a duel and devirtualize him, Yumi however win but Lindana get away with 2% health, she know that Franz convert program have already active 24/7 if she lose now she will be brought back to the real world. XANA were defeated and his army is vanquished, Arthur declare there is no more war and greeted the hero with great pride.

After that Jeremy go to the secret room with the kill code on his hand just waiting to activate, the shield is broken so he can able to come close to it. Arthur come from behind and see that he have active the code and the Heart of Camelot change it color from white to red and then broken into pieces.

- Arthur: what have you done Jeremy, you poison the Heart of Camelot

- Jeremy: listen to me, everything will be alright (* teleported sound*)

Jeremy,Ulrich,Yumi are teleported back to the Skid and with them a miniture version of Camelot in their hand, Jeremy told Franz to create a program that can save Camelot and it people but also mean they have to take the entire land that could make them be trace back but Franz ready to take the risk. When the British sever explode the shockwave hit the Skid and recover Ulrich memory

- Ulrich: (*numb ear*)(*recovery*) guy, i remember everything back

- Yumi: it about time, you have a princess to kiss at the play

- Ulrich: oh i totally forget about that

Back at the lab, Odd and Ulrich ask if Franz could make them spectres to act for them at the play and he said the spectre that replace at the school have overheat the super computer power cell and need to be cool down for 2 week in order to work again.

Date 10thJanuary, 2003- The school start the play and every parent are there to see it. In the end of the play

- Ulrich: Guinevere,my queen, our kiss will prove that our love is as eternal as this kingdom

-Odd: oh Arthur (*kiss*)

The audience applause hard, some of then whistle loudly and the curtain close up the scene. Ulrich and Odd promise not to talk about this ever again. There friend down at the sit were shock because they thought Ulrich and Odd will do that

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