Silently His

De LizHicks2

3.9K 86 37


Chapter 1: Gala Doesn't Disappoint... Most of the time.
Chapter 2: Confusing Territory
Chapter 3: How did we get here, and where do we go now?
Chapter 4: The Next Few Days of School
Chapter 5: Tingles, Sparks, and What Are We Even Talking About
Chapter 6: All I Need Is You... And the Truth
Chapter 7: You Are My Escape
Chapter 8: Oh my G-
Chapter 9: Practically Speechless
Chapter 10: Arguments, 'I Love You' s, and Questions
Chapter 11: Good Morning, Don't Call the Cops
Chapter 12: The Movies Are Nothing Without a Good Friend
Chapter 13: Sleepovers Aren't As Fun As I Remember
Chapter 14: Alphas, Omegas, Mothers, and Mates
Chapter 16: Regrets, and Being Angry
Chapter 17: Sometimes Friends Fight In The Moonlight
Chapter 18: Break Throughs
Chapter 19: Keeping Secrets
Chapter 21: Hospital Beds and Wandering Eyes
Chapter 22: Clearing Things Up
Chapter 23: Making up and Making Sense
Chapter 24: Romance-- The Werewolf's Way
Chapter 25: Date Night
Authors note// PLEASE READ

Chapter 15: Lying, Listening In, and Love

92 3 0
De LizHicks2

Shelby and I sit out on the front steps of her house, waiting for Dax's truck to come around the corner.

Finally, it does. I stand up, straighten out my black shirt over my jeans, and throw my over-night bag over my shoulder. I walk out to his passenger side door and climb into it. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and asks me if I had fun. "Yeah, I guess," I answer. "There's something wrong." I can see it in his big brown eyes., there's something bothering him.

"No, there's not."

"Liar," I accuse. "Tell me what happened. Please?"

He looks me dead in the eye. "Just drop it. Nothing happened. It just has nothing to do with you."

I roll my eyes. "You're a sucky liar."

He chuckles under his breath, and says, "We'll talk about it when we get home, alright?"

I give a puzzled look, and mumble sure. I put my feet up on the dash like always do in here, and stare out the window for the whole drive home.

We walk through the door and sit down on the couch. "Where's your mom?" I ask, when I notice that we're alone.

"She's at work," he says, then sighs. "So, do you wanna watch a little TV?"

I give him a look, and say "No! What's wrong with you?" He repositions himself ontop of the deep blue satin, and rubs his forehead. I move over to him and grab his hand, making him look at me. "You know you can tell me."

"No, I can't. " He argues.

I roll my eyes at him, again. "Why not?" I ask, irritated.

"I'm not allowed to tell. It's a pack thing."

"Oh," I mutter, and drop my eyes to our hands. I feel the blood rush to my face, and I know that it's red. When Dax intertwines our fingers, I know he can tell it's red too.

"Laney, you know I want to," he tells me caringly. "You know I do, but I just can't. It's not my secret to tell. You know 'm not even really supposed to be in this pack, you know that?"

I'm so confused by now, that I know my face makes me look so stupid. "What the hell are you talking about?!" I slam my hands down on the sofa, puzzled by his words.

That's when he tells me his story. His whole story, from the fact his mom got kicked out of her own pack, to his dad leaving them, to him being accepted to his new pack. Then to the fact that he doesn't have to do watch-dog duty. "Wow, Dax," I say. "Why didn't you tell me that a few days ago?"

He looks at me in disbelief, then back down at our hands. "You could barely handle what I told you a few days ago. And, Laney, don't try to act calm about it, I know what's really going through your mind."

I sigh. Why does he do that to me? Use his "special powers" against me? I roll my eyes and look back up at him. "If you can read my mind, then why the hell do I bother wasting my breath, Dax?" I ask, sort of irritated, again.

"I'm sorry, I know it must be irritating," He says, giving me a look to let me know that he's doing it again, but this time just on purpose. "And I'm not doing it on purpose."

