Chapter 31- Go To Hell

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  "You've being nothing but trouble since I first laid eyes on you" Cristiano said. "Hey you're the one who came looking for me. Not the other way around. So you don't get to wish that you never met me. I do" Molly said.

"You want to compete for that?" he asked. "And have you sulk when you lose. No thanks" she said. "I don't sulk" he said. "No cos you always get what you want. Who cares how it affects other? I've done nothing but help you. I didn't see anyone else making sure Rodrigo spent time with you. Even though you acted like he didn't exist. I haven't seen anyone else making sure you spend time with you son. I've delayed his bath time. His bed time. I've changed your schedule. I've done everything I could have. But now you've got your toy you no longer want to play with it" Molly said and Cristiano took the four steps that had been separating them and stood in front of her.

"Don't bring my son into this" he said grabbing both of her wrists. "Being cranky cos you're not getting any sleep isn't an excuse for acting like this" he said. "You're the reason I'm acting like this" he said. "Shut up. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up Molly" he shouted into her face gripping her hard and she flinched.

He let her wrists go and stepped back running a hand through his hair, as she held her wrist. "I...I didn't mean to do that" he stuttered. "What shout in my face or put your hands on me? You and I both know that you're not the first man to leave bruises on my body" she snapped.

Had he hurt? He hadn't meant to hold her wrists that tight. "Molly" he said. "Don't. Don't look at me like that. I don't want you pity" she said.

"Then what do you want? Where the fuck do you think you'd be if I hadn't helped you?" he said and she said nothing. "Do you think Tony would have left you alone? What do you think he would have done with you? He'd either have you locked up in his bedroom or lying in a ditch somewhere" Cristiano yelled.

"Stop it" Molly yelled and he walked closer to her. "You blame me for everything. What have you got? What would you have if it wasn't for me? It's not my fault you're own parents have abandoned you. It's not my fault no one wants you. It's not my fault you have no one to miss you if you disappeared" he said holding her shoulders to make her look at him.

"Stop it. Stop screwing with me" she said. "I've already screwed you darling" he snarled. "You bastard. I hate you" she screamed pushing him away from her.

"I ha..." Cristiano started to say but didn't get to finish. A hand met both of the backs and without been able to stop it from happening, Molly and Cristiano were both headed into the pool. One by one, the crashed into the water.

Cristiano took a deep breath just before he crashed into the water. As the water engulfed him, he held his arm out for Molly but couldn't feel her. His feet hit the bottom and he pushed himself upwards to the top. He took in air as he opened his eyes once his head was above the water as he kept afloat in the water. He turned his head to the left and to the right but he was alone.

"Molly" he heard someone shout and he took a breath and lowered himself under the water. He swam a little to his left and found Molly. Her loose top had floated over her head and he grabbed her waist with one hand and used his other to swim to the top.

"Molly. Spit the water out" he yelled slapping her on the back. She coughed and spluttered and he felt his body relax and she squirmed in his hold. "Is she ok?" Katia asked and Cristiano looked back up onto the side of the pool.

"What the hell Zé" he roared. "I thought you two needed cooling down" Zé said as Katia squatted his head. "Instead you nearly to kill us" Cristiano roared.

The shock of been thrown into the pool. The water. The fighting with Cristiano. And the weakness of her body had lead Molly to limp. But as she realized she was above the water, she pulled and pushed until Cristiano's arms were no where near her body. "Get away from me" she yelled at him.

"Get her out of the water" Dolores yelled as she came to stand beside her daughter with Junior in her arms. Molly swam to the edge and Zé and Katia held out the hands to pull her out. "I said don't touch me" she yelled at Cristiano when his hand touched her back as he helped her out of the pool.

"Oh Molly are you ok?" Dolores asked as watched Molly try to catch her breath. "What the hell were you thinking Ronaldo?" Dolores yelled at her son. "He pushed us in" he said pointing to Zé. "Be careful. It's slippery" Katia said as Molly went to stand from her knees.

"She's fine Katia. She'll be back to her bitchy self in a minute" Cristiano said. "Mind you don't fall and break a leg Ronaldo" Molly said as she shook Katia's hands away from her.

"Oh go to hell" Cristiano yelled as she turned her back and made it for the house.

"I'm already there" Molly screamed.  

  What do you thing about everything Cristiano said to Molly? How will this affect Molly? She's already in hell. Will this fight be their last?  

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