Twisted Fairytale (Snow White...

By grace5151

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The kingdom of Hyoushou is located in the far North of Clarines, holding bonds as great allies. Happy as anyo... More

Character Description
Chapter 1 - One Last Cheerful Day
Chapter 2 - Learning about Clarines
Chapter 3 - First Prince of Clarines
Chapter 4 - Unforgetable Night of Loss
Chapter 6 - A Boy
Chapter 7 - Ryu
Chapter 8 - "Guest" Princess of Clarines
Chapter 9 - Sensei and Friend
Chapter 10 - First Lesson With Ryu!
Chapter 11 - Planning a Ball
Chapter 12 - Under the Starry Sky
Christmas Special pt. 1
Christmas Special pt. 2
Chapter 13- Blush
New Years! 2017
Chapter 14- Hello!
Tokyo Ghoul!
Chapter 15- Training
Chapter 16- Sleep and Time Issues
Chapter 17- Greater Power With Warnings
Chapter 18- Stay With Me... Please...
Chapter 19- Teach Me
Chapter 20- Learning Swordsmanship
Chapter 21- Rivals? Pt. 1
Chapter 22- Rivals? pt.2
I Got Tagged
Sorry and Thanks
Chapter 23- Rivals Meet *Author-chan screams*
I got tagged
Chapter 24- The Day of the Ball pt.1
I Got Tagged
Chapter 24- The Day of the Ball pt.2
Chapter 25- Search Party
Chapter 26- Where Are You?...
Don't Forget Me (Not a chapter)
Chapter 27- Traveling Past Countries To You
Chapter 28- Rising From Hell
Chapter 29- Manipulation
Chapter 30- Woman
Chapter 31- A Voice
Chapter 32- Revealing Clues and Memories
Chapter 33- Moments Away
Chapter 34- Meeting Eyes
Chapter 35- Blinded
Chapter 36- Almost There...
Chapter 37- Murder Mask
Chapter 38- Falling Away
Chapter 39- My Angel
Chapter 40- Nearing to a "Happy Ending"
Halloween Special
Chapter 41- Marriage
Chapter 42- Not her
Chapter 43- A New Color
Chapter 44- SHUT UP!
Chapter 45- It's Time
Chapter 46- Intruders and Deaths
Chapter 47- Isolation
Cover change
Chapter 48- Sorrowful Hope
Chapter 49- Answers
Chapter 50- Youth
Chapter 51- Real Illusion
Chapter 52- Battle Cries
Chapter 53- To be Continued...
Q & A!!!
Q & A (The "A"- Answered)

Chapter 5 - Meeting Zen and the Group

4.4K 138 38
By grace5151

Kiroyuki's POV
'No more! I don't want to see anymore blood...' The grip that Miss Nani had on my hand tighten as the scary men enclosed any escape route for us. It was officially the end for us...

"Hand over the princess and we shall spare your life!"

'Why... Why do they want me...?!'

I didn't know what to do... I was only a blank minded rag doll that was being coursed through life as something important and fatal happened around me!

"I will never hand her to you bastards!" Miss Nani lifted up her sword as they came one by one and received a slash across their chests and  their arms flying off.

She continued to hold onto my cold and shaking hand while I was sheltering behind her. It was terrifying... Miss Nani looked like she could fall at any moment! What about Father or Mother! Or even Izana!

Then... The most regretful thing happened in front of my eyes...



My face was smeared with blood that flew out from Miss Nani's body.

I screamed and screamed, ignoring the pain from my lungs. My eyes were laced in fright and anxiety as two of the remaining men slashed across Miss Nani's chest as they cold heartedly cut off her right arm whole.

Screaming my lungs out, I stumbled over to grab Miss Nani's body close to mines and held her tight. I was going to lose someone precious to me and I don't have the nerves to fight back... What kind of monster am I?! I'm letting someone beloved die in front of my eyes!

"M-miss N-Nani! D-don't le-leave m-me! St-stay awake! YOU HAVE TO STAY ALIVE!" Tears were blurring my vision while two men in front of me lifted their swords above my head.

