Fat Camp

By _dont_be_a_duck_

60.3K 1.5K 427

Emily Pierce was a over weight 17 year old girl. Just finishing her 11th grade year. After shit hits the fan... More

Chapter 1: My search for Fat Camp
Chapter 2: the last day of school
Chapter 3: Yeah buddy
Chapter 4: 2 days left!
Chapter 5: Dont Worry.
Chapter 6: first time at Fat Camp?
Chapter 8: Second week of fat camp
Chapter 9: We have to stop meeting like this.
Chapter 10: Name?
Chapter 11: almost there
Chapter 12: Saying goodbye.
Chapter 13: Going home.
Chatper 14: New me New look
Chapter 15: Schools tomorrow
Chapter 16: First Day of School
Chapter 17: Run
Chapter 18: Friends
Chapter 19: Need a me day

Chapter 7: First day at Fat Camp

3.8K 101 24
By _dont_be_a_duck_

"Come on ladies! It's time to get up. We have a big day today!" said Kelsy. I opened my eyes to see the door of the cabin open and the bright sun light beaming in from behind a blurred figure.

Ewwww. Mornings.

"Okay, okay. Just shut the door! We're up!" said Jordan sitting up from her bed.

What the hell? Her hair... it's like, PERFECT!

Kelsy closed the door and you could hear her walk off the porch. I uncovered myself and walked to the bathroom, but I hit something that made me fall on my butt.

"What the hell?" I said rubbing my butt where I so harshly fell on.

"Girl, you think you're going in first? You must be sadly mistaken." said Taylor with a smirk. "Have fun on the ground!"

"You little jerk! Get back here so I can kick your-" I stopped mid sentence when the door opened. Kelsy came in with a 'what did you just say?' face.


"Haha. Umm, hey Kelsy.... How's your morning?" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

Oh double shit.

"My day was just fine Emily, and I hope you girls are being good." Kelsy said looking straight at me.

Hahaahahahahaha. I'm dead.

"Well that's great!" I said trying to smoothly wiggle the door open. "Sooo, if you could excuse me, I need to get my stuff together." I said walking to my bed and getting my bag from under it.

"Okay. Have fun." she said with a smile.

The door shut and Elizabeth just cracked up laughing. I scowled at her.

Haha. It was pretty funny. I started to laugh too. I couldn't help myself. I couldnt stop laughing! That's when Jordan started to laugh and at that moment Elizabeth just stared at her with a straight face.

"So what, NOW you laugh? I bet you dont even know what was so funny!" said Elizabeth.

I didn't know what to do so I just stood there afraid to move.

Woah. What just happened?

"Whatever Elizabeth." said Jordan turning back to her bag. She pulled it out during my little fit with Kelsey. Elizabeth just looked at her with hate in her eyes. Then Elizabeth turned back to her bag as well.

The rest of the morning in the cabin was really quiet. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself. After getting ready in a normal day clothes, I walked out of the bathroom and everyone just looked at me. They were all dressed in shorts and t-shirts.

Well, this is awkward.

"Didn't you know? This is what we wear everyday." Taylor said looking at me with a smirk.

"Haha, yeah... no. Well I guess I'll just go change again. Fan-freakin'-tastic."

With that, I walked to my bag and pulled out the clothes I needed and then walked back to the bathroom to change.

All the cabins gathered in the Dining hall. Kelsey told us to line up and get breakfast.

Whole wheat cereal with sliced bananas and almond milk.

I sat down at a table and my cabin decided to sit with me.

Cool... friends.

I'm such a dork.

"So, how do you like your breakfast?" said Elizabeth to Taylor while smiling sweetly.

"Good.... How about you Emily?" my head shot up to her face and she smirked.



"Well, Elizabeth, I think it's scrumptious." I stuck my tongue out at her.

We all laughed.

"Ladies, ladies. How is your first day so far?" Kelsey said smiling. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, too.

Is she working out with us, too???

"Eww! Mornings! Who could be as chipper as you?!" said one girl from another table.

I think her name is... Trinity?

"Haha, good question."

She smiled evily at her. "Anyway, Mrs. Jane will be passing out your schedule. You'll sure have fun being healthy!" said Kelsey walking to Mrs. Jane.

She took some papers and handed them to cabin yellow.

I think.

"Here you ladies go." Mrs. Jane said while walking away after giving us our paper.

"I know she said that all nice and everything but... she just seems mean on the inside... you know?" I said to Taylor. She just nodded in agreement.

Here's what the paper read:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
~Cabin Blue~

1) weigh-ins from 9:30 A.M-10:30 A.M. at the gym.
2) At 10:30 A.M., proceed to the dining hall for a nutrition meal plan from 10:35 A.M.-11:35 A.M.
3) After this, head over to the gym once again for a fitness plan tour from 11:40 A.M.-12:40 P.M.

~After all these events, the group must head back to your designated cabin. Counselor Kelsey will then have you report to the dining hall at 1:00 P.M. for lunch.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Great. My weight again. Well this sounds like fun!


I passed the paper to Jordan.

I looked at Taylor. She was focused on a girl at the other table.