"I know you're not," I say.  I put my hand on his shoulder, and look into his eyes. They burn into mine, like light brown embers. I hate making eye contact, even with Dax, so when I try to look away, I'm surprised that I can't. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" he asks as if he's doing nothing.

I give him a small smile, "That," I say shoving my hand towards his body. My hand accidentally lands on his upper-thigh, and I feel his whole leg tense. I glance down on it then back at him. I'm quickly met with a forceful kiss that pushes me backwards, laying me gently on my back in the thick blu e fluff. I wrap my legs around his hips, and pull my body up to him. his arms wrap all the way around my back and he turns onto his back. His hand slowly slips up the back of my shirt, but he doesn't go strait to undo my bra. I pull his shirt off him, and he barely let's our lips part. I move my hands to the bottom of my shirt, to pull it off, but his hands stop me. He holds them at my waist, keeping my shirt on. I pull back, and his his brows crease in confusion. I move back to the side of the couch opposite him, and he sits up where he is. "Why, Dax? Why do you always do that?"

"I told you yesterday, that I can't let myself let go with you, and..." His face get's sad and his eyes move from mine.

"And what?" I ask, quieter and softer than I mean to. He get's up and starts to pace in front of me, and he rubs his chin and forehead alternatingly. "Dax, and what?" I get up and, as I'm standing in front of him, I put my hands on his shoulders. Making him stop pacing, I look him in the eyes. "Tell me."

"Fine," He says, giving up. "I just... I want to make sure that you lose your virginity to someone who truly loves you... and you really love back."

"Okay, one, I am not I virgin anymomre-"

"Liar," He interupts.

I roll my eyes because we both know he's right. "Ugh," I moan. "And you do love me. And I love you back."

"Then why are you wondering whether or not I'm worth having to lie to your friend?"

I mutter a swear word under my breath, and drop my hands to my sides. "I forgot that you don't have to be around me to hear my thoughts." I place my hand on my head and run it through my hair trying to think about what to say. I bite my lip, and the silence seems to go on for hours.

"That's okay, you don't have to say anything. I just needed you to know that I knew."

I feel a silent tear streak down my cheek, and he wipes it away with his thumb. "But I do love you back, Dax. Believe me."

I can't tell whether or not he really does believe me, but I don't care. 

We move back onto the couch, but nothing happens. He sits on the normal end he always sits at. So I sit beside him, and he wraps his arm around me. "We can't just.. sit here... and make out?" I ask, desparately.

He chuckles, and says, "Sure."

And we do.

And it's amazing.

And I love it.

Almost as much as I love Dax.

Whether he believes it or not.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{  <3  }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I climb  back under the covers curl up against Dax's chest. He's so naturally hot, while his room is freezing. I feel myself shiver as my skin makes contact with his. His body must be at least a hundred degrees. "Yeah. Naturally." His voice is loud in my ear and I can feel the vibration from his comment with his neck against my head.

"What?" I ask sleepily.

"Werewolves are naturally hotter than humans."

"I know right?" I say. "You're way hotter than any other guys I've ever known." He chuckles and I give a breathy laugh at the joke we just pulled out.

"Goodnight," I say, and wiggleup to his head. "Love you," I say, truthfully, and kiss his lips gently and quickly, not wanting to cause anything.

"I love you, too." He puts his hand on the back of my neck, getting it tangled into my hair. "I can control it," he says his breath hitting my lips, because of how close we are. He pulls my lips to his, and I don't resist. When our lips meet, it feels amazing but I don't protest when he pulls away.

"Goodnight, Daxton." I say putting my hand on his chest then turning back around. His arm wraps around my waist and grabs my hand. I close my eyes and relax into his body. Goodnight, I think.

"You said that already," He whispers, sending chills up my body. 

I know it.

He pulls me closer to him, and he kisses me quickly on the cheek. That's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

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