Take Good Care Of My Baby-Seq...

By Footiequeen8

249K 5.1K 501

Cristiano had hoped, wanted and wished for one thing. A child of his own. After a series of up and downs, his... More

Chapter 1- Joy And Emotion
Chapter 2-You Know Who Isn't Here
Chapter 3- Glad Some Things Haven't Changed
Chapter 4-Remember That
Chapter 5- Good Decision
Chapter 6- Winners Kiss or Not
Chapter 7-Teaching Papa
Chapter 8- She's Just The Babysitter
Chapter 9- Who's Her Fave?
Chapter 10- I Can Handle Him
Chapter 11- Getting Too Close?
Chapter 12-I Was Always The One Who Could
Chapter 13-Betrayal
Chapter 14- Full Of Visitors Today
Chapter 15- Perfect Family?
Chapter 16- Fun Over Breakfast
Chapter 17- Muffin Man
Chapter 18- Just Go Ronaldo
Chapter 19- Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 20- You Can Have What I Don't Want
Chapter 21- Bag Of Trouble
Chapter - Doesn't Want To Play With Me
Chapter 23- Play Fair
Chapter 24- Tension Starting?
Chapter 25- Stranger Than Usual
Chapter 26-Protecting Him
Chapter 27- Fit To Snap
Chapter 28- Not Some Dog
Chapter 29- Watch It
Chapter 30- Beginning To Wonder Why
Chapter 31- Go To Hell
Chapter 32- I Have Know One
Chapter 33- Not My Fault
Chapter 34- Home Truths From The Family
Chapter 35- I Know Why I'm Sorry
Chapter 36- Can We Get Past?
Chapter 37- She Hates Me
Chapter 38- Don't Ever Lie To Me
Chapter 39- That's What I Get?
Chapter 40- I Just Wish
Chapter 41- Childish Games
Chapter 42- You Should Do That More Often
Chapter 43-Feisty Girl
Chapter 44- Do I Like You That's Different
Chapter 45- Good Things Never Change
Chapter 46- Friends Ya?
Chapter 47- Playing Nicely
Chapter 48- I Won't Let Anyone Hurt You
Chapter 49- Could Be The Reason She Breaks
Chapter 50- Nothing To Worry About
Chapter 51- Ever Wish You Hadn't Picked?
Chapter 52- What Ever Normal Is
Chapter 53- Let The Games Begin
Chapter 54- Always Did Like
Chapter 55- A Blessing and Nearly A Curse
Chapter 56-Mind Your Eyes
Chapter 57- Tell Me What To Do
Chapter 58- How Do You Prepare?
Chapter 59- Hit A Nerve
Chapter 60- Let's Say It How It Is
Chapter 61- One Baby Step Forward and Three Backwards
Chapter 62-Papa's Foolish Thing
Chapter 63- Everyone's Friend But Mine Apparently
Chapter 64- Wait Is This?
Chapter 65- I Wouldn't Be Opposed To It
Chapter 66- Shopper Helper
Chapter 67- Feeling
Chapter 68- Just Like His Mothers
Chapter 69- Wasn't Cheap
Chapter 70- I Didn't Force
Chapter 71- Believe What You Want
Chapter 72- What's Bothering You?
Chapter 73- Needing To Tell Someone
Chapter 74-Something On Your Mind?
Chapter 75- Why Don't We
Chapter 76- Surprise
Chapter 77- I Doubt She'll Notice
Chapter 78- Learning Something Unexpected
Chapter 79- You're Biting Your Lip
Chapter 80- Breakfast With
Chapter 81- Is That A Problem?
Chapter 82- Pep Talks
Chapter 83- Photo Shoot Fun
Chapter 84- Take The Credit
Chapter 85- A Push In A English Direction
Chapter 86- Doubting Mind
Chapter 87- You Get Used To Things
Chapter 88- Protective or Controlling?
Chapter 89- Dinner With A Side Of Laughter
Chapter 90- A Smitten Rose
Chapter 91- In Need Of A Pep Talk
Chapter 92- What Could Be Better?
Chapter 93- Not Needed
Chapter 94- If You Go Down To The Lake Today
Chapter 95- Under The Stars
Chapter 96- Guess Who's Coming For Dinner
Chapter 97- Nothing Changes
Chapter 98- A Leading Question?
Chapter 100- Nothing Left To Say
Chapter 101- Time To Say Goodbye?
Chapter 102- First Night Away From Him Ever
Chapter 103- The Blame Game
Chapter 104- So Do I
Chapter 105- Remember What Is Truly Best
Chapter 106- I Can't Do Anything Right When It Comes To You
Chapter 107- On My Knees Asking
Chapter 108- They've Gone Where?
Chapter 109- Wish You Were Here
Chapter 110- What Will The Night Bring?
Chapter 111- Declaration

