Undone By His Touch *On Hold...

By anurika94

33K 1.5K 321

#RATED-R Emilia Kingston. She is the heiress to her father's multi-billion dollar company, Kingston and Co. ... More

Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26


1.1K 53 5
By anurika94

Selena Gomez as Charlotte Grey on the side!


"Operation Make-BoyToy-Jealous has begun." - Alexander


It was Thursday and Emilia had successfully avoided Liam and Sydney. Liam tried contacting her, but she simply ignored his calls and texts.

Being Alexander's birthday today, Emilia had prepared a delicious meal and a red velvet cake for him, all of which Alexander just gobbled like a hungry Godzilla. She'd also gifted him a Rolex, which he loved.

It was 5 in the evening and Emilia was checking her e-mails, when another presence in the room caught her attention.

"Xander, please learn to knock before you enter someone's room."

Alexander just shrugged, and went to lie down on the bed next to her. Settling, he turned towards Emilia. "Ems, I'll leave for the party by half past 7. You'll come with me or later?"

"I'm fine with anything."

"Cool, then. Be ready on time. You're leaving with me. Help me attend to the guests, yeah?" Alexander sounded hopeful. Even though he liked partying, he hated hosting parties.

"Yes, sir. Your wish is my command." Emilia responded, distracted. She was busy replying to some important emails.

Relaxing back, Alexander said, "By the way, you need to dress sexily. I mean it's  not possible to match my sexiness, but you can at least try. After all you'll be going as my date."

"Your highness, will a pair of red lace lingerie suffice?" Emilia asked sarcastically.

Ears perked and eyes dramatically opened, Alexander sat up and just stared at Emilia. "You'd wear that? For me?" Alexander asked in a desperately hopeful voice. He could just imagine her sexy figure clad in skimpy red underwear. Best friend or not, he was a guy first!

"Xander! What the hell, man! It was a joke. Stop perv-ing on me!" Emilia said disgustedly.

"You were joking? Damn it, Ems! Don't do that again." he sounded like a kid whose favourite candy had been snatched away from him.

"Oh, my god, Xander.. you pervert! Wipe the drool off of your face."

Instantly bringing his hand up to his mouth, Alexander found nothing wet. Confused, he questioned, "Are you sure there's dro..." Realization dawned on him when he saw Emilia laughing her ass out. Glaring at her, he opened his mouth to retort with something witty, when his phone started ringing. Checking the caller ID, it was his secretary. "I have got to take this. It's from the office. Just get ready by 7:30." Picking up the call, he left the room.

Emilia continued with her work. At 6 she got up to get ready.


Christopher was pissed. He had got a call from the hotel saying that the technical problem that had occurred, though resolved now, had resulted in the deletion of data of the last couple of days. The data could be retrieved, but it would take some time.

Livid, he was about to throw his phone across the room, when the ringing tone signaled a call.

"Chrissy, it's 6 already. It's Alex's party today."

"Char, please leave without me. I'm really not in the mood for anything."

"I just called to remind you of the party."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Christopher said, "I'm not sure if I'll attend it."

"Chris, it's Alex's party. And we've not attended one in, like, forever. First, we'd gone off to boarding schools for the last few years of school, then we were in distinct countries to get our degrees and such, and then you were always away on business almost throughout the year these past few years. It'll be the first time in the last 13 years that we'll be there to celebrate anything with him." Charlotte sighed trying to reason with her elder brother. "Whatever the matter is, deal with it afterwards. You know how Alex will feel if you aren't there despite being in the country."

"Fine." Christopher rolled his eyes. For a 24, turned 25 today, years old man, Alexander could get extremely dramatic and throw tantrums like a 15 year old teenage girl. "But I'll be late. I have some urgent work that needs my attention."

"By what time were you thinking of going?"

"I don't know. I'll probably leave for the party by 8?"

"That's cool. Pick me up. Bye..I'll start getting ready now. See ya, Chrissy."

As Charlotte disconnected the call, she was sure of one thing. Christopher was stressing because of his mystery girl. She needed to let their mother know.