"Whats the matter, Taylor? You okay?" I asked looking at her.

No answer.

What the heck?

"Umm, hello?" I snapped my fingers infront of her face.

"Whoa? Oh, sorry, what did you say?" Taylor said blinking at me.

Really girl. Really?

"Nothing. Just why were you looking at her? Did she like, do something?"

I look at her confused.

"No... well yeah. She used to go to my school. She picked on me a lot and that's why I ate. She's the reason why I'm fat and I hate her for it!" Taylor said angrily.

Poor Taylor. I bet she was super pretty. Not saying she isn't now, but I mean...


Am I really talking to myself?

"Hello?" Taylor said frustrated.

"Oh sorry... haha, um, I'm sorry Taylor. She's just a bitch if she did that to you. Don't let her get in the way of your goal. You can show her!" I said with a smile while finishing my breakfast. I got up and walked myself over to the trash, and threw my bowl away.

I sat back down at the table and my cabin members all seemed pretty wrapped up in their own thoughts, so I just sat there looking around. I wish boys could be here. I want something to look at! But then again, I don't want cute ones to see me like... well, THIS.

"Alright girls! Go on ahead and head to your first loacation stated on the paper. Follow your group." Kelsey said.

I stood up and walked out the door.

"Come on guys! I want this to be over with." said Jordan.

Wow. Okay. Maybe you didn't know, but YOU were the first one out here.

Oh wait.

You weren't.

We arrived at the gym and then walked in. There was a lady standing next to a scale with a younger woman next to her with a clipboard.

"Darn it! We DID get here first! UGGHH!" said Jordan. She stomped over to the line and waited. I followed her and so did Elizabeth and Taylor.

This went on for what seemed like forever. Waiting in line really makes my kness ache.

Finally. My turn! I walked up to the lady and she gestured for me to get on the scale.

175 pounds.

Hey. I lost a pound.

Probably just water weight, though.

"Okay, now go tell Jill your weight." she said pointing to the person with the clipboard.

"Uh, ma'am my weight is 175." I said kinda nervous trying hard to whisper so no one would hear. She just looked at me for a second and then back at her clipboard.

After a few minutes she finally said something. "You have 81 days to lose 40-50 pounds. Here is your own calendar. Every night you need to weigh yourself and mark it down right here on the day you did. Got that?" she said kinda snottily.

"Yes ma'am." I said walking away.

It took about 20 minutes until everyone was done. We all just sorta hung out after that talking with one another. Then we heard someone say 'switch up.'

We arrived at the Dining hall and the cook, I assume anyway, was standing infront of all the tables. "Come get a peice of paper and a pencil. Then sit down so we can begin." Said the cook lady.

"Okay, Miss Nice." I said under my breath.

I walked over to the table that had the supplies on it. I grabbed what I needed and took a seat at the far end of the table.

When everyone was done and seated, the cook lady started to speak.

"Now we can start. My name is Mrs. Denverson and I am the cook."

I KNEW it!!

She walked over to the table I was sitting at. "Here, you will be having classes everyday on what's a healthy diet, how to maintain your weight after weight loss, and even how to lose more than what you lose here." said Miss Denverson.

For the rest of the hour, she just talked about what we will be doing in her class. She didn't stop talking for the whole hour.

"Switch up!" said someone.

Sounded like Kelsey.

I got up from my chair and took the paper that had the food triangle on it and walked out. I walked over to Taylor and we picked up Elizabeth and Jordan. Then we walker back to the gym.


This is TOO much walking.

"Jeez, when will this end?!" said Jordan.

"I hope soon!" said Taylor. After that, we didn't really talk, we just walked to the gym in silence.

"Back again ladies?" said Jill, the lady that had the clipboard.

A couple of people laughed and then it went silent again.

"This is where you will learn what all the equipment does. Any questions?"

No one said anything, they just looked around. "Alright, let's get started." she said walking the group to the first piece of gym equipment. I think she was going to explain how it works.

It looked painful.

The hour went by really slowly. I could barely even listen to her anymore. She was the most boring person to listen to! She was just talking in a boring mono-tone voice.

The whole speech in ONE.TONE.OF.VOICE.


I hate people like that.

But finally, Kelsey came in and said it was time for lunch!


Everyone was in the dining hall getting lunch. My group sat with me.

In fact, everyone sat with their groups.

I wonder if that's a rule or something.

The rest of the evening was us playing basketball or volleyball. It was lots of fun until someone hit me in the face with the ball. I sat out for a little bit. After I felt better, I played some basketball.

I'm not so good at it, though.

Afterwards, we ate dinner.

Kelsy then said it was time for us to get ready for bed.

"I CALL FIRST SHOWER!" I yelled when we arrived at our cabin.

"Wait, NO! I wasn't ready!" said Taylor.

"Well, too bad!" I ran to my bed to get my clothes. When I walked towards the bathroom, I made sure to walk really slow and smirk at Taylor.

Once I got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

I was too tired to do anything or talk to anyone so I just laid on my bed and fell asleep.

*** ***

I really just couldnt think of anything to write... well love you guys and please vote and comment :) it's lots of help. Okay byyeeeee :3

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