Bad Boy and Me - Discontinued

By Modern_Mormon_Girl

3.1K 233 89

It's a classic bad boy and good girl story but with a Mormon Twist. In the story the Bad boy is Bryant big, s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Author's Note
Chapter Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Not a book Update

Chapter Ten

148 12 17
By Modern_Mormon_Girl

Paris's Pov

This morning after prayer, I remember that today was Sunday and Bryant said he might come so I grab my phone and text him while I was going down the stairs.

Text Messages


Me: So you up?

Bryant: Maybe let me just open my eyes some more

Me: Forget something??

Bryant: Yup I have it here.

Me: Yeah

Bryant: Yeah

Me: So what is it?

Bryant: My pillow

Me: Haha, very funny. But be serious, I mean what's today?

Bryant: 21st

Me: like I said very funny but today is Sunday so you coming?

Bryant: yeah yeah I am texting Trent right now to get a ride to your house because I don't really think your parents want a boy in a black leather jacket on a motorcycle to pull in their driveway at seven in the morning.

Me: Okay I will iron your suit for you so it's ready when you get here.

Bryant: yeah

After that I turn off my phone, I hug my mom and start to set the table for morning breakfast. When dad comes down, we set out the food and then grab our seats. Daddy says the prayer and then we dig in.

"Hey mom, someone is coming over this morning to come to church with me." I said as they ate their food.

"Okay when is coming and why?" Mom asks.

"Umm I think that he is going to be here soon because Trent is going to drive him over and he is coming over because I got him a suit yesterday and kept with me just incase he wasn't going to use I could donate them to one of the boys at church." I explained to mom.

Daddy being the overprotective person like he is says

"Who is he?"

And then everything gets complicated.

"Well, he is one of Trent's cousins, um Bryant is his name."

"You mean the Bad Boy, Bryant is coming to our house and interacting with my daughter." Daddy said.

"Daddy, this is the right thing to do, I am doing what you taught me to do, do what Jesus would do and Choose the Right. I got this feeling that I need to change him into a good guy and I knew it was a message from God sent to me by the Holy Ghost."

"Okay if you think that it was a message from God then go ahead and do this but I want you to be careful and we are always here to call if something happens."

"Yes. Daddy, I know and I love you both." I said as I grabbed my plate and kissing both my mom and dad before heading to the kitchen to my plate in the sink.

As I walk up the stairs, I get a call from Trent, who tells me that at he is pulling into my road. So I told him the pass code to open our gate and then go up to my room to change. I change into my dress.

^Picture of dress/ outfit^ Made from @Modern_Momon_Girls's Polyvore Account

Then I started ironing Bryant's clothing so that I can have them done before they ring the doorbell.

After ironing Bryant's clothing and checking my makeup, I checked my phone and didn't have a message so I headed down to see what was taking them so long, but not before I put his outfit in the hall closet.

When I get half way down, I hear both my dad's and the boys voices coming from the living room. Hopefully, dad is not doing his interrogations to Bryant because I don't think he will like what he finds out.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" I asked while walking into the living room.

"I was asking Bryant if he wanted to go with me to the Father and Son Camping Trip." My dad says with a smile.

"Oh, okay." I said but apparently Trent was not okay with that because of his mad eyes and Bryant was just looking at me with a emotion in his eyes.

"I was tell him that he really didn't have invite him." Trent said.

"And I was agreeing with your dad." Bryant said.

"Okay well before you guys start planning, I just wanted to say that I have your tux ready, Bryant." I said.

"Well Bryant, you go ahead and change and we can plan. Trent you can go home to ride to church with your family and we can just give Bryant a ride so Bryant and I can talk about the camping trip." My dad said.

"Of course, bye Paris." Trent said but he didn't smile just gave me the gesture to call him as he walked out of the house.

"Okay, Daddy. Come on Bryant, I will get your tux and then show you to our spare room." I said.

"Okay, thanks Mr. Blackwell." Bryant said before following me up the stairs.

"So umm nice house." Bryant say as we walk up the stair.

^This is a good program to do at school with filling boxes with gifts and toys to send to poor, needy children.^

"Oh yeah, I know people who live on the street." Bryant say.

"For real?????" I question as I pull out his outfit from the hall closet.

"Well the bathroom is down the hall, the third door on the left." I said pointing it out.

"Okay." Bryant says before walking towards the bathroom.

"I am going to be down stairs, waiting for you. Okay?" I asked.

"Okay sure." Bryant said.

I head downstairs to the hall. I grab my scriptures from my bag and walk to the dining room. While I wait for Bryant, I search for a scripture for my Scripture A Sunday Blog that I post on every Sunday to spread the gospel with others.

So I was looking through the scriptures when John 15: 12- 13 that says " 12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

I decided that would be the perfect scripture to post this Sunday because of the hard time we have these days to love one another because of all the things that have happened in the news.

"Hey is this okay?" I suddenly hear Bryant ask.

"Yeah, but let me fix your tie." I say smiling remembering the days when my nephew would stay over and because of him I learned how to tie a tie. Let me tell you, it is not easy.

^Bryant's outfit^

"So what were you thinking about?" Bryant asked as I tied his tie.

"Oh, I was thinking about the people who had their homes messed up in the floods. My father, other young men, and some of the priesthood went and helped them, but I was thinking of a way I could help." I said blushing because he is probably going to think that I am weird. Usually I don't care what people think but now I am starting to care what he thinks.

Did anyone serve as a Helping Hand recently or not recently?

^Some people serving as Helping Hands^

"Oh yeah I hear about that on the news." Bryant says.

I step back and look at his tie. I think I did good but it's missing one thing.

"I didn't think that bad boys watched the new." I said laughing.

And there it is, he smiles.

Catching himself and trying to fix his reputation, he says "Oh we watch the news but only to see if we made it on the news."

I laugh and then we hear my dad calling saying it was time to go.


So I want to say thanks so much for reading and please continue to like, comment, and share. I do want to say however that in the next chapter I am going to start with us in Sunday School not in the meeting before because I just don't like and don't want to post what happens in a sacrament meeting. For me a sacrament meeting is something you need to experience on you own and for me it is sacred thing that is not meant to be posted, if you understand.

This chapter was written by @Modern_Mormon_Girl 

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