sugar ↭ m.yg ×


355K 22.5K 13K

❝ i've come to the conclusion... that you should be my fake boyfriend! ❞ ↝ 170611: 286 in fanfiction © VA... More

two ↭ bonus.
author ↭ note.
six ↭ bonus.
eight ↭ bonus.
ten ↭ bonus.
author ↭ note.
end ↭ twenty-two.
bonus chapter ↭ one.
author ↭ note.
author ↭ note.


9.4K 662 471


treat yurself

this isn't exactly important to the storyline but since in two chaps or so, we'll have some angsty atmospheres, i decided to treat y'all to calm the mood before it all goes to hell

enjoy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

december 24

[yoongs 🔥] lol maybe
he's just a friend

[yoongs 🔥] and ure just
overreacting, joon

[joons 🔞] no but like he
called him 'babe' twice

[yoongs 🔥] i call u babe

[joons 🔞] ya but you're

[yoongs 🔥] ...

[joons 🔞] i'm gonna follow

[yoongs 🔥] joonie, don't...

[joons 🔞] i'm not gonna let
anyone steal my man
from me, you hear?

[yoongs 🔥] just dance
away ur problems pls

[joons 🔞] hoeseok aint here,
i'm staying in the dorms
w/ jin for christmas
@ our room, remember?

[joons 🔞] having jin as my
roommate isn't exactly
the best thing rn...

[joon 🔞] since he goin out w this
ken guy, i'm left alone
in our room all day 😑

[yoongs 🔥] so u decide to
tag along as the invisible
third wheel

[yoongs 🔥] u huge idiot u

[joon 🔞] ya but i'm
*your* huge idiot 😉

[joon 🔞] i'll go prepare
my disguist

[joon 🔞] disguise*

[joon 🔞] bye hyung, gl
with jiminie. love you.

[yoongs 🔥] ugh

[yoongs 🔥] love u too 😞

— — —

we are brought to namjoon's perspective.

currently, he's lying on seokjin and his' bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for his boyfriend to come out of the bathroom. today was the day before christmas, and unexpectedly, namjoon was to spend it alone. today, his boyfriend would be spending time with a friend. someone namjoon didn't particularly trust to an extent.

lee jaehwan.

jaehwan, also known as ken, was one of seokjin's closest friends. they were apparently somewhat, 'childhood' friends and both enjoy a love for cooking.

perhaps namjoon was a little bit jealous.

okay, maybe really jealous.

who can blame him if his boyfriend would fully dedicate some days to this guy-- this guy that shared inside jokes, pet names and such a close friendship with his boyfriend?

okay, maybe he was being selfish.

because, looking at it from another perspective, namjoon still had seokjin all to himself, and still shared all those other little sweet things with him.

but then again...

"namjoon," seokjin called out, grip on the doorknob.

namjoon sat up, eyes averting towards his boyfriend, who looked ready to go outside and was, in fact, about to.

"yes?" namjoon muttered.

"i'll be going now."

there was some kind of silence between them, as if the other was waiting for... something to happen. it ended with seokjin's reluctant sigh, and namjoon hearing the door open and gently close.

a few seconds later, namjoon bolted up from the bed, grabbing his phone by the bedside table, as well as a hoodie, some sunglasses and a cap, before rushing out the door.

...a little curiosity wouldn't hurt anyone, right?

bighit cafe

silently drinking his coffee, namjoon tried his best to listen in on the conversation that took place right behind him. his back was turned to the pair he was planning to stalk all day.

he focused his hearing.

"...sandeul told me about this place, too," there it was. the voice of the person namjoon didn't like too much. "so, what movie are we going to watch?" jaehwan asked.

movies? seokjin didn't say anything about movies. was he lying to namjoon?

"whatever you want," seokjin replied and namjoon could almost hear the smile, just through his voice. "i heard there's a new romance movie that's out. sounded pretty good, but we can watch horor if you'd like."

namjoon gasped lightly. horror movies were a no no. one of them could cling onto the other and, well, result in awkward-ish romantic-ish atmospheres. romance movies were also a no no. it could easily end up being a date's romantic segment wherein one of them initiate a kiss, and-- wait, no. namjoon trusted seokjin. seokjin would never do such a thing. all namjoon wanted to do today was look after his boyfriend.