Christopher did not want to go to the party and socialize with snobby people when he was in such a shitty mood. But he also knew that not attending the party was only an option if he wanted to have a funeral for himself the next day itself..because Alexander, without any hesitation, would kill him this time. Sighing, he got back to work for now.


Emilia was dressed in a light gold floor length mermaid gown made out of embellished sequin with a plunging neckline and an open back. Pairing it with a pair of glitter gold Jimmy Choos, her hair was up in a fancy up-do with a few tendrils teasing her high cheekbones and slender neck. She looked absolutely stunning, ready to steal and break god knows how many hearts.

"Ems, it's almost 7:30. Are you done yet?"

"Just a moment!"

Picking up her clutch, she left her room. Alexander stood in the living room wearing a custom made black Armani suit with black satin shirt and black shoes. He looked devilishly handsome.

Hearing the click-clack of heels, Alexander looked up from his phone to ask Emilia to hurry up.

"Wow, Ems. You look absolutely stunning." Alexander said in awe of the beauty in front of him which turned into a pout before Emilia could reply. "But it's not fair. It is my birthday and with the way you look tonight, no one will even glance my way, let alone wish me. You're such a thunder stealer!" Whined Alexander playfully.

Laughing, Emilia said, "I'll be by your side the entire night, so when people look at me, we can always pretend that they have eyes only for the birthday boy."

Shaking his head, Alexander muttered something along the lines of, women having a reply to every statement, silly or not.

Holding his hand out for Emilia to take, he said, "Come on, bestie. It's time to socialize with people I'm sure I haven't ever met."

Laughing, Emilia agreed and took his hand. 

The guest list was prepared by Alexander's mom, Isabelle Knight, with a little help from his dad, Marcus Knight. And everyone knew that she was famous for throwing parties with every single one of the affluent business and social personas invited to them.

Leading Emilia out to his Red Ferrari 458 Spyder, he sped off to the party venue.


Christopher went back home, indeed reluctantly, to shower and change for the party.

By quarter past 8, Charlotte and Christopher were making their way to the party.

Charlotte was dressed in a midnight blue floor length dress with silver heels. Her hair curled to perfection... she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Christopher was dressed in a black custom made Armani with a crisp white shirt, of which the top two buttons were undone, such that a glimpse of his muscular chest was at display. His hair was set in his patent style, the sexy bed head look. Completing the look with a pair of black Ferragamo shoes, he was a sight for the sore eyes.


Emilia had been at Alexander's side since the very beginning of the party, attending to guests. Needing a break, she excused herself to go to the veranda for a while. Staring out at the beautiful night, Emilia noticed a familiar face walk out of the driver's side of a black sports car. She was shocked to see him here.

Walking up to Charlotte's side, Christopher helped her out. When suddenly, she hugged him saying, "Don't worry Chrissy. You'll find her. Very soon."

Christopher was surprised that his sister knew what was on his mind, 'but then again,' he thought, 'family has that uncanny ability.'

Hugging her back, he said, "I hope so, too."

Seeing her weekend guy here, was unexpected. A good unexpected. But seeing him with another woman, a gorgeous one at that, stung. 'Did spending the weekend together with me mean nothing to him?' Emilia thought. Even though it was her idea to not get emotionally attached, it hurt a lot to know that he was able to forget about her in the blink of an eye. Disturbed that she was affected so deeply by his actions, she was about to head inside the party and deal with it all with her head held high, when Alexander's accusing voice came, "You ditched me, Ems. I had to deal with all these people on my own."

"Sorry Xander, I just needed some fresh air. Let's go in now."

Alexander could sense the strain in her voice. Placing his hand on her cheek he asked, "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Ems...." Alexander said in a warning tone.

"He's here, Xander. The guy I couldn't stop thinking about since the moment I left his bed, is here. And he's here with a date."

"Are you jealous, Ems?" Alexander was amused.

"Pffttt.. jealous? Who me? Why would I get jealous." Emilia tried to deny it, but even she could sense the lie in her voice.

