B5 SGILT (Trilogy)

By kbtease

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No thank you!
Dont bother
I am my fathers son
Really tho
Well looky here
Ok cool
Got You

Job done

122 9 1
By kbtease

"Ay man what's with the gun!!", I yelled, "Sit your ass down!!", Marcus shouted. His partner pulled out a 9mm and aimed it at my head.

"I'm pretty sure he told you to sit down!!!", his partner yelled, and I saw in there eyes it was serious so I did as I was told.

"Damn damn damn Jayden!", Marcus broke the silence, "If Janaye wasn't your sister I would of been killed your ass, but I gave you time, but now, now you thought I was stupid enough to go on your little 'trip' knowing your ass hates my guts as much as I hate yours!!".

He stared and I stared.

"I don't know what your talking about", I said as he grinned.

"You wanted to end me, take my money and my girl!?....well I got some news for you!", he stepped back into a doorway, "Baby come out here and join us!".

Once I saw Janaye walk into the room, I lost it. "What the fuck us going on!!", I yelled standing up.

"Naye take your brothers gun please", Marcus smiled, Janaye nodded in did just that, I froze.

"Wow Jayden, did you really think I was that dumb, that I had no clue on who Marcus was, I knew everything", Janaye smiled kissing Marcus on the lips. I sat there looking dumb founded and Marcus and his homie busted out laughing. I stared Janaye down and she stared back.

"Enough of this bitch let's take out the trash!!", Marcus said sipping on more wine, Janaye took the shot gun from him and smiled, "My pleasure".

She turned around and fired at the Marcus, hitting him 3 times, then aimed the gun at his partner.

"Pleeaase don't kill me ooh please", he began to beg, I sighed as Janaye snatched his pistol, "Naye give me the gun", she did just that in kept the two pistols aimed at him.

"Please Janaye Please!!".

"Open the safe and we won't kill you!", she shouted.

He moved slow and terrified to the huge safe, entered the code in cracked it open. We got every ounce of money in put it in huge bags I had in my car. Once I checked to see if anything was left, Janaye kicked the guy down in aimed the shot gun at his face, "You you said you wouldn't kill me!!", he shouted, "I lied!".

He fell to the ground and I stood there staring but quickly grabbed her hand in ran to the car.

We arrived home as soon as police sirens and ambulance trucks went off. We got inside greeting my mom. We played off a murder really well. We rushed in my room with the bags without my mom looking back. Janaye took out her three currency counting machines that she took from Marcus crib and we loaded up the money quick. We had 3 million dollars altogether. Once we silently celebrated and stashed the money away there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled soon as everything was clean , my mom slowly opened the door smiling. "Ooh look at you two bonding", we smiled.  "Uh do you need anything mom", Naye asked, "I just want to let you guys know your dad is having a barbeque tomorrow and wants us there", we nodded "okay cool".

"Yea I just wish I knew ahead of time to buy a couple of things but my check is late", my mom sighed, I smiled at Janaye who was smiling back, "Uh don't worry mom, I think we can help" we said in unison as Janaye began to walk to the closet. My mom smiled, "Uh no Janaye its okay sweetie, besides I need more than ten or twenty dollars kids but thanks anyway, your dad shouldn't mind us showing up empty handed", she shook her head in walked out.

Janaye in I busted out laughing than she headed down stairs to join my mom. I rose up, grab some stacks out the closet in headed to my mom room.

"Don't worry mom, you definitely won't be empty handed". 

****THE END****

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