Chapter 99- What Is Best?

1.3K 35 7
By Footiequeen8

  The sudden voice made her jump and her bag went to the floor. She hadn't expected anyone to be up as she moved to pick the bag up. She froze half ways as the question reached the alert part of her brain. She stood up straight and stared at him. He wasn't even looking at her. He stayed sitting on the couch facing the TV.

"What did you just ask?" she asked her arms shaking with anger at what he had just asked. What he had the nerve to just ask she thought furiously. "It...never mind.." he stuttered moving to stand. The words had left his mouth before his brain could tell him it was a stupid thing to ask. Hell forget stupid, he knew by the sound of Molly's retort question that it had been a huge mistake.

"Don't you dare" she yelled quickly rushing towards the couch. He ignored her and kept moving knowing this wouldn't end right if he stayed. "No. No. You don't get to just leave" she yelled grabbing his arm and pulling him back. "You don't ask that question and expect just to walk away as if it never came out of your dickhead mouth" she yelled.

"I don't what a fight" he sighed turning away from her. She moved quickly and managed to get a head of him. "Well bully for you cos your going to get one, whether you like it or not" she said crashing her hands against his chest and pushing him back with as much force as she could muster. "Get out of my way Mols" he said. "What so you can crawling back to bed to you cold hearted bitch and then expect me to forget how you've treated me like dirt" Molly yelled. "Leave her out of it" Cristiano warned.

"Maybe I should go upstairs and tell her a nice bed time story" Molly smirked. "Don't you dare" he said grabbing her upper arm when she moved to turn. "But surely it would be best for everyone if she knew. Best for Junior as she said earlier" Molly said. "I'm warning you Molly" he said gripping her a little harder. "What? What are you going to do to me? Huh you've already made feel a small as a sail. What could you possibly do to me?" she asked. "If you don't shut your mouth you'll find out" he warned. "Ok then. Hit me" she said. And his face racked in horror at the thought.

"Ya I figured" she said gripping his fingers that were around her arm and shoving them away. "You really don't think I would?" Cristiano asked. "It's probably one of the only things I'd be certain about. Although after finding out about your sly replacement plan today, I really couldn't be certain anymore" she said rubbing where he had gripped her. "I'd never hit you. I'd never hurt you" he said and Molly let out a scoff. Never hurt her she thought with an inner laugh.

"Mols" he said. "Don't" she yelled. "Don't call me that. After today you've lost any right to call me that" she said. "I didn't know" he said. "Oh please" she said. "I didn't. Mol-ly. I didn't. I promise" he said. "Well forgive me if your promises aren't exactly trust worthy" she said. "I didn't know about the nanny until you did" he said.

"Wow she must really be good in bed then if you'd but up with that sneakiness" Molly snickered. "I told you to leave her out of it" he said. "So it's ok for you to ask what you just asked but I can't make a little joke. Wow it's one rule for you and another for others but of course how could I forget" she said. "Molly" he said.

"You might want to keep a close eye on her Ronaldo. If she's sneaky about this, imagine what else she could be up to. She might be planning on putting Dolores in a nursing home" Molly said. "Now you're just being ridiculous" he said. "I'm being ridiculous. I'm not the one whose girlfriend just completely and utterly controlled him" she said.

"She doesn't control me" he said. "So then it was perfectly ok with you that not only did she go behind your back and interview potential nannys but she also hired one. Brought her into your home. Let her hold your son. All without your knowledge apparently" Molly said. "I didn't know" he said. "Well what sort of a fool does that make you then? Your girlfriend just made you look like a great big giant fool Ronaldo. Congrats" Molly said clapping into his face.

"You're the one who agreed with her" he roared. "And you're the one who just stood there" she replied. "What did you expect me to do?" he sighed. "Nothing. And congratulations cos that's exactly what you did" she said. "What was I meant to do? Tell her the truth?" he asked. "And go against the plan. Never" she said. "Maybe I should have stuck with the original plan in the first place then?" he yelled.

"Hey you're the one who came looking for me. Not once but twice. You're the one who thought up your brilliant plan" she said poking him in the chest with her index finger. "You're the one who came to my hotel room after I left. So don't you dare blame me for your plan going to hell" she said. "We both agreed it was only temporary. Until he got a little bigger" he said. "Until the cow run dry you mean" she snapped. "That's not what I meant. And you know that" he said.

"So the minute I'm surplus to requirements now that Junior doesn't need my milk, it's time to pull the plug" she said. "Hey I was standing right there" he said pointing to the exact stop in the living room where he had taken Junior from the new nanny. "Right there when you" he said pointing his finger at her. "Agreed with Irina. You agreed" he said still not having gotten his head around that fact. "And you stood right there" she said pointing to the spot herself.

"When that bitch made a decision that had nothing to do with her. You stood there and let her weasel her opinion into your head. You stood there and let her treat me like dirt. Heck you've always just stood there. Just stood with your mouth shut. Even if she's insulting your supposed to be friends. Even your family" Molly said. "I have spoken to her" he said. "Well you might want to work on that Ronaldo cos your words are obviously not been heard" Molly said. "Molly" he said.

"Have you even checked Olga's references?" she asked. "What?" he asked. "Have you? Have you read for yourself about her qualifications?" she asked and he lowered his head. "Of course you haven't. Why would you care that she might not even be who she says she is? She's only just watching your son. Hell I bet she's even sleeping in the same room as him right now yet for all you know she could be anyone" Molly said. "Irina said" he began and Molly laughed. "Irina said. Of course cos she would never do anything to suit herself" Molly snapped.

"You bloody agreed" he yelled. Molly took a deep breath as she stood in front of him. Neither spoke for a few minutes. "It's not going to change anything anyway. You're still living here" he said. "You really don't think she already has it worked out how to get me out of this house" she snapped. "No she hasn't" he said. "Oh please Irina has being looking for a way to get me out of this house and as far away from you as possible" Molly said. "That's not true" he said.

"I bet you she's already put the idea of me moving out into your head though" she said. "Your silence says it all" she said when he didn't speak. "For a guy who makes his living kicking balls around a pitch you really need to grow a pair Ronaldo" she snapped moving to turn. He grabbed her arm pulling her back towards him. "What is best for Junior? Those were your exact words Molly" he said. "Actually they were your girlfriends" she said. "Which you agreed with. You agreed and then you come in here yelling at me" he said. She pushed his hands off her.

"Do you even care what she has done? How she went behind your back. Or so you say. It's not like you've not had practice lying. You could be lying straight into my eyes right now about not knowing about Olga" Molly said. "For the last time I didn't know" he yelled. "But you stand here yelling at me when I bet you didn't even say one thing to her" she said. "My relationship has nothing to do with this. With you" he said.

"And who takes me to bed has nothing to do with you. Ever" she yelled. Cristiano clinched his fists at her words. "You're the one who has being dumping him on my mother so you can do other things" he snapped and Molly recoiled at his words. "So you think I've being neglecting Junior?" she asked horrified. "No. Of course not. I didn't mean it like that Mols" he said. "Don't call me Mols" she yelled and he sighed. "Then what did you mean? Have I ever put that little boy in danger? Have I ever put my needs before his?" she asked fighting back the tears that were threaten.

"I just meant.." he paused trying to thinking of the words. "Meant what? Come on Ronaldo. If you've got something to say then bloody say it" she yelled. "I meant that you are busy lately" he said. "Busy helping you agent. Where most of my work is for you. So even when I'm away from you, your still there to piss me off" she snapped.

