Chapter 30- Beginning To Wonder Why

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  "Get off me" Molly yelled as he pulled her away from the house. "What the hell are you playing at?" he yelled letting go of her wrist. "Oh I'm sorry were you afraid I was going to tell her the truth?" Molly yelled as she rubbed her wrist. "Will you stop yelling or they'll hear you inside" Cristiano said.

"I think you mean Irina. Don't know?" Molly said. "This has nothing to do with her. What the hell has gotten in to you?" he asked facing her. "Me. What about you?" she yelled. "I haven't done anything" he said. "You've done enough" she snapped. "You're over reacting. You're not going tomorrow and that's that. But it's no reason to act like that with Irina" he said.

"Act like what? I've being nothing but nice to her. Even though she clearly doesn't like me. Not to mind want me around. I've kept my mouth shut when she has insulted your family and friends. Not to mind me. I've been juggling Junior and all the things she and you want done" Molly yelled.

"Oh for heaven sake. Go tomorrow. If it will shut you up just go out for the day" he said. "I don't give a damn about tomorrow" she yelled. "Then what are we fighting about?" he asked. "It's about you treating me like a skivvy. Like you treating me like shit. You don't own me. You don't get to control where I go. You don't get to control my life" she yelled.

"I do when it involves you taking my son out and not telling me" he said. "I told Irina. I wanted you to watch him for the ten minutes it should have taking me to go to the pharmacy but you were too busy. As per fucking usual" Molly said. "Stop lying Molly. You didn't tell her" he muttered. "I'm not the one who's is lying. Would I have this if I hadn't spoken to her?" Molly asked pulling the list from her jeans pocket.

"Who do you think gave me this?" she asked shoving it against his chest. "What is this?" he asked. "All my duties for the day apparently. Cos it's not like I don't do enough around here as it is" she said. "This wasn't for you" he said. "Well you have your suit and all the other crap now" she snapped.

"Molly I.." he stuttered. "Don't Molly me. I can't take this anymore" she yelled. She threw her hands in the air. "You push and push. You're the sweet guy I used to spend time with one minute, then you are someone completely different. It's one thing to ignore me. I'm used to. But to ignore Junior and Rodrigo" Molly said. "I haven't been ignoring them" Cristiano said. "Rodrigo wouldn't be talking to you if it wasn't for me" Molly snapped.

"You can't blame me" he said. "No cos nothing is ever your fault. Cos nothing is wrong in mister big shot life. Cos he always gets what he wants" Molly yelled.

"Can I just have one day where you aren't acting like an annoying bitch?" Cristiano mumbled. "I'm soooooooo sorry if I'm annoying you" Molly said. "Now you're acting like a child" Cristiano snapped.

"No I look after your child. The one you thought I had kidnapped" she replied. "I did not think that" he yelled. "Well Irina seemed to think it. And we all know you think what she thinks" Molly said. "No one controls what I think" he shouted. "And no one controls me" she yelled facing him.

"You're here to mind Junior remember" he said. "Exactly. I'm not here to be your personal maid. I can't take this anymore" she said. "And I can't take you acting like this. I haven't done anything but help you. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. It wasn't part of the plan remember" he said.

"How is your plan working out for you? You got the adorable kid. Just a shame for you that your girlfriend isn't child friendly" Molly said. "Yes she is. It's hard for her" he said. "Oh ya it's so hard for her. Just as well she making an effort then. Oh my bad I forgot she's not. Child friendly. Are you kidding me? Apart from the fact she is rude and made your nephew cry. Have you seen her with your son? The only time she's ever interested in him is when your mother is in the room and she's trying to make herself look good" Molly said. "That's not true" Cristiano said. "Then you really need you eyes tested" Molly snapped.

"Oh stop using Irina has an excuse for your childish behavouir. This isn't about her. "No it's about you. Cos everything is about you. As long as the great Cristiano Ronaldo is happy, who gives a shit about everyone else" she yelled.

"I swear you've being nothing but trouble since I brought you back" he yelled. "Then why did you bring me back?" she shouted.

"I'm beginning to wonder why" he mumbled and Molly's eyes widened.  

Take Good Care Of My Baby-Sequel to You,Me and BabyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora