The Struggles of a Single Fat...

By Diallina

41.6K 2.7K 823

Where are you going? I'm leaving... Why? Because I can't take being cooped up in one place What about our son... More

In With The New
Nothing stays the same
Can't I just Give Up
Help is Needed
Evan's Sickness
Allowing Help
Taking things Slow
Even Adults Need Shots
On Your Tummy
Now say Dada
New Job
Actions Speak Louder
Terrible Twos
Haunting Nightmare
Aunt Sheila
Never Speak to Me
Enjoying Life
Always Smile Daddy
Its Just Enough
Sudden Changes
To Court
Hearing the Truth
Inner Battles
So this is the End

Getting a New Addition

3.8K 165 22
By Diallina

Chapter 1: Getting a New Addition

When a child is born, it's the happiest moment in both parents' lives. They put both of their efforts in conceiving their offspring, more the women than the man. They wait patiently for nine months before the miracle of birth happens. The female gets carted into the hospital while the male waits impatiently for the news.

This is where we meet Jonathan Dennis, a first time father with the love of his life Gina Dennis. He waits patiently in the waiting room as he waits to hear the news of his love and newborn. He could see other first time fathers and long time ones as they were just sitting patiently talking with each other.

Jonathan then decided to calm himself by sitting down on a chair. But that didn't last long as he started to bounce his left leg from nervousness. Every time a doctor came through the double doors, Jonathan would get up from his seat with hope but realized it was for someone else. Jonathan was just about to fall asleep from exhaustion when;

"Jonathan Dennis?"

Jonathan quickly gets up from his seat and rushes towards the double doors. He overexerted himself as when he reached the doctor he was out of breath. The doctor waited patiently as Jonathan tried to catch his breath.

"Glad to see how excited you are," Doctor Alice said as Jonathan started to lean against the doors.

"More like nervous," Jonathan said truthfully.

"That's how most time fathers feel. Are you ready to meet your child," she said and Jonathan nodded his head.

"Follow me then your wife is patiently waiting for you," she said and Jonathan followed her through the double doors.

The sounds of crying and shushes was the first Jonathan heard as they went through the Postpartum. The feeling of nervousness crept up through Jonathan as they were walking closer and closer to his love of his life. They were in front of 202 when they walked in.

"Hello Mrs. Dennis we brought your husband," Doctor Alice said as Jonathan walked closer to her.

"Meet our baby boy," Gina said holding out the bundle that was in her hands.

Jonathan hesitantly took the child from her arms and held him close. He removed the light blanket that was covering the child's face and he smiled softly. The child had the looks of his mother. He had jet black hair and his eyes were slit just like his mothers.

"He really does look a lot like you," Jonathan told her and she smiles.

"I'm pretty sure he has some of your qualities. Just look hard enough maybe you have the same nose," she says and Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"He's beautiful anyways," Jonathan said handing him back to her.

"Have you guys thought a name for him," the nurse said as she entered the room.

Jonathan and Gina looked at each other knowing that they had a hard time choosing a name before. They went with many different ideas like Eric, Danny, and Micheal but none of the names seemed to fit the child. But one name seemed to come out on top from the hundreds they have seen.

"His name is Evan," Gina said kissing his nose.

"I'll get the papers ready to fill," the nurse said as she left the room.

"Really Evan," Jonathan asked as he stood next to her.

"Yes it's perfect," She said as Jonathan looked down at Evan.

"Evan Dennis had a nice ring to it," Jonathan said kissing Gina's cheek.

"You'll have a bright future ahead of you Evan and we'll be there every step of the way," Gina said to the sleeping child in her arms.

New book is out like omg. This is going to be one of my well written books. Thank you for the support I've gotten the last 3 years. I'll update whenever I get a chapter done

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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