I was frozen in fear, knowing that I was going to die from an assassination in my own castle and kingdom. Still, I continued to hold onto the cold and limp body of my beloved attendee and only friend. Tears endlessly fell down onto the face of a beautiful woman.

The two men brought their swords down, but they both fell down with a shout as they were attacked from behind. I clutched onto Miss Nani and shrieked in fear of who the person was, but was filled with disbelief.

"I-Izana! You're alive! H-how?!" He kneeled down towards me with gentle eyes as he placed his sword down. "Y-you're not gonna k-kill me...?" My eyes were peeled open as I watched his every move with fear.

"No, I'm not a threat. I came to protect you. I'll explain the details later, but I'll need to take you with me." He reached out to grab my bloody hands, but I flinched back.

"No! I can't leave Miss Nani! We have to take her with us!"

"Kiroyuki-" He tried reaching my hands again, but I refused.

"No! She has to live! She has to-"

"Princess...." I gasped in relief and stared into Miss Nani's eyes filled with sadness, regret, and relief. "I'm s...sorry to leave you in such p-painful way... But you have to leave me and go with Izana... He'll p-protect" Tears were spilling out of her eyes like a rapid stream.

'She's covered in blood... Without an arm... Injured with multiple scratches... How could I leave her to die here?!'

"No! I can't-"

"Princess Kiroyuki! As your a-aide and your friend... Please... This is my final wish... Please live and survive...! I you..." Her eyes slowly closed as mines eyes only widened more in fear and trauma. I didn't know what to do besides to cry and scream.

"No no no no no no! Don't leave me! You can't leave me..... Aaahh! I'll live! I'll live and take revenge! I'll save Father and Mother too! Definitely!" I carefully placed Miss Nani's head onto the ground and placed a kiss on her bloody forehead with tears falling onto her pale face. I limped over to Izana as he placed me onto his back carefully.

"Kiroyuki..." I nodded my head soullessly into his shoulder blades."We're gonna try and save your parents, okay?"

"..." Tears spilled from my eyes as I looked back before we turned out from this hallway. More tears streamed down when I saw Miss Nani's body laid there motionlessly with blood and cuts consuming her. I buried my head into Izana's back and sobbed silently.

'... Miss Nani...'

"Greetings princess... I'll be your tutor and aide from now on! Please address me as Miss Nani!"

"You're a silly princess, but you're pretty strong too. That's what makes you an unique princess!"

"Wow! You're really talented princess! Let's take a break!"

"Well done princess, you've improved quite fast. Your aim is splendid along with your form."

"Princess Kiroyuki... As your aide... Please... This is my final wish... Please live and survive... I love you..."

I couldn't stop recalling such lovely memories with Miss Nani! Yet all of that would only be a memory that would no longer expand in my life... But she died by protecting me... But I'll survive for Miss Nani... That's all I can do for now...

"Kiroyuki!" My eyes shot up from behind Izana's back as my eyes widened from more fear...

Blood... Two bodies... And a killer with a sword drenched in blood...

"Ah lovely to see you Princess Kiroyuki~! Do you like this gift I surprised you with? Hmmm~? No worries! Now Prince Izana, if you could hand me the princess... I won't kill you!"

'Why?! Why do they want me?! I'm the reason why everyones dead! Father, Mother, and Miss Nani! Even Izana...'

"I can't hand her over! I know why you are after Kiroyuki, so I can't allow such to happen!"

'What can I even offer? Why am I the cause of this tragedy?!'

"That's too bad then~! I'll just have to kill you!" I was dropped off from Izana's back as they clashed swords, sparks flying. The opened balcony doors allowed the cold to rush a harsh wind to blow against my face. Snow piled at the door and blew over towards my parent's bodies, dying the snow a color of deep red.

For the first time ever, I felt cold and helpless. Izana struck down his sword and cut the mysterious man on his right shoulder, leaving a deep cut of blood oozing through his shirt. I squirmed in discomfort of the color and sight.