...just to make sure.

at some point whilst namjoon was in deep thought, the cup of coffee ends up slipping out of his hand, landing against the table and spilling its liquid content that spread on the table. namjoon hissed, earning the attention of several people in the cafe. namjoon didn't turn to look, but he was certain of seokjin and jaehwan's eyes on him.

a waitress strode over to namjoon's booth, asking if namjoon was okay. namjoon didn't reply with the risk of getting caught, so he hummed in response instead. as the waitress carefully wiped the table clean of the mess, namjoon listened in on the conversation behind him that had apparently started once more.

"...that guy's really clumsy."


"yeah, i know, right?" it was seokjin's voice, low and calm.

does he know already?

"anyway, i was thinking of stopping by the park after this. you know, before we head to the cinema."

something inside namjoon sparked. he felt a rush through his veins, the heat on his forehead worsening. nope, not a fever. he was just really, really, mad.

the rest of the hour was spent with namjoon nearly breaking his new cup of coffee, just through his own grip, as he listens to jaehwan and seokjin's conversation.

the park

"eomma, who is that man? why is he dressed in so much black?"

namjoon watched from the corner of his eye as the little girl got dragged by her mother, towards a direction away from him. namjoon sighed and walked towards the pond, where ducks swum freely.

not too far from him were seokjin and jaehwan, throwing some pieces of bread towards the ducks. they looked like they were having fun; a laugh escaping seokjin's plump lips as jaehwan says something-- most probably a joke.

it made namjoon want to punch someone.

he carefully watched as seokjin spoke some words, before walking away. upon further observation, he noticed seokjin heading towards a nearby ice cream truck.

suddenly, namjoon felt a feeling of a... peck on his foot. looking down, there were one or more ducks gathered around his feet. he shrieked when he received two more pecks, this time not only on his foot, but on his legs. he stepped back, but they followed. he whimpered, dashing forward but forgetting one little thing--

as he fell into the pond.

he immediately stood up, groaning as he waved his arms at the ducks, trying to shoo them away, until,

"do you need help?" a voice spoke, making namjoon flinch and look up.

he gulped.

it was jaehwan.

looking at the latter from this angle, jaehwan wasn't too bad-- in fact, namjoon had to admit: jaehwan was handsome, albeit he was namjoon's rival of a sort. gaining his senses, namjoon shook his head, immediately rushing to stand on his feet.

"i'm fine," namjoon scoffed, "thank you."

jaehwan raised an eyebrow. "are you sure?"

namjoon was about to let out a snappy remark, until his field of vision revealed seokjin, a few feet behind jaehwan. he was coming over to them with two cones of ice cream in his hands.

namjoon gulped, quickly looking towards jaehwan. "yes, i'm sure, you look great--" why did you say that? "goodbye!"

namjoon ran.

seokjin stared after the man, standing beside jaehwan and handing the latter his ice cream. "who was that?" seokjin asked, licking his own ice cream.

jaehwan shrugged, then smiled. "a guy who fell into the pond and told me i looked great today."

the cinema

namjoon inwardly sighed, walking out of the cinema's restroom after (trying) to dry his clothes. he walked towards the snacks bar, buying a small box of popcorn before his eyes started to frantically search for jaehwan and seokjin.

he spotted them already walking inside one of the cinemas, laughing as jaehwan opened the door for seokjin as a polite gesture. anger bubbled up inside namjoon as he strode over to the doors, pushing it and scanning the place.

there were a fair amount of people, about 25 of them. jaehwan and seokjin were seated at the second to the top most row, noticably exchanging words through whispers. namjoon calmly walked up the stairs, deciding to stay at the highest row, right behind the pair.

the movie started.

namjoon gritted his teeth at the sight of seokjin resting his head against jaehwan's shoulder.