"You sure, Ems?" Alexander decided to play along. Nodding her head vigorously, Emilia wasn't sure who she was trying to convince, her best friend or herself.

"Oh, okay. I thought i would help you out. But since you aren't jealous..." Shrugging, Alexander turned to leave, when Emilia hastily caught his arms.

"How were you planning on helping me?" Seeing amusement as clear as day on Alexander's face, Emilia continued, "I mean hypothetically, if I was jealous, how could you have helped me out. Hypothetically speaking."

Trying to control the laughter that was about to erupt from him, Alexander said, "Well, we could've pretended to be a couple. All lovey-dovey you know, that ought to have had some effect on him. And you looking like the way you are, would just work in our favour."


"What?" Alexander feigned confusion.

"Ugh.. fine. I am jealous. And I would love your help."

"See, that wasn't too difficult, was it, honey?"

Smacking him on the chest, she grumbled, "Actually, yes. Yes, it was."

Alexander just laughed and hugged her. Placing his arm around her waist, he winked at her, "Operation Make-BoyToy-Jealous has begun." And they walked back to the party, unaware of Christopher's eyes staring daggers at Alexander's hand that was placed on his mystery girl's waist.


Entering the banquet hall where the party was being held, Christopher spotted Alexander almost immediately.

Alexander had just walked in the veranda area, about to follow him there, Christopher stopped short on seeing the beauty in gold. One look at her, and the memories of the entire weekend fogged his mind. Seeing her here, looking absolutely breathtaking, his heart skipped a beat. His legs moved automatically towards where she stood, nothing else and no one else mattered to him. But he was brought back to reality when he saw Alexander placing a hand on her cheek. Nothing could explain the rage boiling inside him on seeing another man touch what was his. He didn't know, or care, where this sudden feeling of possessiveness erupted in him from. All he could comprehend was another man was touching his woman. He couldn't hear their conversation, but their closeness assured that they knew each other intimately. Seeing Alexander hug her, hold her close to him, Christopher didn't even realize that he was glaring at Alexander until Charlotte walked up to him and placed a hand on his arm. Looking in the direction his brother's eyes were set on, Charlotte knew that the gorgeous golden girl had to be Christopher's mystery woman. It was obvious just by the way he was looking at her. 

"She's gorgeous." Charlotte said.

Christopher didn't respond but couldn't help but agree silently with her.

Seeing her brother unresponsive, Charlotte turned to look at him, "And my god. You're raging with jealousy!"

He already knew that.

His eyes were still fixated on the couple, walking up to the guests, playing their role as the perfect hosts.

Charlotte on the other hand was trying to get Christopher's attention. Finally shaking him out of his reverie, she said again, "You should go talk to her."

Liking that suggestion, he'd taken a step towards his mystery girl when his sister stopped him. "Not like this, Chrissy. Are you insane?!"

Turning towards Charlotte, he asked, "What do you mean?"

"You should talk to her, yes. But alone. Not in front of the guests or Alex. She seems to be his date for the night. You should wait for her to be alone to talk to her, dumbo."

Christopher thought about that. And even he had to agree that walking up to her now would have been an idiotic move. Agreeing, he impatiently waited for Alexander to leave her alone, even for a moment.


Emilia couldn't resist turning around to look at her weekend guy. But the sight enfolding in front of her, pained her. He was not looking at her and Alexander. No. He was actually in a deep conversation with his date, concentrating on whatever she was saying.

"Come on, Ems. It's time to put the show on road." Alexander whispered in her ear.

Seeing the weekend guy's lack of interest in her, Emilia was about to call off the charade. But before she could, Alexander whispered again, "Just trust me on this."

Alexander looked sure of his plan and his confidence gave her the much needed boost. Looking at him, she muttered "Oh, what the hell. Let's give it try."

Giving her a small smile, Alexander kissed Emilia on the cheek, took her hand and led her towards the stage.

It was now that Emilia could feel a burning gaze on her back. Looks like their plan would work after all.


Hellooooo Selenators!!!

Selena Gomez is so damn perfect. She is flawless in every single way.

She is most definitely my favourite celebrity! <3

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