"Crap! That really hurts you know, but... You're interfering too much your highness!" He kicked Izana in the stomach and made him fly across the room.

"No! Why?! Why?!" The man stared into my soul with terrifying gold eyes that peeked through his mask. His dark black hair flowed in the howling and chilly wind.

"I'm gonna take you with me so please be a dear and sleep tight~!"

'No... I won't let him!'

"No!" I let out a growl, an iron sword appearing in my right hand. I didn't think of anything and slashed through the man's steel armor. Blood oozed out from the deep cut and he staggered back from the sudden attack.

"W-what?!" I dashed to his right and thrust my sword across his arms and legs, leaving wounds that bled and smeared on the carpet. He fell to the ground while coughing up a pool of red liquid.

"You're the one that made me suffer tonight yet I'm the one at fault for bringing you here... I won't forgive you! I'll never forgive your horrendous actions!"

I lifted my sword above his head. My blood was hot. Hot as if a fire was igniting and taking over me. It was like I couldn't control myself to the point where I was at my limit— Trembling. I couldn't bring the sword down but dropped it when the gates of the waterworks slowly opened.

"M... Miss Nani... Father... Mother... Izana... Everyone... I'm sorry..." I couldn't stop crying as the sword disappeared into thin air. Kneeling on the ground, helpless, he rose from the blood red ground and grabbed his sword to attempt to kill me in my unable state. However Izana dashed in front of me and slashed him straight across his chest as his body fell right by my foot. I looked up to Izana, more tears threatening to drop down.


"I'm alive Kiroyuki. I'm getting you out of this place! My guards should of have taken care of the rest of the intruders. Let's go!" I sobbed even more and reached out to Izana's outstretched hand.

"... Let's go..." I slowly got up from the ground and took one last look at my parents corpses.

'I failed to save them too...'

Izana guided me to the front of my castle with only a few maids stood alive along with a couple of hundred of castle guards. They were about to see me off with Izana from this fallen kingdom after the horrendous party just a couple of hours ago. All of my stuff were already packed away and on the carriage.

It was said that in my Father's will, Izana would take me to Clarines to spend my life there as Hyoushou would be repaired after years until my powers awakens and strengthened. I realized that then, the intruders were after me because of my powers. I hated my powers ever since I was told of a tragic event when I was four, but I ended up using it against the unknown man just now. And it was only a part of my powers.

I sadly waved goodbye to the remaining survivors and entered the carriage before Izana. I was still in the same clothes from the tragedy since we didn't have enough time in case of another possible attack. The only thing washed from my outer self was the blood on my face and hands.

I felt so broken and lost... Emotionless... Soulless... There were no words to describe my feelings.

Izana soon entered the carriage after me and we were off to Clarines. My new home...

The ride to Clarines was pretty silent, but Izana managed to try to get me to talk and to set my mind to something besides the tragedy. I'm really thankful towards Izana, my self-proclaimed brother, but his efforts were sadly unable to get rid of my sorrows.

"Kiroyuki, we'll be making a stop at Fort Loxdo. I believe my little brother will also be there, so you could also meet him. Would you be fine with this?" I just stared solemnly at him and nodded my head.

I didn't know how to feel but emptiness as I looked out into the window. It was snowing... Pure white... Like my home... Memories struck my head and my eyes began to water. The home I treasured and loved seems to only be a nightmare for me.

I trembled a slight bit, but felt Izana's comfort by grabbing hold of my shoulders gently. I thanked him quietly as we arrived at Fort Loxdo shortly. We exited the carriage, guards greeting Izana and I.

"Where is Zen?"

"Your highness, Prince Zen is inside the main hall." We walked into the fort with me holding onto Izana's big hands compared to my small, pale, scratched, and shaky hands.

Guards pushed opened a door revealing a shocked young man with albino hair and blue eyes. There next to him was a small group. One in particular caught my attention. She had gorgeous bright red hair with matching emerald eyes. I immediately thought how beautiful she looked despite my emotionless state. Still, her hair reminded me of the color of blood.

"L-lord brother?! What brings you here...? And who is this with you?" I slowly hid inside of Izana's cape, continuing to hold onto his hand from behind.