— — —

at some point, namjoon had accidentally dropped his box of popcorn, hissing as it happened, all of its contents spilling on the floor.

jaehwan gave him a short glance, but seokjin did nothing but clear his throat.

deciding to leave the mess alone for now, namjoon sighed inwardly and almost gasped when seokjin stood up from his seat, and proceeded to walk towards the center walk way.

"i'll just go to the comfort room," he told jaehwan, who nodded understandingly.

namjoon watched as seokjin headed out the cinema, and cursed to himself.

seokjin probably knows.

of course, namjoon decides to follow after his boyfriend, rushing as he sprinted towards the restrooms. bursting into the male comfort room with his lungs trying to catch some air, he looked around.



namjoon jumped, turning around and being faced with none other than kim seokjin, his boyfriend, who was smirking.

"hi?" namjoon squeaked out.

"what a coincidence," seokjin drawled out. "what is my boyfriend doing here?" he said with a fake gasp.

namjoon swallowed, feeling sweat trail down his neck. "um. nothing. just met, uh... um. just went for a walk? and ended up here, and i--"

"really?" seokjin asked, laughing at namjoon. "that's not what all the other odd events today are telling me."

namjoon's eyes widened. "how long did you--"

"since you walked into the cafe," seokjin replied, taking a step closer and holding the side of namjoon's head between his palms, as he planted a small kiss on namjoon's forehead, the older tip toeing on his feet. "really, though." seokjin said, pulling back. "are you here because you're jealous of jaehwan? afraid he'd do something? because, he would never. he has a boyfriend, you kno--"

"no!" namjoon screamed slightly, blushing a bit as seokjin looked at him oddly. "it's just... i just wanna look after my boyfriend."

"...uh-huh." seokjin said, seemingly unconvinced. "well, joon, always know that i'd never cheat on you, okay? i'm just spending a day with jaehwan to refresh my friendship with him. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, so why would i--"

"i trust you."

"i know you do," seokjin told him. "but if there's any doubt lingering at the back of your head, i'm here to reassure you that i love you. jaehwan and i are just very close friends, nothing more."

namjoon smiled. "i love you too, jin."

seokjin sighed contentedly. "now, go home. the movie's about to finish, anyway, so--" he stopped, taking in namjoon's sad expression. moving forward, he engulfed namjoon into a hug, the latter's breath hitching. seokjin whispered, "i love you. and only you."

namjoon pulled away forcibly, "i know!" he said, "and i trust you. i really do. it's just that..." namjoon scratched the back of his head, "can i stay to walk home with you?"

seokjin blinked.

— — —

jaehwan and seokjin walked out of the cinema, seokjin laughing at one of jaehwan's witty comments about the movie.

they stopped in front of the cinema house, seokjin bringing his phone out and typing a few things into it.

"you need a ride?" jaehwan asked.

"no thanks," seokjin grinned, "boyfriend's picking me up."

jaehwan blinked, then squealed and cooed, "how cute! i wish taekwoon would do that for me." he hmph'd, "that man's probably sleeping his ass off right now."

seokjin giggled, "thanks for the day, jaehwan." he said, extending his arms for a hug, which jaehwan quickly received.

as they pulled away from each other, namjoon watched from the distance, and he'd be lying if he said he weren't gritting his teeth behind his lips.

namjoon was happy about the results of his small commotion, although he can't help but feel a bit jealous of the hug exchanged by the two friends. he watched as seokjin approached him, negative thoughts still lingering in his head. and then... seokjin ran towards him.

all those aforementioned thoughts popped into thin air as seokjin engulfed him once more into a tight hug, which namjoon returned after a few seconds of shock. seokjin pulled back a bit, planting a quick kiss against namjoon's lips.

"jaehwan looks great, huh?" seokjin teased, fully pulling away and interlocking his fingers with namjoon's, as the two started to walk down the sidewalk, finally heading to the dorms, their room-- to home. their home.

"shut up." namjoon muttered, cheeks heating up and tightening his grip on seokjin's hand, "you look better, though." he murmured.

seokjin laughed.

and just like that, all the negative thoughts in namjoon's confused head disappeared, as if they were never there in the first place.

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