The Danger (h.s) {Completed}*

By curly_baby

623K 13.1K 2K

He is the danger I want the most. More

The Danger (Harry Styles Fanfic) {Completed}*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 27

6.9K 170 12
By curly_baby

"The most dangerous people are the ones we fall in love with the easiest." -Unknown

Chapter 27

I wake up and look around, noticing I am in the motel room. I look to see John sitting on his bed, shirtless, tying his boots.

“Are we doing anything today?”

He looks up at me and smiles.

“Whatever you want to do.”

I smile and get up, my jeans and tank top still on my body. I go to the bathroom and wash my face, pulling my hair into a ponytail. I walk out and John stands up, showing off his insane abs, but Harry’s are better.

“You know, I can’t take you anywhere.”

“I figured.”

He laughed and brought me in for a hug. I felt him place his hand on my back and pull my close.

“You know Harry isn’t good for you.”

I look up at him and he smiles. “What are you talking about?”

“He can’t protect you from everything.”

I just look at him and feel my mind spin. What is going on?

“He is protecting me right now. He sent me away from him so I would be protected.”

“Ah, but he made a stupid mistake.”

He reached behind him and grabbed a cloth.

“You see, after Hector, I was next in line for leader. Your boyfriend called the leader to watch you.”

The next thing I know is the cloth is placed over my nose and I feel loopy. I look at John and he smiles.

“Sweet dreams beautiful.”

John POV

I hold Mack and lift her up. How did I possibly let her go? I could have been her boyfriend and saved her. But no. Harry Styles, world’s biggest asshole, has her.

I carry her to my car and make my way to the old building. I drive and feel everything take impact. She is going to die because of this, but Harry is too.

I reach the building in fifteen minutes and see Andrew waiting at the door. I park and get out, Andrew making his way to me.

“Do you have her?”

I nod and open the car door. He lifts her out and holds her close. I honestly think he loves her, but I don’t know.

“How long will she be out?”

“I think a few hours. She should be up later today.”

He nods and carries her into the building. I follow and he places her down in a chair. He watches her so intently, making sure she doesn’t get hurt.

“I have her back. Thank you John.”

I nod and walk out. I instantly feel regret washing through my system, knowing I probably put that girl in a massive amount of danger.

The look she gave me before I drugged her was one of pure confusion. It was so soft and beautiful, I just want her. But I know I can’t. I think I love a girl who is taken. I walk around and leave the building, driving anywhere but here.


Mack POV

I feel myself really drowsy when I wake up. The lights blind me and my arms and legs feel heavy. I can barely see anything and the only thing I can slightly make out is a figure.

“Hello Kenz.”

I turn my head and look over at the man, my head still slightly dizzy.

“I see you are wearing his necklace after I told him specifically no one dates my daughter.”

And that’s when I saw him. Him. I attempt to move away from him but my body is frozen. His cold grey eyes look into mine and I feel uncomfortable.

“Now, now. I want you to come home with me Kenzie. I miss you.”

His hand grabs mine and I try to move it. Why can’t I move?

“Kenzie, I’m so sorry. I have been sober for months and I want you to know that prison changed me. I want you to come home and stay safe with me.”


He snickered and I looked into his eyes. I stared at him angrily and made him mad. I felt a sting on my left cheek and it took me a second to realize he hit me.

“You are not to look at your father that way. I raised you better!”

“You were never around you bastard! My mother raised me but you killed her!”

His hand wrapped around my neck and I immediately stopped talking.

“Your mother was a good for nothing piece of crap. So I got rid of her, along with other people who brainwashed you.”

“Like who?”

He let go of my throat and looked down at me, from my current sitting position.

“I killed Graham’s father and Tyler. The two boys who ruined you. I never want to see you with a boy again.”

My mouth opened and my head spun. He killed them. My father killed people who I knew. He moved closer to me and took my face in his hands and I stared at him.

“No boys are good enough for you. Especially Styles. He shouldn’t even have a girlfriend and if you’re his, I refuse. You are not to see him ever again.”

I furiously look up at him and realize my body is coming back.

“Really? You are going to keep me from a boy who respects me and treats me well?”

He looked at me and laughed. His laugh was evil, cruelty threaded in each chuckle.

“He will hurt you Kenz. All boys will hurt you. I am never letting you out of my sight again.”

I stand up and press my finger to his firm chest. I have to admit, my father is a bulky, muscular man.

“You need to realize I am not your little girl anymore. I am 18 and you are not the one to tell me if I can or can not date anyone.”

His eyes stared down at me as I stood my ground.

“You are a naïve 18 year old girl who has no idea what goes on in the mind of Harry Styles. He is a killer and works for me. He is tracking me right now. I know it. And when he finally comes, I will kill him, right in front of you.”

I watched him look down at me and his expression became softer.

“I want the best for you Kenzie. I love you.”

“If you loved me, you would never have hurt me, never killed my mother, and would never kill Harry.”

I move past him and he yelled my name. I turned to face him and he walked to me.

“You have no idea what I could do to Harry. I could make him my slave and you would watch as he served me. I could kill him, yes, but I want him to feel pain. I am going to have him work for me and have pain run through his system.”

I shake my head. “You won’t touch him. You will not come near him.”

His long strides towards me placed a certain twist in my stomach.

“You are not one to tell me what to do.”

“I am your daughter. You apparently love me and think I’m too good for everyone so the least you can do is listen to me.”

He smiled and I nearly broke down, falling into a heap on the floor in my defeat.

