Chapter 71- Believe What You Want

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  "Why do you both look so serious?" Molly asked. "Don't please" Cristiano pleaded in a whisper to Ana. She sighed. "I was just asking Cris for some advice" Ana said forcing a smile. "Asking Cristiano for advice. Now there's a sentence you don't hear too often" Molly joked but neither Ana nor Cristiano could must a smile.

"What sort of advice could Cristiano help you with?" Molly asked Ana. "Umm" Ana stammered. "She was looking for suggestions for Pepe's birthday" Cristiano said, "But his birthday isn't for months. Even Christmas is before then" Molly said. "Exactly. Cris's ideas sounded better suited for Pepe's birthday than for Christmas" Ana lied. "Well both are too far away for me to even think about them. And I'm a planner" Molly smiled.

"Once can never have a bad plan if it's thought through" Ana said noticing Cristiano frown at the word plan. "I guess not. Anyway I was just looking for you" Molly said to Cristiano. "Everything ok?" he asked. "The babies are getting tired, so I'm going to take them back to yours" as a sleepy Junior nudged at her neck. "I'll come with you" Critsiano said. "We aren't finished" Ana said to him. "Yes we are" he replied.

"It's ok" Molly said. "I can't have Molly doing everything" Cristiano said. "But the last few months were fine for her" Ana snapped. "It's fine Cristiano. Junior and Dinis are no trouble. Plus you might be needed to help your mother and Zé get Rodergio home. He's high on sugar. Zé is in for a fun night" Molly laughed. "Still I'll come with you" Cristiano said. "You heard what Molly said. She can manage" Ana said. "Exactly. I only came to tell you that we were leaving. You help Ana pick something suitable for Pepe. Remember it's a present from his girlfriend. Not his annoying friend" Molly joked.

"Ok" he said. "Hey you can get practice recon on Pepe for her. Get you into training for Irina's next present so you don't have to ask me" Molly smirked. "Ya recon" Cristiano said rubbing the back of his neck as Ana threw him daggers with her eyes. "See you both later" Molly smiled shutting the door after her as she left the room.

"You got her to pick out a present for Irina?" Ana asked. "I was desperate" he said. "You are unbelievable" she said. "Ana" he said. "Start talking" she said. "What?" he asked. "Start talking now. I want the truth Ronaldo or I will scream this place down and tell everyone the truth about Molly" Ana said.

"You can't tell anyone Ana. Please. If Molly knows that you know. She'll..." he stuttered. "She'll what? What will she do Ronaldo?" Ana asked. "I don't know. That's the point" he sighed. Ana pulled out a nearby chair and took a seat. "What was the plan?" she asked. "Sorry?" he asked. "You mentioned something about a plan" Ana asked deciding that a different approach may lead to better answers. Cristiano's back stiffened at her question. "It was the plan for Molly to give you Junior. Wasn't it?" Ana asked and he nodded. "Why? Come on Cris you wouldn't be the first footballer not to mind the first guy who ended up with a baby after a short fling. Why hide?" Ana asked.

"We just did. Can't that not be enough" he asked. "Not nearly enough. I get why you maybe didn't want to tell Irina cos it wouldn't exactly be the best thing for a new relationship but this is a baby we are talking about. Surely he is more important?" she asked. "He is" he said. "Then why? Why would Molly agree to have nothing to do with her son? You can see how amazing she is with him. I know she's young but so many other girls have kids the same age as her. Even younger" she said.

"Ana" he said. "She could have talked to me. She could have talked to any of us" she said. "Just leave it Ana" he begged. "So Molly finds out that she's pregnant. Tells you. And the you decide that she shouldn't have anything to do with the baby. Or did she not want the baby. What was it Cristiano?" she asked. "Ana" he said. "So you both decide that the baby should be with you. Do you really think that I'm going to believe that?" she asked.

