DC Comics One Shot|| (COMPLET...

By alleycatbookstore

1.4M 31.6K 5K

I got bored again and I am a big fan of DC comics so yeah. I hope you guys enjoy! Request too! I don't bite... More

Damian Wayne x Reader
Damian Wayne x Reader Part 2!
Dick Grayson x Reader
Jason Todd x Reader
Tim Drake x Reader
Tim Drake x Reader part 2!
Batfamily x Damian Wayne x Reader
Tim Drake x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader x Jason Todd
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2
Batfamily Imagine
Terry McGinnis x reader part 3!
Terry McGinnis x reader part 4!
Jason Todd x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jason Todd x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
1k Special!
Dick Grayson x reader
Dick Grayson x circus reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Roy Harper x younger reader
Barry Allen x reader x Bart Allen
Dick Grayson x reader
Jamie Reyes(YJ) x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Dick Grayson x reader x Wally West
Aqualad x reader
Barry Allen x daughter reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Conner Kent x reader part 2!
Roy Harper x reader
Roy Harper x reader part 2
Roy Harper x reader x Arsenal part 3!
2k Special!
Tim Drake x neko reader
Tim Drake x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Batfamily x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Roy Harper x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Batfamily imagine
Superman x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Superman x reader part 2!
Tim Drake x reader
Roy Harper x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jamie Reyes x reader
Wally West x reader
3k Special!
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Booster Gold x reader
A complete random one shot
Damian Wayne x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Dick Grayson x reader part 2!
4k special!
Roy Harper x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Arsenal x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Dick Grayson x reader
Batfamily x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Lagoon Boy x reader
5k Special!
Jason Todd x reader
Malcom Duncan x reader lemon!
Barry Allen x reader
Eduardo Dorado Jr x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Tye Longshadow x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Batfamily x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Terry McGinnis x reader
6k Special!
Damian Wayne x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Arsenal x reader
Roy Harper(Red Arrow) x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Bart Allen x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Roy Harper x reader
7k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Superboy x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Batfamily imagine
Conner Kent x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
8k special!
Damian Wayne x reader
Wally West x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Wally West x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Bruce Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Questionnaire Answers
Jason Todd x reader lemon!
JL x YJ x reader
Wally West x reader
Jason Todd x reader lemon part 2!
Jamie Reyes x reader
Beast Boy x reader
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jason Todd x Tim Drake
Jason Todd x reader x Tim Drake
10k special!
Jason Todd x reader x Tim Drake part 2!
Arsenal x reader
Roy Harper x reader
11k special!
Jason Todd x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Bruce Wayne x reader
Batfamily x reader
Jason Todd x reader x Dick Grayson
12k special!
Roy Harper x reader
Jamie Reyes x reader
Dick Grayson x reader lemon!
Roy Harper x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Tim Drake x reader lemon!
Terry McGinnis x reader lemon!
Tim Drake x reader
Damian Wayne x Piper Queen
Damian Wayne x Mackenzie Harding
Dick Grayson x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Arsenal x Sasha
Jamie Reyes x René
Wally West x Sasha
Batfamily x reader
Roy Harper x sister!reader
Roy Harper x reader
14k special!
14k special:Roy Harper
14k special:Dick Grayson
14k special:Wally West
Damian Wayne x reader
15k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Barry Allen x reader
Roy Harper x reader
16k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Bart Allen x reader
Arrow Family x reader:Christmas Special!
Roy Harper x reader
Tim Drake x reader
17k special!
Dick Grayson x Reaper
Important A/n
Jason Todd x Gale Quintin
DC Comics Watty's
Not An Update(Sadly)
Third Book
Role Play?
Very Important A/N

Roy Harper(Red Arrow) x reader

6.1K 155 23
By alleycatbookstore

Requested by @twdismylife77
You and Red are dating and have been dating for 6 months

Y/n's pov

       Red Arrow shoved me up against the wall with his lips on mine, I ran my fingers through his thick hair, "if Dad catches us, you're going to explain," I mumbled "fine," Red Arrow mumbled kissing me again. 

       From all the sidekicks Batman has, I'm the oldest since I'm his daughter by blood, Richard is a few months younger than me which allows me to tease him about it. Red pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine, "do you really have to leave?" I asked "I don't want you to leave Gotham," Red rubbed soothing circles on my wrist "I have to, Green Arrow and I are needed," Red said "I'm going to miss you," I said "I'm going to miss you too, princess," said Red, I pulled myself closer to him, "let's make this moment last while we still have it," I murmured, Red's lips quirked upwards, "yes ma'am," he said and his lips are on mine again. 

       Few minutes of making out Red and I finished patrolling, Batman, Red Robin, Robin and I watched Green and Red Arrow leave, Red Arrow gave me his signature two finger salute and he's gone. After reporting of patrol I got changed and headed upstairs, my phone vibrated several times making me smile. Roy. I pulled my phone out and texted him back

Roy:I miss you already, babe

Me:I miss you too, hot head




Me:don't be like that, Roy

Roy:and if I don't?

Me:then I won't text or call you for the rest of the week

Roy:*dramatically gasps* you wouldn't

Me:lol! I'm dying!

Roy:why did I fall in love with you again?

Me:you admitted you fell in love with me because of my beauty remember?

Roy:when did I say that?

Me:when we were on patrol in Star City. Dad sent me there to help you and GA with something

Roy:oh yeah

Roy:I can't believe you remember that but I didn't

Me:aw, don't be like that, Roy

I reached my bedroom and went inside. I kicked the door shut and plopped down on the bed

Roy:you're one to talk, I still remember how cute your pouts are

Me:shut up

Roy:make me

I smirked and muted him. I placed my phone next to me and waited at least 5 minutes and checked again.


Roy:please tell me you didn't mute me


Roy:please don't ignore me!

Roy:baby, please!

Roy:I miss you!

Me:jeez Roy, I ignored you for 5 minutes and you sent 5 texts?

Roy:don't you dare do that again!

Me:you can't control me, I'm my own person

Roy:just don't do that again, please?

Me:as long as you don't comment about my pouts

Roy:but your pouts are so cute!


Roy:n-no! don't!


Roy:don't you dare!



Me:😂😂😂 jk! that was hilarious


I heard knocking on the door "who is it?" I asked "it's me," said Tim "can I come in?" "just a sec," I said

Me:gotta go, TTYL

Roy:see you

       "You can come in," I said sitting up, Tim came in, "what's up, Tim?" I asked "what's up with you and Red Arrow?" Tim asked "nothing," I said "liar," said Tim, he sat down next to me, "I'm serious, Tim, nothing is going on," I said "I'm not buying it, Y/n," said Tim "I know something is going on between you two," I sighed "you're not going to drop this anytime soon are you?" "not until you tell me," Tim said "for the last time, Tim, nothing is going on," I said "now, if you can't kindly leave that will be great," I said, Tim stood up, "fine, if I'm right then I'll keep reminding you," said Tim and he left.

*time skip*

       Dad sent me to Star City "remember the mission, Nightingale," Dad said through the comms "right, take care of the drug dealers, grab the leader, demand answers from with all necessary of getting it and then come back home," I said "I'm serious, Gale, you and Red Arrow are getting....... too close," I groaned "great, first it was Red Robin now it's you," I said "just get the mission done and come home safely," Dad snapped and then there is silence.

        I reached the coordinates and jumped off the bike, I spotted Green and Red Arrow and I joined them, "what are we facing?" I asked "high drug dealers," Green Arrow replied "be careful, both of you, this isn't going to be easy," said Green Arrow and we jumped into action.

                    *after the battle*

       "We'll deal with the drug leader, Gale, head on back to Gotham," said Green Arrow "actually, Red, go with her, make sure she gets out of here safely," Green Arrow said, I gave GA a nod and we both left. 

       Red Arrow drove to the line boundary of Star City but he stopped and grabbed me making me yelp, "what are you doing?" I asked, he placed me down and kissed me hard. 

       "That," he replied pulling away and kissed me again. What felt like hours is actually minutes and that moment was ruined by..... 

       "ahem," Red tensed, he pulled away and we both saw our mentors. Green Arrow looked amused while Dad had a stoic expression "how long?" Dad demanded, we didn't answer, "how. long?" Dad demanded again "jeez, Bats, lay off," said Green Arrow "can't you see they're in love?" "at least someone approves," Red muttered "I don't care if you approve or not, Green Arrow," said Dad "how. long?" "6 months," I said quietly "wow, that's........ pretty impressive," said Green Arrow "keeping it under wraps, hiding it," "enough, Green Arrow," Dad snapped "if I see a child with red or h/c hair and e/c or blue eyes I assume the child belongs to you two," said Dad "and I will personally kill you," Dad added, Red gulped, "Gale, let's head home," Dad said, I kissed Red's cheek and followed Dad.

        About an hour later we reached he Batcave, everyone else is still on patrol so that means I have the entire Manor to myself, except Dad and Alfred are still here, but oh well. My phone vibrated

Roy:I meant to ask you earlier but your dad ruined it so I'm asking you now

Me:ask me what? *gasps* you're not proposing are you?

Roy:what? No!

Me:then what?

Roy:wanna move in with me?

Me:heck yes!

Me:I just hope Dad doesn't kill you

Roy:oh dear lord


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