"That's not all you've being busy with" he said. "Is it my work for Jorge or Luke that you have the problem with Ronaldo?" she asked and he stuck his hands into his pockets of his sweatpants he had put on when he had left his bedroom. "Am I not allowed to have a life?" she asked. "Of course you are. Don't be ridiclous" he said. "So what's the problem? Oh I know. The problem is that I'm too busy to be at your beck and call. To be your skivy" she said. "That's not it" he said. "I've being helping Jorge because he needed help. I don't like to say no when my friends need help" she said.

"Maybe you should learn to say no then" he snapped. "Honey if I had said no when it really mattered, then you and I wouldn't be standing here right now" she snapped. "And I wouldn't have to listen to your smart mouth" he snapped. "Now I get why Irina wanted me out and Olga in. Someone who does what their told and gives back less chit chat makes life far easier than me" she said. "I think you mean back chat. Cos you're certainly the queen of it" he said. "Well apparently I'm negligent too so I can add that to myself also then" she yelled. "I never said you were negligent" he yelled.

"I don't dump Junior on your mother. Jorge asked her would she mind the extra babysitting for a while to allow me help him. He even sent her a spa voucher for her help. Which by the way is no longer required. But then you'd know that if you actually thought of someone other than yourself" she said. "I do think of others" he said. "Come on Ronaldo. Irina doesn't count. Since she's pulling your brain strings surely you're both one person" Molly said. "Watch it" he warned.

"Can't handle the truth?" she asked. "You stood there and agreed" he said pointing to the spot where she had stood earlier in the day. "What did you expect me to do? Start a fight. Upset Junior. Sorry for trying to make your life easier. Which I have no idea why I even try cos it's not like you even appreciate it" she said.

"Nothing about you is easy" he snapped. "Well I'm sorry that being almost raped didn't exactly make me want to jump into your bed Ronaldo" she snapped and turned on her heels and began to head for the stairs. "Oh here we go with the poor Molly routine" he said. "Excuse me?" she asked turning to face him.

"Everytime there's something wrong, you blame me. You yell at me about how horrible I am and how much of a saint you are for having to put up with me. Sure I asked you to stay for a bit longer. But you also agreed it was best for Junior" he yelled and she looked to the ground.

"I didn't force you to go along with the plan Molly. You" he said pointing a finger at her. "Went along with it" he said. "You know why I did it" she said. "You could have found the money a different way. Or you could have left your parents sort out their own mess. They've never done anything to deserve your help" he snapped.

"Their family. And unlike you I give a damn about mine" she yelled. "And look where it got you" he said his arms wide open. "Living in an amazing house, in an amazing city. Rent free. And with anything you like at the click of a finger" he said. "It's you who clicks their finger Ronaldo not me. I've never once asked you for anything" she snapped. "No but I'm the big bad wolf. I'm the one who made you sleep with me. Who made you meet new friends? Who made you see new cities? I'm the horrible one who didn't go along with the original plan in the first place. If having to deal with me is so bad Molly, then you know where the door is" he yelled and she let out a gasp.

"Go run to Luke, like you did earlier" he said. "And why wouldn't I have gone to him?" she asked and Cristiano just scoffed. "He actually cares about my feelings. He actually tries to talk to me. Make plans with me and not behind my back like you" she yelled. "The only thing he cares about is getting you into to bed Molly. Which would have more than cleared your parents' debt with Tony. So you had other options other than my plan. So don't you can stop with the pity routine" he said. Molly stood frozen to the spot. He had actually said that. "Well Luke is right about something" she said.

"Oh the wonderful Luke is right about something. How amazing" Cristiano said. "Loyalty clearly doesn't mean anything to you" she said. "Only to who matter" he spat. "Well I know I don't matter. I don't matter to anyone. Isn't that what you said before? Who would miss me if I disappeared?" she asked.

"Then leave. Leave the house" he yelled. "Fine" she yelled. "Leave Madrid. Leave me in bloody peace. Go wherever. I don't care. Disappear. No one will care" he yelled.

Molly who had turned her back to him as he spoke took a deep breath to control any tears which were brimming. "Then I'll leave. And you can have what you originally planned" she said calmly as Nuno entered the living room in confusion. Molly quickly rushed past him leaving the two men alone.

"What the hell have you done?" Nuno asked Cristiano angrily as Cristiano ran a hand through his hair as her words started to sink in.

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