“Your Harry,” he spoke, “is going to die.”

My hand moved before I had time to think, slapping him across his left cheek.

“You are going to rot in hell.”

I walk away, my ponytail swaying as I do so. I am so angry and upset; I don’t know what to do. I do the one thing I know how, and that is defend myself. I grab one of the guns off the rack and look around. My tank top clings to my body, making every moment clear as my ambition to escape grows. I place the gun in my right hand, walking along the corridors. I walk down a long hallway and come across and group of men.

I walk past and one I recognize, the blonde Irish boy. Niall, I think. He looks over at me and stares at me with wide eyes, almost telling me to get out of here. I nod and walk down the hall.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I turn and see Zayn, standing over me with a smirk.

“Away from you,” I mutter, kicking his shin and kneeing him in his crotch. I walk away and continue walking, a long empty hallway in my way. I begin running, slower than usual in jeans, and come to the end, staying at the corner and peering over the side. Harry comes into view and he is talking through his phone. He glances over at me and I quickly look away. I see a few of my father’s men come around the corner and they smile at me. I return the gesture and they turn the corner. Three gunshots go off and I look, all of them shot dead on the ground.


I turn the corner and Harry stands with his gun in hand. I rush over to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Get somewhere safe, now.”

I place a soft kiss to his lips and nod and start to run down the hall.

“Haz!” He turns and looks at me.

“I love you.”

He smiles and I blow him a kiss. I start to run and see a few guys at the end of the hallway.

“Mackenzie, what do you need?”

I look at them and they smile.

“Um,” I start but two gunshots go off and they collapse to the floor. Louis is standing behind them and I run to him.

“Come on.”

I follow him and we get outside. The police sheriff takes me to his car and I sit in the back. All of a sudden, a huge bomb went off and a man came out running to the car I was in. He got into the driver’s seat and started the car, driving off.

“Who are you?”

He stopped the car at the lights and looked back.

“Miss me beautiful.”

It was Dan.

Harry POV

I get up off the floor and look around. The police are holding Andrew with his arms behind his back and none of my men are dead. Zayn looks at me before I make my move and he nods. I roll my eyes at him and walk to Andrew.

“What are you going to do Styles?”

I look up at him and see blood running down the side of his face.

“I am going to go home with your daughter and let her live a safe, normal life. Because that is what I do for the girl I love.”

He laughs and looks at me, staring as if he was looking into my soul.

“Love? You don’t love her. You don’t know what love is.”

I place the gun under his neck and look at him, gritting my teeth.

“I love her with everything in me. She deserves better than you. You ruined her and I was there to comfort her.”

He spits in my face and I punch him.

“You know nothing about us! She is mine!” He shouts at me.

“I know everything! She told me everything you did to her! You are sick and I hope you never even think about coming to her again!”

The police grab him and carry him out, taking him to the car. They shove him into the back and I walk to Louis.

“You did it Harry.”

“Yes, but I want to thank you.”

He smiles and I walk around, shaking all of my men’s hands. I stop when I reach Zayn and he looks at me.

“Look, what I did was a mistake. I am so sorry,” he speaks, his cut lip and black eye clearer.

“You are to never even speak to me, or come near her again.”

He flinches at my words and I start to walk away to the police. The sheriff rushes up to me and he looks straight into my eyes.

“She’s gone.”

I look up and freeze. My heart literally breaks when I don’t see her.

“What do you mean ‘she’s gone’?” I ask, anger and sadness threaded in my voice.

“He has her.”

I ball up my fists and grab my phone in my pocket. My fingers shake trying to dial her number and I finally put it to my ear.

“I knew you would call.”

“Dan where is she?!”

I want to break the phone and kill him. I don’t just want to kill him; I want to kill him slow and painfully.

“With me, safe and sound.”

I drop the gun in my left hand and walk away from all of the police officers. I walk into a quiet room in the building and lean against a wall.

“Where are you?”

“Oh, we took a plane somewhere you will never find us.”

“Bring her back to me god-dammit or I swear to God I will kill you.”

He laughs and I just about lose everything in me. He has her and I can’t keep her safe.

“If you even think of killing me, say goodbye to your little Mack.”

I gulp and hear shuffling over the phone. I hear Dan yelling at something and I can’t make anything out. Everything is a blur right now.

“Harry,” she whispers.

“Mack where are you?”

She starts to whimper and I fear the worst.

“I-I don’t know. I want you to forget about me. I don’t want you anymore.”

She starts to cry and I know he is making her say this.

“I will get you out of there. I will find you.”

The phone is hung up and I am left standing in the middle of an open room. I take my phone straight to the police officer and we talk about tracking her.

“Take my phone and track the most recent number. It is the name Mack.”

He nods and walks away. I walk back into the building and see Louis standing there.

“I have something for you.”

He pulls out Mack’s hoodie from behind his back and I grab it, holding it in my hand tightly.

“Dan took her and now she is gone. I need you to help me.”

He nods and starts talking about how we should split up and try and take him down.

“He told me that if I try killing him, he will kill Mack. We can’t kill him.”

Louis nods and I look down at her hoodie. Louis pats my back and says he will talk to me tomorrow. I nod and I walk over to my car. I drive to the hotel and carry her hoodie in with me. I unlock my room and fall onto my bed. I hold her hoodie to me and inhale her scent. I love her scent and I want nothing more than to know she is safe.

(Please comment and vote! I love you all so please ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE!!!! <3)

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