Chapter 44- Do I Like You That's Different

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  "Hey boy" Cristiano said to Marcosa as he reached the couch. The dog kept his head on the couch and Cristiano sighed. "So now my dog doesn't want anything to do with me" Cristiano mumbled out loud before flopping onto the couch.

It was early. Way too early for him to be up but he couldn't sleep. His sister and nephews had left earlier during the day and Irina had left short afterwards. It was just Cristiano, Dolores, Junior and Molly in the house. Just the four of them. One who gave birth to him and wasn't happy with him, one who has half his blood and didn't like being around his father and the other....The other was Molly.

They had spoken sure but it didn't feel right to Cristiano. He couldn't get the thought that she hated him out of his head. Cristiano rested his head against the back of the couch and thought about how much Molly had smiled and laughed the past few days. It was great that she was feeling less miserable. Something everyone had noticed. But....He still knew that it was his fault that she had being so miserable. He had said things to her. Unforgiveable things. No wonder she hated him he thought.

"What are you doing down here?" he heard someone ask and opened his eyes to find Molly sleepily walking towards the couch. "What are you doing down here?" he asked. "I asked first" she yawned. "Couldn't sleep. You?" he asked. "Got used to waking up Junior at this time when he was sick last week. Thought I'd get a drink of water while I was awake" Molly said.

"I'll get it for you" he said moving to stand. "No your fine. I'll get it" Molly said looking at him oddly. He wasn't normally this helpful she thought. "So how come you can't sleep? Missing Irina?" she asked walking to the fridge with Marcosa following behind making Cristiano groan. "What?" she asked. "It's just me Marcosa isn't a fan off then" he muttered. "He thinks I'm going to give him a dog biscuit. Which of course I am" Molly smiled at the dog before opening the dog tin and placing a small biscuit on the floor. "If you made more of an effort then maybe he'd be a fan of yours" Molly said closing the tin shut.

"Ya I know. I deserve it. I've being a jerk. He can join the I hate Cristiano club" Cristiano said looking at the blank TV. "That's a big club" Molly joked and he threw a nearby cushion onto the floor. "I meant people hating you over Messi and vice versa. Jezz what's up with you? You've being well a different type of annoying lately. Doing way more sulking and pouting the usual" she said.

"I don't sulk or pout" he said. "You are right now" she pointed out and he stared quietly at the TV. "If you're going to be like this cos your missing your girlfriend than get her to come back over. Or call her. Oh I haven't had enough sleep for dealing with this. I'm going back to bed" Molly said heading to leave.

"I'm sorry" he called out and she turned around to look at him. "I'm sorry for making you miserable. For making you not like you. I'm sorry for all the things I said. For everything I have done. For everything I haven't done" he said in a hurry. "You've already apologised" Molly said. "And I know that it's not enough. I don't know what more I can do. You ignore me and I miss you annoying me. You make small talk with me but I can tell it's just you trying to make peace for everyone. And I hate that you hate me" he said.

"I don't hate you" she said looking to the floor. "Ya right. You can't even look at me when you say that. You told me you did before we got pushed into the pool" he said. "I said it during a fight Cristiano. People shout things during fights. And you were about to say it to me too" she said.

"You always say what you mean" he mumbled. "So does that mean that everything you said to me that you actually meant it. Cos that would mean your apology was totally bullshit" she said. "What no of course I didn't mean those things. I was angry" he said standing. "So was I" she said.

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