"Zen. This is princess Kiroyuki of Hyoushou. Please show some respect and introduce yourselves. Come on out Kiroyuki." I followed his orders as they stared at me in awe.

"I'm the second Prince of Clarines, Zen. This is Shirayuki, Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi. These three are my aides and she is a court herbalist at the castle." I nodded my head and took account of their names. I felt their eyes searching me up and down as his aides' attention were basically towards my hair or oddly designed dress with bright red stains.

"Zen. I would like to speak with you privately with you and your aides. Shirayuki, please take care of Kiroyuki." I flinched and tightened my grip on Izana's hand, slightly trembling from the separation of the two of us.

"It's okay, you can trust her. I'll be back shortly." I slowly nodded my head as the red haired girl named Shirayuki came up to me with a smile.

"Hi princess Kiroyuki! Like what Zen said, I'm Shirayuki and I work as a court herbalist in the castle! It's a pleasure to meet you!" I nodded my head and looked around my surrounding. It was empty... It was just the two of us. She looked at my dress, smeared with blood of my family and foes, but it just looked as if it could  blend into the design perfectly with fate.

"U-um........ Shirayuki... Right?" She nodded her head and hummed and immediately, it felt like I have not talked to a human being in ages. I didn't feel like my bubbly and happy self anymore. "Your hair is really pretty... It's rare isn't it...?" I said blankly.

"Thank you and yes it is rare. Your hair looks beautiful too! You look really adorable! Is your hair rare from where you come from?" Memories flooded my head and the gears to the gates of the water opening once again. Tears spilled from my eyes, causing Shirayuki to panic.

"S-sorry! Don't cry!" I couldn't hold back my tears, crying out in agony as my voice was loud and clear, yet it cracked a couple of times.

"I-I! N-no...! Wahhh!" I fell to my knees and Shirayuki tried to comfort me. The doors behind us flung open with Izana running to my side, embracing me in a brotherly manner. He rubbed on my small and fragile back as I racked tears into his shirt. The group stood there speechless of my sobbing. I felt like breaking even more at any moment from the thought of remembering my people and family with their corpses everywhere.

After some time, I had stopped crying. My eyes have never felt this puffy and strained in my life. I never knew what sorrow and regret felt like until now. I had always been a happy child who always overlooked some negative things.

Third person POV
"I'm sorry Izana..." Shirayuki said, guilty of triggering something that shook the younger girl.

"No worries Shirayuki. She just needs some time to heal."

"What do you mean...?"

After explaining to Shirayuki about the tragic event, she automatically felt sympathy for Kiroyuki.

Luckily, Kiroyuki was with Zen, Mitsuhide, and Kiki while Obi was with the two hearing the conversation once more. It was heartbreaking to hear what Kiroyuki went through. Especially since there could be even more dangers that could possibly break her even more.

"But isn't her hair rare? What if someone were to sell her? Or what if word spread out about her powers?! There's just too many possibilities that could go wrong..." Shirayuki by now was beyond worried. Her voice was laced with concern and anger. Obi was too feeling the same way.

"Let's just hope that nothing goes as wrong as what we could imagine." At the same time, Zen and his two aides along with a sleeping Kiroyuki entered. Zen was the one who carried Kiroyuki over to the group as she slept, shaking and mumbling with tears slipping at the corner of her eyes.

"Zen. I'll be leaving Kiroyuki in your care. I have some business to attend to at the castle. I expect to see Kiroyuki safe when you all return. Please let her know when she awakes."

"Lord brother! Wouldn't this panic her even more?!" Izana stopped in his tracks and heaved out a sigh.

"Yes it will panic her, but I trust you. Oh, when you do come back, try teaching her about the properties of medicine and herbs. She might lighten up." With that, Izana left the group speechless with mixed emotions.

So what did you guys think?! Please comment your feelings on this chapter and I hope that you didn't cry because I sure did! :p   Don't worry! She'll meet Ryu soon! Bye bye! >~<

(Edited 7/17/18)

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