Chapter 70- I Didn't Force

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  "What you had? You mean it wasn't just one time?" Ana asked shock at what she had just heard. "It..It's not important" he stammered. "Not important" Ana said. "What's important is that you don't tell anyone" he said.

"Wait if it wasn't cheap. Why hide? Why not tell everyone she was having you baby. Oh my God you sent her away. You sent her to Lisbon. She was pregnant when she was in Lisbon. You didn't want her and your little secret ruining things with your Russian" Ana snapped.

"It was Molly who choose to leave Madrid" Cristiano said. "Like you tried to stop her. Why would you? When it suited you to have your little inconvenience out of the way" Ana said. "Ana" he butted in. "Why keep it secret?" she asked. "It's nobody's business" he snapped. "It's Molly" Ana said. "It was nobody's business" he repeated. "She was pregnant with your child Ronaldo" Ana said.

"Yes my child. Nobody else's" he said and Ana's eyes went wide at his words. "You're raising Junior. Alone. Oh my God" she said running her hand through her hair. "You've always said that you would be raising him alone. Ever since he arrived, you have said that. That you have full rights over him. And that the mother won't" Ana spoke as Cristiano waited for the question he knew was coming.

"The reason you don't want people to find out who gave birth to your son...Is that Molly isn't meant to be with him. Molly isn't meant to have anything to do with Junior. You made her give up her son?" she asked angrily. "It's not..." he paused. "What did you do? How did you force her? How did you make her give up her son?" she yelled.

"I didn't force her" he said knowing it wasn't entirely true. "She wouldn't just hand over her own flesh and blood if she wasn't forced to. She couldn't carry him for nine months and then hand him over because you wanted her to. Because you wanted to control everything" Ana said.

"He's my son. I'm his father" Cristiano said. "And Molly is his mother" Ana yelled standing inches from him. "She's not" he said taking a long breath. "You got her pregnant Ronaldo. And then took her child. How could you do that?" she asked. "Because it was the plan" he snapped. "Plan. What plan? She asked.

"I just need for you not to tell anyone" Cristiano said. "What you don't want people to know how you seduced Molly. How you couldn't help yourself. How this time it lead to a tiny inconvenience. How you took complete control. And didn't one shit about Molly" Ana yelled. "Stop" he begged. "Can't handle the truth? Can't bare to hear what everyone else will think? Afraid your family will disown you?" she asked.

"Ana I know it's a shock" he said. "A shock. You got her pregnant and then hid it. Hid her. When there was no need. You could just have suck up all the drama that would have happened when you told people after you found out. Instead you lie and hide. You weren't even with Irina when Molly would have got pregnant. You didn't nothing wrong. Apart from sleeping with her in the first place. You couldn't just have left her alone Ronaldo" Ana said. "Ana" he said.

"You could have had any girl. For some reason there are thousands of women heck even men who would think it would be amazing to sleep with you. Why her? Why did you have to sleep with her?" Ana asked. "It doesn't matter" he said. "None of this makes since. Why? How the hell is she dealing with this?" Ana asked. "Ana please" he begged.

"Oh I need to speak to her" Ana said moving towards the door. "No. No you can't" Cristiano said stepping in front of her blocking her way. "Just try and stop me Ronaldo. I dare you. You are done taking advantage of Molly" she yelled. "Ana please" he begged. "No" she spat. "You can't talk to her. I don't know how she'll react" he said anguish on his face. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Please don't tell her you know. Please don't tell anyone about Junior" he begged. "She's his mother" she said. "No she's not. I'm his father. I'm his only parent" Cristiano said. "Because it suits you. Because that's what you wanted. And who the hell cares what anyone else wants will you got what you wanted. Who the hell cares about Molly? About Junior? About all the people you have lied to?" she yelled.

"It's my life. My business" he snapped. "And you trying to control everything about someone else's life makes it my business" Ana said. "I haven't controlled Molly" he said. "You've made her give up her son. You made her hide her pregnancy. She missed out on sharing it with her family. With her friends. It's meant to be special. Your first child" Ana said.

"Junior isn't hers" Cristiano snapped. "She gave birth to him" Ana snapped. "He's my son" he said. "You need your head seen to. You've totally lost your mind" Ana said. "Ana please just forget what you know" he pleaded. "How can I forget the way you have treated Molly? I don't care if you are afraid Irina will dump you. Or that your image will be hurt because you lied and stole a child from its mother" Ana said.

"I did not steal Junior" he snapped. "Then go out there and tell everyone. Tell them that the little boy in Molly's arms, is hers" she said. "He's mine" Cristiano said. "Tell them" she said. "It's none of their business" he replied.

"What did you do to her?" she asked. "I didn't too anything to Molly" he said. "How did you get so deep into her head? How?" she asked. "Ana" he said. "I need to talk to her" Ana said. "Please Ana you can't" he pleaded as the door opened behind them.

"What are you both doing in here?" Molly asked as she stood in the doorway with Junior in her arms.  

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