"Believe what you want. You already do" he muttered. "Ok so let's leave the plan aside then. Molly is here in Madrid. Molly is currently putting your son. Sorry her son to bed. Explain how that is her having nothing to do with Junior?" Ana asked. "I thought it was a good idea" he said. "Well you previous ideas haven't exactly been smart so why would that one be?" she snapped and he turned to face the door.

"Ronaldo will you turn around and look at me when we are having a conversation. Especially something as serious and important as this one" Ana said. "What do you want me to say?" he asked turning to face her. "She wasn't meant to be here. But she is ok. She's just here for a short period of time then she's gone" he said. "Then she's gone?" Ana asked. "Just leave it" he said. "She's my friend. I'm not going to leave it. I need to talk to her. She needs someone to talk to her" Ana said. "She has plenty of people to talk to. The last thing she needs is for you to start asking question" he said.

"People? Who else knows? Tell me" she demanded. "Maé, my sisters, Hugo, Ricky, Nuno and Jorge" he replied. "Jorge. Jorge knows and he left it happen" she said. "He..." Cristiano stuttered. "Of course he knew. Who else would be able to help you hide your secret? Ye are all crazy. How could you all do that to Molly?" she asked. "Ana please just forget everything. Forget that you know. Please you can't say anything to Molly" he begged. "How do you expect me not to tell her? She needs someone who isn't taking your orders" she said.

"Don't tell her" he snapped. "Why are you so worried?" she asked. "People can't know" he said. "I meant why are you so worried about Molly finding out that I know? What do you think she will do?" she asked. "Molly's being through so much" he said leaning against the door. "Not just because of me" he said as reminders of Dr. Frenz, Tony and Junior's birth swirled around his head.

"She blocks things out. Is she's upset....If she finds out that you know the truth, I'm afraid it will push her too far" he said. "Too far. You think she will hurt herself?" Ana asked in surprise. "Cristiano. Has she ever given you a reason to think so?" Ana asked when he didn't answer. He thought about their fight which lead to them been in the pool. How Molly hadn't even appeared to attempt to swim to the top. How Dolores had said repeatably that it was like she had given up. How her eye's had looked so lost.

"Cristiano" Ana yelled snapping him back into reality. "She pushes people away. Won't speak to anyone. I pushed her too far a few weeks ago" he said. "You made her miserable" Ana said and he looked at her. "Ya I noticed. We all did. Expect for you. Though you eventually did considering how happy she's been lately" Ana said. "It was almost too late" he said. "No no no nothing like that" he said when he saw panic in Ana's face. "She's didn't try...." He paused.

"She didn't...You didn't see the loss in her eyes. Ana please. I don't think she would be able to cope. If she knew that you knew. She hated lying to you" he said. "And exactly wouldn't be easy for you if others knew" she snapped. "You said you were Molly's friend. If you are then please don't tell her that you know" he begged.

"Ok" Ana said. "Ok?" Cristiano asked. "Ok I won't say anything" Ana said. "Thank you" he said relived. "Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Molly because she's my friend. I can barely look at you right now" she said and he nodded. Ana stood and he backed away from the door.

"Answer me a question?" she asked when she paused at the door. "Ok" he said. "How long?" she asked. "Sorry?" he asked. "How long is she going to be staying? Until Christmas? Until Junior's first birthday? His first day at school? His wedding? How long is a short period Ronaldo?" Ana asked and then sighed at the blank face staring back at her. "You say that Molly wouldn't cope with finding out that I know. If everyone knew. But how will she cope when Junior turns to your girlfriend or who ever is your latest chick and calls them Mama. Or the day you start to worry she'll change her mind and want her son back? You think you've pushed her to breaking point before. She's not even close" Ana said.

"Ana" he said. "I won't tell anyone. But when Molly gets hurt" she said. "Molly won't get hurt" he replied. "Listening to everything that you have just told me Cristiano. There's no way she can't not get hurt" Ana said.

Take Good Care Of My Baby-Sequel to You,Me and BabyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu